Danny and Dess Phantom! OC In...

By CatsLoveDisney11

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Dess Fenton was the twin sister of Danny Fenton. She was once an average, everyday teenage girl, who had pare... More

Dess Fenton/Phantom
Danny and Dess Phantom Opening
S1 Episode 1: Mystery Meat
S1 Episode 2: Parental Bonding
S1 Episode 4: Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
S1 Episode 5: Splitting Image
S1 Episode 6: What you Want
S1 Episode 7: Bitter Reunion
S1 Episode 8: Prisoners of Love
Nickolas Gray
S1 Episode 9: My Sister and Brother's Keeper
S1 Episode 10: Shade of Gray
S1 Episode 11: Fanning the Flames

S1 Episode 3: One of a Kind

760 14 4
By CatsLoveDisney11

Ship and pans to a row of warehouses and other buildings along a dock. Inside one of the buildings, the Box Ghost phases through a wall and crashes into a pile of boxes.

Danny and Dess also phases through to just in front of the wall, and all three turn visible. "Beware! I am the Box Ghost! I have power over all containers cardboard and square.", Box Ghost says, trying to sound scary.

"Okay, can we get this over with? Me and my sister have got a test to study for.", Danny says, already bored with the ghost. "Yeah, and I don't want my A+ grade record to be tarnished, so can we wrap this up quickly, please?", Dess added.

"Study? There will be no time to study--", Box Ghost said. Soon, his hands begin to glow green and he raises boxes into the air.

"--when you find yourself crushed beneath the forgotten possessions of... Elliot Kravitz of Arlington Heights, Illinois!", he continued, reading off the labels on the boxes. He turns to the twins, his eyes and the floating boxes glowing green, and sends the boxes and their contents flying at them.

Both Danny and Dess then turn intangible and the contents hit the wall behind them. "We don't have time for this! Hey Tucker, let's go!", Danny said, annoyed.

Tucker and Sam kick down the door and jump into the room, Tucker carrying a Fenton Thermos and Sam a biology textbook. "Good night everybody!", Tucker says, as he opens the thermos.

Dess then grab the Box Ghost and throw him into the beam of the thermos. He screams and gets sucked in.

"Perimeter secure.", Tucker told them, closing the thermos. "Perimeter secure? What are you, a Navy Seal?", Sam asked him, sarcastically.

The twins then land right next to Tucker. "Seals: aquatic mammals that bark. They're canines, right?", Danny asked Sam.

"No, Danny their are mammals but they are aquatic animals. She was meaning a warrior in the army is a Navy Seal." Dess answered with a sigh.

"Wrong, Danny that's zero for twenty-one for you and for Dess twenty-one out of twenty-one for you.", Sam tells the male Fenton twin before turning to Dess as they high-five.

"Well it was worth a shot, bro.", Dess said and pats him on the shouldered before landing next to him.

"I'm no teacher, but I'm guessing that's an "F.", Tucker said before getting hit on the head from female Fenton with.

Making him yell out a loud, 'OW!'

"Come on, you guys. If you're gonna be superhero sidekicks, you're gonna have to be a little more focused. You're supposed to be helping me and Dess study for the test tomorrow. And you're supposed to be helping us catch these ghosts so that we have time to study!", Danny told Sam and Tucker.

"Calm down, Danny! Besides, they're trying their best. Sam is trying to help us study. And Tucker is...Well...", Dess said to try and calm brother still patting his shoulder seeming to not know how to finish.

"Yeah! Besides, they're all right here.", Tucker added without letting the younger Fenton twin finish. Suddenly, the thermos falls off of Tucker's finger and onto the ground.

The word 'RELEASE' appears on its side screen and the cap bursts off to release multiple ghosts in business suits, who phase out of the building. The Box Ghost is also released and flies into the air.

"Ha ha! I am the Box Ghost! You cannot hold me within the confines of a cylindrical container.", he says, before phasing out through a wall. "That's weird. According to my schedule, we should be done catching ghosts by now.", Tucker said, oblivious to want he did.

The twins stare at Tucker with a glare before Dess sighs agreeing with Danny, "Ok, I see your point now..."

Unknown known to the four a red target-sighting screen focuses in on both Danny and Dess's faces. "Half humans, half ghosts, and the only twin ghosts. They are truly one of a kind. They'll make fine additions to my collection.", Skulker tells himself. Just then, Box Ghost flies up behind Skulker's cage of ghosts with arms raised.

"Ha ha!", he shuts, "Touch the box and your pelt will adorn my fireplace.", Skulker warned him, without turning around.

Box Ghost pauses for a moment, then looks at the cage, saying, "Beware!", before flying away. Skulker then looks back at Danny and Dess through his binoculars.


Fenton Works' kitchen, where Jazz jumps into the archway. Jazz was seen holding up a magazine.

"Oh my gosh, they said yes!" Jazz said excitedly running up to the rest of her family.

Maddie and Dess were both working on an invention together. As Jack and Danny were eating cereal together just as the oldest Fenton sibling sat down at the table joining them. Danny looked at Jazz asking and mocking her as he did, "Who said yes? The person you asked if you were a conceited snob?"

"No, Genius Magazine said yes! They got my letter and want to put mom on the cover!" Jazz responded with a shrieked and hugging her magazine.

"Genius Magazine?" Maddie asks before looking away and at her eldest.

Jack snatches the magazine from Jazz's arms asking looking it over, "Genius Magazine?! Is it the swimsuit issue?"

