#DREAMDAY: A (Mostly) TWICE B...

By jolofjester

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Mostly TWICE x M Reader sm*t. (Almost) anything goes. Top ranks: #1 in misamo More

The Bet (Part 1): Just Practice [Sana x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 2): The Blind Date [Jihyo x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 4): Backdoor Access [Nayeon x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 5): Moist Wet Waves [Tzuyu x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 6): Rising Action to Climax [Jeongyeon x Momo x Dahyun x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 7): A Heart-Shaped Arrow [Sana x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 1: Nayeon) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 2: Momo) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 3: Jihyo) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 4: Dahyun) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 5: Chaeyoung) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 6: Jeongyeon) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 7: Sana) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 8: Mina) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 9: Tzuyu) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet: Retrospective
[Nayeon x M Reader] Happy New Year
[Jeongyeon x M Reader] EAT SPIT!
[Jihyo x M Reader] Closer
[Mina x M Reader] A Precarious Predicament
[Dahyun x M Reader] Freaks (Part 1)
[Dahyun x M Reader] Freaks (Part 2)
[Chaeyoung x M Reader] Bite Me
[Tzuyu x M Reader] Ice Cream
[Momo x Mina x M Reader] Beach Day
[Yuqi x M Reader] The Queen Card

The Bet (Part 3): More-Than-Friendly Competition [Mina x Chaeyoung x M Reader]

8.8K 89 21
By jolofjester

A/N: Hello again. It's me.

Not gonna say too much here, other than thanks for hanging around. New people who've followed me in the interim: hi! How you doin?

So a lot of you want me to update this story ig? Idk, I feel like the fact that half the messages I get telling me to update The Bet probably means something. So I decided to grant your wishes! Call me a genie.

Remember last chapter? I don't! I had to reread it! All I know is that I mentioned a lil' something about a possible threesome...

I get it, I'm not slick. Enjoy, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals

Y/N was coming up on the end of another all-nighter. His fourth cup of coffee had been a mistake. His leg was jittering so violently that he was concerned it might fall off. He had just overcome a fit of eye-twitching and finally felt like he was entering flow-state—until his phone started ringing.

He groaned in frustration, his concentration broken. But the number on the line was one he had saved under the name "JYPE," and Y/N knew they wouldn't call him unless it was important. He picked up the phone.

"Hello, is this Y/N?" said the voice on the other end.

"Yes, it is. What can I do for you?"

"I was just calling to inform you that CEO Park would like to meet with you this afternoon. Are you available at half past noon?"

"Yes," said Y/N immediately, standing from his desk. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no need to worry."

"Uh, okay. Thank you."

The call ended. Naturally, Y/N began to worry. He took a cold shower and styled his hair seven different times before deciding to head out early.

He took a taxi, not wanting to risk being late or ending up a sweaty mess before meeting JYP. Y/N was ready to check in with the receptionist, but a call from across the lobby captured his attention. He put his name down before heading over to Sana, who was trying to hide her face after realizing she'd called his name in front of ten other people.

"Hey," said Y/N.

"Hey," said Sana. "Mina and Chaeyoung are throwing a housewarming party, and they wanted me to invite you."

"Oh, okay. Why couldn't they just text me?"

"Beats me," said Sana, not wanting to admit that she just wanted an excuse to talk to Y/N. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"PD-nim wants to meet with me."

"Ooooooh~" Sana teased. "Are you in trouble?"

Y/N went pale. "God, I hope not."

Sana giggled. "Dude, you're fine. You're great at your job."

"You think so?"

"You wouldn't be getting more work if you were bad, would you?"

"I don't know," said Y/N, not at all convinced.

"Look, just relax. Take deep breaths." Sana mimed taking a breath with her hands.

Y/N followed her lead until the color returned to his face. "I think I'm okay."

"See? It's fine."

"Y/N?" the receptionist called. "You can head up, now."

Sana patted his arm. "Good luck."

"Thanks," said Y/N grimly. He spent his trek up to JYP's office in trepidation, with the spot on his arm where Sana had touched him unusually warm for some reason.

