The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanf...

By Teenwolfmccallpack

146K 1.9K 469

Alyssa McCall is Scott McCall's little sister. You know, the True Alpha who is always running into trouble? W... More

The Dark Moon(pt.1)
The Dark Moon(pt.2)
The Benefactor(pt.1)
The Benefactor(pt.2)
Another Day(bonus chapter pt.2)
Authors Note :(
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.1)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.2)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.3)
Pain and Forgiveness(bonus chapter)
Author's Note
A Bit of Love
~I'm Alive Guys~

Another Day(bonus chapter pt.1)

6K 77 6
By Teenwolfmccallpack

Right now it was roughly 3:00 in the morning, and I was close to falling asleep. I had finished off all of the energy drinks by 2:00 and they are definitely wearing off.

I leaned forward in my chair and placed my head in my arms, which were on the table Liam was sleeping on, having not yet woken up yet.

I then yawed loudly, starting to drift off.

I can't go to sleep, I thought. I cant go to sleep. I can't go to sleep. I can't-
We were at Oak Creak once again, but this time something felt different. We were still fighting the Oni, when Allison's arrow struck one, making it glow brightly and die.

I know what's coming next.

I watched as a different Oni came up and shoved it's eerie black bladed sword into her stomach.

"ALLISON," I screeched, but this instead of waking up, I continued to dream.

I watched as Allison took one of her arrows out and chucked it at the Oni who stabbed her. It implanted itself into the warrior's chest, killing it.

She then abruptly turned towards me, a menacing glare fixed on her face, and the scent of death rolling off her in waves.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ME?!," the girl I consider my sister, other than Lydia, yelled at me.

"I-I'm s-sorry," I stuttered, cowering slightly. I know what your thinking, a powerful alpha cowering to a human. It's pathetic, yes, but her screaming kind of stung. I do consider her my sister after all, and it hurts when someone you love yells at you.

"SORRY?," Allison screamed in response. Just then Liam walked out of the shadows, a twisted look on his face, one of the Oni's swords sticking out of the side of his head, blood rushing out. "I WILL DESTROY YOU!"

"And I will help," Liam added, also glaring at me harshly, causing me to whimper.

Allison ripped the sword from her stomach as Liam grabbed the one out of his head.

"What kind of alpha doesn't try and save their pack?," Liam asked angrily as they headed my way. Suddenly he turned to Stiles, who was standing close to him, and plunged the sword into my brother from another mother's head. Liam removed it, just to jam it back repeatedly into Stiles's head until the skull was completely destroyed and all you could see was blood and brain matter.

Allison turned to her left and did the same to Scott, causing me to almost throw up at the horrific sight of my brothers.

Suddenly they were in front of me.

"Your turn," they both said at the same time in a cold, sadistic voice.

Then both swords plunged into my head, and I was surrounded by darkness...


Ear-piercing screams sounding close to my head, ripping me out of my peaceful sleep.

My eyes quickly shot open as I searched for the source of the noise, only to see it was Alyssa sleeping on a chair next to the table I was laying on.

Wait why is she screaming? I inspected her closely to see that her eyes were shut and tears were pouring down her face as she thrashed around in the chair.

She must be having a nightmare.

I shot up from where I was laying, and moved quickly over to her, hopping I could wake her up.

"Alyssa," I whispered in her ear softly, but she didn't react. "Alyssa! Please wake up!"

Just then her eyes shot open, still screaming, if anything, louder than before.

I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug when she started sobbing.

"It's ok, it was just a dream," I whispered.

"L-Liam, please let go, I think I'm gonna-," but she cut off as she threw up on my back, then sobbed harder. Ew, but oh well. Obviously she was freaked out to the point of throwing up. "I-I'm sorry."

"Its fine, do you want to talk about it?," I whispered to her, pulling back slightly to look at her. She immediately shook her head no, eyes wide and terrified.

"N-No p-please," Alyssa stuttered quietly. "Just please don't tell Scott or Stiles!"

"What, why?," I asked, confused on why she didn't want them to know.

"Just please don't tell them!," she shouted, jerking away from me.

"Ok, I won't," I lied, pulling her back into a hug. "Has this happened before?"

Alyssa slowly shook her head. "This is the most vivid, real, and frightening a dream has been."

"Ok, well go back to sleep, you're gonna need it," I told her.

"Fine, but please don't tell-" she drifted off as she fell asleep.

I picked up and placed her on the metal table I was sleeping on, where she curled into a ball. It may not be comfortable, but it was better than a chair. I walked over to one of the other tables that were in the room, and picked up the roll of paper towels that were sitting there. I ripped one off and walked back over to Alyssa. I gently wiped around her mouth where it still had throw up.

I then walked over to a trash can and threw it away as someone walked in the doorway. It was Deaton.

"I heard what happened when I was coming to check on you," he said. "You need to tell them."

"I know, I was going to call them now." I set the paper towel roll back down. I may not like Scott and Stiles, but they deserve to know. Well, Scott mainly because she is his actual sister.

"How about I call Scott, and he can bring Stiles if he wants, and you get cleaned up," Deaton told me. "It's not good if she throws up after a nightmare, something could be wrong and Scott would definately want to know if there is something going on."
After I had cleaned up in the dog bath area, I walked back into the room Alyssa was in to see Scott and Stiles already there, talking to Deaton.

"So she threw up after waking up from her nightmare?," Stiles questioned Deaton, doubt clear in his voice.

"Yea, she did," I butted in.

"And she said it happened before?," Scott asked me, concern promenent in his voice.

"No, she said this is the first time it happened. That it was the most vivid, real, and frightening dream she's had."

Just then Alyssa rolled slightly on the table, whimpering.

"No, please," I heard her whisper.

We all watched as she started screaming for the second time this night.

"Has she ever had a nightmare twice in one night?," I asked, while watching her thrash around, still screaming.

"No, never," Scott replied, watching Alyssa with great concern as she thrashed arund.

Her eyes then shot open, and she stuck her head over the side of the and vomited, right near Scott and Stiles feet, causing them to jump back. I rushed over and pulled her hair back as she emptied her stomach for the second time this night.

After she stopped throwing up, she wiped her mouth on her arm, and leaned back against me, whimpering slightly still, and shaking badly.

"Al?," Scott whispered, taking a small step around the pile of vomit. She jerked her head up in shock at the sound of his voice, looking between Scott and Stiles as if just noticing them.

"Hey guys," Alyssa said weakly. "What's going on?"

"Really? What's going on?," Stiles snapped. "We are taking you home, that's what!"

"It was a stupid nightmare, don't get your panties in a twist," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"That's why you threw up right," Scott added sarcastically.

"Maybe it was the 4 energy drinks I had," Alyssa told them. "It doesn't matter, I'm fine now." She turned to look at me. "So, L Dawg, what do you want to do today?" Scott and Stiles glared at Alyssa, while she looked back at them with a wink. "How about we go to Look-Out Point?"

"I think you should stay here, Alyssa," Deaton told her, a worried look on his face, but she shook him off.

"I'm fine," she replied as she waved her hand around in the air. "I'm perfectly ok."
It is now 6:30A.M., and Liam and I are walking through the woods on our way to Look-Out Point, so we can sit and talk. I ditched Scott and Stiles back at the enterance of the woods because I got sick of them treating me like glass.

"So how ya feeling?," I asked Liam as we walked side-by-side, our arms brushing together, sending those pleasant sparks shooting through my body.

"I'm good. You want to tell me how you're doing?,' he questioned, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Just peachy..."

"I mean, how are you really doing?," Liam asked again, stopping and turing to face me.

"I'm fine," I snapped, starting to get irritated. "Perfect."

"Are you sure?," he asked, concern seeping into his voice. Great, another person to treat me like I'm some fragile little girl.

"Seriously?," I snapped. "You're gonna treat me like I'm some fragile little girl too?! There's a reason I wanted to get away from my brother and best friend! UGH!"

I truned and bolted away from Liam, running as fast as I could to Look-Out Point.

"Lyss, please wait!," Liam shouted, and I could hear his footsteps racing after me. "LYSS!"

I growled in response, running even faster.

Aww, that's cute. He thinks I'm gonna stop.

I ran as hard as I could, using my Alpha speed until I finally made it to the cliff. No, I'm not jumping off, I just want to be alone.

I walked over to the edge of the cliff, reining in my anger, which seems to be a lot stronger than usual.

