Handsome Deviant

By AussieDomIsBack

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In primary school Bodie knew he was different from the other boys. The way he thought about girls and how he... More

THE SPA part two


326 36 0
By AussieDomIsBack

It was as if he was reading her mind.

"I have to repeat that I am very, very impressed with your obedience. I can tell you that it is rare indeed for an aspiring sub with very little experience to act in such an impressive and sincere manner with a man she has never met before. I can also say that it is very difficult to actually impress me when it comes to the dynamics of a Dom – sub relationship so you should be very proud of your accomplishments to date. "He paused.... Louise was blushing once again and without seeing this, he knew it and added,

"And I think it's so dam cute when you blush, just like you are now."

"Oh my god.... This man is so intuitive, it's scary" she thought. Hoping it was ok to speak Louise took a breath.

"May I speak?"

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry Sir, may I speak Sir?"

"Yes you may Louise."

"Sir, I can't believe I am here"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I can't actually believe that I followed your instructions in the Café......I mean I rubbed my clit and orgasmed inside a Café, full of people and I did this right in front of a very pretty waitress and she was controlling a vibrator inside my pussy!"

"Hmmmm.....Yes, maybe I can understand a little why and how this chain of events may seem unbelievable."

"Thank you Sir for understanding and thank you for your compliments. It's a rare occurrence for me to receive any compliments these days, as most of my days are consumed with work issues and that's predominantly filled with meetings and organising things and quality-control checks and generally fixing problems and issues that nobody else wants to know about."

"Well, that's all very depressing to hear! A beautiful, obedient, sincere and passionate woman who seeks to explore her submissive sexuality certainly deserves any compliment which has been earnt through being courageous, honest and obedient. Whilst it is all too common for a lack of compliments to exist within the workplace, I can assure you that a true Dom-Sub relationship to exist and to flourish, compliments earned through obedience, effort and results are integral to the longevity and quality of the relationship. In my view, this philosophy should apply to any relationship, personal or professional, what do you think?"

"Yes Sir, I truly agree. Very wise words Sir, can I ask a question?"

"Yes of course."

"Sir, will you tell me when I should be using 'Sir' and when I can talk normally to you, like last night and like today in the Café, before you gave the directive to put that evil vibrator into my pussy."

"Louise, you are a highly intelligent woman. You hold a very responsible position at your work and I suspect that during the course of your day to day professional brings you into contact with certain people within your employer's company. If any of these people suspected that you were anything but a perfect role model of a straight 'up and down' business woman, they would be aghast! The majority of these people would expect that you follow all the rules both legally and what the majority of the society expects us to conform to and act like. If there was any suspicion at all, you would be cast out and this revelation may even cause a scandal with anyone who was connected to you, be they family, friends or business associates."

Louise couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could he know her predicament? She had made no mention of it last night, she had made no mention of it today and she certainly hadn't put anything in her profile which would give any clues about who she was!

He continued, "I suspect that should your, and excuse me for using this pithy cliché, 'dirty little secret' be exposed to the wrong people, then someone might even lose their job or standing within the organisation they represent. Your own job is one thing and something that I'm sure you make absolutely certain is not compromised in any way but your, excuse the cliché again 'sordid activities' in your personal life must never see the light of day as it could even adversely affect your family too."

An audible gasp was heard and then an even louder "Fuck, Fuck Bodie. How on earth did you come to that conclusion?"

"Conclusion? Was it a conclusion was it?" he asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

She paused to take a few deep breaths... Did he realise how close he was with what he had just said? But before she could decide what to say next, Bodie continued.

"Anyway, that's enough of that serious chat. I did tell you that I digress often, and sometimes at the most inappropriate moments, like now for instance!"

"Why now?" she queried, forgetting for a moment where she was and who she was with.

"Ummmm... Have you forgotten where you are?"

"I... err..."

"That was a rhetorical comment" he interrupted.

"Of course you haven't forgotten where you are, and you certainly haven't forgotten that I am here with you! Actually..... it's my fault for making you lose concentration..."

Louise's thought process had caught up with the subtle but very clear inference that Bodie had just made.

"Yes Sir, I'd lose concentration, Thank you for noticing."

Hearing herself say this somehow made Louise feel once more, relaxed and excited. She was in the hands of a true Dominant. A man who was experienced, pure in his thoughts and actions when it came to a Dom-sub relationship. The dynamics were already blowing her mind. The high level of curiosity she had when she woke up this morning was now well and truly superseded by the level of excitement and appreciation of this wonderful Sir. She also felt safe but vulnerable at the same time. It was a real head-fuck!

She felt vulnerable to losing her normally strong sense of self-control. This man had bypassed her defences without her realising it was happening. He was already tapping into her very personal headspace and that was unheard of as far back as she could remember.

Even her boyfriend, a dashing Spanish tourist when she was nineteen with his high sexual energy and all his naughtiness and passion was only just scratching the surface compared with what Bodie had already described and done with her in a short space of time. Not even twenty four hours had passed, and Louise was desperate to find out more, to have more, to do whatever was necessary to immerse herself further into Bodie's world.

