I hate you...Agreste

By mariedupian

35.2K 560 830

Adrien made a bad first impression on Marinette from the start. Which he never seemed to rub off, he Instead... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

2.3K 29 62
By mariedupian

(Adrien's pov)

" Are you blind or something ??" The black dot said to me as it appeared to get closer.

" Without my glasses pretty much, yes," I say.

Is this a dream?? or am I going insane??

" Do you mean these ?? " The black dot said holding up what appeared to be my glasses.

" I think so," I put out my hands and the dot gently set the glasses in them.

I put the glasses on and I could finally see the world again.

A black dot just handed me my glasses. A black dot just handed me my glasses.


What is happening ??

" Are you gonna stand there thinking like an idiot, or you gonna listen to me, " The dot said.

" What are you ?? why are you?? who are...." I asked stepping back, away from it.

Finally, my vision was clear. Well mostly, It wasn't just a black dot. It appeared to be a floating tiny cat thing.

" Woah, Woah calm down," The cat thing said.

" I'm plagg I'm a  kwami, your kwami." Plagg says as he gets closer to me.

" Do you have cheese, preferably camembert ??"
Plagg asks before I can formulate an answer.

" I'm not sure, but I am not giving you anything until you tell me why you're here," I tell Plagg as he glares at me.

" Buttt I'm hungry," Plagg says complaining .

" Then tell me why you're here, then you will get your cheese," I say folding my arms.

" Fineeeee," Plagg says.

" Look, I grate powers and yours is the power of destruction. You have been chosen to defeat Hawkmoth, with your partner. Who you will meet, in the near future." He says.

" Who is this partner you speak of ?" I ask.

" You will see, later. Now give me cheese." Plag says, rolling his eyes.

" fine.." I say walking out of the room.

I walk down the stairs, quickly grab the cheese and run back upstairs.

Partner?? Who could it be ??

I throw him the cheese and sit on the bed.

" Thank you," Plagg says.

I laugh a little " I thought you had no manners," I say, as I look up to see him glare at me.

"You are pretty rude yourself," he says, throwing the cheese into his mouth.

(Marinette Pov)

The bright light faded. I looked up from where I fell on the floor. I saw some sort of bug thing. I moved back father way from it.

" Hello, you must be Marinette." The bug thing says.

" ahhhhhh...yyyyou can talk ??" I say surprised .

" Yes yes I can," the bug thing says getting closer to me.

" Get away, what are you ??" I moved back again.

" Don't be scared. I'm just a kwami . I'm not going to hurt you." The thing says.

" How do I I know that ??" I say grabbing a pillow, still not convinced.

" Calm down Marinette, I'm not out to get you." The bug thing says.

I put down the pillow. I still don't trust the thing. What is it even doing here ??

Wait a minute, how does it know my name??

"You're probably wondering why I'm here. Who I am. How I know your name." The bug thing says.

Now it can read my mind?? What is happening??

Should I be scared??

" I am, what are you doing here ?" I ask.

" I'm your kwami , I grate powers. You have been chosen to defeat hawkmoth, with your partner. Who you will meet, in the near future." The bug thing says.

Partner in the future?? What ?? Who??

" Why me?  I'm nothing special.  Why was I chosen to defeat a supervillain, who I have never heard of? Is this so sort of joke ??" I ask kind of angry, all the fear I had disappeared.

" Marinette, you are special. That's why you were chosen. You are always trying to help people and make the world a better place. That's why you're perfect for this." It says.

" I'm really not, but who are you ??" I ask curiously.

" Ohh... I forgot to introduce myself, sorry. I'm Tikki. It's very nice to finally meet you,"  Tiki says smiling.

" You have been waiting to meet me ??" I ask.

" Yes I have, I have been observing you for a while now," Tikki says not even having to think about an answer.

" YOU HAVE BEEN OBSERVING ME ????" I scream backing away from Tikki

" Shhh, you're too loud. Your the only one who is allowed to see me," Tikkiwhispers.

" Why is that ??" I say a bit confused.

" Because your civilian identity must be kept a secret. No one can know who you really are not even your partner. If anyone know they could be in serious danger ," Tikki says.

" Okay, I think I  understand now, "I say trying to process everything she just said.

" There is still a lot more for me to explain," Tikki says.

She spends awhile explaining. Shortly after I decide to get ready for bed. I wonder when Hawkmoth is going to strike. When I will have to save Paris. Maybe tomorrow. I don't know.

I yawn as I get under the covers in my bed.

" Goodnight Tikki ," I say reaching to turn off the light. 

"Goodnight," She says as she cuddles into the pillow bed, I had made for her.

( Adrien's Pov)

Plagg spent some more time explaining. Then he fell asleep on the second pillow on my bed.

Partner ??

I listened to everything he said. He explained how I transform. How to use my powers. He also told me that no one can know my civilian identity, not even my partner.

But who is my partner?? Who could they possibly be??

