Snee Hensler-The dominating w...

By Drsnee21

3.5K 112 57

Snee Hensler the most successful businesswoman. She made her name from scratch after her father's mysterious... More

M R . K Y L E R Y D E R
L E T ' S F A C E H I M
L E T ' S F A C E H I M - P A R T - 2

E T H A N R Y D E R - T H E P L A Y B O Y

137 16 11
By Drsnee21

My eyes filled with tears when I listened about my father but I quickly blinked them away thanked him and nodded to listen to him more and what he said next was the most unexpected thing...

Mr. Kyle Ryder's POV-

I have to say this to her, she is great, and a mind like hers is very rare and now I am going to discuss something maybe she is not ready for, 

"Snee I want you to meet my son Ethan, and you know to show him your personality and I know that you're not in any relationship right now, so at least, I want you to meet him and you know, how I say this, uhh I mean just I guess I want you, to date him, yeah, I cannot say this without it being this awkward," I finally said to her.

I know for a fact that she is literally very shocked right now and that shock is visible on her face, but what I can do, and I know that why she is not in a relationship, because she thinks wasting a time in a relationship will be heavy on her and she doesn't want any more person's in her life because she has got some enemies out there, because of her successful business, and after her father's death relationships haunt her for some reason, and I am pretty sure, that she still doesn't know how her father died, for the real. 

I was waiting when she will say something, and she finally said, "Mr. Ryder I don't understand what you're saying, you want me to date Ethan but why I mean he must be already dating someone and for the fact I haven't met him from last 8 years, after being close to you also, I haven't seen him from 8 years, last I met him was in a charity function, I guess, and only for 5 minutes, and he was already busy with his girlfriend if I am not wrong".

She is right, he never cared for anyone, he is a person who doesn't care what is happening around him, whereas Snee is just the opposite, she is really observant and knows each and everything about her surroundings, and she lives in present and she is fully aware of what is happening in this world, which makes her successful and great in life.

She thinks, he is dating someone, I only know that he doesn't date from when his mother left me and him when he was 5 years old and from there I never married again and tried my best to take care of him, but I failed because of my work and, Vivien his nanny took care of him, he doesn't believe in love whatsoever, and I am tired of seeing him with different women every day, doing one night stands, and he is known as a player, he is reckless and totally opposite of Snee.

I believe in Snee, that if anyone can change him is only Snee, she has principles in her life and knows what to do next, whereas my son only has different ways to trick and flirt with women.

I am tired of him and I want him to work hard and earn for himself, he is living on my money and wasting it like water.

I have to make her meet him, and change him, I said, "I know Snee that sounds crazy, but I really want you to date him, because, excuse me for my language but my asshole of a son thinks he can control everything, he is just living in my money and my hard work you know he has no idea how to live an ideal life and, I want him to take over my business, because soon I will not be able to work like this, and I am already getting inefficient and that will be shown on my work, but he is reckless and he doesn't like me at all", Snee you are my only hope please say yes, for god sake.

Snee said "But why, how anyone can hate you, Mr. Ryder, everyone admires you, you are great personality and you took care of him after you know, Mrs. Ryder, and you didn't even marry again, just because you thought that you'll not be able to put your attention in him, and you were not sure if he'll accept a stepmother, then why he is like that,"

She knew everything about me, every intention of mine, that's why she is just like a daughter to me, If I could've had a daughter, then I wanted her to be just like Snee, my best friend was really lucky that he got a daughter like her.

I said, "Snee you only know that and I never told him, what my intentions were, he thinks that I never gave time to him, and I am always busy with my work which is not, wrong, but he is not understanding like you, and I don't want him to know what were my intentions, and I don't want you to tell him, because he never admires, hard work he is so busy in his party life and with his 2 best friends, that's why I want you to make him understand that, I need his help, I need him to be a nice person, or else how he will live his future life, I know this is kind of weird that I am saying you to date my son, and I know you don't even know him nicely, but I want you to meet him once and help me, with his nature", I cannot tell her that he is a player and seen with different women every day, she hates persons like that and I cannot ruin what I have made. 

For my relief,  she said "I understand," that's why I call her understanding, she continued "Mr. Ryder you know that I don't do relationships, but I also understand your need, and I know that you need Ethan to take over your business and if he will be like this, all of your hard work will go into the drain, and yes you always helped me, whenever I needed, and you know that I cannot say 'no' to you," She doesn't know how much this means to me, she said " Okay Mr. Ryder for you, I'll meet Ethan," Thankyou so much Snee, you relived me and for a fact I know that this will certainly help to change my son's behavior because she knows how to control a person, ad she is the best for him.