"Uh, Dad, Genius Magazine is for women geniuses, by women geniuses, and about women geniuses." Jazz explains seeming to give him a look.

Danny glares at Jazz almost seeming grossed out asking in disgust, "So it is the swimsuit issue. Oh, gross! Mom's gonna be in the swimsuit issue?!"

With a huff Jazz snatches the magazine back from her fathers hands yelling in defense, "It's not the swimsuit issue! But it is the perfect magazine to show that I have normal parents instead of a couple of ghost hunting freaks!"

"Jazz that's not very nice! Ghost true are very interesting! Our parents are misunderstood!" Dess finally  joined the conversion looking away from their invention the two were working on.

Jazz just stared at her youngest sibling as if she were crazy. Danny jumped into defend their parents joining his twin, "Dess is right! They're not ghost hunting freaks!"

"Hey, Danny, speaking of ghost hunting." Jack speaks up excitedly grabbing the invention that Maddie and Dess were working on together and continued, "Check out the latest in ghost hunting technology; the Ghost Grabber. Genius Magazine has to be interested in this."

"Daddy, it's not read...." Dess tries to tell Jack and attempts to grab the device back only to be ignored.

He holds the ghost grabber in front to Danny and finishes explaining, "It takes the mysterious sounds a ghost makes and translates them into words you and I use every day. Here, try it."

"Uh, uh...boo?" Danny speaks into it  even with Dess sending him shake of her head and x with her arms.

A robotic voice answers, "I am a ghost. fear me."

Most of the family stares at Danny with uncertainly. Dess quickly jumps up from her spot and grabbing her twins shoulder telling them, "We'd better get to school."

"We'd better get to school. fear me." The device responds after the youngest Fenton that starts pushing Danny towards the door.

Just as the two disappear Jack looks down questioningly at the Ghost Grabber. Maddie takes the magazine from Jazz and looks through it answering, "That's great about the magazine, sweetie, but your father and I are a team. I think that beside every genius woman, there's a genius man."

"Who should be standing beside her on the cover of Genius Magazine! The world needs to know that the Fentons are a family of geniuses." Jack explains proudly pulling his wife close to him with a giant smile.


In the halls of Casper High. Into the schools library were the group of friends were together as Danny seems clearly upset yelling in disbelief, "I got a 'D?!"

"At least it's not an F..." Dess seemed to respond as if trying to cheer him up having both of the boys looked at her.

Danny then grabs her test paper yelling holding it up, "Says the one with an A!"

"It's not an A+..." She tells her bother with a smile only seeming to make him more upset.

He points at her yelling in disbelief, "With all the ghost hunting taking away our studying time! How could you still get an A! And you couldn't help your twin out!"

"Well... Um..." Dess laughs looking away as if unable to answer.

Just for Tucker to save her from Danny anger as he speaks, "So much for the Fenton's being a family geniuses."

The Fenton twins to stare at their friends seeming to stare at him. Danny turns to him yelling, "I can't get a 'D' in biology. My parents will kill me."

"He's not joking or exaggerating it's true..." Dess seemed to agree nodding her head as if remember something and started shivering.

"Not if you pull your grade up by doing an extra credit biology assignment....." Sam speaks up grabbing all three of their attention as she types away on the computer.

She pulls up a website that had a purple gorilla. Dess jumped up running over to Sam getting exited and happily asked, "The Rare purple back gorilla Sampson!"

Making her laugh in response at her friends energy on something other then ghosts. Danny looks at the two girls confused asking, "A purple-back gorilla?"

He walks over and joins them at the computer. Sam looks at him smiling answering, "Yep. Extremely rare. Only two left, both male. After this, they're gone forever. Which is why we're going to prove he deserves to be set free!"

"That is a great subject for extra credit Danny! Then you can a least get a B." Dess added in agreement with Sam on him doing the project.

Danny looks at the two before shaking him head with a sigh, "I don't have time for extra credit... or your agendas..."

"You know there are two of us Danny! I could take care of recapturing all the escaped ghost with Sam after all I don't need extra credit... You and Tucker can..." Dess started before starting at the two boy and quickly shook her head changing, "Actually, scratch that Tucker should help me instead and Sam can help you." Dess explains to the boys in question.

Tucker pulls out his PDA and shows the Fenton twins. He then starts laughing speaking happily, "Actually, you can do both! You can just learn how to manage it better, I've decided to become you time manager. It's the least I can do after Sam made me let all those ghosts out."

Making both girls glare at the said tec boy making him clearly sweat at their icy stares. Danny sighs and answers clearly unsure, "I don't know..."

"I'll be my job to keep track of your schedule so you can do your schoolwork and catch all those ghost that Sam let loose." Tucker quickly adds getting clearly excited.

Dess looks at Sam before saying, "I clearly remember it was Tucker's job to manage the thermos... You were clearly help Danny and I with studding."

"Yep! It was clearly his job and fault." Sam responded right back as the two girls seemed to continue to stare at the sweeting teen.

Tucker quickly starts tapping on the PDA with a laugh responding by showing the three, "And I've already scheduled 'Remember: not to let Tucker handle the thermos.'"

He shows the twins the scene with the reminder on it. Danny seeming to finally give in sighs telling him, "I suppose we could have a trial period."

"See? I've also scheduled some zoo time so we can check out that gorilla. Let's go." Tucker tells him friend rather happily.

