Age Is But A Number

By justwords07

22.3K 403 30

In which an alternative ending to the original series TVD's is being filmed and New star Elodie Styles joins... More

First day
Night Shoot
First Day Back.
Get out my Fricking house
The night before.
RoadTrip Day One
New York Day Two
Final day
See You Soon
Tell me if I've overstepped
Happy Birthday
The Whole Story
Let her choose
March, April, May
That's Happy
A Trip To The Zoo
She needs me.
Don't Overstep
Broken Relationships
You're Forgiven.
Lets sort this out
Read Carpet
The Break up
Here Drink
Another Goodbye
Meet the Parents
Lead Up To Christmas
Christmas Day
Comic Con Day Two
Comic Con Day Three/Four
She needed me
Would it change us?
Even If?
Mama Daughter Bonding day
No Sex
I promise.
Mama Princess
The proposal
Things were just looking up

Comic Con Day One

348 4 0
By justwords07

Laying in a hotel room that wasn't mine I wait for my friends to be done getting ready so we can head down to the main hall and meet some of the fans. This was my first time at Comic con and I was excited be also nervous. 

Everyone on the cast basically have said it's a week of being drunk from morning until evening, now being the ony one who can't drink because I was still only 19 I didn't find this piece of information particully fun. I'd rather have stayed home with my dog eating pints of icecream and watching trashy rom-coms. But according to Julie I'm a 'main character' the story being based on my life and all so I kind of had to be here. 

Last night we arrived really later but that didn't stop the drinks flowing. I had a few but nothing to write home about and went to bed pretty early knowing I'd have to get up this morning. I'm not a morning person on the best of days never mind after not having enough sleep.

And because I got sleep last night unlike the others I was able to get up this morning and go to the gym before getting ready for the day. Without rushing unlike my friends who are running around their hotel room trying to pull themselves together. 

I wore an all white outfit with a bold red lip. My long hair was pulled back in a high pony that I had briaded. Partly because ot was so hot out and I wanted it out my way so I didn't have to mess with it all day. It was a very basic but it stood out enough for comic con pannels. Plus these jeans i was wearing were super comfy and I'd be in interviews pretty much all day so i needed somthing I could sit in. 

I carried my heels in my hand as we walked to the 'holding room'. The room we'd stay in between apparences to give us a break from all the fans, cameras and questions. I decided to wear my docs in the morning and towards the evening I'd change to my heels. No point in my feet hurting all day right? Right. 

"You look beautiful." Ian says arms wrapping around my waist. I dodged his kiss not wanting him to get red lipstick on his lips and I didn't fancy having to clean up any smudges. "Seriously?" "Unless you want red lipstick all over your mouth I suggest not." I warn him and he rolls his eyes. He settled for kissing my cheek. I had literally been with him this morning as we got ready together. Well him and Paul laid in their beds as I walked around their room looking for my things. 

Never let your boyfriend pack your bags. He put our stuff all together. So my shoes may be in my bag but my jeans and bags were in his room. It wasn't helpful so they had to deal with that this morning. "Do you want to go grab some food?" He asked and I agreed. Nina tagged along with his. She hooked her arm in mine as we walked through the halls, Ian walking close to me. We stopped to take a few photos with fans before we were ushered on by our team because we wasn't meant to stop. 

We grabbed some food and coffee before we headed back to the holding room. "I'm gonna go over to the girls." I tell Ian as he sits on the sofa next to Matt and Paul. "Okay baby." He said with a smile. "Love you." "Love you." I then went over to Hayley and Claire and they filled me in on everything that happened last night. Which was a lot apparently. Candice got drunk she danced on the bar. Matt did the splits and ripped his jeans and Zach and steven sang in the lobby before being escourted out. They're staying at a different hotel. 

"Claire Holt, Ian Somerhalder, Elodie Styles,Phoebe Tonkin and Paul Wesley... They're ready for you." A coordinator of the whole convention announced. He kind of stayed in the room in the corner tapping away on an Ipad the whole time whilst we all talked. His jobs was to get us all to the correct places on time. So far he's doing good. 

