2020-When Time Stood Still

By ZoZoBJones

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2020-When Time Stood Still Prologue
Chapter one: 2017 Europe
Chapter Two-Middle East 2020
Chapter Three-Kai
Chapter four-The desert
Chapter five-The New Normality
Chapter Six-Turkey Room 350
Chapter Seven-Ronnie
Chapter Eight-Shamsa
Chapter Nine-Nothing Is What It Seems
Chapter Ten-The Great escape
Chapter Eleven-It's a New Dawn...
Chapter Twelve-The House Of The Rising sun
Chapter Thirteen-Where Do We Go From Here?
Chapter Fourteen-The Last Supper
Chapter 16-Alienation
Chapter 17-Noah's Ark-The Great Flood
Chapter 18-We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day
Chapter 19-You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave
Chapter 20-London, The Beginning Of The End
Epilogue-Francis' Letter Continued. The Final Stage
About The Author & Acknowledgments

Chapter 15-The Visitors

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By ZoZoBJones

Chapter 15

The visitors

As we approached the sacred circle we fell into a respectful silence: Francis and Summer stood hand in hand facing each other, eyes closed whilst quietly chanting.

Effie clasped my hand tightly. I smiled reassuringly and looked about me, taking in every inch of the scene: Candles were placed around both the sacred rock and tree whilst soft music was playing quietly in the back ground with some kind of underlying frequency which I could just about pick up without the aid of earphones. I began to relax, despite knowing what lay ahead, as the beautiful scenery and deep peace of the countryside began to penetrate my being and nourish my soul.

Francis and Summer stopped their chanting and simultaneously opened their eyes, looking almost surprised to see us there. Summer hugged Francis tightly and as she turned to face us, I detected a glint of tears in her eyes; She knew. She had just said her goodbyes to him.

"Okay guys, I want you to lay down in a circle, but your heads must be directed towards the rock and tree, as evidently they are in the center, feet facing outwards." Francis walked amongst us, helping us to get into position. I lay down on my blanket and gazed up at the clouds above.

"Summer and I will direct you all and will join in the meditation when we reach a certain level of mind body relaxation. First, I'm playing 528 hz, love frequency, this is to open the heart chakra and then I will change to a different frequency to open the third eye and stimulate the pineal gland. Enjoy every moment of the trip, no matter what and take all the healing nature is offering us right now."

Already I was beginning to disconnect, being here in this amazing place, the soothing music, the cloud formations above me, every second of it was already filling me with gratitude and a much-needed sense of serenity.

Summer began walking around us waving a burning stick which reminded me of incense.

"With your heads in a comfortable position I want you to all raise your eyes to the skies without moving your heads, just the eyes as if you were looking up at that central point between your eyebrows. Relax the small muscles around your eyes and just continue gazing at the spot above you as your eyelids become heavy. Continue as you are and just do a deep body scan and consciously relax every muscle from head to toe." Her voice was so soothing that I was already beginning to drift...

Now, take your attention to your breathing, breathe in deeply, pure positivity and healing unconditional love. Breathe out any negativity, tension, dark energies, and low energies, expelling them from your body now through your exhalation.

Imagine the negativity leaving your body like smoke from a campfire, drifting up and up into the sky, into the universe where it will evaporate forever. Relax every cell, every fiber, every muscle of your body becoming so deeply relaxed now" I was drifting, floating letting go much quicker than I expected to. It was an incredible feeling.

"Wherever you go today, my voice will accompany you on your journey, to that unique inner world of yours. Just observe any thoughts that enter your head now, no fighting, just allow and observe and watch as they leave as quickly as they entered. Be the observer of your mind. Eyelids becoming so heavy now" The distant sounds of nature, the soft breeze and background music contributed to the sensation of total peace around us. As I drifted deeper and deeper, I vaguely remembered Summer talking about her psychology degree and how she had then gone on to study hypnosis. She most definitely had the voice for it as I was going, going gone...

I drifted in and out of consciousness, catching specific words and then I'd disappear once again into deep nothingness, total and absolute peace. My body felt extremely heavy; indeed my limbs were heavy as lead, yet my mind felt so free as if neither space nor time existed, a complete lightness of being.

I have no recollection of how long we were in that position nor what was being said. I recall momentarily opening my eyes and seeing the flickering of candles, capturing the scent of incense and the deep silence that surrounded us...

