Descendants 4: Heros and Vill...

By evanswritingarden

7K 33 34

Taking Place After D3, Auradon Prep is having a Heroes and Villan Kids day which is meant to bring the VKS An... More

Meet Amelia
-Meeting The Heroes-
Fairy Godmother's Success
Crossing The Line
Starting a New Life
A Million To One
Who Am I?
Rescue Mission
A Shocking Reveal

Building Relationships

464 2 2
By evanswritingarden

Narrator P.O.V

the next day...........Carlos and Jay woke up in their dorm and started getting ready to start the day. Jane stopped by the dorm to check on Carlos. Lonnie was with her.


Jane: Hey Carlos...

Me: oh hey Jane...Hey Lonnie...

Jay: what are you two doing here?

Jane: I just wanted to check on you..How was meeting Roger and Anita..Yesterday..

Me: it went really well...they are really nice and made me forget how horrible My Mom is...

Jane: that's nice...ok! I'll see you later..around six for our date?

Me: Yeah...for sure..

Thats when Dude jumped on my bed.

Carlos: dude your coming...

Dude: AW MAN! i wanted to take a nap!

Carlos: you did that yesterday! Plus, Jay doesn't trust you alone in the dorm because you shed all over his bed.

Dude: UGH! FINE!

Me: i should go get going...

Jane: oh yeah! See you tonight!

Jane kissed me on the cheek and walked out of the dorm. I grabbed my phone and slipped it in my pocket and then threw on my jacket and opened door.

Me: dude you coming?


Dude got off the bed and followed me out of the castle outside, there waited The Bimbettes for some odd reason.....

Roger and Anita were waiting by their car patiently.

The Bimbettes-Claudette P.O.V

Laurette: what is actually wrong with him??


Me: we need to get rid of them!

Chad: oh i will...

All three of us turned around and saw Chad Charming, son of Cinderella standing aside Queen Leah. All three of us bow to their greatness

Me: hello Your Mastery.

Chad: we overheard you say you wanna get rid of The Villan kids...

Me: Yeah absolutely!

Laurette: they don't BELONG here!!

Pauelette: they don't Deserve to be here! GASTON DOES!!

Chad: oh we absolutely plan to bring Gaston you wanna be involved...

All three of us: YES

Chad tells us the plan about locking the kids in the asylum..


Paulette: EXCELLENT....

Laurette: Isn't it kinda extreme considering they are only KIDS??

I rolled my eyes

Paulette: I don't care as long as I have Gaston in Auradon because he is.......AMAZING.......GORGEOUS...

Chad: yes he your in....?

Me: YES.

Paulette: YES

Laurette: kinda..extreme...where are they gonna be locked up

Chad: the asylum de lunes. Ran by Monsieur D'Arque

Thats when Laurette gasps.

Laurette: you cant do that to them, they are only teenagers....

Chad: yeah but heres the thing, I DON'T CARE. I want them out of Auradon.

Laurette: But Monsieur D'Arque...he TORTURES his patients...

Me: Uh no one long as Gaston is here and that Brat is gone...we're in!

Chad: Fantastic..


I got up, got dressed and met Snow White at the Mall to start the day.

Snow White: Morning!

Me: Morning.

Snow White: Wow even in the morning you can look so pretty! Im like a complete mess in the Morning with my hair all over the place! (laughs)

Me: you think your hairs a mess?! (laughs) you have Short hair. My Hair is Much longer and is a DISASTER in the morning!

Snow White: Oh stop it! you look fine!

Me: No really i look like a mess. Even Mal, my roommate said so..

we both shared a moment of Laughter. Then We both went in the Mall, walked around, stopped by a few stores. One of which we were trying on new dresses and stuff.

Me: Hey snow.....

Snow White: yeah?

Me: im not sure if i look pretty in this...

Snow White: Oh come on! Im sure you look fine!

Me: Ok...

I walked out of the dressing room in a Blue and purple swirly dress with sparkles on it and a heart necklace.

Evie: How do i look?

Snow White: you look stunning!

Evie: really?

Snow White: yes you do!

Evie: thanks...I just get nervous when it comes to beauty...when im not pretty enough My Mom Punishes me for it....


Evie: yeah you know how she needs to be the "fairest of them all" if i look at all even slightly Less pretty then I should she slaps me, beats me and then locks me in her closet....

Snow White: How awful!!

Evie: its worse when im MORE prettier then her. She stabs me with her knife and locks me in her basement for a week giving me minimum food required to live. I honestly don't know what to do! If Im too pretty I get punished, If Im not pretty enough I still get punished anyways.

Snow White gave me a big hug

Snow White: OMG I am so glad you are away from that witch!! we can forget all that and move on...i was able to get a happy ending, so i believe you can too!

Me: Thanks Snow.....

Snow White: So whats new with you since you know, you transferred to Auradon Prep and all. How do you like it so far?

Me: Oh its great! Its everything I could ever dream of. My last school on the isle was all rotten, the walls were all torn up and stuff like that. It was just all rubbish but living here is SOOO much better


*in the palace garden*

Me: so do you get along with your sister?

