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I went back to the dorm room and started getting ready for the date tonight. Admittingly I was still a tiny bit nervous deep down. I wasn't sure what I was gonna wear for the date night but luckily Evie had me covered.

Evie: "Okay you can come out."

I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom wearing a black leather jacket, a tan collared shirt, black jeans and brown boots.

Me: "H-How do I look?"

Mal: "You look amazing."

Me: "Really?"

Carlos: "Yeah now go go! What Are you waiting for?! Go Go!"

Me: "Thank You guys so much!"

We all gathered for a quick group hug before the three ushered me out of the dorm. It was getting late and the sun was setting. I rushed to the Palace door and knocked on it and waited till Amelia opened the door. She was wearing his sparkly purple dress with purple and black high heels.

Amelia: "H-How do I look?"

Me: " look...amazing."

Amelia: "Aww thanks! I mean you look great I'm so glad we're doing this because I was pretty much stuck at the palace with my father in law and as great as he is, I wanna get out and explore Auradon more.

Me: let me guess Aladdin is overprotective of you again. You know he's just doing this because he loves you.

Amelia: yeah I know. Shall we"

Me: "oh..uh yeah. Let's go."

I lead her away from the Castle and was gonna surprise her with a dinner at Tony's, the Italian place Lady and Tramp ate at (I booked it all in advanced) Come on Jay don't screw this up

Amelia: "so where are we going?"

Me: "oh it's nothing really just like one of the most romantic restaurants in Auradon."

We finally reached the restaurant and her face just glew up.

Amelia: "aww! Jay! How much was this?"

Me: "I say around 200$ just for a dinner with the two of us. Aladdin forked over some extra money to make this happen."

The two of us walked in and sat down. The table had a red and white checkered table cloth and romantic candles on the table oh and rose pettles scattered around our area (I spent extra money on those)

Amelia: "so is this your first date?"

Jay: "yeah actually. On the isle there isn't really dating. It's more like gangs and pirate crews and stuff. I have been in Auradon for not that long only 7 months. It feels like I been here my entire life though. How about you?"

Amelia: "well...before you I had a boyfriend. He seemed like the perfect guy at first but he left me for some side girl he was cheating on me with. He broke it off with me after he cheated on me for several months and when I found out he turned it into a me problem gaslighting me into feeling like I was in the wrong then He broke up with me. And that girl he cheated on me was my best friend."

Me: "What a jerk. I'm really sorry you had to go through that. It isn't your fault."

Amelia: "Its fine. It was hard for me to process loosing my boyfriend to my best friend. And then if that wasn't bad enough, My best friend turned everyone I loved agianst me. I left Auradon with my dad a year before you guys came to Auradon and came back because I wanted to see how Auradon was now."

Descendants 4: Heros and VillansHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin