His Obsession (COMPLETED)

By WrittenByKalifa

243K 8.6K 2.2K

***WARNING: THIS STORY INCLUDES MATURE CONTENT AND VIOLENCE**** "They call it obsession, I prefer the word lo... More

Chaper 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
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Chapter 36

3.3K 151 23
By WrittenByKalifa

Amiyah and Dominic drove to Los Angeles after. It was a long drive so they didn't get there until that night.

"Dominic?", Amiyah said.

"Yes?", he answered.

"...I haven't said this before but I really appreciate you...you mean a lot to me and I'm lucky to have you in my life", Amiyah said.

"...and vice versa", he said as he pulled up to Amiyah's old house. "I still think that you should wait until the morning"

"I should but this is urgent", Amiyah said. "I don't have time to wait...besides my name is still on the title of this house"

Amiyah got out the car and walked to the house and rang the doorbell.

A woman answered the door.

"Ms. Wilson? Hey", she said.

"Hey. I am so sorry to come to your door at this time of the night", Amiyah said.

"Is everything okay?", she asked.

"With you and the house, yes. With me, no. Listen I was just wondering if there was anything suspicious around here?", Amiyah said.

"Umm not that I know of", she said.

"...okay", Amiyah replied. That was the answer she wanted. "Sorry again for interrupting your evening"

"It's okay", she said as she looked a bit confused.

Amiyah walked away and got back into the car.

"So?", Dominic asked. "Anything?"

"Maybe you were right. Maybe I was just overthinking things", she said.

"I never said overthinking things exactly. I just said that I think that your house wasn't the answer. But I don't know. I'm just following your lead", Dominic said. "But maybe the numbers are the other way around"

"2,5,1,2?", Amiyah asked.

"Maybe", Dominic said as he started driving.

"Why does shit have to be so complicated", Amiyah said to herself.

"...what exactly is wrong with him. Does he have an anger problem or is he like dealing with something mentally?", Dominic asked.

"I honestly think it's mentally. I met his family and well I found out that his dad was abusive to his mom and he was always making Lamar feel lower than what he was...so then I realized why he liked me so much, I gave him the attention and love that he didn't get growing up. I know he was diagnosed with something because he had to take some type of medication before we dated but he didn't continue it", Amiyah said.

"You know I get the whole part of wanting to help him but why did you continue to date him?", Dominic asked.

"...because of the other side of him. The one that treated me so good and because I was scared of what he'd do if I left him", Amiyah said. "But I guess I found out"

Dominic got quiet.

"I was the reason she was kidnapped and the reason her life ended", Amiyah said referring to Bianca.

"She doesn't think that. I bet you she doesn't", Dominic said.

Amiyah shook her head. "And then I told him I love him and I don't really know what I was thinking then because I knew I didn't. I couldn't even be myself around him. I always had to be careful of the things I said, what I did, how I acted...everything was just so.."

Amiyah didn't finish her sentence. She just looked out the window.

"I just wish you weren't put into this situation too", she said

Dominic put his hand on her thigh as he drove. "Hey, I'll do anything for you, whether that means I'm dead or alive at the end of things", Dominic said.

"But I rather you alive", she said as she looked at him.

Dominic continued to look at the road.

Suddenly, Amiyah started to realize that 2512 did sound familiar. He was the number of her Aunt's address.

"Go to my aunt's house", she said.

"Please tell me your cousin isn't there", Dominic said.

"Why?", Amiyah asked.

"That girl is...aggravating", Dominic said.

Amiyah chuckled a little.

"But okay", Dominic said as he did a U-turn. "Why we going there?"

"Just hoping I can find something there", Amiyah said.

"You think that's what the number means?", Dominic asked.

"Her address. 2512 James St", Amiyah said.

"You should be a detective", Dominic said.

Amiyah began thinking to herself. He was right.

When Dominic got to Amiyah's aunt house. They could tell someone was up because the lights were on.

Amiyah and Dominic got out of the car and went to the door. Amiyah had a key so she unlocked it and they went inside. Nobody was in the living room but she could hear somebody in the kitchen.

"Auntie?", Amiyah called out as she walked into the kitchen. She then saw Lamar, holding Kaden who was sleeping in his arms.

Amiyah stood there.

"I see you were just as smart as I thought", Lamar said.

Dominic walked into the kitchen.

Lamar saw him. "yet, you aren't", Lamar said to Dominic.

Suddenly, Dominic and Amiyah heard a gun cock back behind them.

They turned around and it was Amiyah's uncle aiming it at Dominic.

Dominic put his hands up.

"No, please don't", Amiyah said.

"Come on Unc", Dominic said.

Dominic was so close to Amiyah, that he was close with her aunt and uncle too. So he called them auntie and Unc.

"I don't know what he said to you but-"

Amiyah's uncle interupted him. "Dominic, You're like family but I'm sorry, I have a family to protect", he said. "He'll hurt them"

"Lamar won't do anything", Amiyah said as she looked at Lamar. "Right?"