We all walked out Ian holding my hand leading the way. The fans were screaming like crazy and all sorts were being shouted at us. It was really overwhelming but I smiled and waved. Something we were taught to do in meida training when I was 12 and I had to go to an event with my brother. Media training was probably the most boring day of my life. I would have rather done algbra than sit there. 

Ian pulled my seat out for me. "Thanks." I say taking ym seat letting him tuck me under the table before he took the seat next to me. He looked at the name card realising Paul was meant to sit there but then proceeded to switch the two name cards looking over his shoulder and directing him to the seat. "Sneaky." I comment away from the mics which were in fact on. That was discovered when Claire said shit into the Mic after she nearly slipped off the chair. "Got to do what you gotta do." He said with a smirk. I just shook my head laughing at him. 

He poured us both some water. Paul as well. Paul was basically Ian's husband and I've learnt to accept it. they're in just as much of a relationship as Ian and I. He's his wife according to Paul so my boyfriend is someone elses wife, it's going to be intresting explaining that one to the grandparents. 

The host welcomed us all and got us to do a little intrduction. Pheobe had to go first which I was glad because I had no clue what they wanted us to say. "Hi, I'm Pheobe Tonkin and I play Hayley in TVD part 2." She said sweetly. "I'm Claire  and I play Rebekah." "Hi, i'm Elodie and I play Ava." "I'm I-"He's Ian Somerhalder and he plays my wife in real life and on screen." Paul cut him off. "What he said." Ian said leaning into the mic. So it starts early then. "I'm Paul. I play What my characters name?..." You could practically see the word loading going across his forehead as he was retriving the memory of his characters name. A character he's been playing since he was a teen. "Sefen." I answer for him. "I know. I was just testing you." The crowd laughed. Despite it not being that funny. 

"So Miss Elodie, this is your first comic con? How's it been?" "Well we arrived last night-"And she was being boring and went to bed." Claire answered for me. I rolled my eyes playfully. "I can't drink in the states, and because the cast were I just thought it would be wisers to head to bed and get some rest." "So you're the mom of the cast." "She's the baby." Phoebe said. "You get looked after a lot?" "Yeah, it's all new so I'm still learning the ropes." "You've been acting for about a year and a half now." I nodded. "How has to been the change from school to this hetic life?" He read from his cards in front of him. "I wasn't in school when I auditioned. "Cause she's a smarty pants." "Are you going to let me finish a question today?" I asked Paul looking over at him he shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. What you going to do about it?" He asked jokingly trying to provok me. "Mate, you know she'll beat your ass." Ian said defending me. Paul just looked at the table and the crowd laughed once again. "I wasn't in school because my brother is my brother so school was hard to do... Um so not much changed other than having these incredible fans in my life. And my new family." I say pointing to the people I was sat along side. 

"So Ian, you Paul and Nina all decided not to go ahead with any further production of TVD's what made you change your mind for this spin off?" "Um, I just think at the time we had been filming since I was 17 and we filmed 8 seasons in five years. I just wanted to take some time out for myself. I was in a relationship at the time that was moving pretty fast I wanted to focus on that. Um so it just not the time to continue. The show was at a point where we could finish and it make sense. And we all had other things we wanted to pursure." The host nodded. "So why did you come back for this show?" "Yeah answer the question gosh Ian." Paul sassed. He was in the mood where he was going to annoy everyone until someone tackled him to the floor. I was here for it as long as it wasn't me he was annoying. "I read the script and I fell in love with Damon the first time and I felt all the emotions of playing him rush back as I read the script. And I missed these guys." He answered softly. 

A few more questions were asked before he asked the fans for their questions. "So we're going to go over to the audience for some fan questions if that's okay?" We all nodded. "Yeah let's do it." Claire said excitdly. She was always the little ray of sunshine a ball of energy all day long. 