JYP was standing when Y/N walked in. "Busy schedule?" he asked.

"Oh. Uh, it's not that bad," Y/N lied.

JYP chuckled. "Like I believe that. You put in a lot of work, you know."

"Thank you."

"Please," said JYP, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. "Sit."

Y/N did, fearing he'd fall over if he didn't.

JYP saw the look on his face. "No, nothing's wrong."

"What's going on, then?"

"I understand you've been doing a lot more work for us, lately. I see that, and I've decided to do something to make your life a lot easier. Part of that is outsourcing the captioning of all our videos to a group of freelancers we've already been in talks with."

Y/N's heart dropped. How was this anything but bad?

JYP grimaced. "I should not have started with that part. Look, Y/N, we're promoting you."

Y/N's face remained blank. "What?"

"Our primary translator recently left, so the position is vacant right now. We though there was no one better but you to take it, given you speak English very fluently."


"That's not all. I'm sure the girls have already told you that TWICE will be touring, soon."

"I don't know what—"

"You don't have to feign ignorance, it's alright. It's quite good, actually. You've formed a real bond with them, and I couldn't think of anyone better to join them in the US."

"Really?" Y/N repeated.

JYP laughed. "Yes, really."

Y/N hesitated before asking a question. "How much is the raise?"

"Who said anything about a raise? Kidding," JYP amended, seeing the devastated look on his face return. "It's [REDACTED]."

Y/N's heart returned to its normal place—it may have even grown a few sizes. "Did you say [REDACTED]?"

"Yes, I did say [REDACTED]."

Y/N scooted his chair forward and grabbed a pen off JYP's desk. "I'll sign the contract right now."

- - - - - - - - -

Y/N held his hand up to knock, but the door opened before he could. Chaeyoung was standing there with a grin on her face. "Where have you been? We've already started!"

"Started what?" Y/N asked, stepping inside. The girls were all gathered haphazardly around the TV with their phones in their laps.

"I'll take that," said Mina, gliding over to snatch the bottle of wine out of his hands. "Thank you very much."

"We're playing trivia," said Chaeyoung.

"I need alcohol to get through trivia," said Y/N grimly.

"What kind?"


"Here," said Mina, handing him a glass of amber liquid. "Scotch."

"Even better."

Momo stuck her tongue out. "What are you, Y/N, sixty?"

"At heart," said Y/N, taking a seat on the only open chair. "Hey, everyone."

Various greetings chorused back at him.

You haven't told them, whispered a voice in Y/N's mind. He paused with the drink halfway to his lips. "I have something to tell you guys," he said robotically.

"Are you and Sana dating?" Nayeon asked.

A dark silence descended over the room, and everyone stared directly at Nayeon.

She shrunk into her spot on the couch. "Forget I said anything."

"Uh, no, that's not it," said Y/N, trying not to look at Sana. "I'm—I got promoted."

"Oh shit!"



"That's not it," said Y/N. A smile was growing on his face. "Say hello to your new official English translator."

The shrieks of excitement that followed were so loud that Y/N needed to cover his ears. Jeongyeon was speaking when he uncovered them— "Wait, so what does that mean?" she asked.

"Don't scream," Y/N prefaced. "But I'm joining you on tour."

"Ayyyyyyy!" said Momo, raising her fist in the air. "That's awesome!"

"About time," said Jihyo. "We practically invite you everywhere, anyways."

"Glad to have you around," said Nayeon meekly.

"Thanks, guys," said Y/N. A blush was already blooming on his cheeks even though he hadn't drank anything yet.

"Alright, I'm sure Y/N's had enough," said Mina. "Game time."

"But before that," said Chaeyoung. "Tzuyu!"

"What?" Tzuyu asked, looking concerned. "What did I do?"

"Say the first word that comes to your mind, right now!"


"Do it!"

Tzuyu's eyes darted around like she was looking for an answer. "Uh... I... only bad words are coming."