Just as he got up grabbing Danny's hand ready to pull him away. Dess turned to Sam asking, "I have a bad feeling about this... I'm not over thinking it right?"

Only causing her goth friend to laugh as the girls followed after the boys. Just as they leave the library, Skulker phases tough the wall and floats over to look at the web page about the gorilla on the computer. Seeming confused asking, "Hmm, so this is your prey, eh, ghost children?"

Seeming the giant ghost a nerd boy Mickey walks up asking him, "Uh, excuse me, sir?"

Seeming to grow angry Skulker scowls at the boy that tried to talk to him. Starting to shoots a series of ecto-blasts at Mikey, trapping him in webbing upside-down on the wall with his eyes blindfolded by ectoplasm. He wails.

The ghost get close to him asking, "You thought you could sneak up on me, Skulker?"

Causing the poor nerd to start wailing again at his poor situation. Just for Skulker to continue asking the boy, "Ghost world's greatest predator?" 

Making Mikey wails again unable to do anything else. The ghost shoots and ectoplasm to cover his mouth to quiet his screams telling the boy, "Quiet, you're in a library."

With that his phases out thought the wall just for Dash to walk in through the door with one of his friends. They stopped to look at the trapped nerd as the blond jock asked, "Whoa, you do that?"

"No, but I can always stop and appreciate high-quality bullying." He answered shaking his head with a laugh and smile.

The ectoplasm and webbing suddenly disappear causing poor Mikey screams and falls to the floor.


Amity Park Zoo and into the domed gorilla habitat, where Sampson, the purple-back gorilla, is being watched by Sam, Danny, Dess, and Tucker from an observation tower.

Sam looking through binoculars clearly exited telling the group, "There he is Sampson. So gifted, so...majestic."

Sampson scratches himself. Cut to the quarte in the tower, where Sam is watching him before Dess taps her shoulder as they switch. While the boys just lean against a desk, clearly bored and uninterested.

"Dess! Sam, we've been watching the gorilla scratch his butt for, um, how long?" Danny asked the two girls that didn't respond both clearly in their own world.

Tucker seeming to hear his friend lets out a quick yawns answering, "Six hours."

Danny follows yawning himself before telling the girl clearly making fun of them, "Time flies when you're majestically scratching your butt."

Dess sighed looking away from Samson as Sam quickly takes her place once again. The young Fenton twin spoke turning to the boys, "That's research. It's only a matter of time before you find out something about Sampson nobody's ever learned!"

"You should go and try to communicate with him." Sam suddenly spoke to them looking towards Danny.

Only to find a mad Dess looking down. Clearly confused only for her to point down causing Sam to frowns upon seeing Danny asleep on the floor.

With a shake of her head scratching her head, "Ugh, great. Tucker, you're his manager, can you--"

"Nope." Dess said shaking her head pointing over to a curled up and asleep Tucker.

Tucker yawns again flipping over to cuddle with Danny. Causing Dess anger to change quickly pulling out her phone to take a picture starting to snicker. Sam bumped Dess laughing telling her, "Same I idea! Great for the yearbook!"

"Actually! It'll make a great wallpaper on my phone. Anyway, let's get to talking with Samson! I'll even get us inside!" Dess told her friend as she giggled more.

Sam stared at her friend that used the picture of the boys for her phone sweating at the sight. Before both girls left the boys to their slumber.

Both girls arrived at Sampson's habitat, then pan to another habitat where a tiger is sleeping. Skulker phases into the habitat and looks through his binoculars at Danny in the observation tower clearly seeing him alone making him smile. 

 The tiger wakes up and growls at Skulker. The ghost looked back at the beast clearly not fazed saying, "Oh, please."

Cut to Sampson, who hears growling and fighting noises and starts to run towards them, then sees Dess and Sam outside his habitat. He begins making distressed grunting noises to alert them both.

"What is it, you wondrous being?" Sam spoke to the animal speaking in a baby voice. Sampson comes over and continues to grunt at her, pointing towards the tiger habitat. Both girls stare at were the animal was pointing. 

"Is something wrong?" Dess asked Sampson walking towards the cage.

Again trying to warn the two goes to his habitat cage's door and hangs off of it, still grunting in clear distress.

"You want out?" Sam asking the animal walking over to the control panel.

Hearing her friend quickly turns around and Dess starts shaking her head telling her, "Sam! I know he's a beautiful creature! But you shouldn't..."

Sam only to go seem go unheard as she hits the 'Open' button. The door opens and Sampson runs out. Making Dess sigh taking off after the animal.

 Cut to the tiger hanging in Skulker's net. Skulker phases out of the tiger habitat and looks through his binoculars. Beneath the binoculars' target screen reads, 'GORILLA ATTACKING!' in green blinking letters.

"What? Gorilla attacking?" Skulker asked seeming left confused at what his device said.

Sampson suddenly jumps on him and knocks him down, then starts hitting him. Skulker blocks one of the hits, then kicks Sampson off of him. Sampson once again attacks Skulker and spins him in the air with his feet, then kicks him off and bites his wrist armor. Skulker shoots ectoplasm onto Sampson's eyes from a small wrist blaster, causing Sampson to back off and hold his face. 

Dess stops in her tracks upon seeing the creature that clearly was holding something down as her ghost sense went off. Tilting her head to the side trying to get a better look at the ghost.  Skulker then goes to shoot a net at him, but Sampson grabs it mid-air and twirls Skulker around by it. The net eventually snaps off of Skulker's wrist, and he crashes into the observation tower. 