Well, I guess I will have to find out. Maybe tomorrow, hopefully.

I turn of the light and get into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I had fallen asleep.

{The next day at about 2: 30 pm}

{Still Adrien's Pov}

I had been up for about 2 hours now. I guess I have just been so exhausted. I was able to sleep for a really long time.

I wonder when Hawkmoth is going to do something.

" Turn on the news," Plagg says.

" Okay sure," I say grabbing the remote and turning  on the tv.

" Hawkmoth is going to strike soon I can sense it," Plagg says staring at the tv.

" What is he going to do exactly??" I ask plagg.

" I spent an hour explaining to you, did you pay attention at all??" Plagg asks frustrated.

" umm... sort of," I say quietly.

" You will just have to wait and see then. I am not explain to you agian." He says anglry.

The news suddenly changes.

" It appears that there is a villain terrorizing the people of paris. Who will save paris now??" The news reporters says.

I grab the remote turn off the tv and look to plagg.

" You should already know what to do, if you listened to what I said," Plagg says folding his tiny arms.

" Plagg claws out" I say without any hesitation.

I get most of what he explained to me last night.

" Wow, this is awesome." I look in the mirror and see that I am in black leather cat suit. With some sorta stick in my hand.

From what Plagg told me,  this is what I use to get to places.

But how exactly do I do that.

Okay I see.

I open my window.

I use the stick  to get on the top of one of the building. Where I had a pretty clear view of the city.

" WATCH OUT ," I heard someone say from a direction I wasn't sure of.

I looked around and saw a girl who appeared to be in a ladybug costume flying towards me.

Before I could get out of the way. She landed on top of me.

" I'm so sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing," she says looking away from me not making eye contact with me.

I could see she was blushing. She was embarrassed it was cute.

She quickly got off of me.

"It's totally fine, better you fall on top of me then hit a building," I say looking into her eyes.

{Marienttes pov}

How  did I get here?

{ 30 minutes earlier}

I arrived home from school. I went up to my room. I let Tikiki out of my bag and she looked concerned.

" Hawkmoth is going to do something I can sense it. Turn on the news and get ready," Tiki says.

" Okay," I says as I open up the news on my computer.

Everything seems fine at the moment. I grab my math home from my bag and sit back down by my computer.

Before I could even start the first problem the news had suddenly changed.

" It appears that there is a villain terrorizing the people of paris. Who will save paris now ?" the tv reporter says.

" Marinette, you know what to do." Tiki says.

" Tikki spots on," I say.

Okay I can do this.

No I can't do this.

Yes I can.

No I can't.

Should I do this??

But if I don't who will ??

I have to do this, I have to save paris.

I can do this.

I open the window above my bed and get up to the roof . I gently shut the window after me.

I hope my parents don't notice I'm gone. I won't be to long.

Okay, I can do this.

I grab the yo-yo and thow part of it around the chimney of the building across.

Okay let's do this.

I swing from there on too the building.

Okay, that went okay.

Now to find the villain.

Wait a minute is that ??

The partner Tiki told me about ??

I saw a boy in some sort of cat costume on the top a one of the buildings.

I used my yo-yo to try to get to him.

The only problem was, I kept running into stuff, using this thing is difficult.

I finally got close to him. But at the last second I realized I over shout it. I was going to hit him.


" WATCH OUT ," I screamed hoping he would hear me.

He did , he turned around and I land on top of him.

" I'm so sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing," I say embarrassed and not making eye contact with him.

I was blushing a lot.

I quickly got off of him.

" It's totally fine," he say as he smiles a little.

" Better you fall on top of me then hit a building," he says looking into my eyes.

{ the present}

I help him up.

I... what the heck am I supposed to say to that. I bet my face is as red as a tomato.

I'm so embarrassed right now.

But I will admit, he is kinda hot.

His hair, those green eyes and that charming smile.

Nope nope nope.

I refuse to admit it, nope. He is not besides he is my partner. I can't know who he is.

" You okay??" He asks.

" Yeah I'm all good," I say looking at him and trying to make my blush disappear.

" Isn't it a purrrfect day today miss ??" He asks.

A cat pun seriously.

" Yes it is, you must be the partner my kwami told me about. I'm umm.... ladybug. Yeah I'm ladybug." I say.

" I'm Chatnoir, please to meet you Ladybug." He says then he takes my hand and lays a kiss on it.

I blush again.

He is a gentleman and he is charming too.

Is there an off switch for my brain ??

" Okay, let's do this," I say as I grab my yo-yo and get ready to use it.

I hooked on part of my yo-yo on the top of another building.

It didn't work and I end up falling off the building I was on.

" ahh," I say as I start to fall.

Maybe just maybe some will catch me.

Who am I kidding, I'm going to fall to the ground.

I closed my eyes expecting to hit the ground. But someone caught me. I opened my eyes and saw that it was... who I hadn't expected to catch me at all.

Authors note: Thank you so much for reading. Have a wonderful rest of your day.

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