𝔰π”₯𝔒 β€’ H. STYLES


681K 17.6K 9.6K

sunflower vol. 6 in which a guitarist meets a singer More

cast + playlist
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
fourty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty two
fifty three
fifty four
fifty five
fifty six
fifty seven
fifty eight
fifty nine

fifty one

7.5K 273 156

December 11, 2019


They celebrated her birthday alone. She asked him a week before for him to not get her anything but, he didn't listen at all. He bought her her own pearl necklace since she liked his, another guitar—she cried— and some dog toys for Caden. They ended up having a date at a restaurant and then one thing led to another at his house.

Harry had also within the time recruited two new members for the band in the place of Claire. Selene didn't know exactly what happened with her but she knew that Harry had been stressed on trying to find replacements.

Harry also did SNL in November and Selene was proud. She knew that he liked to act and this was another step in that career. She actually found them funny too. Her favorite one was the Sara Lee skit. He even let her pick who's he wanted as background vocals for Lights Up.

Now, he was hosting the Late Late show for the second time. She had accompanied him the day before when he was just practicing on set. She was still playfully upset that he chose Chinese food over Mexican food.

"I made you Mexican dishes Styles!"

He scrunched up his face. "And they were all good..." he trailed off. She furrowed her eyebrows. "But?"

"But... You know that I really like the Chinese restaurant a few streets away from your apartment. They're food is really good," he rambled on.

Selene sat backstage with Sarah and Mitch, watching as Kendall and Harry interacted. Naomi and Charlotte had both ventured off to grab some food and drinks. It had been a very awkward atmosphere between the three all day. Especially with the fact that Selene did not like tension. All she had to the model was a simple hey and then she went off to talk to Mitch. Selene didn't even know what type of relationship Kendall and Harry had. She knew that they were a thing in both 2013 and 2015 but, now they were just friends?

Selene unconsciously clenched her jaw as she watched Kendall laugh at something Harry said. The two were currently doing a segment call "Spill your Guts or Fill your Guts." Selene wanted to spill hers just watching the two. Was she jealous? Yes. She wouldn't admit it though. She classified it as one of the toxic traits she had that she couldn't help.

Mitch hid a laugh as he watched Selene's eyebrows furrow at the Tv. She didn't even have to admit it at this point. She turned her head away from the Tv and looked at the older man. "What?"

"Your doing it," was all he said.

Selene quickly glanced back at the Tv as she heard Harry giggle. "Doing what?"

"Being jealous," Sarah accused.

"I am not. I am just watching my boyfriend talk to his ex who is much prettier than me," she muttered. Mitch's face softened. "Don't do that Selene."

She slumped in her seat on the couch. "Fine."

Sarah grabbed the Tv remote and turned it off. "Let's change the subject," she murmured. "Any Christmas plans for you and Harry?"

"We've been trying to figure it out. I know my dad is going back to Arizona to see my family and I wanted to see them but, Harry wanted to spend time with his family so... we've been confused onto where go first."

"Why don't you stay in London first and then fly out to Arizona because of the time zones? Arizona is seven hours behind London so it'll still be early there if you leave London late."

"I graduated both high school and college early and didn't think of that..." Selene trailed off. "Thank you Mitch."

"Do you know what your getting him?"

Selene couldn't even answer Sarah's question as the door opened— revealing Charlotte and Naomi. She let out the breath she was holding. "I don't know. I know he's wanted a camera so maybe that."

Charlotte handed Selene a ziplock bag that had three sugar cookies in it. Selene smiled. "Thank you."

"Harry was heading towards here so you might want to wrap the Christmas conversation up."

"Please get him a new guitar strap. His is barely a strap anymore," Mitch said.

"Mitch your supposed to be getting him that," Sarah retorted.

The door opened once more— Harry chugging a bottle of water as he walked in. Whatever he ate must have been disgusting. He reached in his pocket and pulled out another bag of sugar cookies. He handed them to Selene and brought the bottled water down from his mouth.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth. We have a set in five minutes," he muttered. And just like that, he was out of the room again. The group all stood up and made their way out of the door. Selene stayed close to Charlotte. The two had began a nice friendship. The first day that Charlotte came to practice with them, she told Selene how much she liked her Ep. It surprised her but, she was glad that the pink haired girl had listened to it.

"Do you dye your hair yourself?" Selene asked out of curiosity. Charlotte nodded. "Yeah, it was easy to do since my hair was already a light color before I did it."

Selene smiled as she watched Harry speed walk to rejoin the group. "You think you can do mine?" she asked.

"Of course. Just tell me when."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Do what?"

"Dye my hair."

"I could do it again," Harry pouted as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Harry, love you, but not letting you near my hair again."

"Why not?"

"You missed a big spot last time!"

"I tried my best!"

"I'm sure you did."

As the group neared the curtains, Harry's arms slowly slid off of Selene's shoulders— the arm returning to his side. He always had to do that before they went out. Mitch waited until the two were further apart to open the curtain for everyone to walk out.

"Thanks," she whispered as she passed him. She heard a subtle, "Mhm," from the older man. Selene was glad that they were back to performing.