Seeing a robot Dess eyes seem to sparkle and said, "Amazing ghost tech! I want to study it!" 

She seemed to fail to notice it heading right for  Danny and Tucker who were still sleeping, but Danny's ghost sense goes off and he shivers. Sam appears in the doorway.

"Oh my gosh! Ahhh--" Sam starts to say at the ghost only for Skulker covers her mouth with ectoplasm.

"Now for the boy ghost child. Then I'll get the female." Skulker smiled at Danny only for Sampson flies in through the window and knocks Skulker into the desk. 

Skulker throws him off of himself then phases out through the wall as Sampson starts to charge at him. Dess in ghost form was clearly writing down like crazy in a small notebook looking at the hunter's suit.

 Sampson then starts pounding at the wall, which wakes up Danny and Tucker, who scream and, realizing they're still holding each other, let go and scream again. They then see Sampson and scream once again.

Tucker upon finally seeming Sampson screamed scared, "Gorilla! Loose!"

Danny nods telling his friend, "I got him! I'm going ghost!"

He goes ghost and flies after Sampson, picking him up by the arms and phasing him through the wall outside into the air.. Danny looks down at the beast telling him, "Alright, I don't know how you got out, but you're going back."

He phases Sampson into the gorilla habitat, then goes outside and shuts the door via the control panel. Sam and Tucker walk up behind him. Dess seeming to be in the air looking for Skulker.

"Danny, I meant to tell you, there was a gho--" Sam tries to tell her friend that only seemed ferrous with her.

"I wonder who let the gorilla go...Sam?" Danny turned to look at his goth friend cutting her off.

"Yeah! I can't wait to 'til we tell everybody at school you let out a four-hundred-pound gorilla. That and Dess assisted," Sam sighs shaking her head before holds up the picture of Danny and Tucker hugging while sleeping.

Danny quickly changes his tone, "Or we just keep it our little secret."

"Yeah, we really have no proof she did it, you know." Tucker quickly follows only to notice the female Fentons absence.

Sam turns away from the two smiling up at Dess. Who was still clearly looking for the ghost. Only for Danny's gasp, "No."


Scene fades to the Fenton Works' living room, where Maddie, Jack, and Jazz are sitting on the couch across from Connie, a journalist for Genius Magazine. She is sitting in a chair holding a tape recorder up.

"A few more questions, Maddie. Can you tell our readers what you're working on now?" She asked Maddie.

She goes to answer only for her husband to cut her off and holds Ghost Gabber out to them. He quickly answers, "Well, it's called the Ghost Gabber, and--"

Jazz quickly jumps in front of Jack snaping in a whisper, "Dad, put that thing away!"

She quickly turned back to Connie quickly telling, "She's actually working on a new form of self-generating energy. She's an amazing, intelligent woman who's about to change the world."

Maddie quickly jumps telling the journalist, "Connie, my primary focus these days is ghost hunting."

"Um, forgive me. Did you say ghost hunting?" Connie frowns and the women who didn't seem notice her clear change of dimeter.

Jazz sighs clearly having lost just for Danny, Tucker, Dess, and Sam to bust through the front door. Danny and Dess looking exhausted the younger twin not as much still clearly still focused on her notebook.

"Danny! Dess, look at you both! I'm not sure I like this overnight zoo research." Maddie told her twins clearly concerned.

Danny simply waved her off telling her, "Mom, come on. We're just a bunch of kids. In the zoo. At night. Alone. Beside that's not why Dess looks like that."

Everyone stares at him as he starts walking up the stairs calling back, "We'll be in our room."

'We'll be in my room. Fear me.' The ghost gabber went off.

 The group starts going upstairs only Dess not to move. Danny stops looking back at his twin asking her, "Dess, what is it?"

'Dess, what is it? fear me.' The machine went off again.

"Give me that!" Jazz snapped taking the machine fore her father hiding it under a pillow. 

She smiled at the journalist trying to take their attention again asking,  "Now where were we?"

Dess finally seemed snapped out of her daze smiling at a confused Danny following after him to start walking up to their shared room.

Tucker laughed clearly happy with himself telling the Fenton boy, "Here we go, Danny. Home in time for some well-deserved rest."

Only to change his tone Tucker's PDA beeps and he checks it. He then tell Danny, " But keep it quick, because you've got thirteen minutes."

Danny's ghost sense suddenly goes off. He opens his bedroom door and Skulker turns visible in the doorway. Only for Dess to seem to squeal causing her friends to stare at her clearly confused.

Skulker seemed to ignored the youngest Fenton twin smile telling the two, "Hello, Ghost Children."

Skulker traps easily Danny in a net and pulls him into his room, the door slamming shut behind him. Causing Dess to snap out of screaming, "Dan!"

Sam and Tucker screamed with her in shock, "Danny!"


Scene switches to Danny in the net in his room, Skulker standing over him. Skulker laughs looking down at him telling Danny, "The human ghost child in its natural habitat. Once your captured and locked away, your sister is next shouldn't be two hard really."

Danny clearly becoming angry snapped at the ghost, "Who are you?"

Seeming to very proud of himself told Danny, "I am Skulker."

He holds up his cage of ghosts and he started, "A collector of things ra.."

