Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season...

By crazychica44

16.1K 211 19

Kenzie Dawson and her cousin Ally, another brilliant yet shy songwriter and Austin, an extroverted musician... More

ch 1 Rockers & Writers
CH 2 Kangaroos & Chaos
CH 3 Secrets & Songbooks
CH 4 Zaliens, Pie,& Cloud Watchers
CH 5 Bloggers & Butterflies
CH 6 Tickets & Trash bags
ch7 managers & meatballs
CH 8 club owners & quinceaรฑeras
CH 10 world records & work wreckers
CH 11 songwriting & starfish
CH 12 Soup & Stars
CH 13 Burglaries & boobytraps
CH 14 MyTAB & My Pets
CH 15 Film Making & Fear Breaking
CH 16 Diners & Daters
CH 17 Everglades & Allygators
CH 18 successes & setbacks
CH 19

CH 9 Deejays & Demos

332 6 0
By crazychica44

Interior. Sonic Boom

Ally:(Talking to a senior citizen trying to buy an electric guitar) Are you sure you want *this* guitar, sir? It's just that we don't sell many of these to people your age. (The man seems to take offense to this remark as he pulls down his glasses, which she clearly notices) 'cause you have to be at least 21, and clearly you're not. Can I see your I.D. please?

Old Man:(Grabs the guitar, mounts it on one knee, and plays an Eddie Van Halen-style guitar riff. Think of a short version of "Eruption," and you'll get the idea.)

Kenzie:(Awestruck) Will you be our grandpa?

Old Man: (Nods, and goes to put the guitar back on the rack.)

Trish:(Walking into Sonic Boom in another goofy uniform, doing her usual pose.) Guess who got a job at the Greeting Card Store? Here, give this to me.

Ally:(perplexed) Okay. (takes a card from her and then gives it back)

Trish:Congratulations on your new job. Aw, thanks. You shouldn't have. (pulls Ally down for a hug)

Ally:It was nothing.

Austin:(Austin and Dez come running into Sonic Boom full of excitement.) You're not gonna believe this. Dez, give 'em the news.

Dez:Um, sure. The mayor gave a speech today, there's a ten percent chance of rain, and in sports, the Dolphins...

Austin:No, not that news. I'm doing my first radio interview. Miami Mack from F.M. 109 is broadcasting live from the beach!

Trish:That's great Austin. Ooh, here. (hands Austin a card)

Austin:Congratulations on your first radio interview... (opens the card) live from the beach? I didn't know they made cards for that.

Trish:They make cards for everything.

Ally:(walks around from behind the counter) Austin, this is huge. Miami Mack is the most popular DJ in Florida.

Austin:I'm surprised you know who he is. I thought you only listened to dorky books on tape.

Ally:Whaaaaat? All the cool kids listen to Miami Mack in the morning.

Austin:(chuckles) He's on in the afternoon.

Ally:Uhhh, morning is what the cool kids call the afternoon.

Ally sits down with Kenzie to organize some instructional CD's

Dez:Ugh. This whole interview thing must be so hard for you, Ally,Kenz.

Ally:What do you mean?

Dez:(sits down and tries to help Ally and Kenzie) I mean you two not getting asked to be on the radio with Austin. Everybody gets to hear how talented he is, but it's like you're both invisible.

Kenzie:(grabs a CD out of his hand) Well, I wouldn't put it like that...

Dez:(interrupts her and grabs another CD) But not invisible in a cool way like a superhero. More like an uncool way like... like songwriters who doesn't get to be on the radio.

Trish:Okay Dez, we get it. Ally's an invisible, uncool nobody and Kenzie's unpopular. Now stop it before you hurt their feelings!

Austin:Ally and Kenzie's not invisible or unpopular. Ally just doesn't like the spotlight and Kenzie doesn't sing in public .

Ally:Yeah, because I have stage fright.

kenzie: and just cause i've never had reason to sing in public doesn't mean i won't cue butterfly song

Austin:See guys. It's...

Kenzie:Although it would be nice to get some recognition.

