A Demonic Dance

By spiderworm_

62.7K 3.9K 6.7K

When George, a twenty three year old Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer manages to summon a devilish bein... More

Chapter One: Nightmares
Chapter Two: Shoo
Chapter Three: Something Else
Chapter Four: George, no
Chapter Five: About that kiss...
Chapter Six: Aw, you know you love me
Chapter Seven: HOLY FU-
Chapter Eight: Georgie come heeeeere
Chapter Ten: Just for one night
Chapter Eleven: Dry Weetabix
Chapter Twelve: Boredom
Chapter Thirteen: Dream, get out
Chapter Fourteen: Trending
Chapter Fifteen: Voila
Chapter Sixteen: Grass isn't Green
Chapter Seventeen: The call
Chapter Eighteen: Immobile
Chapyer Nineteen: Hoodie
Chapter Twenty: Dream?
Chapter Twenty One: Snack
Chapter Twenty Two: Oh, I broke him
Chapter Twenty Three: Try not to Scream
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling for a Human
Chapter Twenty Five: Blue Flowers
Chapter Twenty Six: Wait, what's an MCC?
Chapter Twenty Seven: MCC
Chapter Twenty Eight: Parkour
Chapter Twenty Nine: Soon Enough
Chapter Thirty: Halloween
Chapter Thirty One: What's a pumpkin?
Chapter Thirty Two: Oh no, Chika's a girl
Chapter Thirty Three: Happy Birthday George
Chapter Thirty Four: I'm wondering
Chapter Thirty Five: You got a girlfriend?
Chapter Thirty Six: Oh he's hot
Chapter Thirty Seven: Just crispy
Chapter Thirty Eight: Dying alone
Chapter Thirty Nine: The meetup
Chapter Forty: Fight
Chapter Forty One: Uno
Chapter Forty Two: Big D
Chapter Forty Three: Never have I Ever
Chapter Forty Four: Can I Kill him?
Chapter Forty Five: It's obvious
Chapter Forty Six: Falling
Chapter Forty Seven: Schlatt
Chapter Forty Eight: I'm Scared
Chapter Forty Nine: Cold
Chapter Fifty: Dreams
Chapter Fifty One: Please
Chapter Fifty Two: Trust
Chapter Fifty Three: Mulierem amore
Chapter Fifty Four: Dating 101
Chapter Fifty Five: Sapnap
Chapter Fifty Six: Beans on what?
Chapter Fifty Seven: Intoxication and friendship
Chapter Fifty Eight: Squeeze
Chapter Fifty Nine: Revenge
Chapter Sixty: You promised
Chapter Sixty One: An answer left Unsaid
Important Update: plz read
Demonic Shorts #1
Demonic Shorts #3

Chapter Nine: Spaghetti

1.1K 67 203
By spiderworm_

After getting lost a many multitude of times the two finally arrived back at the apartment, relaxing in to the heat given off by the readily needed radiators that had turned Georges happy home into a large microwave.

"Ah, sweet sweet home." Dream exclaimed, talking in a deep breath of air before splaying himself out on the sofa, making George shake his head in annoyance before he left Dream in the room alone.

Dream closed his eyes as he leans his head back against the sofa. He was tired as hell. Today has probably been the most productive he'd been since, well, probably since he died, but even then he wasn't really a productive person.

A smile was brought to his lips as he though back on their time at the beach today, the abominable screeches George had let out as he'd lobbed him in to the ocean and the flustered looks he'd worn as he was pinned to the ground beneath him.

A sight which Dream couldn't deny he wouldn't mind seeing more often.

Dream glanced up, staring at the ceiling though lidded eyes. There was something about George, his laugh, his smile, the stupid questions he would ask.

He wasn't like any humans Dream had met before, although yes Dream was human once, after you become a devil you seem to notice things you wouldn't see before, viewing things differently. You tend to be able to read and understand the pesky humans easier, yet there was something Dream just couldn't put his finger on something about George, and it made him eager to find out more.

"Heya Dream." George's voice called from behind him, Dream sitting up and turning to look at him.

"Hmm?" Dream replied. George was standing at one of the Kitchen cupboards, looking inside as if to find something to eat.

His hair was wet once more which undoubtedly meant he had had a shower whilst Dream had been zoned out. He had changed out of his trousers and now spotted a pair of loose blue pyjama bottoms, however on his top he still sported Dreams oversized hoodie which the taller couldn't deny was already growing on him. He looked cute. Really cute.

