Frightened of the Shadows (Ed...

بواسطة Nobody8524

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What will happen if Melanie Di Angelo, twin sister to Nico di Angelo, decided to leave Camp Half-Blood for so... المزيد

Book 1: Twilight
Character Introduction
Chapter 01: The Journey Begins
Chapter 02: New Arrival
Chapter 03: First Day
Chapter 04: The Meeting
Chapter 05: Conversations
Chapter 06: The Accident
Chapter 07: Better Off
Chapter 08: Progress
Chapter 09: La Push, Baby
Chapter 10: Trouble
Chapter 11: Confessions
Chapter 12: Discovering The Truth
Chapter 14: Opening Up
Chapter 15: New Developments
Chapter 16: Meeting The Family
Chapter 17: Bull Fighting
Chapter 18: The Game
Chapter 19: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 20: Biding Time
Chapter 21: The Duel
Chapter 22: The After Party
Book 2: New Moon
Chapter 01: Birthday plans
Chapter 02: The Party
Chapter 03: The Aftermath
Chapter 04: Bidding her Farewell
The Passing of Time
Chapter 05: Visitor
Chapter 06: For Just A Moment
Chapter 07: Hanging Out
Chapter 08: Bella's First Monster
Chapter 09: The Hike
Chapter 10: Unexpected Traveler
Chapter 11: Strange Turn Of Events
Chapter 12: Tribal Meeting
Chapter 13: The Return
Chapter 14: Bad News
Chapter 15: Conflict
Chapter 16: Misunderstandings
Chapter 17: The Race Is On
Chapter 18: Out Of The Frying Pan
Chapter 19: Dodging A Bullet
Chapter 20: Late Night Conversations
Chapter 21: Voting
Chapter 22: A Much Needed Conversation
Book 3: Eclipse
Chapter 01: Another Beginning
Chapter 02: Unnecessary Precautions
Chapter 03: Distractions
Chapter 04: Getting Some Distance
Chapter 05: Breaking The News
Chapter 06: More Lies
Chapter 07: Regretful Words
Chapter 08: Unwanted Company
Chapter 09: Compromise
Chapter 10: Admitting the truth
Chapter 11: Crossing the Boundary
Chapter 12: Legends
Chapter 13: That Damn Cringy Kiss
Chapter 14: Rosalie's Dark Beginning
Chapter 15: The Graduation and After Party
Chapter 16: Training
Chapter 17: Jasper's Haunting Memories
Chapter 18: Test
Chapter 19: Proposal
Chapter 20: The Night Before
Chapter 21: The Battle Begins
Chapter 22: Ding Dong The Bitch Is Dead
Chapter 23: The Volturi Finally Showed Up
Chapter 24: An Optimistic Outlook
Book 4: Breaking Dawn ~ Part 1
Chapter 01: Frightened of the Shadows
Chapter 02: The Blessing
Chapter 03: So Close
Chapter 04: I Do
Chapter 05: The Reception
Chapter 06: Start of the Honeymoon
Chapter 07: The Afterglow
Chapter 08: A Bad Dream
Chapter 09: Could It Be?
Chapter 10: True Intentions
Chapter 11: Alex Finds Out
Chapter 12: A Feud Between Friends
Chapter 13: Difficulties & Growth
Chapter 14: Welcome to the World
Book 5: Breaking Dawn~ Part 2
Chapter 01: Primary Protector
Chapter 02: A Brilliant Idea
Chapter 03: Welcome Home
Chapter 04: Retrospection
Chapter 05: Mistaken
Chapter 06: The Gathering
Chapter 07: Conviction
Chapter 08: On The Eve of War
Chapter 09: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 10: Temporal Tipping Point
Chapter 11: The Journey's End

Chapter 13: Confrontation And Acceptance

2.3K 76 14
بواسطة Nobody8524

Melanie arrived and waited at the top of the stairs leading to the school. The bell rings and students exit their classes. Her expression said that she was calm, excited and a little bit nervous. Across the lawn, Edward noticed Melanie and saw the intensity on her face. It made him stop abruptly in his tracks.

She got up and walked toward him, eyes meeting his. Her look spoke silently, 'We have to talk.' then continued on directly past him, into the dark forest that bordered the school.