I drifted back to that place of profound serenity one more time and then it happened...

I felt an intense heat upon my body as if a spotlight of the highest intensity were being directed upon my entire being. I opened my eyes and was dazzled by the light that came from far above. My body was completely frozen to the spot as was my mouth. I could not speak nor cry out, I was mute.

Was this just happening to me or everyone else around me?

I became aware of the presence of other beings, but these were not my friends, I instinctively knew that these were beings from another dimension.

"Stand" The voice was inside my head, perhaps they were communicating telepathically?

Somehow I became vertical and upright, for my body was certainly not obeying my commands, and despite the intensity of the light that continued to dazzle us from above, I became aware of many of these extra dimensional beings surrounding us. Tall, at least seven foot in height, almost Nordic looking features yet emanating such a glow I could barely distinguish their features. The visitors had come.

"You've all been chosen as Earth messengers, though it is also true that you called upon us today. Some of you have been visited before by us and by the others." The voice was male, the tone was clear and neutral.

"All of you present are aware of what is occurring on the planet and which direction this will take for most of humanity. Some of the starseeds have elected to leave now as their work here has been completed and they do not wish to share in nor observe any further suffering.

One of those present here today will depart with us. What will then occur is part of the great chain of events that will change each of your lives and decide your final fates down here on Earth unless you elect to depart sooner.

Each one of you are starseeds, all sent to Earth with a mission, which you individually decided upon before incarnating in your present bodies, this human vessel of yours."

A female voice continued, "From today onwards, you will begin to remember who you truly are, where you came from and why. This is also to strengthen your resolve and aid you in times of distress. Earth is the ultimate test for all souls, a struggle to exist as a third dimensional being. But remember you chose this, ultimately to evolve further, to understand emotion and deep conflict. There is much to learn still and despite the war on Earth, you must know there is also conflict above within the federation. Not all galactic beings agree with the games of the federation, the great tests you are being subjected to down here. The many horrors and suffering are, in some of our opinions, cruel, extreme, and unacceptable.

Many of you have awoken and question the official narrative of governments and your media, the propagation of false information to confuse and divide, the forms of control and the deep fear that is afflicting many around the globe. You question history, you question everything that has been deeply embedded within the collective psyche. We are proud of your progress, but again, I must emphasize, and remind you that you chose to exist at this time, what will be known as one of the hardest eras in the history of humanity on many levels. You can choose to leave at any point you so wish, and this will not mean failure. There is conflict above and below and all souls are suffering."

The female voice paused, and the male voice continued. "The Earth will be ravaged by extreme weather conditions, some caused through natural cycles and others provoked through human tampering. Mother Earth will take her revenge for the destruction wrought upon her. You will be the observers of all of this and much more: War, famine, pestilence, great floods and earthquakes. The conflict within the human soul will be too great to bear for many but you are here to spread light and learning and guide humanity towards 'The New Era, The New Earth'." Again, a pause but this time the tone was sterner when he spoke.

"You are all galactic beings yet one amongst you of is of a non -benevolent species, sent here to cause division and further difficulties. Many of us disagreed with this decision of the galactic council, and I warn you now, there will be repercussions to your actions. You know who you are."

I instinctively knew he was referring to Emilie, and in my mind's eye I saw her change, shape shift from human female to a giant reptilian being. "Yes, you, Alpha Draconian." I sensed a dark hostile presence and I shivered as if I recognized her species from another time and place. "Your agenda to rule Earth and reduce most of the human population is the cause of great division amongst us benevolent races. Many of the world governments have been involved with this dark warrior race, using their highly advanced technology, and allowing human abduction for experimental purposes. But we are the guardians of this solar system and we will not allow this evil agenda to succeed."

That is the point when everything seemed to explode around us. A huge flash of burning light, a scream then darkness.


When I next opened my eyes, everything was pitch black around me. The candle flames had been extinguished and a deep penetrating silence seemed to envelop us.

I shifted slowly and pulled myself up into the seated position. Everyone was stirring around me. I heard a moan to my right. My skin felt warm as if I'd been sunbathing and beads of sweat stood out upon my forehead. "Mum?" I heard Effie's voice whisper beside me. I reached out and took her hand.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yes, I think so. I feel dizzy, confused and hot as if I've been out in the sun." She answered.

"Me too." I whispered.

"Guys, are you all okay?" I heard Ronnie's voice then torchlight lit up the space around us.