"Hi, My names Maria." "Hi Maria." We all greeted the nervous girl in unison. She giggled at our response. "Hi, um I have a question for the girls." We nodded. "I see how it is." Paul said fake flicking his hair off his shoulders. Ian punched him in his arm to shut him up. "Go on love." I say. "Just ignore them two." I say pointing to the two idiots beside me hitting each other. "Are you as close as you are on screen off screen?" I looked at the girls with a smile. "Yeah." Phoebe answered. "We live really, really close together we practically live in each others pockets." She continued. "I think it's really important to be close with your co-stars, it makes your job a lot easier if you get on with them." Claire added. They looked at me. "Yeah, me and Claire clicked pretty instantly on the first take of a scene we shot." "I remember, we were arguing with each other... but we kept finding it funny." "And had to re take it about 100 times." "I beleive it was 37." She added and i agreed. "And then she introduced me to Phoebe and we went out for lunch." "At  Carlo's." we all said in unison getting excited. "She's not kidding about them living in each others pockets. It' makes dating one of them pretty hard." Ian comments. I just laugh along with the girls. 

"My name is Leelay." A small girl said into the mic. She looked adorable she was wearing a 'Team Damon since Hello brother' t-shirt. My heart melted as she spoke. he voice was so delicate. "Ian do you and Paul ever fight?" "All the time." Ian said in a voice he uses to talk to kids. it's less harsh and more playful. It's not exactly the same voice he speaks to Bodhi in but it's smililar. "He's so annoying." "And he's so obnoxious." Paul replies pointing to him. "What do you fight about?" "Candy's. He eats all my candy." "And he eats all the cereal." Paul said. They're both so sweet when they talk to children. It warmed my heart. 

"My name is Elliot... Are you and Elodie in love in real life?" I looked at Ian who was already looking at me. I was smiling this annoyingly goofy smile I just couldn't control. "Yes. I love her very much." Ian says looking at me. "And she loves me. she's just so lost in my eyes right now she's not going to answer." I rolled my eyes and hit him on the arm. The young boy laughed. 

"Hi, I'm samuel." "Hey Samuel." I waved at him. "Hi." He waved back a blush forming on his cheeks. He was about 15, he still had braces, his sandy hair was brushed over and he looked real cute. "I think someone has a crush." Paul teased. He blushed harder. "I think you have some competition." Paul said nudging Ian. "Stop. What's your question honey?" I asked sweetly hushing Paul the poor boy was bright red. "Um... Hi." "Hi." I replied again. "I just can't beleive you're real." "Oh she's real baby." Ian said throwing an arm on the back of my chair. He began to tear up. "Oh, don't cry. Don't cry. Here." I said getting up with a tissue in my hand and going off stage. I hug him and offer the tissue. 

"She's hugging me." He said under his breath. I giggled not really knowing what to say. "This can be kind of overwhelming huh." I say and he nodded. "What was your question?" "How do you differ from your characters and how are you similar?" I repeated his question into the mic. "samuel want's to know How do we differ from our characters and how are we similar to our characters." I spoke with my arm wrapped around his shoulders. 

"Are you okay?" He nodded. I smiled at him before heading back to my seat. "Phoebe do you want to start." "Let's answer for each other." "Paul do me, I'll do Elle, Elle do Claire, Clair do Phee, And Phee do Paul." "That's a lot of doing." I commented, it just slipped out and when I said it I kind of looked at Claire before we burst out laughing. Luckily I didn't say it into my mic. 

