#DREAMDAY: A (Mostly) TWICE B...

By jolofjester

164K 1.8K 285

Mostly TWICE x M Reader sm*t. (Almost) anything goes. Top ranks: #1 in misamo More

The Bet (Part 1): Just Practice [Sana x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 2): The Blind Date [Jihyo x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 3): More-Than-Friendly Competition [Mina x Chaeyoung x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 4): Backdoor Access [Nayeon x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 5): Moist Wet Waves [Tzuyu x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 6): Rising Action to Climax [Jeongyeon x Momo x Dahyun x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 7): A Heart-Shaped Arrow [Sana x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 1: Nayeon) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 2: Momo) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 3: Jihyo) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 4: Dahyun) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 5: Chaeyoung) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 6: Jeongyeon) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 7: Sana) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 8: Mina) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 9: Tzuyu) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet: Retrospective
[Nayeon x M Reader] Happy New Year
[Jeongyeon x M Reader] EAT SPIT!
[Jihyo x M Reader] Closer
[Mina x M Reader] A Precarious Predicament
[Dahyun x M Reader] Freaks (Part 1)
[Dahyun x M Reader] Freaks (Part 2)
[Chaeyoung x M Reader] Bite Me
[Tzuyu x M Reader] Ice Cream
[Yuqi x M Reader] The Queen Card

[Momo x Mina x M Reader] Beach Day

14.7K 125 36
By jolofjester

A/N: This is a standalone smut not related to The Bet storyline

But this might be one of the best things I've written

"This was a great idea."

"I know," Momo smiled. Her feet were up on the dashboard as you drove down the road. It was flanked by miles of bushes and sand on either side, dubbed a conservatory by the authorities. It made for great driving when the sky was blue and the roads were empty.

Your music played softly over the radio, and you bobbed your head to it as you turned slightly to the left.

I just want a art school chick, that really like foreign flicks

I just wanna (I just)

Boyfriend jeans and Vans for the kicks, that's still dumb thick

Girl, I just wanna (uh)

I just want a sports car, manual stick

Candy paint, Tokyo drift, let's shift

I just wanna blow your mind

And love you for you because right on time

Talk to me, say

You adjusted your sunglasses as Momo reached over for her drink. She took a delicate sip and held onto it. Her hair was blowing from the wind, and she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. "Fucking fantastic idea."

"I can tell someone's been stressed lately."

She scoffed. "Tell me about it. A girl can only sing so much before her voice gives out."

You looked out at the beach. "We should get a house on the beach."



"We'd have to clear that with Mina, you know."

"You think she'd say no?"


You took a deep breath of the ocean air. "We should come more often."

Momo turned to you and placed her hand on your shoulder, like she'd had a realization. "We're going to a shoot on the beach next week. For the comeback."

You glanced at her. "And?"

"Come with me!"

You chuckled. "I can't do that, Momo."

"Why not? I'll clear you with JYP. You can do some photography work—"

"I told you," you interrupted, "I don't want you two to try and advance my career." You were an aspiring photographer, but freelancing alone barely paid the bills. Looking for a solid job was hard, and even though your girlfriends had been pushing you for years, you didn't want to use their influence.

"I'm telling him."


"It's not what you think! I've showed him some of your work—"

You glared at her. "You what?"

"I showed him your portfolio!" Momo slapped the same shoulder she grabbed a moment ago. "He wants to hire you, dummy! I had to tell him you were being a hardass!"

You took your foot off the accelerator and the car started to slow. "He... He wants to hire me? Like, on merit?"


You beamed. "I could kiss you."

"Pull over, then."


"I just heard something from the director," Mina whispered. "We get the place for the night."

"Repeat that?" you asked, looking down at the camera screen to view your last picture.

"We're spending the night here."


"You're staying, too."

You looked up, but the view was enough to make you pass out.

"How about it?" she asked, tilting her hat.

"We'll see," you replied. "I'm still on the payroll--"

"And you're still our boyfriend," Mina finished. "I've already talked to the director."

"Why do you two keep doing stuff like this?"