"A word that starts with S," Jihyo suggested.

"시발!" Tzuyu squeaked.

"Why did you suggest this?" Jihyo demanded, glaring at Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung shrugged. "I wanted to see what she'd come up with. Now I know how her mind works."

"It's not how my mind works!" said Tzuyu, sounding like she was on the verge of tears. "I promise!"

"Y/N, you go!" said Chaeyoung, pointing at him.


"First word that pops into your head!"

"Pppphhhhh—" Y/N sputtered. "Er, 새끼야!"

"Horrible people, all of you," said Chaeyoung, shaking her head.

"Oh, look, the trivia's starting!" said Mina, frantically trying to change the topic.

They played trivia for an hour, after which people began descending deeper into chaos.

"First word that comes to your mind that starts with an F!" Chaeyoung said.

"Fuck!" said Sana cheerily.

Y/N, Sana, Chaeyoung, and Nayeon broke out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

Jihyo rolled her eyes. "You four have done this twenty times now."

Chaeyoung was laughing so hard she was sobbing. She spoke between breaths: "First—word—that starts with—with—P!"

"Poo... poop!" Nayeon gasped, struggling to get the words out.

"Poop humor?" Jihyo questioned, sounding disappointed.

"Everyone gather around the table!" said Chaeyoung suddenly, scooting herself along the floor towards the coffee table.

"Why?" said Y/N, already moving.

"Come on, don't be shy," said Chaeyoung.

Jihyo whirled her head to the side. "Mina—"

"I have no control," said Mina, putting her hands up.

"Here!" said Chaeyoung, producing an empty beer bottle from nowhere and slamming it on the table.

"I'm out of here," said Jihyo, standing up.

"Where did that come from?" Jeongyeon asked as Mina tried to pull Jihyo back to the table.

"From me," said Chaeyoung like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Where did the beer go? You've been drinking wine this whole time."

"Not the whole time," said Chaeyoung, winking.

"Are you drunk?" Tzuyu asked.

Chaeyoung laughed. "Oh, little one, you underestimate my tolerance."

"Do five jumping jacks, right now," Momo demanded.

Chaeyoung got up, did them, and sat down within five seconds. "Not drunk," she said.

Y/N opened his mouth to speak. "I don't really—"

"Spin the bottle, no more distractions!" said Chaeyoung. "This is because Jihyo didn't let us make poop jokes in peace."

"How is this my fault?" Jihyo asked.

"Shh," said Chaeyoung. "Three rounds only."

Jihyo glared at her. "That's it."

"Begin!" Chaeyoung spun the bottle with such ferocity that it clattered on the table for a few seconds.

It spun, and spun, and spun, and then slowly stalled... until it landed square on Momo.

"Fine by me," said Momo, spinning the bottle again.

It slowed down quickly, and before long Y/N found himself staring down the barrel of the slowly turning bottle. It eked just past him and settled on Dahyun.

Momo pouted. "I wanted to kiss Y/N!"

"Thanks," said Dahyun drily.

"Just to help him out with his bet," said Momo unconvincingly.

"Wait a second," said Y/N. "You know about the bet?"

"Yeah," said Nayeon.

Y/N's eyes widened. "You all know about the bet?"

"Duh," said Chaeyoung. "Sana told us the day it happened."

"Did she?" said Y/N, narrowing his eyes.

Sana shrugged. "Just trying to help out. They don't seem averse to it."

"Huh?" Y/N looked around the room. "None of you have a problem with it?"

"Don't expect it to be too easy," said Jeongyeon. "Although you probably could expect it to be, given that you're two down in, like, a week."

"Aren't Dahyun and Momo supposed to kiss?" said Jihyo, her ears a bright red.

The girls between them scooted out of the way. Momo crawled over on all fours, planted a chaste kiss on Dahyun's lips, and crawled back to her seat.

"That was boring," said Nayeon, taking the initiative to spin the bottle again.

Y/N took a sip of his third refill, not expecting the bottle to come his way for a while. He nearly spat out the alcohol upon finding the bottle pointing his way and not moving. "Did someone rig it?" he asked.