Ally: in a perfect world, I could get up on stage and sing and dance as cool as Austin. (Starts going into her goofy dance routine)

Austin:In a perfect world, you'd never do that again. (The rest of Team Austin agrees, and Ally smirks at them with disapproval)

Theme Song

Exterior. Mall of Miami

An angelic voice accompanied by piano can be heard from the vicinity of the second floor of Sonic Boom. It's Kenzie Dawson working on a song called "What if," the kind of song that Austin clearly would never sing. Cut to an interior scene of her working on the song in the practice room, then of Austin standing by the door as she finishes it off, quite impressed with her. Kenzie smiles at a job well-done which is interrupted by Austin's applause.

Kenzie:(startled) Austin, how long have you been standing there?

Austin:Not that long.

Kenzie:You didn't see me do my vocal warm-ups, did you?

Cut to a flashback scene of Kenzie doing an incredibly silly series of noises and facial expressions that make her dancing look cool.

Austin:No, I didn't see anything.

Kenzie:Phew. (She turns around, and Austin mimics some of those vocal warm-ups. Kenzie smirks/smiles at him)

Austin:I just came in to get a copy of "A Billion Hits" to play for Miami Mack.

Kenzie:There's some on the table.

Austin:(Searches through some CD-Roms, then pauses) Hey, that song sounded great. But the lyrics are little girly.

Kenzie:Well, that's great because the lyrics are for me, (sing-song) and I'm a girlie. (back to normal) I write songs for myself sometimes. But I'm never going to perform them, so I just record them for fun.

Austin:You don't care about all that stuff Dez said, do you? About being invisible and not getting recognition?

Kenzie:Does this look like somebody who cares? (Lamely dances)

Austin:Good, 'cause I could never do what I do without you. You're awesome.

Kenzie:Thanks, Austin.

Dez:(Standing by the practice room door) Awww.

Austin:Dez, are you spying on us?

Dez:What? No, I said 'awww' because I saw the cutest kid destroy the nicest violin down there. Awww.

Kenzie: What?! (frantically runs out of the practice room downstairs to the showroom)

Austin: Kenzie just wrote the best song for herself. It's really good.

Dez:Too bad no one's ever gonna hear it.

Austin:Maybe they will. I think I know a way for people to finally hear how talented Kenzie is.


Austin:I know. I'm a nice guy.

Dez:Hmm? Oh no. I just never noticed this poster of the bunny and the puppy before.

Brief cut to the very poster Dez describes, which is on the refrigerator in the practice room

Austin & Dez:Awwww.

Exterior. South Beach, Miami Beach

Standard B-rolls of the scenery of the Miami Beach area, then of local disc jockey Miami Mack sitting a table next to Austin with a group of young fans surrounding them, mostly girls.

Miami Mack:Welcome to FM 109. I'm Miami Mack and we're live from sunny South Beach with Austin Moon. (applause) Alright, now, It is time for our number one fan challenge! (fanfare music and applause) The winner gets to hang out with Austin Moon for a day. Who wants to play?

Dez:(jumping around frantically) Ooh! Pick me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick me!

Miami Mack:You in the clown shorts! (Dez hoots triumphantly as he approaches Mack) Okay, I'm going to flip a coin for your fan challenge. Heads, you get a nice easy scavenger hunt. Tails you have to wrestle with a hungry alligator.

Trish:(crossing her fingers and squinting) Please be alligator, Please be alligator, Pleeease be alligator!

Miami Mack:(Mack flips the coin, which clearly has to be two-headed) Heads, Scavenger Hunt! (applause) Okay, you are going on a musical scavenger hunt. You have five minutes to bring back every item on this list.

Dez:I'm on it! (bolting through the crowd) Out of the way! I'm on a scavenger hunt! Out of the way!...

Miami Mack:Now, the moment we have all been waiting for; AUSTIN MOON'S NEW SINGLE!!

The audience applauds as Mack and Austin sit down. Unbeknownst to Mack, when Austin turns on the CD player, it plays a copy of "What if," this time accompanied by guitar. Austin & Kenzie smile and gesture at each other in excitement. Trish and Ally do too. Mack is naturally suspicious.

Miami Mack:Uhh, Austin,... that doesn't sound like you.