"Are we all present?" Jim's voice now.

"Francis is missing. Can anyone see him? And where is Emilie?" Peter's voice came from the opposite side.

I looked around me. I couldn't see either Emilie or JJ. And, as expected, Francis was nowhere to be seen.

"Francis, are you ok?" I heard Ronnie shouting out into the darkness and shining his torch. I made my way over to him, feeling completely spaced out and surreal. I touched his arm gently.

"Ronnie, I don't think we are going to find him. But if we do..." I hesitated and Ronnie swung round to look at me. Words were not needed. He swallowed hard and a momentary look of confusion followed by sadness crossed his face. "I see." He said quietly.

"Let's gather up our things and make our way back to the house, then we can talk. Maybe Emile and JJ are there." Said Summer, clearly avoiding the subject of Francis.

We slowly gathered up our things and silently made our way back to the house, like a group of zombified individuals, all struggling to compute what we had just experienced.

We trekked into the large spacious living room and sank down onto the sofas. Ronnie threw himself onto the floor instead and lay staring up at the ceiling.

"Effie come help me make some tea for everyone." Summer and Effie left the room leaving me with Ronnie, Peter, Jim and Laura and Ricardo. Three people missing.

"Skye, tell them." Ronnie spoke quietly.

They all stared at me with puzzled looks on their faces, evidently still reeling from the night's events which each of us would have experienced in quite different ways.

"Sorry, guys, before I say anything, I can't help but notice that we all look rather red, almost slightly sunburned. It's bizarre." We all stared at each other with curiosity.

"Radiation? Something to do with the intensely powerful lights emitted from the ship?" Peter was the first to reference what had just happened to us all.

"Oh my God! I still can't believe what just happened! I'm gone. Just can't even begin to get my head round it." Ronnie voice from the floor echoed all our own feelings judging by the dazed look on everyone's faces.

I cleared my throat. "Earlier today when I went to fetch Francis for supper, we sat and chatted. He opened up to me and I promised not to tell any of you till after. He knew what was coming on all levels, and had made the decision, it was his time to go. He left me instructions for his things. He chose to leave with the visitors and tonight they confirmed one of us would go. I don't know what to expect if he will have simply vanished into thin air or if we will find his..."

My voice trailed off. I couldn't bring myself to say the word, 'body'. I prayed he had vanished as I could not even begin to fathom how we would explain his mysterious death if a body was found.

Everyone stared at me in shock. Laura began to cry, silent tears running down her face. Ricardo pulled her close. Peter too began to cry and put his head in his hands. Jim looked sad and put a hand upon Peter's shoulder. Francis had been part of their group for a long time now and would be sorely missed I knew.

Peter looked up at us all. "He was a good man, a loyal friend and companion from the beginning. He understood everything, everything I wanted to achieve, everything we wanted to achieve as a group. He was my mentor. He knew if he had told me I would have tried to stop him, but I understand his reasons and respect them. That's why he confided in you Skye."

The girls appeared with the tea and handed them out silently. Peter looked up at Summer. "He told you too, didn't he? Just before we arrived. I saw your face. You looked sad." Summer nodded looking emotional.

"Tomorrow morning, in daylight, we will go out and search the area. If of course we find him..." Ricardo too was struggling to say the words. "We will have to inform the police. We will have to find an explanation; we will have to inform his family and friends elsewhere..." His voice trailed off.

"It's okay. He wrote letters and left them in his cabin. We will send them. But yeah, I'm a little scared what we will find tomorrow too." Nobody spoke for a while as we sipped our tea and mourned the loss of Francis.

Finally, it was Jim who broke the silence. "We've been through a mind- blowing experience tonight and we don't have to discuss it now if you don't wish to, but I do think we need to raise the subject of Emilie and JJ. The fact that we have not spoken about them nor looked for them confirms to me that we all heard the same thing from the Pleiadeans." He said quietly.

Ronnie sat up straight and looked at us all.

"I agree Jim. I know Francis is the most important thing right now, but I just need to have this conversation! I mean, what the fuck? Like, I've let on before that I've seen and heard a lot of weird shit in my time in the military, and I get that Jim too has some knowledge and experience of this stuff but never in my life did I think I'd actually get to experience this first hand, see them for myself. Man, it's blown my mind!" He whistled and slapped his forehead as if to wake himself up from a bad dream.

