Hannibal's untold story (Hann...

By skelly_bob

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18+ Grace's mind was supposed to be fixed and return home to Maria and be her perfect daughter. However, she'... More

(1) sticks and stones
(2) Lies
(3) therapy sucks
(4) friends
(5) heartbreak
(6) wicked witch
(7) the big escape
(8) expected of him
(9) the FBI
(10) first impressions
(11) I didn't want this
(12) survival of the fittest
(13) the minnesota Shrike
(14) love triangle
(15) sweater weather
(17) Mixed emotions
(18) quick decisions
(19) The Body
(20) Aftermath
(21) Truth sometimes hurts
(22) Hannibal
(23) Grace
(24) reunited
(25) Wicked Witch
(26) Destiny Almost
(27) rest in hell
(28) reality or imagination
(29) Sinners
(30) Mason Verger
(31) Mason and Finn
(32) No more room in hell
(33) God help me
(34) Finding Grace
(35) The Ball
(36) The Pigs
(37) Home Bitter Home
(38) Dreams
(39) where are you?
(40) 10 months later

(16) God's plan

447 14 6
By skelly_bob

I was startled by the door closing, I opened my eyes and squinted at the sunlight.
"Sorry I awoke you" I hear, in that deep, morning voice. I managed to adjust to the sunlight and see Hannibal taking off his blazer and putting it on the chair he fell asleep on.
"How did you sleep?" He asked, folding his blazer and putting it on the chair.
"Good.." I lied. It was the worst dream ever, flashback really. He glanced at me then walked over to sit next to me.
"I believe that you are, lying" he said, sitting rather close. "And I believe you were late because you was drinking, correct?" He stared at me in the eye, as if he's looking for one simple slip in what I say.
"I didn't know I had a time to be here" that's when I remembered  that I've been seeing Marcus, and Garret Jacob Hobbs.
"Touchè. Thank you for, providing me with that blanket" he smiles at me, and sees me fiddling with my finger.
"What happened?" Hannibal asks, seeing the scar on my finger.
"Stupid school boys" I chuckled that it was school boys that made my finger look like this.
"I brought you some food. Do not worry, it is not that salad" he hands over a sandwich that he bought from the cafeteria and he slurped  on his cafeteria coffee, he didn't seem fond of it as he pulled a strange face, then placed it back down.
"Hospital foods are just horrendous" he sighs, I smiled at his comment, avoiding to laugh since I had a mouthful. I looked over at Abigail, she was just laying there, she looked almost peaceful.
"How did he know we were coming" I said.
"Maybe he just snapped" suggested Hannibal.
"No, no. I saw that they were in the middle of cooking. Someone told him" I stood up realising what I just discovered.
"Who do you think did such a thing?" Asked Hannibal, who was glaring at me, helping me expand on my thoughts.
"I-I don't know. FUCK" I shouted. I turned myself down realising I'm in a hospital. Hannibal stood up and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him, I could hear his heart beat and he could smell my hair. I felt him kiss my head, I avoided crying. The thought that we possibly had a rat scared me.
"Maybe it was that lady at the construction site" suggested Hannibal, as much as it would make sense, we couldn't tell for sure.
"I don't know" I said, letting lose of my grip. I let him go and I lowered my head. He raised my chin to face him, I never realised how tall he was compared to me, until now. I glanced over to see Abigail still unconscious.
"We're alone" vowed Hannibal. He kissed me more intense than ever, like he had been saving it for a long time. Our breathing was in sync, they were heavy breaths. He felt my body, squeezing me every so often. Every time he did, I changed my tone in my breathing. He smiled while kissing me. I felt his arm slowly move up my body, when it reached my neck, he grabbed it and pinned me on the wall. I love how it felt. He pulled away from my lips. Our bodies so close together, his hand still on my neck. We locked eyes for a few moments, before he released his hand off my neck and felt my hair. He started to lean in on my neck, kissing it and feeling my neck. I felt my legs lose balance, but he held me in place. I pulled him closer to me but suddenly he stopped. He looked at me and whispered.
"Someone's coming" he went to sit on the chair with his blazer and I sat back on the couch, I was feeling my neck and brushed it off. Hannibal saw me and smirked. How could he hear someone come? I couldn't even hear anyone's footsteps.

Alana and Will walked in, Alana had a bag full of what it seemed to be clothes and Will just came in with that face that showed no expression.
"Are we interrupting?" Asked Alana.
"No" me and Hannibal said, together. I tried to cover my smile by turning my head to everyone to pick up my sandwich.
"How is she?" Asked Will. Hannibal glanced at Abigail and stared at her.
"She's in a coma, the doctors and nurses stopped her bleeding" While Hannibal said them words, he held Abigail hand.
"Poor girl" said Alana, quietly.
"What did you bring in that bag?" I asked, taking nibbles of my sandwich.
"Just some clothes I bought from the store." She smiled. "I don't know what size Abigail is so I just got her size 14's and 16's" Alana walked over to Abigail and placed the bag beside her bed. Will slowly walked over and sat on the couch with me.
"What did you gather?" Asked Will, who was not staring at me.
"I think we have a rat" everyone stared at me.
"Someone told Garret Jacob Hobbs that we found him, he killed his wife and then tried to kill Abigail. He killed them girls so he wouldn't kill Abigail." I looked down at my lap, feeling ashamed that we couldn't stop him.
"Well, he got what he deserves then I say" preached Alana.
"I agree" informed Will. Hannibal didn't say anything, he just stared at Abigail hand. The silence was heart breaking almost. I didn't know what to say, until I remembered what I had in my pocket. I pulled out the napkin and it had that guy's number on it, that I met at the bar. I began to text the number, I saw Will and Hannibal staring at me.
"What's that?" Questioned Will, staring at the napkin.
"It's Finn's number... my phone is really dodgy and keeps deleting his number so I have it on this napkin." I wasn't good at lying at this moment in time. Will stared at the logo on the napkin, it was the pubs name. Hannibal stared at how fresh the ink is and how clean the napkin was. I definitely didn't get away with it.

Hi - is this the man I met at the bar yesterday?

Sure is! Started considering that you wouldn't text after all!

I had to leave in a hurry and I never got your name.


I like that name, I'm Grace

You look like a Grace

What's that supposed to mean? Lol

Scientifically proven that Grace's are the smartest, funniest and most beautiful women in the world.

Charming, but poor

I save all the best ones for if I know that this is the right girl I'm talking to.

I see

"I think I must be going" says Will who got up and adjusted his jacket.
"Maybe you should go too, Grace" suggested Alana. I stared at Abigail.
"I think I should stay for Abigail" I informed. Hannibal stared at Alana then me.
"You should go rest, Grace" suggested Hannibal. I stared at them both. Why are they kicking me out? What did I do wrong? Are they having romantic affairs too? I grabbed my phone and left, forgetting the napkin. Will waited for me outside.
"I don't want to be alone" I said to Will.
"Why?" He had his hands in his pocket and stared at me.
"Promise you won't tell anyone?" I held out my pinky for him to do a pinky promise. He was hesitant but did a pinky promise with me, I slightly smiled.
"I keep seeing Garret Jacob Hobbs and Marcus is being.. weird" I exclaimed.
"Who's Marcus?" He asked. I forgot he didn't know who Marcus was.
"A douche" I responded. He smiled and raised his brows at my comment.

We got out the hospital and Will took me back to his home.

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