Only to be set flying mid sentence as Dess nailed him in the face. She cleared snapping, "You dare hurt my Dan! Cool or not! I will tare dismantle you piece by piece!"

Seeming to recover he got up and stomps on a model rocket. Danny sees him and yells, "Hey, my rocket! I built that!"

Ignoring Danny as Dess attack him again. The two clearly throwing punches and kicks giving the ghost little to counter. Skulker smiled at the girl telling her, "I'm impressed ghost child, "Pity, though! Your other half put up less a fight. I'm kind of dis..."

Dess again punched him cutting him off tell the ghost, "Pay attention when u battle! Next time it won't be a simple punch!"

"Oh, don't worry." Danny tells him going ghost and phases out of net to join his twin finishing, "I will!"

Dess quickly snapped her head at him snapping, "I'll handle it! Stay way!"

He quickly goes pale holding up his hands as Dess quickly catches Skulkers punch before, truing her own sending the ghost into the wall.  Cut to Sam and Tucker struggling to open the door. Making him snap, "Stupid, Dess! Couldn't she take us with her!"

Sam gave the tech boy a look that made him tilt his head confused. Making her sigh before continuing, "That's the ghost from the zoo! We told you both about"

"Danny?" Tucker asked even more confused.

Sam hit him on the head just like Dess usually does yelling "No, the other guy!" ; "Ow!"

They turn back to the door as they hear a loud crashes in the twin's room, then a voice coming from downstairs. Jazz yelled up the stairs at them, "Hello? What's going on up there?"

Sam and Tucker share a worried look, then quick run to the stairs.


Down stairs in the living room. Jazz smiled at the reporter telling her, "You know, ghost hunting isn't the only thing my parents do, Connie. It's really a side interest. What they're really into is--"

They all hear a loud crash from upstairs. Jack stands up looking staring yelling, "Ghost! Ghost! Ghost! Daddy's coming Mittens!"

Causing him to take off towards the stairs only to freeze as Sam and Tucker walking down the stairs. He looks around for Dess before he attempts to continue going up the stairs only to be stopped at the two friends get in his way blocking him. Maddie stands up to join her husband telling the two clearly worried, "Kids, get down! There's a ghost in the house."

Tucker quickly shook his head telling he Fenton's, "Actually there's three--"

Only to be cut off by Sam elbowing him as he coughs and continues, "--much homework to be done for there to be a ghost here."

He starts walking to kitchen as Sam stays kept blocking Mr. Fenton's path up the stair as he continues,  "I'll get some snacks."

"Yeah, Danny and Dess are upstairs." Sam tries to tell the parents to calm them down just for a loud crash to be heard. 

 Sam seems more nervous saying, "Uh, lifting weights?"

Maddie looks worried telling the goth girl, "They doesn't have exercise equipment up there."

"Dess never exercised." Jack says also says looking at her suspiciously.

Danny screams could be heard, "OUR COMPUTER! Oh, that's Jazz's."

Followed by another loud crash upstairs. Followed by Dess, "Danny! Stay out of the way!"

"That's why he's using his computer... Dess is helping him fix a error." Sam quickly covers for herself with a laugh.


Cut to Tucker running into the kitchen. Dess crashes through the ceiling and into the kitchen table, breaking it into pieces. Skulker jumps down through the ceiling in front of her. Danny looks down from their room asking, "Are you sure I can't help?"

Causing the young Fenton to clear up at her twin. Skulker laughed telling them, "Come, on Ghost children. Take me both on and see your new home."

He grabs Dess and phases them through the floor into the lab with her yelling at him angrily along the way. Danny sighs following after them phasing through the floor. Cut back to Tucker as everyone else comes into the kitchen and sees the mess. Just as the three left the other poked their heads into the kitchen to see it was a mess.

Tucker laughed quired strickling a karate pose over the broken table yelling, "Uh...hi-ya!"

"What's going on?" Connie the reporter asked clearly not buying that Tucker did it.

Just for crashes being heard from down in the lab. The tech boy quickly told the group with a laugh, "Sounds like rats in the lab."

"Ghost rats. I knew it." Jack jumped in quickly walking away from the stairs happily seeming to forget his earlier thoughts.

Sam quickly moved from the stairs running to join Tucker in the kitchen telling them, "Don't worry, we'll get rid of them."

"I'd like to learn a little more about these twins" Connie says as the two friends leave to the Fenton lab turning to walk towards stairs.

Jazz quickly jumps in shaking her head, "Uh, that's probably not such a great idea!"

"I'd like to see what their doing up there, anyway." Maddie seems to agree with the reporter  walks towards stairs.

Jazz tries to protest screaming, "Wait!"


Cut to the lab, where Dess is being held by the throat in the air by Skulker. She was clearly kicking him causing Danny to scream, "I done standing on the side! Get your metal hands off my sister!"

He punches him making Skulker releases her. Dess quickly flies next to her twin brother coughing. Danny then points at him asking, "What are you doing?"

Skulker laughs pulling out the cage full of ghosts telling them, "Bringing you back to my world, where I can put you on display. After all I am a hunter of the rare! Ghost half humans and twins are the rarest of all!"

Danny and Dess scream together scream clearly confused and angry, "What?!"

The cage disappears and Skulker presses a button on his wrist that turns on the nearby Ghost Portal. Skulker starts walking towards the portal and laughs, "Ha! At last. Time to put you in your cage."

"Noooo!" Danny screams at the hunter ghost as Dess jumped with a glare, "Like we'd let you! No, one devises to be in a cage!"