Austin:(clearly fake) You're right. That's not me. I must've brought the wrong CD.

Ally:(still excited) Oh, my Gosh! she's on the radio, she's on the radio,she's on the radio!! (suddenly becomes ominous), she's on the radio!

Ally bites the usual lock of hair, whimpering as she ducks down from the crowd as Trish gives her a sympathetic hug. Nevertheless, everyone there is thrilled.

Miami Mack:I don't know who that was, but man! That song was great!

Austin:That was one of my partners Kenzie Dawson. The most talented singer-songwriter I know.

Miami Mack:Well, I'd really like to give her some props.

Austin:Great idea.

Miami Mack:Live and in person!

Miami Mack:How about you and Kenzie come back and perform together live this Friday?

Austin:Live? I don't think that's such a good idea... (Mack interrupts him)

Miami Mack:(To his audience) Alright if you want to hear Austin & Kenzie perform live scream "Yay-ah!"

Crowd, including Trish: Yay-ah!

Ally gives her a look that says "how could you do this to her?," which makes Trish change her reply.


Miami Mack:Great. Then tune in this Friday, to hear Austin Moon and Kenzie perform live! (audience applauds)

Dez:(Returning and dragging a cowboy along for some reason). 'Scuse me. Coming through, Coming through. Okay, I got everything on the list; An accordion, a tambourine, and a cowboy.

Miami Mack:Oh, that list said cowbell.

Dez:Aw, man. I must've read it wrong. I really wanted to hang out with Austin. Well, at least I still have you, Cowboy. (The cowboy walks off) Aw come on, Clint!

Ally:Well, what is she going to do, Trish? I always freak out when I have to perform.

Trish:What if I can get Miami Mack to let you wrestle the alligator?

Ally:How does that help?

Trish:It doesn't. But I really want to see somebody wrestle an alligator.

Exterior. Mall of Miami, then Interior

Ally, Kenzie, and Trish are walking through the mall with ice cream cones.

Austin:(running through the mall to find Kenzie) Kenzie, I'm so sorry you'll have to perform.

Kenzie: Please, it's not your fault. You brought the wrong CD. It was an accident.

Austin:(scoff) Yeah, it was an accident. (scoff) I didn't purposely bring the wrong C.D. so you'd get recognition (scoff) Why would I do that?

Kenzie:I'm not accusing you of doing that.

Austin:Okay, I did it.


Austin:Um, Trish, help me out.

Trish:What? You think they make an "I'm sorry for playing your song on the radio, I didn't know it would backfire but you deserve recognition" card? Actually, they do.

Kenzie: (Trish gives Austin the card, andKenzietakes it from him) I can't believe it. That you would do that,... and that they would make a card for it.

Trish:I know. Right?

Austin:I just want people to know how talented you are.

Kenzie: I appreciate what your trying to do, but now what? I doon't need Recognition.

Interior. Sonic Boom

Kenzie: Okay, so what's your big plan?

Austin:I know a guy who can get you to realize you deserve recognizion so you will perform on Friday. A man with incredible powers. The Amazing Dezmo.

Dez:(Emerging from a curtain wearing a turban) It is I, Dezmo. Master of Mystery.

Trish:I solved the mystery. It's the dork in a stupid hat.

Dez:I'll have you know, I'm a skilled hypnotist. I've had extensive training in the mystical arts.

Austin:He spent a week in a hypnotism camp in the mall parking lot.

Dez:I thought we were in Hawaii.

Austin:You were hypnotized to think that. (to Kenzie) It's a really good camp.

Ally:This isn't going to work.

Dez:Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Hypnotism is really simple. I'll just put you in a trance and give you a trigger word to control your behavior. I already tested it out on Austin.

Austin:No you didn't.


Austin:(Meows like a cat, and licks his "paw," a.k.a.; wrist)


Austin:(stops acting like a cat) So did you guys finish hypnotizing Kenzie?

Kenzie:(laughs impressively with Trish and Ally) Okay, Dez. I'll give it a shot.

Dez:(Places a spinning disc in her face) Stare into the swirly lines. Focus on the swirly lines. You are getting sleepy. Very sleepy. You can hardly stay awake. (starts to get tired himself, instead) You're falling into a deep... deep... sleep. (Conks out directly on Kenzie's left shoulder.)