Selene watched as Harry packed up his stuff backstage into his backpack that he carried. The couple were the only two left since everyone was already waiting in the car. They had all planned to go out for dinner somewhere. And by everyone, that meant Kendall too. Selene was fine with it. Harry swing the backpack over his shoulders and looked up at Selene.

"You okay?"

She nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Last time I tried to introduce you two, you left immediately."

"That was the Met Gala. How long ago was that? May?"

"You did it today too..." Harry trailed off.

"Oh," Selene said as she looked down. "I did?"

"Yes. So i'm going to ask... is this about what me and her had a few years back?"

The silence in the room was so loud. Selene didn't even want to answer that because she knew what he knew the answer already. The guitarist heard his footsteps as he neared her. His pointer finger softly went under her chin— the singer lifting her head up. Her hazel eyes remained on his green ones as she waited for him to say something.

"Selene. I'm obviously not infatuated with her anymore. Even then, it was just a thing. Your the only one who can make me feel the way I do."

Selene smirked. "And the way you feel?"

Harry titled his head. "Probably shouldn't say it here."

His hand that was on her chin swiftly made it to her cheek— the other hand placing itself on her hip. He leant down slightly and Selene's lips met his halfway. He slowly pulled away then continued kiss almost every part of her face. Selene laughed as she pushed the singer off of her.

"Everyone is waiting for us."

He grabbed her hand. "Then let's go."

The drive to the restaurant wasn't long at all. They were already downtown so everything was relatively close in proximity. Harry had already gotten a table so they basically just walked in once they got there. On the left side sat Harry, Selene, Mitch and Sarah— Kendall, Charlotte, and Naomi sitting on the right.

Selene was quiet as she watched everyone else converse with each other. She wasn't trying to be quiet on purpose she was just being... observant. Harry placed his hand on her leg, Selene turning her head to look at him. He gave her a heartwarming smile before returning back to his conversation with the Jenner.

"Selene?" Charlotte called out.


"What was your favorite song to perform on tour?"

She smiled. "Kiwi."

Mitch rolled his eyes. "She's only saying that because she leads the intro to it."

"Yes? That's the point," she retorted. "It's going to change though."

"Your favorite song to perform?"

She nodded. The group continued to talk about tour and other things based around the band until Kendall spoke up. "Selene?"

The whole table got quiet momentarily before they started back talking. Nosy asses. "What's up?" Selene questioned.

"When and how did you meet Tyler?" she asked out of curiosity. Selene smiled. She had forgot that Kendall and Tyler were friends too.

"Uh... I want to say early 2015? I accidentally walked into his studio and not mine and he just let me stay. Frank was there too so that's how we became friends too."

"Does he do the thing where he would compliment you and then right after insult you too?"

Selene softly laughed. "Yeah. I don't even think he has a filter on what he says."

Harry let out the breath he was holding as the two woman continued to talk own their own. He was relieved that Selene was finally getting along with the Jenner. Harry looked over to Mitch who was already looking at him. Harry moved his hand away from Selene's thigh and slid it across her chair— the singer subtly flicking Mitch off. The lead guitarist laughed and shook his head.

December 13, 2019

It was finally the One Night at the Forum for Fine Line's release. Selene was really proud of Harry. He was much more vulnerable and that's what made it special. He decided to drive himself today so the two were on their way to the forum in his yellow convertible.

Selene looked at outside to see a lot of his fans waiting outside even though it was still relatively early. "Le?"


"Your fine with them recording today right?" he asked. She nodded. "I'm fine with everything Harry. Can I record too?"

He smiled. "I'll see if they'll let you get the camera for a bit."

Harry pulled into the tunnel and parked close to the wall of it so his car wouldn't be in the the way. But not close to he point where Selene couldn't get out. Selene and Harry opened their doors almost simultaneously, Selene being the first one to actually get out. She closed the door behind her and watched as Harry slung his tan and black purse over his shoulders. Selene's head turned to the crew— a guy already holding a camera. She didn't know they were going to immediately start. She tucked her phone into her pocket and made her way around to car to meet Harry.

The two smiled at the camera as they passed by, Harry giving a small wave. Once they were far away from the camera and in the forum, Selene started talking. "Everyone is already here right?" she started.

"Yes," Harry answered. "Great, I have to talk to Mitch before soundcheck."


"None of your business."

Harry smirked. "Christmas?"

"I'm not telling you what i'm getting you."

"Can you tell me what Mitch is getting me?"

"That's a no too."

"I tried."

"Yes and you failed," she retorted as she walked away from Harry.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Mitch!"

Selene pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Mitch about his whereabouts. He responded in less than ten seconds, the lead guitarist telling her that he was in the third door to the right as soon as she walked backstage. The two had to talk because of the fact that Mitch was being stubborn. Selene would plan to get Harry something and the Mitch would whine about how he wanted to get his best friend it first. So far, Selene had gotten Harry a camera and a black Gucci purse she saw him eyeing a while ago.

She still had a bit of shopping to do but she was waiting until she got back into London to do that since Gemma asked if she could join. Selene opened the door to see Mitch stuffing his face with a burger. His eyes were wide as he brought the burger away from his mouth.