Sam suddenly slides between Skulker and the portal, holding her arms out to block him. The goth girl glares at the ghost, "No is right, Danny. You said it Dess! Cages are wrong. How do you think Sampson feels being in a cage?"

Skulker seeming lost for a words at being yelled at trying to talk, "But--"

"He's a beautiful animal and deserves to roam free!" Sam yelled at the ghost getting close to him.

"I..." Skulker continued to studder still left in shock.

Sam shook her head with a disported sigh, "Should be ashamed."

Twin look at each other before taking advantage of Skulker being distracted and kicks him across the room towards Tucker, who yells and runs out of the way before Skulker lands. As he sits up, Skulker sees Tucker's dropped PDA next to the fallen Tucker and picks it up.

Skulker looks at it clearly impressed, "That technology: so sleek, so...advanced."

He looked down at his old control panel on wrist, then back at PDA before asking, "Hmm, I wonder...?"

He yanks the busted, outdated control panel off of his armor and drops it on the floor, then replaces its slot with the PDA. The PDA begins to spark and the dangling wires wave around. Tucker stands up behind Skulker before yelling at the ghost clearly angry, "Hey, I got three more payments on that!"

Skulker easily smacks Tucker away with his hand and looks back at his wrist. Dess quickly catching her falling friends as Skulker looked down at his wrist smiling, "Marvelous."

The dangling wires connect to the PDA, causing Skulker to glow. Dess quickly sets Tucker down before the twins fly at him, but Skulker fires a new ecto-blaster from his wrist back at the two. Fenton's hit the wall, as theirs arms and legs bound by ectoplasm. Sam yells at their the nerd clearly angry, "Way to go, Tucker. You just made the bad guy more bad!"

"How was I supposed to know my PDA was ghost compatible?" Tucker screams back at her trying to defend himself.

Skulker laughs at the two telling them, "Say goodbye to this world, children."

He points his wrist at the duo just as the PDA beeps and he looks at it. Clearly confused asking before reading it, "What? 'Fly to library? Get a book on eating habits of purple-back gorilla?'"

His jetpack suddenly pops out and turns on, blasting him towards the ceiling. Skulker clearly trying to control his equipment as he flies up screams, "No, stop. The hunt is not over!"

He phases through the ceiling and invisibly passes up through the living room. Jack, climbing the stairs with the others, turns around as if he heard Skulker, frowns, and keeps walking. Skulker phases completely out of Fenton Works. Back in the lab, the ectoplasmic binds on twins disappear.

"What happened?" Sam asks helping them both up.

Danny shakes his head telling them, "Who cares? At least we got a minute to relax and figure this out."

"I agreed." Dess says clearly agreeing with him only seemed up set.

Causing the rest of the group to look at her not understanding her expression. Just for their mother's voice grabbing the twins attention, "Danny? Dess, where are you? Somebody here wants to meet you."

Danny and Dess scream together, "D'oh! Our room!"

Together they phases into their room and transforms into their human self's. Maddie opening door to let Connie in and says, "Danny. Dess, this is Connie, from Genius Magazine."

Danny clearly angry yells, "Don't you people ever knock?"

He quickly yells and slams door shut and leans against it. Dess shakes her head telling her brother, "Really, Danny! Jazz is going to kill us for that."

In the hallway Jazz clearly not happy whispers snaps, "I'm gonna kill them for that."

"Brooding? Messy? Reclusive? Now those are the signs of a true genius. Oh! If only he were a woman... But the twin!" Connie says with a smile at the thought.


Outside steps of Casper High, where Tucker, Dess, Danny, and Sam stop. Fenton twins looks around as Danny asks, "Any sign of him?"

"Nope." Tucker tells them checking PDA.

He continues to tells them, "He hasn't bothered you for...thirty-eight minutes. Maybe he's hunting somebody else now."

Sam looks at the tech nerd asking him, "How many of those things do you have?"

"Just two." Dess jumped in before Tucker could answer her. 

He seems to stare at the blacknett only for his PDA to Beep. Bring his attention back telling the older Fenton twin, "Good thing I beamed all your info in here and backed it up. Global thinking, Danny: the sign of a quality time manager. Come on, you're late."

He starts pushing Danny towards the school.

Sam and Dess Tucker followed after Danny. Skulker phases up out of the steps. He tells them, "Soon, Ghost children. Soon."

Scene transitions to Danny, Dess, Sam, and Tucker leaving Mr. Lancer's classroom. As students leave the hallway, Danny opens his locker. A series of glowing chains jump out of it and wrap around Danny's torso and arms as Dess quickly takes her hand away from her locker yelling, "Dan!"

Sam and Tucker scream together at their friend, "Danny!"

Skulker materializes out of a blue mist in front of Danny. With a smile telling him, " I have you now, ghost boy."

Dess quickly goes to strike as Skulker aims a wrist ecto-blaster at Danny. Suddenly, his PDA beeps causing her to stop turning her head to the side. He also seemed confused asked and read the screen again, "What? 'Go to the news stand and purchase magazine with article about purple-back gorillas?'"

Once more Skulker's jetpack activates and he flies up, crashing through the school's ceiling. The chains on Danny dissipate. Dess quickly goes to help her twin back up. Just for Tucker to check his PDA then telling them, "Hmm, I have the same thing on mine."