Ally:The Amazing Dezmo, everybody. (applauds sarcastically)

Austin:I really wanted this to work. I want the world to know who Kenzie Dawson is.

Kenzie: Well, what's the big deal? No one knows me now.Even if I perform it's a duet

Austin:(suddenly gets an idea) Yeah. It is a Duet. It is a Duet!

It is a Duet

Kenzie: (nervously laughing,) Okay, we get it. It's a duet.

Austin:No. i can sing with you, so everybody can hear you sing. We can have me preform with you during the radio interview.

Ally:But what about the fact you don't know the lyrics?

Austin:I can learn before tomorrrow.

Ally: I don't know, it seems like a lot to pull off. And ... (turns her head to realize Austin is already reading the lyrics) Okay, this'll work.

Trish:You guys go get ready. I'll wake Dez (A&K walk away, and Trish and Ally approach Dez, still asleep on the bench) This is The Great Trish-ini. When you hear the word "song," you'll think there's a mouse in your pants. Awaken! (claps twice to wake him up).

Dez:Whew. What happened?

Trish:Well, we figured out what to do about Kenzie's song...

Dez:(Begins flinching at his crotch and laughing in a goofy manner) MOUSE IN MY PANTS! MOUSE IN MY PANTS! (Continues laughing as he sits down on the bench, trying to shake the "mouse" out.)

Exterior. South Beach, Miami Beach

More B-rolls of the scenery of the Miami Beach area, then of the same outdoor studio with Miami Mack and fans. Dez and Ally poke their heads out of a nearby tent in order to make sure the coast is clear, then pop back in.

Interior. The tent near the Miami Mack studio. Dez makes some adjustments to some HM radio equipment on a table

Exterior. FM 109 outdoor studio

Kenzie gives Austin the thumbs up that her song is about to start

Kenzie:(to Austin) i'm ready to sing.

Miami Mack:Great! Because we're waiting for you to sing.

Austin:Let's just do the song.

Interior. The tent.

Exterior. FM 109 outdoor studio

Austin starts playing his guitar as Kenzie goes into the first verse of "What if. All seems to be going relatively well.

Returning to Opera: Kenzie and Austin resume singing the song which fortunately is about to come to an end. After the song ends, Austin plays a few notes on his guitar.

Austin:(Raising "devil horns") Thank you, Miami! (He and Kenzie take off)

Interior. Sonic Boom

Kenzie:Uh, I know the interview didn't go so well, but thanks for trying to share the spotlight with me.

Austin:Listen, it doesn't matter if the world doesn't know how talented you are. I always will.

Kenzie: Thanks, Austin. (they hug)

Dez:(Off-screen) Awww.

Ally:I know. He's a nice guy.

Dez:What? No, I was just checking my tonsils. Awwww.

Trish:(Entering Sonic Boom) Guess who's on the cover of Miami Music. (Holding up a magazine with Kenz and Austin) Austin and Kenzie!

Ally:I can't believe it.

Trish:I know. Kenz and Austin are on the cover of a magazine.

Dez:Wow. They must've really liked your interview

Kenzie: I think Kenzie (pointing to herself) did a pretty good job, if I may say so myself.

Ally:Yeah, Ally doesn't think so.

Dez:Well, "Ally's" (pointing to himself) just glad this all worked out. (the rest of the team look at him funny) I'm sorry, I'm not sure how this game works. "Ally'll" be over there. (walks away)

Miami Mack:(Entering Sonic Boom) Ahh, there you are. I just wanted to say that the way you sang and your voice on my show was amazing! Kenzie Dawson, you are a true talent!

Kenzie: Thanks. (both realize they were caught)

Interior. Practice Room

Ally:Hey, Trish. Your boss from the card store dropped this off.

Trish:Oh. (reading the card) "I hate to come off like a mean old jerk, but it's been three days since you came to work. I hope this is news that you desired. Because I'm happy to say you're so fired?!"

Ally:That is so specific. How many of these cards can they possibly sell?

Trish:Actually, this is the fifth one someone's given me.

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