Mina shrugged, and a playful smile danced at the edge of her lips. "Because we think you're too hard on yourself."

You shook your head. "Okay. We'll talk about this after work."


You stood and moved to avoid the umbrella over your head. "How much more do we have?"

"Not much, I hope," Mina muttered. She looked out at the beach and placed her elbow on your shoulder. "I wanna have fun on the beach, for once."

"I'm sorry you didn't get to come with us last week," you said, placing a hand on her waist.

"It's okay. You've just got to take me, next time."


You two stood there in comfortable silence for a moment before Mina pulled away. "I have to go."

"Me, too. I should probably go check in with the director."

"Have fun."

"Oh, I am," you said, watching Mina walk back over to the shaded tent where the rest of the members were. You smiled as Momo waved at you before heading in the opposite direction towards the production tent.

The warm sand sunk in between your toes as you marched onwards. The staff had all gotten permission to take off their shoes for stability and enjoyment. The front part of the beach had been paved so that the girls could wear shoes with their outfits, but the rest of the terrain was bumpy and uneven.

You were in Japan for concept photography and filming. TWICE were due to have a summer comeback, and part of the experience was filming on the beach. It was probably the best project you'd ever been hired for, and even the production managers were enjoying themselves.

You were filming on a different part of the beach today, in front of a row of luxury villas. The beach in front was well kept and perfect for aforementioned promo shots.

You were assigned to work with Dahyun, likely because Momo and Mina trusted that both of you wouldn't try to make moves on each other. The production director immediately forbid you from working with either of your girlfriends on professional hours, and you reluctantly agreed. It was probably a benefit for your productivity, because you knew that Momo or Mina would end up getting risqué in front of the camera if you were behind it.

Dahyun's prop for your part of the shoot was a pool inflatable, and you directed her to wear it around her waist.

"Like this?" she asked, grabbing the front.

"Maybe put your hands to the side... and then... Sam!" You called a production assistant over and asked for her advice. "Should we get her something for her hair?"

"I'll get her an umbrella. It'll match her earrings," Sam agreed, running to get you one. "Here."

"Thank you, miss." You handed it to Dahyun. "Put this in your hair, if you would please."

"Which side?"

"Whichever side is gonna be behind your shoulder."

"Your right, then."

"Cool. Now do your thing."

You snapped a couple shots before coming back with one that looked especially nice.

You flipped the camera around to show Dahyun. "What do you think?"

"It's great!"

"I think your smile comes out nice in that one," you remarked, swinging the camera back around.

"I'm just glad you can see my eyebrows," Dahyun muttered. "Some of this bright lighting does not work well."

You two ditched the inflatable after a while, getting a few more shots with a yellow flower before taking a break.

Momo walked up behind you as you reviewed the material. "How goes?"

You turned the camera to her. "What do you think of this?"

"You can see her eyebrows," Momo commented, steadying your hand with hers.

"That's what I said!" Dahyun called.

"What's up?" you asked, looking at your girlfriend.

"The director wants you to take over my shoot."

"Nice try."

"No, really."

"I'm asking him."

"Fine." Momo crossed her arms. "Watch me be right."

You walked back over to the production tent and hailed the director. "Momo says that I'm taking over her shoot?"

The director looked up from the screen he was staring at. "Yeah. Just for a bit. You can really bring out Momo's color the best."

"You sure?" I warned. "We're talking about Momo here."

The director sighed. "Just scrub any pictures that might get you a content warning on social media."

This guy does not know how social media works, you thought, heading back over to your girlfriend. "Come on, then."

Momo clapped excitedly and led you back to her spot for what would end up being nearly an hour of photography.

You came back with a couple pictures that looked great, and after some more color grading you presented them to her.

"I like the color grading on the second one better."

"Me, too," you said.

A pair of arms laced themselves around your shoulders. "It looks like we're done for the day."

"Really?" you asked, turning and looking at Mina.


"What's going on with tonight, then?"

Momo grinned. "You're staying with us."

Mina walked around and took Momo's hand. "We cleared it with the company."