"What do you want for tea?" George asked, pulling some items out the cupboard after staring at them confused.

"For what?" Dream replied. For tea? Like what flavour of tea? Is there more than one?

"For tea." George repeated again, this time gazing Dream as if they would make him understand more.

Dream just stared back at him blankly.

"Sorry, I mean Dinner."

"How the hell did you get from tea to dinner." Dream asked, even more confused then before. How? Was this man like, dropped on the head as a child.

"It's a British thing!" George exclaimed, huffing at Dreams lack of believing.

"Yeah it still doesn't make sense though."

"Dream just, just answer the question."

"Umm Spaghettie?" Dream suggested.

"Spaghetti, sure." George replied, grabbing some pasta out of a cupboard and then other ingredients out of their respective cupboards before standing, staring at it like a deer in the headlights.

"You do know how to make Spaghettie right George?" Dream asked slightly concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." George waved him off before freezing again not too long later. "Do I put the pasta in and then cook the mince with that or do I cook the mince first?"

Dream stared back at him with a deadpan look.

"You seriously don't— you know what, your going to burn down your apartment." Dream quickly got off the sofa, walking over towards George and standing next to him at the counter. "I'll make it with you then."

George looked at him, about to protest before deciding it was probably a good idea Dream was offering to help out.

Within the next few minutes all the ingredients were on the counter and they were both standing, sporting their 'kiss the cook' aprons, ready to make this meal.

"So, first we cook the meat, then put it aside and make the sauce then finally boil the Spaghettie and give it a quick cook all together or whatever and voila that should be how we make it." Dream said, grabbing the pack of Mince meat George had brought out, chucking some into a pot.

"We're not following a recipe?" George asked confused.

"No, why the hell would we do that?" Dream replied as if it was the dumbest idea George has ever had. "Okay so this should be enough for you right?" Dream asked, pouring in the frozen mince meat which most probably should have been defrosted before hand, glancing back up at George.

"Yeah but what about you?" He replied confused.

"George I don't eat." Dream replied. He'd really told the human nothing had he.

"That's stupid."

"Pfft, no it's not." Dream defended. "I eat nightmares not animals."

"I don't care." George replied, pouring more meat into the pan. "You're eating with me anyway."

Dream just glared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh of annoyance, grabbing a wooden stirrer thing and slowly stirring the meat. He may be a good cook, that however doesn't mean he needs to know all techniqual names. 'Stirring thing' sounded much better in his book anyway.

They stood awkwardly for a few moments, staring at the meat that wasn't going to cook any faster.

"How about we start the sauce while we wait." George helpfully suggested.

"Yup, sure, couldn't agree with you more." Dream replied, grabbing an onion and shoving it into Georges hands. "K so cut this up, and by this I mean the onion, not your fingers." He so helpfully pointed out whilst getting out a frying pan to brown the onions and some other random things Dream would decide on later.

After chopping up an onion and chucking it in the pan along eith a dash of olive oil Dream finally decided on adding some Garlic George had only ever kept in his kitchen to 'keep out the vampires' which Dream helpfully pointed out that with garlic being a natural Anticoagulant eating it would just make our blood easier to drink, but that's a fact for another day.

After that they added some stock cubes to a boiling cup of water which Dream absolutely winged the amount of before combining it all.

"You know, when I was a kid I always used to think these were Drugs." George said out of the blue, eyeing up the dodgy looking 'XO' cube Dream added to the water to make the stock.

"Wait, really?" Dream chuckled, giving it a stir.

"Yeah." George sighed. "Every-time my parents would buy them I would be worried we'd be like, caught by the police or something but then at the same time I was kinda proud of my parents for managing to like, get so many of them so often without getting caught." He shook his head gently, barely believing his younger selfs stupidity. "I was sixteen when I realised they were just Stock cubes."

"Sixteen!" Dream said in alarm. Okay, he'd known George was a tad thick in the head, but that went a little to far.

"Well I'm sorry, I wasn't that bright in the head. You can't tell me you weren't dumb as shit as a kid." George asked, turning to look up at Dream expectantly.

"Oh, so now we're exchanging stories are we?" Dream replied raising an eyebrow.

"Yup, now spill." George commanded.