"I think we'll blow that one off." Danny shakes off clearly not wanting to see the ghost.


Outside the trio is sitting on the football bleachers. Sam clearly worried for her friend, "Danny, eat something."

Danny shakes his head telling her, "I can't eat now. He could be anywhere."

"I'm here! We can do anything! Come on we need our energy!" Dess tells her twin with a giggle nudging him.

Danny smiles at his twin nodding going to get his food. Only for Tucker to swallow his food jumping in, "Hey, this food was scheduled to be eaten."

Causing the other three to look at him as Dess quickly hits his head. Tucker yells our, "OW! What was that for!"

Tucker opens a carton of milk. A glowing blue orb pops out of it and wraps itself around Dess's head this time. Causing her to yells.

Sam and Tucker yell together clearly upset for their friends, "Dess!"

Danny screamed upset jumping up forgetting about his sandwich, "D!"

Skulker steps on the bleachers with a smile starting to telling her, "Now, girl, I, Skulker, shall--"

Again Skulker's PDA beeping again as he reads it, "'Take photos of gorilla?'"

His jetpack activates and he flies away. The restraints on Dess disappear.

"Well, at least he's regular." Sam tells the group with a sigh.

Dess seems to say, "Yeah, almost like a schedule..."

Seeming to understand what his sister meant asking his tech friend, "What's the next thing you have scheduled for me, Tucker?"

Tucker quickly looks down at his PDA answering,  "Gym. Why?"

Twins share an identical mischievous looks. 


Dash admiring his reflection in a mirror in the locker room. He seems to talk to himself flexing his arms, "You are one smooth-lookin' dude. Dess would be crazy to reject you."

Danny glares at the jock clearly upset and goes to open his locker. He hesitates and turns to Dash with a smile and calls out, "Hey, Dash? I'm too weak and defenseless to open my locker. Can you open it for me? I can tell Dess how nice you were to me."

Dash quickly shoves Danny to the side with a smile, "Out of the way, loser."

Dash goes to opens Danny's locker, and an ectoplasmic goo shoots out and traps the jock in a bubble on the wall, his eyes covered. Skulker lands and inspects him, "Hmm, my sensors indicate you're an average human, destined for an average life after high school."

Dash screams, muffled by the bubble that is not understandable. Skulker sees Danny and Tucker peeking out from a row of lockers. He prepares to throw a ball of ectoplasm at them and calls, "shall--" 

PDA beeps again as he reads it clearly annoyed, "'The gorilla display at the museum of natural history?'" 

His jetpack activates and he flies up through the ceiling. Tucker tilts his head to the side asking, "Why's he going there?"

Danny tells his friend, "We called it. When Skulker put your PDA into his technology, he became bound to my schedule. He has to go where I was going to go next."

He grabs Tucker's PDA checking it. Dess voice says, "Which means... It's time for the hunter to become the hunted."

Causing the boys to scream at her presence in the boys room as she reads the PDA reads 'VISIT GORILLA HABITAT.' Not seeming to notice calls to the boys, " Come on, Will do something little ahead of schedule. Sam will meet us outside."

With that she fades out as Danny and Tucker run off after her both red in their faces.


Skulker watches Sampson in his habitat through his binoculars from a tree. Skulker lowers binoculars asking, "Where is he? According to this infernal device--"

He looks down at the stolen PDA that's playing the game Pong. Clearly frustrated, "--which I cannot reprogram-- the ghost boy was supposed to be here an hour ago."

 Skulker jumps down  from his hiding spot to talk with Sampson telling him, "You were supposed to be the bait, you stupid animal."

'Sampson' turns around to reveal Sam and Tucker holding up a fake Sampson suit.

"Sampson's not stupid!" Sam tells the ghost.

Tucker continued after her, "He's also not here!"

He told up his second PDA and stylus asking him, "Can I take a message?"

Skulker clearly upset by them yelled, "You two! You'll pay for this!"

He aims multiple weapons on his suit at the two as Sam throws off the Sampson suit. Tucker shakes his head telling her, "Oh, I don't think so..."

Tucker quickly presses 'SEND' on his PDA. Skulker's PDA beeps and he checks it. Skulker reads the PDA, "'Time for push-ups.'" 

The ghost tries to resist asking and yelling as his body drops starting to do pushups, "What?! Stop! Stop! I can't...stop!"

Danny and Dess, as Phantom, flies into the air. With a smile Danny calls telling him, "I can help with that."

Causing his twin giving him a look. Just for them to fly together at Skulker and lands a punches causing him to hit the wall of the habitat. Danny and Dess then punches him  together at least five more times, as pieces of metal fly off his suit. Skulker dodges another punch and aims an eco-blaster at Danny's shoulder that Dess quickly pushed him pushes him out of the way causing it to hit her.

Seeing her hurt quickly starts typing sending a command from his PDA clearly flustered, "Ah-ah-ah. '10:11, polish armor'."

Skulker's blaster turns into a buffer and he starts screaming as it polishes his face. Sam turns to her friends screams at him snapping, "Stop fooling around, Tucker!"

Danny seeming to agree yelling quickly looking at his twin, "Power him down already. Now!"

Tucker shakes his head telling them waving his PDA around, "Relax. Everything's totally under--"

Only for an arrow hits the PDA and pins it to the tree causing the younger Fenton twin to sign as Tucker questions before screaming, "--control? Aw, man! I had four more payments on this one!"