You chuckled. "Well, I need to check out, regardless."


The house was stunning.

It was built right next to the beach near another row of houses, but most of them were empty. The residents reportedly only stayed over the summer, given that the people who could afford such houses tended to only stay in the for a small part of the year.

It meant that you could fuck your girlfriends' brains out without anyone caring.

At least, that's how Momo put it.

"We can talk about fucking after we finish cooking," you insisted, skirting around Jihyo to carry some rice over to the table.

"No talk about fucking when we're cooking!" Jihyo reprimanded. "We've been over this!"

"You should be happy you convinced PD-nim to let Y/N stay," Tzuyu commented, moving her drink so you could put the rice down.

"I'm just glad he hired me," you muttered, heading back over to help Jihyo.

"Cooking is boring," Mina said. Your girlfriends were sitting on the bed right in front of the doors to the backyard. "I'm taking the car to get more drinks."

"We're taking the car," Momo amended. "We'll be back before dinner."

"What's it like having to deal with two of them?" Tzuyu asked.

"It's worth it," you answered. "The sex really does it for you."

Jihyo laughed drily as she stirred something in a saucepan. "Sure."

"And they're both, you know, nice."

"I think niceness is a key part of a relationship," Tzuyu said, holding her beer up. "Niceness. The capstone of dating."

"You can stop harassing me and go back outside," you said, pointing to the beach.

"Nah. I'll harass you some more."

"Don't harass my help!" Jihyo demanded. "It's not like any of you volunteered."

"I volunteered," Tzuyu insisted.

"Volunteered for what?"

"Volunteered to just order pizza for us."

"That might have been a smarter idea," you admitted, placing another pot on the precariously balanced tower of dishes in the sink. You cursed as the water splashed out, cascading down the front of your shirt. "Shit! Jihyo, which room did Momo and Mina put our stuff in?"

Tzuyu was leaving when you asked the question, but as soon as she was out of earshot, Jihyo pointed. "Right there."

She was pointing to the living room where, indeed, yours, Mina's, and Momo's suitcases were sitting at the base of the stairs. "Er, why?"

"I've talked to Momo and Mina about it, and they agree." Jihyo folded her arms. "We've divvied up the bedrooms."

You nodded. "Yeah, I know. I still haven't been told where--"

Jihyo was pointing to the bed right in front of the doors.

You frowned. "I thought no one was using that."

Jihyo flushed deep red and lowered her head. "They want to... use the beach. Since the houses on either side are empty."

"Use the beach... OH." It was suddenly too hot inside. "Seriously?"

Jihyo turned away. "Just don't be too loud."

"I won't be. I can't say the same for them~"

"No talk about fucking in the kitchen!"


Momo untied her top and tossed it to the side. She still had her sunglasses on, and she winked like she was trying to imitate the photo you'd taken. "I don't have a beach ball, but you can just pretend it's there."

Your gaze drifted down to her tits. "Shouldn't we wait for Mina before--"

"I'm here!" Mina exclaimed, throwing her hat over to where Momo's top lay. "Everyone's fast asleep."

(but pretend it's night)

"Took you long enough--ah!" Momo shrieked as Mina slapped her ass. "Meanie!"

"I call dibs," Mina whispered, running into you and planting her lips on yours.

You returned her kiss with ferocity. The way your lips fit together made it feel like you were made for one another. Your hands gravitated to her waist, and you felt up her smooth skin as Mina pushed her hair back.

Your teeth tugged at her bottom lip and she smiled, opening her mouth. You slipped your tongue inside gently. The tip of her tongue brushed the inside of your teeth, that sensitive part just behind your gum line.

"Hey! Give me some attention, too!" Momo crossed her arms over her chest.

Mina pulled back and traced her finger down your cheek. "Fine." She curled her finger inwards. "Come here."

Momo slapped Mina's ass in return and pushed into your embrace, pushing her lips onto yours.