"I'll start." Phoebe says. "Paul is... there's not much similar with the two. Paul's quite dark. Like not in a bad way but he's more like." She pulled a face. "You know what I mean." We all just looked at her. "You know what I mean." She defended. "I guess Stefen has that darker side to him." "Paul." "Mr SomlderHalder. Do I need to say anymore?" "He differes from Damon a lot really. Ian's a softy. Like a real softy. Especially for Animals and nature where as I see Damon being like fuck you. to nature you know." "Actually you're characters the one who eat's animal blood not mine." Ian says sitting up straight. Paul just rolled his eyes. "Miss Ellie. She is very similar to her character. She's strong and she wants to help everyone. She differs... Um." Paul whipsered something. "I'm not saying that." "What?" The three of us asked. Ian whipsered into my ear. "He said you're more of a bitch." "Are you asking to be punched today?" I asked Paul. "Maybe." "Alright." I say knowing I was going to beat his ass when we got off this stage. "Ellie is less mellow." He says. "Like Ava is very chill like something happens and she deals with it. But Ellie, something will happen she'll freak out for about 5 minutes then address it in a ordered way. Plus she's like a child on sugar half the time." "True." I say agreeing with him. "Claire is not a bitch like at all. Where as Rebekah, biggest bitch of the show." Phoebe agreed. "But everyone loves Claire and despite not wanting to love Rebekah you can't help but love her." "Phoebe is a strong indepentant women much like Hayley. But she's less of a fighter. She's more likely come rant to one of us two and then we'll go deal with the problem. You hate confruntation." Claire say's looking and Phoebe who agreed. 

We did a couple more questions before Paul was too much for the host to handel as he answered every question for everyone else. "I don't think theres any point of us being here. Shall we?" I pointed off stage and Claire stood up. We left Paul on stage and he continued to answer the questions all incorrect or sassily or with outter nonsense until the host had enough. We were laughing so much off stage as he did this. 

Ian piggy backed me down the halls to the holding room for no reason really just because I jumped on his back and he didn't put me down until we sat on the sofa. He sat between my legs and I sayed behind him trying to fight the urge to lean my makeup covered face on his white shirt. In the end I put a pillow between his back and my face and sat like that with my arms around him. He fiddled with my rings whilst he talked to others. I was just chilling. I wasn't tired but I was enjoying just sitting peacfully with my boyfriend close to me. 

We were staying in the hotel where the Convention was being held but the rooms were split not to our choices. So I wasn't sharing with Ian. I was with Nina which is find because it's good to get ready with another girl in the mornings and evening and have a girl to gospip to not that Ian doesn't listen to my endless talking but having a girl there is different. But I missed our late night conversations and cuddles. I missed his embrace as I slept. Since moving in with each other when we got back to LA in January I've had him there right not to me every night so last night was different. I didn't enjoy it. 

I think I'm staying in Claire's bed tonight because Kat is staying with Nina and Candice because they have to get up early for a pre interview thing. But I might sneak into Ian's room on night this week for a quick cuddle before bed. Right now I was getting all the cuddle time I could sat with him like this. 

"Where Ellie?" I hear Nina ask. I waved my hand that was in Ian's hands. "Oh. Comfy?" "Very." I say softly my eyes were closed still. "You've done one interview and you're already tired. Instead of explaining why I was sat like this I just went along with it. "Try interviewing with Paul and his huge obnoixuous ego over there." "He answered every question." Pheobe said from next to me. "The host kicked us out early." Claire added. "I was the reason everyone was there. I don't understand why you all got your back up about it when they asked me questions." "That's the problem. They didn't ask you the questions." "Because they didn't want to offend you." I pulled the pillow from inbetween my face and Ians back and aimlessly throw it in the direction of Pauls voice. I couldn't see from behind Ian's back. but judging from the  "ow" from Paul I hit him. "Nice shot babe." Ian praised. 


I had changed my boots for my heels and reapplied my lipstick maybe three times because of Ian's kisses he insisted on having. His lips were stained red but he didn't seem to care. We had one more pannel left before it was dinner and we were free for the night. At lunch I only managed to eat half of my chicken because I was rushed to play a game with the girls for a segment thing. I honestly was so hungry I couldn't wait for food. 

I was sat on the sofa next to Ian as usual. He was sat on the arm his chair just chilling and I laid my arm over his lap, I was a little needy today so I was constantly touching him in some way. We did the final pannel of the day and then we were set free. Most of us decided to eat at the hotel because we were tired and hungry.

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