"I saw it all, the beings surrounding us and then I saw her, Emilie; I swear to God she mutated, or shape shifted or whatever the fuck you people call this, I'm telling you she went from beautiful chick to this thing." He visibly shivered.

"I saw it too mate." Jim intercepted. "She's of the Draco species and as far as I've been told, they can shape shift. They seem to be of the malevolent kind, negative aliens, predators. Apparently, the Draco reptilians perceive themselves to be amongst the most intelligent in the universe. I'm far from being an expert I'm just relaying information I heard on some secret operations, especially during my time at CERN. I don't know if some or all of them have mind controlling abilities and, worse, I was told do not possess a soul body or emotional body. Alien psychopaths!"

We all sat frozen in shock. So much to take in, I wasn't sure how much more my brain could take.

Jim continued, "It's true, the Earth based reptilian races have collaborated with the Cabal on many secret programs including hidden space projects. They are a very dark force amongst us. I never thought the day would come that I could share this kind of information without being ridiculed or deemed insane!

You know something else I heard that suddenly hit me, was about the Nordics, another alien race, who obviously, as their name suggests, are blonde Nordic looking aliens, who look very much like humans. I've heard conflicting stories about them from peace loving entities to dark stories about them, connecting them with the Eugenics movements and of course, The Nazis. I was told they were directly involved with Hitler. That's when for me, the penny dropped about his so -called obsession with the Aryan race: which are not Nordic, they are from Persia. These aliens must be the perfect superior race he alluded to! The Nazis developed space technology, again secret space programs with the aid of alien species. Why do you think the Americans were so anxious to take all these talented scientists, engineers, technicians to form NASA ?

They knew all along too. There's too much to say right now but 'The Nazi Bell', 'Die Glocke' this is another completely way out there story, the so- called wonder weapon. It is said the Nazis visited the moon, Mars and beyond. I believe all these things were hidden in the secret underground Nazi base in Antarctica. It was also declared a safe zone in the Fifties, an area of scientific research and cooperation, under the control of the American military."

Jim was speaking excitedly as if he'd been waiting for this moment for years. He seemed to be deeply relieved to finally share information that had obviously weighed heavily on his heart.

"You know, I believe a lot of those who practice Satanism or have directly seen what they call the Devil, or demons, I believe it's these guys that they've seen, The Draco I mean!"

"Mate, phew! I'm so glad you've shared all this!" Ronnie broke in.

"I heard stuff like that about the Nazis and alien technology but never saw the real evidence. I saw a lot of stuff that didn't make sense and I knew a lot of the excuses for invading certain nations were bullshit. The public was lied to continuously. There were times we were on secret missions, and certain 'artefacts' were discovered that no one was ever allowed to discuss. Forget Indiana Jones mate, we saw it all! Thought I was going mad! I heard about different underground bases in New Mexico, Wales, Switzerland, Sweden, and North Africa, all that was top secret stuff too. But Yeah, tonight when I saw Emilie, man it was dark. She changed into this hideous giant reptile looking thing. Massively powerful and massively repulsive." Jim was nodding excitedly at Ronnie's words.

"For some reason, the term 'Draconian measures' just popped into my head. Is that anything to do with the Draco?" I asked.

"Good point." Answered Jim." Well actually, I believe Draco was a Greek legislator from Athens in Ancient Greece-apparently his laws were exceptionally harsh and the death penalty was the chosen punishment for even minor offences. Well that was what I read anyway. Who knows, maybe he was an Alpha Draconian if he was that cruel?

"I don't like the sound of any of this" interrupted Summer. "It's all so dark! But then who were the light beings, the visitors? Were they to be trusted? Were they the Nordics? What happened to Emilie? I'm so tired and confused." She said wearily.

"No, I don't believe they were the Nordics. I believe they were Pleiadeans of Taygeta." I found myself saying...

They all looked at me with curiosity. I shook my head as if to say, don't ask me because once again I have no idea where that information came from, but I continued speaking, nonetheless.