He watched her disappear into the dense trees, then took a step to follow. Jasper instantly moved in front of him, Rosalie grabbed his arm. "Edward, don't." she tried to stop him, but Alice placed a hand over hers and gently removed it from his shoulder.

"He's already there." Alice confirmed then watched him go.

Melanie stood amid the opaque trees and shrubbery, waiting in silence as she looked up at the thick foliage above. Suddenly, and not all to soon, the sounds of the forest abruptly dropped out. A predator was near. Immediately, she had her sword out as she sensed his presence behind her. Slowly turning around to face him, she looked into his eyes with determination. "You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is unnaturally pale-white and ice-cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like... you're from another time."

She stepped forward, her steady sword raised with one hand, her fear was the last thing in her mind as confidence took over. "You never eat or drink, or come out into the sunlight. And you said no to the beach trip only after you heard where it was. Because of the treaty." This last comment registered with him. She stepped even closer, the tip of her sword now resting at the center of his chest. "How old are you?"

"Seventeen." he vaguely answered, his eyes never leaving hers.

"And how long have you been seventeen?" she reiterated with a firm tone. He could see that he couldn't hide anymore. Honesty was an enormous risk, but he had to take it.

"...A while."

She nodded knowing that was the best she was going to get for the time being. "I know what you are."

"Say it." he challenged. "Out loud. Say it... Please." He needed to hear her say it. Confirm her suspicions openly.

The entire forest was deathly silent as she whispered out, "...vampire..." They seemed to hover in momentary stasis, him utterly exposed, her reality shifting ever so slightly.

"Are you afraid?" Edward asked, making her shake her head and lower her weapon; dissolving it back into her bracelet.

"No." she finally answered, intrigue taking over her caution.

He grew angry, "Then ask me the most basic question: What do we eat?"

Melanie rolled her eyes, "You're not going to hurt me. You're different. That, and I won't allow it." she threatened subtly.

"You think you know me?" he asked as he took a slow step towards her. As he glared at her, she held her ground without a hint of consternation in her system. Suddenly, he took her hand and began quickly leading her further up the mountain.

"Where are we going?" her voice was light and curious.

"Up the mountain. Out of the cloud bank. You need to see what I really am. What I look like in the harsh light of the sun." to which made her furrow her brow.

"Won't you, like, burn up or something?" her mind going back to when she read 'Interview With The Vampire'. 

"Myth. You need to see the truth." his voice was harsh, judging, but not of her. He pulled her forward but she stumbled a bit.

"Slow down, holy Hades." she grumbled as she stepped over a log.

Suddenly and without delay, he was beside her, "Are you afraid?"

She scoffed, "Of falling on my ass, yes. Of you, no."

"Then come with me. Someplace where no one can protect you. Where I could do what I've wanted to do from the first moment I met you." Their proximity was intense, riveting both of them.

"I've seen worse than you. I've killed worse than you. I'm not afraid of some vampire." she retorted as she watched the ferns around her. When their eyes met, Edward couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by her striking beauty.

Abruptly and effortlessly, he scooped her up into his strong arms. "Hold on." She wrapped her arms around his neck as he cradled her comfortably. Then they were off.

Edward raced through the forest, dark trunks strobing past as he picked up speed, faster and faster like an airborne rocket. Melanie clung to him as it seemed like he'd collide with the trees, but was avoided with supernatural grace. She giggled in pure ecstasy. It was all very frightening, intoxicating, and over all adrenaline fueling. "Are you afraid?" he asked again, only to receive a loud giggle in return. To which brought an undeniable smirk to his features.

They climbed in altitude. Higher and higher, above the fog layer. Finally, up ahead the forest's edge was fast approaches, a clearing beyond. The sunlight glowed white hot beyond the trees... They were about to emerge from the shadowy darkness... but suddenly--

Melanie found herself standing beside a tree, trying to steady her racing heart. Then she realized she was alone. "Edward? Where are you?" She slowly walked forward into a perfect circle of swaying grass, wildflowers and buttery sunlight. She could also hear a stream churning somewhere nearby.

Melanie looked around some more and finally saw him. He had his shirt open and was standing nearby in the shade of some trees. He watched her cautiously. She took a subconscious step toward him, but he held his hand up making her pause. Finally, he took a deep breath and stepped out of the shade. "This is why we don't show ourselves in sunlight..."