Aladdin: well SOME times we do but she's so wild and too crazy and I'm just worried her crazy personality will get her in danger you know....

Me: yeah...your just trying to protect your sister. I get that. My best friend Carlos is like a little brother to me... I know what it's like...

That's when Amelia came out to the garden. She had...those eyes like she had a crush on me. I think I'm crazy. Could she love me? No. I'm a villain kid. She can't love me

Amelia: Hello.......hottie.........

Me: Um...........Hi?

Aladdin rolled his eyes.

Amelia went and sat in between me and Aladdin.

Amelia: I heard you were born and raised on the isle. What was it like?

I kinda went quiet and looked away.

Me: i...kinda don't wanna talk about it...........

Aladdin: hey....are you ok? come on man...Im sure I can handle it...

Me: Ok life on the isle was awful. Me, My best friend Carlos and my friends Mal and Evie have all been abused hard on the isle. Our parents treated us like slaves, tortured us emotionally and physically and just were flat out awful. My dad would use me to steal stuff for his "shop" and then he would forget i ever existed for a week, he would not acknowledge me, talk to me, and even made me sleep on the streets and if i disappointed him, he would stab me in the chest and then not talk to me for a month.

Amelia was shocked, Aladdin looked appalled

Aladdin: Im so sorry...i never knew....

Amelia: Im sorry for even bringing it must've been awful on the isle

Me: yeah it really for my mom I..........never met her..........

Aladdin: can you excuse me for a second........

Aladdin P.O.V

I walked over to Jasmine and Genie who was watching concerned

Jasmine: Hey is Jay Ok?

I told them the whole story about Jay and his life on the isle with Jafar. Jasmine tried her best not to cry as she covered her mouth

Jasmine: Oh my god....that is awful.......

Me: soon as he said that i was like oh my god....that's awful...i really feel bad for him.

Jasmine: Should we tell Amelia?

Me: Jay already told her. So far they seem to be getting along. Look, It was wrong for me to judge him right away. Its just I was concerned about Jaf-

Jasmine: Hey...its okay Aladdin. It was understandable why you would be distrusting towards him at first. But after learning about his and his father's relationship, I think its best we move on and focus on helping Jay move on to a better life.

Genie: Yeah Thats a good idea. Poor kid, can't imagine what that Lunatic did to him on the isle. we still only know very little about what actually happened on

Genie: yeah but Jafar is out of his life now at least..

The three of us slowly walked over to Jay.

Jay: is everything Okay?

Me: Oh yeah...Everything's fine.


"Come on Mal....." Audrey said trying to get me out of the dorm but I was busy trying to put on as much make up as possible and panicking at the same time

Me: Im just worried about everything!!! I had a bad interaction with your grandmother and now Im about to meet your parents again! I meant your Mom who seems really nice but But I haven't met your Dad yet! What is he gonna think of me considering Im the daughter of the fairy he slain in Dragon form?? Or what about the three GOOD Faries?! Will they accept me?!

Audrey could clearly tell I was really nervous despite the great kickoff I had with her Mom.

Audrey: Look, My Mom likes you a lot! Im sure My Dad and Grandfather will really like you too. I know My grandmother hasn't been the nicest but trust me. Your my friend and nothing will ever change what I think of you.

Me: (sigh) Okay...How do I look?

Audrey: You look amazing!!

Me: Really? Im kinda worried your dad is gonna judge me based on my outfit and hair.

Audrey: Oh come on! Stop being paranoid! Im sure things will be fine. Trust me. Just take a deep breath and you'll be fine.

Me: Aright. (deep breath) Im ready.

.:Timeskip to Audrey and Mal arriving at King Stefan's Castle in Auroria:.

Audrey: You ready?

Me: (deep breathes) Im ready.

Audrey knocked on the door and Aurora opened up.

Aurora: Yay! You Made it!

Me: Hi! Yeah...sorry if I took too long. I was just trying to get ready.

Aurora: Oh no! Its fine! Please come in!

The two of us walked in. I was still kinda nervous because I had a bad interaction with Aurora's Mother before. Thats when King Stefan walked in.

King Stefan: Ah! Here she is! Welcome! You must be Mal right?

Me: Yeah...

I was kinda nervous because Stefan and my mom were like direct rivals and from what I heard he hated her (for good reason but still). I turned and saw Queen Leah giving me the death glare.

King Stefan: I know this is very awkward for both Sides, But I assure you I will not hold any grudge against you since you had nothing to do with your mother's horrid actions.

Queen Leah: I disagree strongly. Having her here in our Castle? And allowing her to be friends with MY granddaughter?! That sounds like a recipe for disaster!

Aurora: MOM!!!!!

Queen Leah: What?! Im only thinking about our kingdom! What if she's just as evil as her mom?!

Aurora: That is absurd! Shes only sixteen plus she helped save Auradon Multiple times?! King Ben is in love with her?

Queen Leah: Yeah...I think we forgot her REAL reason why she came.

