Wildest Dreams

By lovelybucky

102K 3.2K 3K

After waking up from one of the most vivid dreams he has ever had, Spencer Reid searches for the woman who ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
From the Dining Table

Chapter 5

3.2K 97 87
By lovelybucky

I fiddle with the files in my hand as I lay my head against the back of my seat and listen to Hotch and JJ debrief us about our latest case on our way to Reno. I am vaguely aware of Emily at my side, her head turned, probably to see if I am paying attention. To my credit, I am paying attention, if only enough to have a basic understanding of the case.

"There has been a series of six poison-related deaths in the past year months. I know that is a very large timeframe, but each body was found with the same type of poison in their system, so we have reason to believe it is related", JJ says.

"There is no evidence of any assault of victims, both male and female, and there doesn't seem to be any signs that could point to the unsub seeking revenge. That's not to say these are random kills, but that the unsub has very good control over their emotions and is very organized."

"The lack of violence and method of operation leads me to believe that our unsub is a woman. Because of the length of time between the deaths, I want to start with victimology."

JJ hands packets of stapled paper to each of us and we all slip through the booklets.

"We're each going to slip up and talk to the victim's families. You have the basic information you need in those packets. Take thorough notes and we'll meet back at the police station to compare. Any questions?", Hotch asks?

No one speaks up, so Hotch dismisses us from the jet. We each get into the cars that are waiting for us on the landing strip and go to our locations. Usually, I avoid driving as much as possible, so to say I am rusty is an understatement.

After what should have been a ten-minute ride, I arrive at the Wells household. I take a deep breath as I stand on their porch, collecting myself before I speak to them. I knock on the door and I can hear shuffling from inside.

The door swings open and a teenage boy is standing in the doorway.

"I'm Dr. Spencer Reid from the FBI", I say as I show him my badge. "Are your parents home?"

He nods and steps aside to let me in. He leads me into the living room where his parents are sitting.

"Mom, Dad, why is the FBI here?", he asks.

They both stand up and I show them my badge again, which seems to make them relax.

"I have some questions for you about your daughter", I tell them.

"Oh... please sit. Would you like anything to drink?", the mother says.

Her coping mechanism is taking care of others.

"No thank you", I say as I sit on the plush couch. "Your daughter Mia was found... dead six months ago, correct?"

"Y-yes", the father says.

"I know it was a while ago, but I need you to think back", I say gently. "Was your daughter showing any... unusual behavior?"

"What do you mean?", Mrs. Wells asks.

"Was she spending time with anyone who you may feel was a bad influence on her?"

"No, Mia was a good girl and so are her friends. The only time she would go out was to go to the library downtown and occasionally to the diner."

"She wasn't in any romantic relationships at the time?"

"Mia was never interested in boys. She focused on school and she spent most of her time at the college."

"Um, actually...", the boy, Justin, says.

"What is it?", I ask.

"Mia had a... girlfriend."

Mr. Wells scoffs and Mrs. Wells looks shocked.

"They were dating for about two months before she... But she only told me a week before. I think her name was Leora or something."

"And she never told us?", Mr. Wells huffed.

"Your daughter's sexual orientation is not important right now. We want to find your daughter's killer and get you closure, so I need you to tell me everything you know."

I take my notepad from my bag on the couch and flip to a blank page. I scribble in the corner to make sure the pen is working before I start to write.

"Her name was Leora? Is that her full name?", I ask.

"I'm not sure. She didn't tell me anything other than her first name", Justin replies.

"Have you ever seen her?"

"Just once when she picked Mia up. She had blonde hair and she was a little bit taller than Mia."

"How tall was Mia?", I ask her parents.

"She was five-foot-seven", her dad answers, and I record his answer in my notebook.

"Okay, is there anything else you can remember about her?"

"No, that's it. I'm sorry"

"That's okay. You gave us a basic description and a name, that's enough to get started."

I stand from the couch and put my notebook away. I thank the family for their cooperation before I get back in the rental car. While I am driving to the police station, I turn on the radio so the music could distract me from my thoughts.

"I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit. Been saying 'Yes' instead of 'No'. I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though. I hit the ground running each night, I hit the Sunday matinee. You know the greatest films of all time were never made."

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