Skulker puts away his bow as Danny turns to his friend tell him, "Tucker, you're fired."

"Very well. I planned on simply capturing the both and letting you live the rest of your lives in a cage. But now, I will rest your pelts at the foot of my bed!" Skulker screams clearly having snapped.

Sam disgusted yelled, "Okay, that's just gross!"

Skulker smiles at the twins asking them, "Well, Ghost children, any last words?"

Danny stands up with a nod, "Just this!"

He starts patting his head, covers eyes repeatedly, pounds chest with fists. Causing Dess to smile with a laugh at her brother. Skulker not understanding asking, "What are you doing?"

Danny finished by scratching his butt telling the ghost, "Calling a friend."

Sampson suddenly flies in and crashes into Skulker. Sam seemed touched asking her friend, "You learned his language?"

Danny looks at her as if it was obvious telling her, "Well, sure. All he does is this."

He continues scratching butt as Dess tells him, "Are you sure your not his twin. You look much more like him."

The older twin quickly get up glaring at him just at Sampson continuously hits Skulker and rips his armor apart. Danny, Dess, Sam, and Tucker both cheer him on and wince at the hits. Sampson then throws Skulker, whose arm has been ripped off, down on the ground. Dess calls to the ape, "Don't destroy it all!"

The others all stare at her in disbelief. Causing her to turn to them with a laugh and scratches her head. Quickly jumping back Tucker quickly asks, "But I still don't understand why a ghost needed a high-tech battle suit."

Sampson continues to rip Skulker's armor apart and throws pieces of it over the quartet's head. Skulker's head armor is thrown and Dess catches it. Two small green legs are kicking out from inside the head. Skulker voice turned squeaky voice yells,  "Let me go! I am the Skulker! The Skulker! Do you hear me? Fear me!"

Danny pulls on the legs to reveal Skulker's true form, a tiny green blob with a face and limbs. The quartet stare in shock. Skulker continues to yell, "I am the greatest hunter in all of ghost world! You will all fear me!"

"Aw, he's so cute!" Dess says to the small Skulker at the other three again stare at her.

Danny shakes it off asking, "Thermos, please."

Tucker holds the thermos out and activates it. Danny drops Skulker into its beam. Skulker yells as he is sucked in, "I'm not cute! You haven't seen the last of me! I shall capture you all. You shall all be mine. Mine, do you hear?!"

Tucker caps off the thermos. Danny and Dess land on the ground in his human form. He shakes his head telling his friends and sister, "Cool. Let's go home."

Sam quickly reminds the older Fenton, "But you didn't get anything you could use for your report. You're still gonna get a 'D.'"

Danny sighs answering, "Ah, that's okay."

Turns to find his sister gone and kneeling down to pick up Skulker's PDA and other parts of his suit with his helmet. With a sigh he continued to talk telling them, "We stopped the bad guy, saved the gorilla. If that's all I got done, then that's--"

Sampson walks closer to Danny  making him turns to look up at the creature, but is left shocked at what he sees yelling, "Oh my gosh!"


Cover of Genius Magazine. The headline reads, 'He is a SHE!' The shot zooms out to show Maddie and Danny standing in front of the gorilla, whose hair is dressed up in a bow, with Jack peeking out from behind her. A caption in the corner reads, 'Genius child of genius woman discovers gorilla male actually a female!' Mr. Lancer picks up the magazine from his desk and opens it.

Lancer starts reading magazine to rest of the class, "'Brooding genius Daniel Fenton did what no other researcher dared to do. He got close enough to this rare purple-back gorilla to realize Sampson was actually a Delilah.' Nobody at that zoo ever bothered to see if it was a boy or a girl?"

Danny starts laughing asking and nodding in agreement, "That's weird, huh? Well, maybe they were respecting her privacy."

Lancer sighs nodding telling Danny, "Well, Fenton, I have to admit I'm impressed. Wanted to get your grade up so bad, you risked getting mauled by a gorilla."

He places the new graded report on Danny's desk reveling a 'C.' In protest Danny screams clearly upset, "'C?!' I almost get killed by a gho--rilla, and all I get is a 'C?!'"

Lancer laughs at him telling Older Fenton, " Life's a big mystery, isn't it, Fenton?"

Just as the bell rings. As he leaves the classroom leaving the quartet as Danny tells them, "Next time you want to get your grade up, try the library."

"I could have told u that." Dess called out in response causing him to turn and glare at her.

Sam voice stops Danny from going for his sister trying to encourage him, "Well, it's better than a 'D,' right?"

Danny sighs telling her and glares at his sister, "Oh man, if only I had something I could take this out on!"

Danny starts to approach Dess who is backing away only for the four to suddenly hear the Box Ghost yelling at a box of files in the back of the classroom. Poor spirit box spirits yells out laughing flying into view, "I am the Box Ghost! And once I empty you of your useless papers, your marvelous squareness shall be mine!"

Danny going ghost smiling, "Hello, misplaced aggression."

Tucker checking PDA telling him, "You've got five minutes."

Danny nods telling them, "Which is four more than I'll need."

Dess calls out, "Don't be to hard on him."

Seeming to go unheard as Danny flies off and starts fighting the Box Ghost. He makes pained noises screaming,  "Beware!"

Sam and Tucker's have smiling faces at watching Danny's fight. Dess however was turned away seeming to have pulled something out of her bag working on it. Clearly not wanting to watch her brother beat up on a clearly weaker ghost.

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