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Carlos P.O.V

Anita and Roger ended up taking me to Fairy Godmother's Office the next day after that freak out last night. Apparently Im not the only one this happened to because it happened to at least Mal ,Evie, Dizzy, Celia and even Uma, Harry and Gil. Aurora, Phillip, Aladdin, Jasmine, Cinderella, Charming and Snow White were here too.

Beast: "I think we all know why we're here. The VKS are in a panic about their parents. They are repeatingly getting worse."

Jasmine: "Yeah. They some how got out of the isle that one time and now are haunting their dreams."

Fairy Godmother: "Mal? What was your experience?"

Mal: "Me? My "Nightmare" involved my former mother, yeah I know typical. It started when I woke up and my arm was burning really bad. Then when I went to the mirror in the bathroom and through the mirror I saw My mom's old castle halls back at the Forbidden Fortress and what was at the end of the hall? A Enchanted Spinning Wheel. The Lights flickered and the more darker the more the glass faded away. Then my mom tried taking me, I tried leaving but the door is locked and then all of the sudden it just stopped and I woke up back into reality. But my arm really was burning and I saw that I really had the symbol I had in my dream on my arm in reality."

Mal revealed her arm and its the same symbol as mine.

Evie: "I have the exact same symbol on my arm."

Me: "Me too."

Everyone turned their heads to Jay.

Jay: "I didn't have a nightmare and I don't have a symbol on my arm."

Aurora: "Wait? You don't have it?"

Jay: "No."

Anita: "Did you see any unnatural things or any nightmarish visions?"

Jay: "No."

Belle: "If Jay is the ONLY VK in Auradon who hasn't had a nightmare and the symbol, which by the looks of it is the case, that has to be pretty significant and I mean that in a bad way."

Me: "What even is this symbol??"

Fairy Godmother: "I think I may know what it is. It is the symbol given by the demon Chernabog, aka Bald Mountain.If that is the case, everyone who has been affected by it are in grave danger. I will contact Yen Sid and he will examine everyone individually."

Me: "He's on the isle though. Also I have to ask what did he do to get sent there?"

Beast: "He didn't do anything wrong. Yen Sid volunteered to teach the kids on the isle."

Fairy Godmother: "I will also contact the Anti-Heroes Club since they can probably look into this as well."

Evie: "What will they be able to do about this?"

Fairy Godmother: "I hope at least something."

Fairy Godmother went into the other room to contact Yen Sid. A Few Minutes later, Yen Sid, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, And the Anti-Heroes Club arrived. Beast and Yen Sid shook hands

Beast: "Yen Sid, how are you my good friend?"

Yen Sid: "Very Good. Im surprised I and the Anti Heroes were summoned here. I contacted Mickey and Minnie from Toon Town to come as well."

Mickey: "So whats going on?"

Fairy Godmother: "The VKS are currently experiencing nightmarish visions and all of them share one thing in common, the symbol they have on their arm, more specifically on their wrists. I fear this may be the work of Maleficent and Chernabog."

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