He looked back at George, thinking as he stirred the sauce. "Okay, there was this one thing, but it's no where near as dumb as yours." Dream started, George indicating back for him to hurry up and tell the story.

"Okay, there was this one time I like." He paused chuckling as if remembering the event. "There was this one time I ate an entire frog, but like, I couldn't swallow it, so- hah, so it just kinda got stuck..." He paused again, glancing at George to see the look of horror George had on his face. "In my mouth..."

If retelling the story hadn't made Dream laugh the absolute look of terror on Georges face would have. He looked absolutely mortified.

"How— HOW THE HELL DID IT GET STUCK IN YOUR MOUTH?!?" He shouted, and for what may have been the 5th time that day, Dream descended into absolute chaos.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time!" Dream defended.

"Oh so you, you know, just saw a fucking frog lying there, mothering it's kids and you think 'oH, hOw AbOuT i JuSt ShOvE tHiS iN mY mOuTh.'" George reenacted with surprising accuracy.

"Yup, pretty much." Dream replied after gaining his breath back from wheezing too hard. "They had to- my dad had to take me to the like doctor person to get it out."

"Oh my Lord I summoned an idiot." George said, facepalming.

"Hey, you can't say Shit." Dream shot back, elbowing George before tuning back to the pot which was bubbling up. "Hoooooly shit." He muttered worriedly, tuning back to the pot which was more of a watery slosh then the sauce it was meant to me.

"Boiled meat it is then."

Luckily over the next 20 minutes or so it thickened in to something more edible looking. And finally it was time to cook the pasta.

"K, George, can I trust you to boil the Spaghettie while I go take a shower?" Dream asked, his voice laced with worry around the fact the house might possibly be alight by the time he gets back.

"Yeah, yeah, go on." George replied almost cockily, waving Dream away and grabbing a new pot and colander for later.

Reassured the fire alarm would warn him if George places himself in any great threat he grabbed some clothes from Georges closet ( they'd kind of shoved their stuff all together and Dream often found himself accidentally grabbing a shirt way too small for him or George came out wearing clothes far too big). And not long later the the tall male was chuckling lightly realising the hoodie he'd been looking for was currently stolen by his favourite little human, somehow having forgotten it despite having stared at the short mortal a mere minuet.

Finally after having grabbed some comfortable clothes and checking on George one last time he was finally able to step in to a warm shower, washing out the salt that has clotted his hair and hopefully the thoughts of George with it.

Dream collapsed his head inro his hands, the water trickling through his fingers against the shower tray. The rhythmic beating of the droplets against the floor giving Dream a head ache, and instead of cleansing his thoughts like Dream had hoped it would, instead, left alone with his thoughts, his mind one more was pierced by memories of George, pesky emotions clouding his vision.

George. Why was his mind always on George?

Groaning he grabbed the shampoo, placing some on his hand before rubbing it in his hair. Maybe his heart was just racing because he was tired. He'd had a quite.... intimate day, and was tired as hell.

All he needed was too eat some damn Spaghettie, and then he could curl up on his sofa and have a wonderfully non-eventful nights sleep.




Somethings going to fuck it up isn't it.

Rubbing his eyes again Dream sighed. He didn't even know what it was about George. Yes this was different then any summoning before, but George was just a human like all the others he'd served. So this should just be like every other time, George would eventually get scared of him and he'd have to leave once more. That's just how it worked, that's just how he liked it.

Or was it.

After that Dream rushed through the rest of his shower, finishing washing his hair before cleaning the salt from the rest of his body before hastily leaving the shower with the poor excuse that he was just worried George would have burnt the water.

He ended up rejoining the human with still slightly damp hair, his clothes sticking to his body.

In the end he needn't have worried, welcomed back into the kitchen by a smiling George holding two bowls of edible looking Spaghettie.

"And here's your meal mademoiselle." George said, escorting Dream to the kitchen table before placing down a bowl. "I call this, spaghetti en bolognasier."

Dream stared at him shocked for a solid minute. "Did you just fucking call me mademoiselle?!?"

I hope you appreciated how I spelt Spaghettie differently in each of Dream and Georges dialogues

Also two things, one can we take a hot moment to talk about Wilburs nee song! I must have listened to it like 20 times since it came out yesterday 😅




Also sorry this is late my dunbarse literally just forgot to post


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