The three of you swapped back and forth, and each break took the opportunity to let loose a piece of clothing. By the next time you kissed Momo, both of you were naked, and your dick brushed against her belly. You grabbed her ass with both hands, feeling the supple flesh contour to your fingers.

Momo had what you considered to be the best ass you'd ever seen. It was beautifully round and perfect in size, and the way it fit in your hands when you thrusted into her from behind was pure bliss. She was a bit of a buttslut too, and she encouraged you to try putting it in her ass every time your finger drifted near.

Mina pulled you away and pushed you onto a lounge chair. "My turn." Her shorts and panties had come off and she remained in her lacy white top. She placed a hand on your thigh and wrapped her fingers around your member.

Mina looked beautiful as she tapped your dick against her cheek, smiling and rubbing her face against it. She opened her mouth and breathed a gentle stream of hot air on it, placing her tongue on your member when you shivered.

She pressed the tip of her tongue against the head of your dick. That ridge was sensitive enough to send more blood rushing to your penis, and Mina chuckled.

As if she was trying to drive you insane, Mina puckered her lips and sent a steady stream of cold air across the top of your dick. Before you could react, she counteracted the sensation by enveloping your member entirely.

Mina's brown hair dangled in her face as she swirled her tongue around your dick before moving back off.

"Your cock is perfect, you know."

Momo bent down next to Mina and kissed her on the cheek. "I certainly know." She moved to cup your balls as Mina sent back down onto your dick. 

"Girls, you're spoiling me."

"Yeah?" Momo grinned. "We're feeling nice today. Right, babe?"

"Mmmphphmmmmm..." Mina made muffled hums around your cock. Saliva was escaping from the corners of her mouth and dripping down your shaft, but she cleaned it out with her absent hand. I could tell she was playing with her pussy by the way her other hand moved between her thighs.

"I love this," Momo sighed. She took one of your balls into her mouth and sucked lightly as Mina slobbered over your cock.

"Fuck, you two are so hot," you mumbled. You placed a hand on either of their heads. Their hair was silky in between your fingers. Mina seemed to particularly enjoy it, and she moaned around you cock as you tugged her hair.

You contemplated the two gorgeous women worshipping your member for a moment before moving your hands to each of their chins. You tilted their faces up and pressed them together.

The two Japanese women smiled as they pressed their lips together over your cock. Your little buddy bumped into their chins every now and then as their noses brushed against one another.

Momo replaced Mina's hand between her thighs with her own, stroking her girlfriend's pussy. Mina's hand went to Momo's tits. She circled one of her nipples with her thumb. Momo moaned softly as Mina's hand brushed over her stimulated nipple.

You couldn't resist the temptation as you watched your girlfriends' lips and tongues collide. You grasped your member, nuzzling it between their lips for a second as you started jerking it in front of their faces.

Every now and then, one of the girls would lick the end of your dick as they separated for a breath. But soon, Momo and Mina were practically sucking either side of your dick as you teased the head of your cock.

"I want your cum," Momo growled, kissing your shaft. "Mina doesn't like it, but that means more for me." She took your member into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks as she sucked.

Mina petted the back of Momo's head and stared into your eyes. "You know you wanna do it. You wanna cum in her mouth."

"I wanna cum in your mouth," you hissed, brushing your index finger along Momo's jaw as she lowered herself further onto your dick.

"Give her that cum," Mina encouraged. "Shove your cock down her throat. Spray your cream down her throat until she's choking on your cum."

"I love your cum," Momo said, her voice muffled. She messed with your balls as she bobbed up and down on your member. "Give it to me!" She was fingering herself furiously as she sucked your dick.

"Cum in her mouth," Mina whispered, licking your cheek. "You know you want to."

You felt that familiar tightening in your balls that signaled the rush of cum that was about to come. "Momo, I--"

She deepthroated your cock, and you felt it hit the back of her throat. Out of instinct, you bucked your hips, thrusting even further into her mouth. Momo moaned high-pitched as a burst of cum emptied down her throat.

You fired stream after stream of cum down your girlfriend's throat, pulling her head even closer into your cock as your toes curled. Momo's moans got faster and faster until she started flailing her hips wildly. You could tell from the wetness that splattered near your feet that she'd just came.