"We've begun the seven year shift of consciousness. It began in 2018 more or less and will finish around 2025. This is going to be exceedingly difficult for all those who are unprepared mentally and spiritually. We need to work on ourselves continuously, spend time in deep meditation, find peace amongst this external chaos and be prepared to have everything we once believed was reality, to completely unravel before our very eyes. We will see many signs in the sky now on an almost continuous basis, some of this is due to the weakening of the Earth's magnetosphere. Be aware too with this continuing weakness, we are in danger from increased levels of cosmic radiation. If it becomes significantly weakened, then that is the end of life as we know it for humanity. You will have to take shelter underground or in caves, only the hard shell of the Earth can protect you. This practice run, this simulation of self- isolation in the face of a so- called pandemic is just the beginning.

This is a test to see the obedience of humans, some of this is for very dark intentions and some is to protect humanity as much as possible but not from the virus. The virus never was the end game, this virus is far too weak to decrease the human population. Be aware, be very aware of what comes next.

Remember, every day spend time in silence and self -reflection. Be aware of the signs we are sending you. We are present as your guides but only if you care to listen." I felt exhausted and slumped back onto the sofa.

We sat in silence once again. It seemed to be a continuous ebb and flow of excitement, shock then silence. No wonder we were all so exhausted with these constant revelations. My only consolation was, that we would not be hit so hard as those around the planet who were completely unaware and unprepared for what was about to happen and what was already truly happening. I thought about the warnings of great floods of biblical proportions and earthquakes. How can you truly prepare for anything such as that? A cave upon a mountain top? As extreme as it sounded, I was beginning to think perhaps it wasn't such a crazy idea after all...

"Guys, I think we should get some rest. We must recharge our batteries physically and mentally. We are being bombarded daily now and tomorrow will be no different. I have a strong feeling the police will be visiting and it won't be a cordial visit. If those lights were visible from the village, I believe it won't just be the police turning up tomorrow to investigate. And now with Francis missing and God knows what Emile has done..." We all shivered at the thought of Ronnie's reptilian description of her.

"Lock your doors too" Said Ronnie.

"Actually, no, forget that! Maybe we should all camp out down here tonight instead. Stay together. We can take turns, me and Jim, Ricardo, and Peter to do watch. I'm not trusting any fucker right now." We all agreed it was the safest option and traipsed upstairs to get our bedding and prepare for sleep.

Effie grabbed my hand. "Mum, I'm scared. I know what Xantheus told us and I believe these visitors were part of his race. I don't believe they mean us any harm; I can feel it in my gut. But Emilie." She shivered visibly.

"I know, I feel the same as you. It's a big shock, all of this, for the human mind to take in. But we are strong Effie! We're extraordinarily strong! Look at how our lives have changed literally in a matter of days. We have literally lived the equivalent of a lifetime's adventure compared to many. But we must take heed at what the visitors said. We must rest, eat healthily, and meditate. Our bodies and minds are being attacked right now on all levels and we must protect ourselves and encourage each other. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall. Strength in numbers."

I pulled her round to face me. "You and Summer are the youngest in the group. You are the generation that will take humanity forward whether it be on the remnants of Old Earth or the New Earth. I have no idea what will happen in the end, but I don't doubt that you and Summer will be amongst the leaders of the future. I have complete faith in the both of you, individually and as a team, no matter what happens to the rest of us."

She swallowed hard and nodded. "Please don't say that last bit again. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you." I gripped her shoulders hard and continued staring deeply into her eyes as if looking into her soul. "I promise I won't say it again. I don't need to; it is already said. All of us die Effie, sooner or later. It's simply a transition, a return to source. I simply pray that it is as peaceful and painless a transition as possible. But don't worry about that right now, first we've got to get through tonight!"

We both laughed somewhat forlornly and went about our preparations. When I had thought about parenthood and preparing my child for the world and adulthood, I have to admit World War three, Pandemics and alien invasions were not on my list of concerns...

And there was me worrying about unwanted pregnancies and all the other things 'normal' parents worry about for their daughters. Now I wondered if there would indeed be any more children in the future and who would want to bring a child into this deeply uncertain world? I momentarily felt sad that I'd never know what it felt like to be a grandparent, but knew I should thank my lucky stars that I'd been fortunate enough to raise a beautiful child before the world had turned so ugly.

That night we all tossed and turned, none of us got much rest. I was very thankful for Ronnie's idea of keeping watch, and once again thankful for his military past. I felt as safe as one possibly could with the threat of a huge reptile potentially trying to devour us in our sleep! I thought

back to my childhood and all my family members, and despite the deep sadness I felt at many of their passing, I was also glad they were not around to witness all of this. To have frail elderly family members and young children during this time, would be extremely difficult.

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