I listened as Liam's footsteps grew slightly weaker as he walked in the wrong direction, then he stopped as he inhaled deeply. He began walking in my direction again, getting closer and closer until I could feel he was right behind me. I growled a warning at him.

"Lyss, please," he begged. "I didn't mean anything by it. Please just talk to me."

I felt something snap in my head as I shifted, and turned to face him snarling.

"Lyss, c'mon," he whispered slowly. "It's okay, I don't think you're fragile. I just want to know that you're ok."

I nodded, and tried shifting back, but I felt something inside my head preventing me from doing so. I shook my head, trying to get rid of it, but to no avail. I felt like I was loosing control, like it was my first shift again.

"Liam!," my werewolf/Alpha tone seeping into my voice. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

"Lyss, what's wrong?," he asked hurridly, walking towards me.


Just then Scott and Stiles ran up behind Liam, as I stepped back, shaking my head.

"Alyssa, what's wrong?," Scott asked, cautiously stepping forward.

"I don't know!," I screeched, growling at nothing. "It feels like I'm loosing control, like our first shift, or when we became alphas!"

"Al, breathe, focus on your anchor," Stiles told me, quickly looking at Liam. "Start talking to her, and walk towards her calmly!"

"What, why?," Liam asked in a rushed tone as I growled again, snapping my fangs.

"Just do it!," Stiles snapped, and as they turned to look at me, I rushed forward, tackling Scott.

As I raised up my hand, preparing to end his life, Liam started talking. "Lyss... Lyss, calm down please, calm down."

I felt my anger slowly disolve as I shifted back. I looked down at my brother who I was still on top of. "I'm sorry," I whispered. I quickly stood up and bolted.
I ran as fast as I could, the others trailing behind me, trying to get me to stop.

"AL, WAIT!," I heard Stiles yell.

"AL, C'MON!," Scott screamed.

"LYSS, PLEASE STOP!," Liam added, but I continued to run.

I strained my legs to the max, using my alpha speed, and cleared the forest. I ran down the streets of Beacon Hills and stopped the moment I reached Lydia's front door, momentarily forgetting about the three boys.

Well, that is until Liam tackled me a moment after Scott ran into Lydia's door, and Stiles got out of his jeep. Yes, he had to take a car to chase after me.

Just then Lydia opened up her door. She looked between Liam and I on the ground, with his arms around me, Scott rubbing his forehead, and Stiles standing at his jeep. "What in the hell is going on out here?!" I busted out laughing and everyone looked at me weird.

"I'm- I'm s-sorry," I stuttered between laughs. "H-her f-face, and S-Scott ran into t-the d-door!"

Stiles started laughing with me.

"Oh hush, and let her go Liam," Scott demanded, but I continued to laugh, but even harder than before. "Seriously, stop touching her before I rip your throat out!" Liam immedietly jerked away from me, and stood up, and it caused me to laugh even harder, to the point where I couldn't breathe.

"A-Al, s-shut up s-seriously, you're g-getting a-annoying," Stiles told me, still laughing along with me.

"S-speak f-for y-yourself, brah," I replied to him, still on the ground laughing.

"How about both of you shut up, and Alyssa you need to stand up, and then you can come inside," Lydia demanded.

"O-Ok, I'm good now."

"Good, now come inside, all of you I guess," Lydia told us. "It's obvious Al is here to talk to me, or wants to hang out. The rest of you, I have no idea why you are here."

"Well, we were in the woods, and she lost control and almost killed Scott," Liam informed her. "Then we got her to shift back, then she ran here as we followed." I looked over at him and growled.

"I was going to talk to her in private about that, but nevermind! UGH," I snapped at him.

"It's fine Al," Lydia butted in. "Do you know what happened?"

"No, but that's what we need to figure out," I replied.

"Yea, because neither one of you have lost control like that since you guys became Alphas," Stiles informed us.

"Well, except when Garrett had kiddnapped Liam, and Alyssa lost control, but that was understandable," Scott interjected.

"Yea well, come inside everyone and we will figure this out," Lydia responded, holding her front door open. I stood up, and all of us headed inside, and sat down on the couches in her living room as Lydia closed the door. She then walked over to us and sat on the recliner. "Let's get started."

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