Mina was grinding against your hand while you and Momo came down from your respective climaxes. Momo gulped down as much cum as she could muster, milking your cock for all it was worth.

"Now," Mina said as Momo moved off your cock, "it's my turn." She moved onto your belly and started rubbing her pussy against your cock. "You can get hard for me, right?" Mina pouted. "Can you get nice and hard for me?"

Your member shot straight into the air.

Mina laughed. "You're eager."

"And you're sexy," you commented as Mina lowered herself onto you.

She was tight. Incredibly tight. Mina moaned breathily as she sank deeper and deeper onto your length.

"Fuck, Y/N... You're so big..."

"Is it too much?"

"No, it's good... it's sooooo gooooood..." She pulled her white top off, finally freeing her beautiful tits. Mina started bouncing up and down, and you grabbed her waist for stability.

Mina's hair started falling back in her face, but Momo pulled it back, evidently having recovered enough. "Having fun, babe?"

"Hell yeah," Mina smiled. "It's so fucking good... I love it so much."

Momo slid over and laid next to you, pressing her naked body against yours as Mina continued bouncing on your cock. "Can you finger me, Y/N?"

"With pleasure."

Momo's pussy was still wet from her last orgasm, and her folds squished against your fingers as you penetrated her. She humped your side as you fingered her faster.

Mina's insides started contracting, squeezing your member. "Ooooh! Aaaah! Y/N, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum on you! Ooh, you're so good in me! Fuck me, babe! Fuck me harder!"

Momo reached around, and from the way Mina bucked her hips into your, she slipped her finger into her girlfriend's ass. "You like this?"

"I love it! Keep fucking me, guys! Fuck me, fuck me!"

"You ready to cum, Mina?" you asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna cum... FUCK! SHIT! 

I'm cumming! 




Boy, did she cum.

Mina's juices overflowed from your hot connection and began spraying at odd angles. They coated yours and Momo's thighs, and the sheer amount of liquid that gushed for Mina was enough to make Momo start cumming, too.

But you held on as Mina rode out her orgasm on top of your, her mouth open in a silent scream of ecstasy. One of your fingers circled Momo's clit, and the other held onto Mina's waist.

Momo could barely find the energy to stand, and she nearly tumbled into the sand. She wiped the liquids off herself with a towel, drying herself off before giving you and Mina the same treatment.

Then, as Mina shifted up the lounge chair to recover, Momo pulled you to the ground. You yelled out as you two hit the sand.


"You're doing it today," Momo said, reaching down to her pussy and coating her fingers in her cum. She gripped your cock and jerked it, lubricating it with her own cum.

"Doing what?" You had an idea, but you wanted her to say it.

"You're gonna fuck my ass." Momo rolled over in the sand. Her pert little ass stuck straight up into the air.

You placed your palm on her ass. "Okay." You lined your still-hard cock up with her tight backdoor. "This might hurt."

"So lube things up more--ooh!" 

You scooped some cum out of her pussy and stuck your finger in her ass, testing the waters. Her tight ring of muscles gave way and let you sink your digit in, little by little.

"I've had a plug in for a while, you know," Momo said as your finger sunk into her ass.

"Since when?"

"Since that drive a week ago."

"You're crazy."

"But it's hot," Momo said, toying with her clit. "Now fuck my ass, already."

You finally obliged and pressed the tip of your dick against her freshly lubed asshole. It sunk in slowly, but the pressure and sensation was... different.

It was tighter. Much, much tighter. Maybe not as wet, or as warm, but jeez...

Momo was panting softly, looking out at the ocean as you sunk deeper into her ass. "Fuck... fuck my ass."

You grinned wickedly. "I didn't hear you."

"Fuck my ass, Y/N!"

"Still can't hear you."

"FUCK MY ASS, YOU INFURIATING BASTARD! AAAAAAH!" She cried out as you pulled out and thrusted all the way back into her. "FUCK!"