Amiyah began looking at him with a sad and innocent look.

Lamar looked at her for a moment before talking. He almost agreed with her but the other side of him wouldn't let him. "Stop looking at me like that", Lamar said.

Amiyah looked down.

Lamar started to walk to her. "You left me!", he said shouted aggressively.

Her uncle aimed the gun at Lamar. "Don't touch her", he said.

Lamar looked at her uncle. "You must forgot who's in control of your wife and daughter's life. By the press of one button and they go bomb", he said.

Her uncle started to get mad.

"So aim that shit where it needs to be aimed and pull the fucking trigger. I'm running out of patience", Lamar said.

Her uncle looked at Dominic and aimed the gun at Dominic.

As Lamar looked at Amiyah. "I loved you and you betrayed me", Lamar said.

"More like obsessed", Dominic said.

"You know...you may cal it an obsession but I prefer the word love", Lamar said. "You wouldn't understand that because you're no good for her. I just want her to see that"

"When you love somebody, you don't hurt them", Amiyah said. "Physically and emotionally"

Lamar looked at her. "And you hurt me. A restraining order? Jail with those people?", he said.

Dominic looked at Lamar as he was talking to Amiyah then looked at her uncle. He then tapped on his own stomach and mouthed the word shoot.

Her uncle shook his head.

"You'll learn your lesson, after him", Lamar said.

Now, Dominic mouthed.

Her uncle shot Dominic and Dominic fell to the floor.

Amiyah jumped as she looked at Dominic go to the floor. Kaden began crying.

"Okay, now do as you promised", her uncle said.

Amiyah continued to look at Dominic as Lamar and her uncle talked. He had on a bullet proof vest but she wanted to make sure he was still alive. She didn't see him moving at all, so she got a little nervous.

Lamar started to walk to Dominic to make sure that he was dead, but Amiyah stopped him.

"Lamar", Amiyah said.

Lamar looked at her.

"Can I hold m- our son?", she asked.

"...fine", Lamar said. Lamar attached something to her wrist.

"No!", her uncle said.

"What is this?", Amiyah asked.

"A bomb", her uncle said.

Lamar then gave Kaden to Amiyah. "Just be a good girl, and don't worry about it", Lamar said.

Amiyah started to get even more scared.

Lamar looked down at Dominic and saw that he wasn't bleeding.

"I'll just have to kill you myself", Lamar said as he snatched the gun from Amiyah's uncle. When he did that, Dominic moved out of the way and got behind something. He did get shot in the leg.

"Shit", Dominic said.

"Somebody is about to die, if you don't man up", Lamar said. "I'm going to get some more bullets"

Lamar walked upstairs.

"What happened? How did he get in here?", Amiyah said. "I told auntie that if she saw him, to walk the other way"

"Your cousin came by and she didn't know I guess. I can home and he was in the living room and they are some place that I don't even know, with a bomb around their necks", her uncle said.

Amiyah noticed that she didn't hear from Dominic so she walked into the living room. "Nic?", she called softly.

"Here", he said.

Amiyah continued to walk and saw him next to the couch. He was tying his shirt around his leg because he was bleeding

"You need to go to an hospital", Amiyah said.

"I'm nor leaving without you and if we both leave then something can happen to your aunt and cousin and you with whatever put on her wrist", Dominic said.

"You're living and you're going to the hospital. I just wanna say that I am sorry for what I'm about to do", Amiyah said.

"You better not give in", Dominic said.

"I have to. Enough people have been hurt", Amiyah said.

"Amiyah? Really?", Dominic asked. He kinda sounded heartbroken.

"I'm sorry. I love you okay but I need to be with him", Amiyah said.

Lamar comes downstairs.

Amiyah looked back. "Lamar, I'm sorry", she said. "I just got scared and I didn't know what to do, so I ran"

Lamar starred at her.

"Look", Amiyah said as she went into her pocket. "I still have the ring. I never wanted to leave you. I thought about you everyday"

Lamar started to lighten up.

"Just please...no more killing", Amiyah said. "For Kaden at least"

Lamar looked around and then he looked down. "I'm sorry", he said.

Amiyah walked to her and caressed his cheek. "It's okay", Amiyah said.

Dominic looked down for a moment than he stood up.

"Tell my uncle where my aunt and cousin is", she said.

Lamar walked to Amiyah's uncle to give him the address and to tell him out to remove the bomb.

Amiyah looked back at Dominic as Lamar walked away.

Dominic shook his head and started to limp out the house. He was upset with her, but she had to make him think that she was going to be with Lamar so he'd go to the hospital. She didn't plan on leaving Dominic, for real. She just didn't want her family and him to get die. She planned to get away from Lamar again and maybe do something even worst to him. She was still pissed about him killing Bianca. She just hoped that he'd like her explain when she speaks to him again.


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