"Hey," he said, his voice muffled from the food in his mouth. Selene pinched the bridge of her nose— the door closing behind her itself.

"We need to establish what we are getting him so we don't end up getting him the same thing."

Mitch swallowed his food before speaking. "Since you already got the camera, I can get him a tripod. I already bought him a new pair of vans and a new necklace that I thought he would like," Mitch rambled on. "Is that going to mess up any of your buying plans?" he questioned.

"No. Are you getting him the guitar strap?"

"Sarah is forcing me too so, yes."

Selene smiled. "Great. Nice talking with you."

"Wait where are you going?"

"To soundcheck?"

"That's now?"


"I didn't even get to finish my burger..." Mitch muttered as he placed his plate down on the table. Selene rolled her eyes. "It'll still be there."

Soundcheck wrapped up pretty quickly and before she knew it, Selene was holding a camera to Harry's face. He was being an absolute idiot. One of the crew members was going over the concert while he was continuously making his sunglasses go up and down. Selene zoomed in a little closer, Harry's eyes trailing over to her.

She laughed softly, the whole camera shaking in her hands. Harry and the crew members continued talking about what would happen during the concert— the singer still messing around. Once that was done, the group gathered in a circle and placed their hands in the middle of them.

"Soup, Sex, and Sun Salutations," Harry said— the group bringing their hands up after.

Selene had literally no idea what that meant but— it was catchy. Harry had seemed a lot more happier today to her. Seeing him doing okay made her happy. Eventually everyone left the room— leaving the couple by themselves.

Harry slid his shirt off and threw it at the camera.

"Stop!" Selene laughed out as she took the bright yellow shirt from off of the lens. She turned off the camera and placed it on the table that was closest to her.

"I'm really proud of you," she said as she wrapped her arms around his bare torso. "I know that a few of these songs are going to be hard to perform and I just wanted to let you know that before you started."

Harry brung his arms around her and hugged her tightly. "I couldn't have done it without you," he muttered.

"Yes you could have."



"I couldn't have done it without you because you saved me. Quite Literally," he whispered. This only caused Selene to hug him tighter. "I'm really grateful for you Selene. And I don't think you give yourself enough credit for how you stayed in the studio to help me when you didn't need to. You opened my eyes up different types of music that I can put into mine. So, thank you."

"I swear if you don't win any awards for your album i'm going to make one myself," Selene muttered as she pulled away, Harry's big dimples prominent as he smiled at her.

"Oh yeah? What is it going to be called?"

"The Styles... Awards?"

"Good try," Harry laughed as he grabbed the pink button up from off of the clothing rack. Selene picked up the camera once more and started recording.

"Should I pretend to be an paparazzi?" Selene teased. Harry softly shook his head.

"When was the last time you worked out? Did you eat today? Are you dating a very funny woman named Selene?" Selene continued on. Harry put on his shirt before answering.

"Yesterday, Yes, and I may be dating her but she's struggling on the jokes."

Selene furrowed her eyebrows as she stopped recording. "I'm going to strangle you."

"Please do."


The concert was almost over— Fine line being the only song left. Harry turned his head to Selene, watching as she adjusted the guitar strap on her shoulder. She looked up and smiled at him.

He turned back around and eyed the audience. "It's  hard to play this for the first time so... please," he aid into the mic as he started the strum the melody.

"Put a price on emotion
I'm looking for something to buy
You've got my devotion
But man, I can hate you sometimes," he started to sing. Selene could see his hands slightly shake on the guitar from where he stood.

Fine line was a mix of struggles that he had within himself and relationships. It was a wave of emotions and hearing him play it live was so much more emotional than the studio version. You can hear the amount of pain and yet calmness there was in his voice.

"I don't want to fight you
And I don't wanna sleep in the dirt
We'll get the drinks in
So I'll get to thinking of her," he continued on, his eyesight flickering to Selene for a moment.

As Harry sung the chorus, Selene started to feel her eyes water. She blinked rapidly and continues the strumming patterns that she had to do. She was not going to cry in front of Harry's fans. Her head turned to Mitch who was already looking at her.

"You okay?" he mouthed. She nodded and gave him a reassuring smiled.

"I'm fine," she mouthed back.

"Test of my patience
There's things that we'll never know
You sunshine, you temptress
My hand's at risk, I fold
Crisp trepidation
I'll try to shake this soon
Spreading you open
Is the only way of knowing you," Harry sung in almost a falsetto. Both Selene and Charlotte joining in as background vocals. The same lyrics continues on, adding more emotion to the bass that got louder as the song progressed.

"We'll be alright
We'll be alright
We'll be a fine line
We'll be a fine line
We'll be alright (alright, alright, alright)
We'll be alright
We'll be alright," he finally sung, the singer taking his guitar off and placing it onto the stand. He went around the stage and thanked the fans at barricade for coming out. He eventually came around to where Selene was standing— his eyes on her.

"I love you," he mouthed slyly as he passed by her. She smiled.

They were a fine line.

a/n: this chapter is a thousand more words theme usual so that's why it took a bit longer.

insta: shebookhs
dms are always open

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