As the sun hit him... Edward's skin literally sparkled as if embedded with thousands of tiny diamonds. He was magnificent, shimmering, like a statue carved from glittering crystal. He moved toward her. "This is what I am." He neared, clearly expecting her to recoil or run away. Her eyes were wide and her mouth slightly agape.

"You're... absolutely fascinating... Beautiful..." she mumbled, lost for words in astonishment. He then realized that she was in awe and not revulsion. She reached to touch him, but he immediately backed into the shadows, his skin normal again.

"Beautiful? I'm a killer, Melanie. This is the skin of a killer." His arm jutted out into a shaft of light, sparkling again. 

She scoffed. "And that's so bad, why? I've killed more monsters than I can count. But to some I'm a hero. It's all on perspective." she reasoned, crossing her arms over her chest.

His expression turned to a scowl, "I'm the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in-- my voice, my face, even my smell. As if I need any of that..." he growled, angry at himself more than anybody. He was then behind her in seconds-- then in front of her-- then by a tree to her left, darting so rapidly she could only see where he stopped. "As if you could outrun me! As if you could fight me off." He abruptly ripped off a large tree limb, then threw it against another tree trunk with explosive force. "I'm designed to kill."

"So am I." she shot back, not flinching an inch as he had his little temper tantrum. She walked over to three foot wide tree, brought out her sword and spun around in a perfect 360. In seconds, the tree began to disintegrate in black and red ash as it slowly tipped over. Just as it hit the ground, it exploded in a cloud of red and black ember like ash, leaving him to stare in complete shock. 

He then shook his head a bit and continued with his tirade. "I've killed people." he snapped, trying desperately to scare her away.

"I've killed bigger and badder. I've been to war, more than once."

"I wanted to kill you. I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life. I'm dangerous to you." he practically pleaded.

"Good think I'm not human, then." this made his eyes widen once again and walk closer to her in hesitation.

"What do you mean? What are you, then?" his voice had noticeably calmed, his curiosity taking over for the moment.

"I'm a demigod. Like from ancient Greek stories? My Godly parent is Hades. I don't remember my mother. But just after having our memories wiped, we were trapped in the Lotus Casino and Hotel, home of the Lotus Eaters, for about, oh, seventy years. From what I've been told, anyway." she explained joyfully, then waved her hand. "Nice to formally meetchya."

Edward could only stare at her, not completely believing what she was telling him. But as he could sense only sincerity coming from her, he stepped closer to her. "Me, and my family, we're different from others of our kind. We're not nomadic, we have a permanent home. We only hunt animals. We've learned to control our thirst..." he then shook his head again. "But you-- your scent, it's like a drug to me... my own personal brand of heroin."

She raised her eyebrows, "Well then. First of all, creepy. Second of all, you do sorta look like an addict." she joked while snapping her fingers and pointing at him. "And I thought you just hated me in the beginning."

He nodded while scrunching his features a bit. "I did. For making me want you so badly. I'm still not sure I can control myself."

She smiled as if he had proposed a wonderful plan. "I know you can." He felt utterly vulnerable as he looked at her, searching her face for clues. 

He sighed deeply, "I wish I could understand this thing you see in me. You look at me with those eyes..." he then grew exceedingly frustrated. "I can't ready your mind. Tell me what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking..." she then took his hand in hers. He was stricken yet again by the warmth her skin held. "That if you ever do hurt me, emotionally or otherwise, you're going to wish I just used my sword on you." (that's what she said lol)

Amazed and elated, they shared a small smile as he reached toward her neck. "You have no idea how long I've looked for you." As he traced her skin gently with his fingers, he instructed her to stay very still. He then began to trace her neck where her carotid artery was positioned. Her throat was so exposed, so vulnerable. The rush between them was overwhelming, but Melanie didn't move. He brushed his hand up to her cheek, then lowered it to her heart; to which was racing with excitement. They both felt overloaded with emotion, taking each other in. "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb." he practically whispered to himself.

She giggled, "What a stupid lamb."

He smiled just as largely, "What a sick, masochistic lion."

They spent the rest of the day laying in the field just watching each other. Completely in awe by the majesty that was one another.

"About three things I was absolutely certain of. One: Edward was a vampire, a creature of the night. Two: There was a part of her, her godly blood, that enticed his monstrous side to a dangerous, almost undeniable level. And three: She was falling unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."

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