Your hips crashed repeatedly against her delicate bum as you established a flow, and Momo was having the time of her life. She started spewing incoherent words mixed with long, drawn out moans.

"Y/N, I love you so much much...

I love the way you fuck me!

Fuck me harder!


Fuck my ass!

Fuck my ass harder!

Please, pound me, babe!


Fuck me, fuck me!

I love your dick in my ass!"

"I can tell, you little slut," you remarked, slapping her ass as you plowed into her.

"I'm a little slut!

A little slut who loves getting her ass fucked!

I'm your little buttslut, Y/N!


Momo humped backwards into you as you two dug yourselves into the sand. "Your ass is perfect," you whispered. "You're perfect."

"I love you, Y/N!

I'm gonna cum while my boyfriend fucks my ass...

FUCK! I'm gonna cum!

I'm gonna CUM!


Plow me harder!



Momo's ass got even tighter when she came. Her wetness splattered onto the sandy beach, and she tilted her head up to the sky.

"You're the best boyfriend ever..."

"I know." You pulled out of her tight ass, still hard.

"You did a number on her, Y/N." That voice was someone else's.


"You haven't cum a second time, have you."


"And I haven't been fucked on the beach yet..." Mina crossed her legs. "So what's stopping you?"

"...Lay down."

Mina cried out as you thrusted inside her. "Fuck! This is what I needed!"

You lowered your head to her tits as you thrusted into her and took one of her nipples into your mouth. Her tits were perfect. You rolled the edge of your tongue around her pebbled nipples, tugging at them with your teeth when her moans weren't loud enough to your liking.

"Y/N!" Mina giggled. "I'm sensitive!"

"How about down here?" you asked playfully, tugging at her clit this time.

"OOOH! You dick!"

"You like it, don't you?"

"I love it," she whispered. "But I think you're close."

You chuckled. "I'm not cumming until I can wean another one out of you."

"You'd better start fucking me harder, then."

The two of you continued for ten minutes until Mina started feeling her climax approaching. Your movements were so frantic that you'd started displacing the sand around you, literally plowing Mina into the ground.

You'd been phasing in and out, trying to hold yourself from the brink of orgasm, but now you couldn't hold on any more.

It was then that you looked at your girlfriend's face.

Mina was positively radiant, even under the stars. Her lipstick was a little smudged, and her hair was messy, but the way it framed her face, the way her lips parted every time you thrusted deeper into her...

She was beautiful.

That little mole on the bridge of her nose was so cute that you couldn't help but lean in and place a soft kiss on top of it.

Mina closed her eyes and moaned as you placed kisses all over her face. "Y/N..."

"I love you, Mina."

"I love you, too, Y/N." She caught your lips. "Now cum inside me. I wanna feel you."


"Cum inside me. I'll cum with you."

And you did. You came inside your girlfriend, probably harder than you ever had before. And you hugged her tight as you dumped your seed into her body.

And Mina came too. Her inner walls milked your member for all it was worth, for every last drop of semen. She wanted you closer to you, closer than ever before.

Mina put her head on your shoulder. "I love you both."

"And I love you two, too," Momo said, flopping over onto your back.

"Oof!" you exclaimed, rolling off Mina so you wouldn't crush her. "Momo!"

Momo snuggled into your other side. "Best night ever."

"We need to go to the beach more often," Mina insisted.

"Gladly," you responded, holding your girlfriends tight. "I love the beach."

And, just like that, the three of you fell asleep.


Tzuyu sipped her coffee as she looked down on the scene before her. You, Momo, and Mina were tangled together under a couple blankets on the sand.

She moved her foot, poking your cheek. "Yo. Wake up, idiot."

You groaned. "No."

"Get your hand off of Momo's ass and get dressed."


"Because the crew are coming back to get us in half hour. And you don't want to get fired."

You sighed, glancing at your girlfriends, who were still fast asleep. "Can you get me a towel?"

"Ask nicely."



A/N: Probably a one shot coming next, after I update the main book :)

Go fucking listen to HWA by CL

Happy Thanksgiving, American friends

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