Aurora: That is behind us.

Queen Leah: Oh Ben moved on from it but I didn't just forget the fact that Mal poisoned Ben with a love potion stealing my granddaughter's boyfriend and chance at being queen of Auradon away from her.


King Stefan: Now now! Audrey please don't shout at your grandmother, Honey can we please just keep quiet during her visit. She's our guest after all.

Queen Leah: (annoyed sigh) whatever you say dear.

Then Phillip and The Three Good Fairies came in from the front door. I almost wanted to faint because who knows what they'd think of me, considering Im the daughter of The dark fairy.

Phillip: Hey babe...

Aurora: Hey...

Flora: Sorry we're late! We had to attend a Council of Sidekicks meeting.

Aurora: Oh! This is the perfect time for you to be here! This is Mal, Maleficent's daughter.

Maryweather: mean Maleficent's daughter! As in, The daughter of The Mistress of All Evil!

Me: H-Hi....

Fauna: What should we do?

Flora: Perhaps we should give the child a chance. Afterall its the mature way of handling it and she wasn't responsible for anything her mother did.

Queen Leah: This is wonderful. Auradon is all gonna die because we're trusting a dark fairy! We're doomed.

Aurora: Mother, she isn't a dark fairy! Auradon Isn't gonna die! Get over yourself!

Phillip: Perhaps maybe we should sit down and Mal, maybe you can share stuff about yourself. Only stuff your comfortable with sharing.

Mal: Okay. Sure.

We all went into the living room and sat on the couch.

Phillip: So Mal? What are your passions or like stuff that is like really close to yoour heart?

Mal: Lets see..I like spending time with Ben and my best friends. On the isle I spent so much time with Carlos, Jay and Evie We practically grew up with each other.

Queen Leah: So we're basically letting a evil fairy, a son of a dogskinner, a girl whose mother poisoned apples, and the son of a backstabbing advisor run around?

Everyone didn't say anything but did shoot dirty glares at her

Mal: Anyways, I also love anything artsy especially like spray paint. My fav colors are purple and green obviously.

Flora: Just out of curiosity, How close are you with your Mother?

Mal: Not very close. You see, my Mother never genuinely loved me. She only wanted me to be as evil as her so we could rule side by side. I would usually pull mean pranks on the isle but-that wasn't enough and at BEST she would ignore me and at worse she would berate me about how Im a deadbeat daughter and Im worthless. Heck, I can't remember a single point in my life she said I love You or Im so proud of you.

Aurora: Thats...awful...

Mal: Thats not all....I...

Phillip and Aurora looked really concerned which surprised me.


Me: Well....I-My Mom has a tendency to smack me or physically assault me whenever Im not evil enough. Whenever I was polite to my mom, she would smack me to the ground saying stuff like 'pathetic. You are pathetic. Kindness shows that you are weak. You need to be colder and rude that way you can intimidate'. But whenever I was cold and rude to her, which is what she WANTED, she STILL smacks me saying stuff like 'how dare you talk to your mother like that!!!' Theres like NO PLEASING HER!

I noticed I was crying a bit. I quickly wiped the tear away hoping no one noticed but they did. Audrey wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

Audrey: Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I never knew!

Aurora: Yes..You are so sweet..You don't deserve to be treated like the way you did.

Queen Leah: Oh great now your looking for attention. You know not everything is about you Mal!! Stop acting like your the center of attention and get over yourself!

Everyone turned to her and just starred at her. Stefan looked shocked but Aurora and Phillip and Audrey all looked Livid.

Aurora: Audrey, why don't you go show Mal your bedroom. Me and your father need to have a word with your grandmother.

Audrey: Yeah...Okay...

I followed Audrey out of the living room and up a massive staircase and down a hall to a pink door that had a sign that said Audrey's Room all while hearing Aurora and Phillip screaming and letting her have it while Leah started screaming back to the point I think they started cursing at each other.

We walked into the room and Audrey's bedroom looked similar to her dorm with fancy pink wallpaper, a pink marble fireplace, a fluffy pink carpet, a bed with swirly pink blankets and pillows, a white shelf with different plushies and pictures with gold and pink frames of her and her family and pink windows and two doors leading to a balcony. Audrey closed her bedroom door.

Audrey: I am so sorry about my grandmother. I love her but I don't defend what shes saying. In fact what she said down there sickens me. I promise you, I wouldn't do anything to harm you. I don't know what was going through my head when I first met you.

Me: Its fine. Its all in the past so its not a big deal.

Audrey: Yeah but I still kinda feel bad. So what do you think of my room?

Me: Its very uh pink! Just as I expected

Audrey: (laughs) Well I am Sleeping Beauty's daughter! What did you expect?

Me: True.

Audrey: You need someone to talk to, about girl stuff or just anything emotional you really dont wanna talk to like Ben or Jay or Carlos about, you always have me. I Mean I know you have Evie and Jane and Lonnie but still I care about you a lot Mal and I wanna be there for you.

Mal: Thanks Audrey.

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