His words interrupted her racing thoughts. "How much time do you have before you need to leave?"

Louise looked at her watch. "I really should be going in the next half hour. The reason I nearly got run over just then was because I was reading a message from my secretary, at the office. I need to call her to make some arrangements for a conference call with the Environment minister."

"The Honourable Tim Hewitt?"

"Yes, the man himself. He wants to visit my boss's Waste Management Plant with some of his office staff and the first thing I have to do is organise a conference call so we can work out the details."

"Well, well, well, far from it for little ole me to distract you from such important doings with such important people!" The sarcasm was subtle but the point had been made.

Giggling again, Louise replied "Mr. Bodie may be pleased to know that Miss Black considers his presence, time and wishes to be far more important to her than any whims a member of parliament may demand! Having said that, if I don't call my secretary back within half an hour, she will start stressing and I hate upsetting my staff, if I can help it."

"Wow! Yet again you show me how responsible and thoughtful you are. Your staff are very fortunate to have a boss like you."

"Thank you for saying so, I do try and treat my staff with respect and fairness. Most of them respond very positively and it makes for a much happier workplace."

"I totally agree with that philosophy."

"I'm glad you approve Sir."

"Yes, I do and your use of the term 'Mr. Bodie' before was funny and witty. Not enough humour or wittiness around these days, don't you agree?"

"Absolutely Sir"

"You see... there we go again... digressing from what we were talking about!"

"Yes Sir" Louise replied, laughing loudly.

"Very well then, first things first. Make that call then."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

Louise raised her Samsung up to her ear. "This should only take a minute Bodie." Bodie deliberately cleared his throat and at the same time, Becky answered Louise's call.

"Opps, sorry Sir."

"Hello, hello... is that you Louise?" Becky sounded confused. "Where are you and who is Sir?"

Giggling once again, Louise quickly recovered the situation, and turning her head to look at Bodie.

"Hi Becky, yes of course it's me. I was just apologising to a gentleman I bumped into, nearly made him spill his coffee."

Bodie gave her a big smile and mouthed the words, "Well Done!"

"Thank you Sir."

"What now?" It was Becky's turn to giggle.

"Ohh sorry about that Becky, it's so rare to meet a real gentlemen these days. He was just wishing me a pleasant evening."

"A pleasant evening! Ha, ha that's so sweet. Well sorry to interrupt the pleasantries but as my message said, those government people want to reschedule the teleconference from tomorrow to Monday and your diary says that you weren't coming into the office on Monday and from memory I recall you saying you had booked into that fabulous day spa in Mount Lawley."

"Ahh.... Yess.... That's......"

"Hello Louise? Did you get all of that?"

Immediately after mouthing "WELL DONE", Bodie had leaned forward and had reached through the central console space. His right arm and hand turned into the front of Louise's opened jacket. His fingers deftly unbuttoned the third, fourth, fifth and sixth button from the top and half way through Becky's dialogue, his right hand had neatly cupped her sumptuously proportioned left breast. A moment later, his thumb and index finger was holding the hardening nipple and a moment later again, fully hardened and generously protruding nipple. His touch had, like in the Café, instantly turned her into a wanton, sexual slut craving for more attention, more stimulation, more pleasure.

She looked down and saw that her breasts were still covered by her blouse and anyone looking through the windscreen would not notice anything, yet.

Keeping her gaze forwards through the windscreen and across the road, Louise made a determined effort to remain focused.

"Sorry Becky, I lost track of what you were saying... yes, that's right, I'm not coming into the office Monday but obviously now I am. Those government departments are not very sympathetic to anyone except themselves when it comes to making plans or changing them!"

"You got that right! So what time do you want me to reschedule that teleconference?"

"Ahh... ummm...give me a minute to check the Salon's opening times... their card is in my handbag somewhere..."


Bodie was rolling then squeezing then rolling then squeezing the exquisitely hard nipple, sending shooting shivers of pleasure into her brain and at the same time creating an instant, and very familiar causation of wetness between her legs.

Ohh my God... she thought... again... he's doing it again...

She was losing concentration fast. He withdrew his hand.

"Please, please can I..."

"What? What do you need Louise? Becky's voice enquired at the other end of the line.

"Ohh sorry, again Becky. I'm a bit all over the place today. Hang on, I'll put you on speaker so I can find that card."

Louise placed her phone on the dash board and once again turned her head to face Bodie. It was as if an invisible force was taking over her, her mind was racing but its intentions were now clear and she was compelled by this invisible force to act.

Her beautiful emerald green eyes looked imploringly into Bodies. Her lips opened and she slowly and deliberately silently mouthed the words "I WANT YOUR COCK, PLEASE SIR!"

Bodie smiled and innocently pointed between his legs, mouthing back the word, "This?"

Louise responded silently, "YES PLEASE SIR."

"How are you going there Lou?" Becky's voice sounded clear and loud within the confines of the vehicle.

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