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After a few minutes of yelling and screaming back and forth from Aurora and Phillip and Leah, Aurora finally came up.

Me: "Is everything okay?"

Aurora: "Oh yeah! Everything's fine. Just my mother being my mother! Not really a shocker there."

Me: "Is it my fault? Im so sorry..."

Aurora: "Goodness No! Its not your fault! Don't worry about it! Its not your fault. Hey, I think we should celebrate by hosting a royal party in your honer!"

Me: "aww...really?? You don't have to...Im not THAT SPECIAL!"

Aurora: "No No! I insist! You deserve it!"

Me: "Also....I hope this isn't too much of a hassle but Can I invite my friends as well?"

Aurora: "Oh yeah of course! Just curious, I know about you being Maleficent's daughter and stuff like that but...what about your father?"

Me: "Um....My Dad kinda left me when I was younger..but when Audrey turned evil for that moment, Don't worry Im not bringing up past drama that mess was months ago, I actually needed something from my dad to help defeat Her...even though he did leave me and my mom, for granted understandable reasons because my mom is stubborn and self obsessed as heck, we do still have a good relationship and he's making up the time that was lost after the barrier was broken down."

Aurora: "Thats wonderful! Who is he as I would love to meet him!"

Me: "My Dad...is Hades, god of the Underworld, brother of Zeus. You probably heard of him."

Aurora: "Oh! Your Hade's daughter! This is wonderful! We can invite Zeus and Hera and Herclues and his girlfriend and everyone!"

Me: "I haven't met Triton or Ariel or eric yet."

Aurora: "Oh Im actually friends with Ariel! Don't worry You'll really like her and Im sure she's gonna really like you too. Same with Zeus, Hera and Hercules."

Audrey: "Ok! I have to help plan with party! Mom, you go send the invites while I help Mal pick out the perfect dress for tonight!"

Then Audrey dragged me away

Me: "(laughs) Ok! Ok! Im Coming!"


I was just hanging out with Anita and Roger telling them a bit more about myself when the front door opened and a girl walked in. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and wore a white dress with black poka dots.

Claire: "Hey guys..sorry Im late."

Anita: "Its no problem...how was your day?"

Claire: "Fine..wait who is this?"

Roger: "Sweetheart..This is Carlos, he's Cruella De Vil's son. Fairy Godmother started this program where the VKS interact with the Heroes their parents faced off.."

Claire: "Oh! Hi! Im Claire. Hey, I remember you! Aren't you one of the four Ben chooses to come to Auradon last year?"

Me: "Yeah.."

Anita: "Claire, dear. Why don't you take Carlos upstairs and show him your room? Your dad and I need to have a private conversation."

Nanny: "Yes Indeed! You younglings go off while your parents discuss something in private."

I could tell Anita was thinking of something but I shrugged it off and followed Claire upstairs and entered a room with a bunch of black and white decorations

Descendants 4: Heros and VillansWhere stories live. Discover now