"Thank you so much, Snee you don't know what this means to me, and I don't mind if you do not date him, because I don't think if you'll like him or not, but if a person like you is present in his life as a friend also that will be great," I said thanking her.

This made her smile, and she said: "It's totally fine Mr. Ryder and yeah, you can tell him that I can meet him tomorrow, and I don't think that you want him to know that what we're doing, I mean trying to change him, right!".

She was right I don't want him to know this "Yeah, Snee this should be between you and me let's just make it as casual as it can be and I will tell him to meet you tomorrow, thanks again".

"Alright Mr. Ryder, you can give me a call if he says, yes about this dating thing, I'll then tell you where we can meet", Snee said, and we both hugged each other and said goodbye, not the main thing is to face my son, I don't even know is he is in the home.

I called Vivien, yes Ethan's nanny but she is not nanny anymore for me he loves her and she cooks great food and working in or house for the last 12 years, "Vivien, make sure that Ethan is at home, in next 10 minutes, I need to discuss him something important", I ended the call and then went straight to my mansion.

I am standing in a great night club, with my best friends Rick, and Aiden, I just came here and these girls already started flirting with me, I know that I am hot, but they just make it way too obvious, and I just love to ignore them, I was about to start drinking, my phone buzzed in my denim pocket, and called ID says- 'Vivien mother', oh my god I love her she is the only one person in my life who take cares of me still like a child without accusing me of anything.

I picked up the call she said "Ethan, Mr. Ryder wants to discuss something important to you, he is coming home and he wants to meet you here in the next 10 minutes", 

"Why Vivien tell him that I am busy and I cannot meet him, as he is always busy for me", I just hated the fact that whenever I needed him he is busy, and then he suddenly orders me to meet him, huh meet him, my ass.

She says "I know honey, that you're busy in a night club and I know that you don't like to meet him but it's really important, please meet him Ethan for me at least", here we go again she knows that I cannot say no to her, and anyway why he wants o meet me, to accuse me again that I am just wasting his money and blah blah blah... 

I didn't even start drinking yet and he knows really nicely that I need a drink to face him. 

I sighed and said "Alright, Vivien for you, say him that I am coming after 10 minutes but only for 10 minutes, but wait how you know that I am in a night club, huh", she knows me away too much.

She laughed and said "Honey no one knows you more than me now come' on before he gets home", Okay fine she knows me.

Alright now I have to leave to meet my 'honorable, determined and a-way-too-much-busy-dad', (note the sarcasm), huh it sucks, I went inside and saw both my friends, busy with 2 girls and sucking their faces, I cringed and I thought let's just not disturb them and just finish this meeting with my dad.

When I came home I settled down on the couch, my dad still didn't arrive, man! that person doesn't know how to make his driver drive a bit fast.

After 10 minutes he arrived I am literally seeing him after 19 maybe 20 days later, he has maintained himself nicely, he doesn't look like a 55-year-old, but the main thing is why this meeting...

He started "Hello son, nice to meet you", I haven't seen him for more than half a month and he is saying nice to meet me WOW.

"Yes dad nice to meet you after 20 days, and I am wondering how you got time today, are you sure that I am not disturbing you," I wanted to say way more than this but I thought I should leave him, he looks kinda tired.

"Ethan, don't talk to me like that I know that I am not able to give you time, because I am busy doing work, to get money, the same money which you're spending in clubs, and parties, daily without a second thought", here we go again I knew he'll say this.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever dad I know I am spending your money and I have to because you have a shit ton amount of money and you don't have time to spend that, so where your money will go, I am doing a favor by spending your money, Okay, you should be thankful to me, and yeah what do you expect that after accusing me of using your money for living, I will get mad at you and leave this house without taking anything like movies and work hard to get my own name, huh my ass", this is the best comeback of this week. 

"ETHAN, Shut up with your silly comebacks, 'he sighed', whatever I am not here to discuss this, I want you to meet Snee Hensler tomorrow, I mean to go on a date with her",  what the fuck he was trying to say, now he'll get dates for me. My charm is enough
to get any girl he doesn't need to work for me.

Wait I know this name, Snee Hensler...

Author's note- what do you think how Ethan is going to react?

Thanks for reading...

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