Everyone shook their heads, and Y/N reluctantly spun the bottle.

It landed on Chaeyoung.

Y/N immediately looked at Mina. Mina pursed her lips. "Game's the game," she said.

Y/N faced Chaeyoung, feeling uncomfortable. "I, uh—"

Chaeyoung leaned forward and kissed him. Strawberries, Y/N thought, closing his eyes. Y/N expected the kiss to end there and then, but Chaeyoung pushed forwards, evidently not subscribing to his line of thought.

Y/N tried to resist for a moment, but he couldn't help but move his lips as Chaeyoung grew more insistent. There was a comfortable rhythm to it, and Y/N lost track of time until the other girls started laughing.

Y/N pulled away. He turned his gaze to his drink, feeling incredibly awkward.

Chaeyoung cleared her throat. "Uh, okay. More trivia, Mina?"

"Fine by me," said Mina, plugging her phone back into the cable connecting to the TV.

There was one more bottle spin on the table, but no one said anything about it for the rest of the night. Y/N went to use the bathroom when the girls still staying together at the dorm left. He emerged to find only Mina in the living room, cleaning up the bottles and glasses.

"Need some help?" said Y/N.

"Help me move the coffee table," said Mina, grabbing one end.

Y/N got the other. They moved it out of the way and collected the remaining glasses.

"Thanks," Mina said. "We'll get the plastic cups later. Could you bring them over to the sink?"

Y/N dried the glasses as Mina washed them and handed them over. "You guys have a nice place," said Y/N.

"So this bet," said Mina suddenly. "What exactly is it?"

"I thought Sana already told you?"

"Not all of it."

"Well, uh... we bet five million won that I can get a kiss from all nine of you."

"Oh. Just a kiss?"

Y/N didn't know how to feel about where the conversation was going. "Yeah."

"Hm." Mina stopped the tap and grabbed the towel out of Y/N's hands. Her fingers brushed against his. "I..." Mina averted her eyes. "I don't mind helping you out."

"Oh. Uh... okay. I mean, sure. But is Chaeyoung—"

"It'll be quick."


Mina took a breath, put the towel on the counter, and leaned forward.

Y/N hadn't expected her to kiss him, right then. Mina was clumsy and awkward about it, at first, but Y/N put some pressure into the kiss, largely to help mitigate his own nervousness.

Mina's lips had a similar taste to Chaeyoung's—not quite strawberry, but in the berry realm. Y/N's teeth grazed her bottom lip on accident, but Mina let out a little "mm!" noise that indicated she liked it.

Y/N wasn't sure whether he should pull away or deepen their kiss. Mina decided for him. He could feel her lips part a little wider, and Y/N didn't protest. Soon, they were pressed closer together, and their tongues brushed lightly against each other—

"Holy shit!"

Mina and Y/N split apart and whirled towards Chaeyoung.

She shook her head. "I leave for five minutes to change, and you two are kissing."

Y/N stammered. "Chaeyoung, I can explain—"

"At least let me in!" said Chaeyoung, running over.

"Yeah, sure," said Y/N drily.

Then, as if Y/N's words were conformation enough, Chaeyoung shrugged and pulled her top off.

"Whoa, whoa!" Mina stood and grabbed Chaeyoung's wrists. "We're taking things a little quick, don't you think?" She let go of her hands.

Chaeyoung laughed as she pulled her shirt back down. "Really?" She leaned forward and looked at Y/N. "You know, Mina was the one who wanted to propose the idea--"

"Chae!" Mina was blushing beet red.

"What? It's true! She vacuumed the carpet so many times because she wanted to curl her toes into it while she came--"


"We do this kind of thing all the time, that's why she wanted to buy a house with a fireplace, so she could be warm while she passed out from exhaustion--"

"SON CHAEYOUNG!" Mina looked mortified. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Focus on the 'fuck' part of that sentence," Chaeyoung whispered.

Y/N shook his head. "I guess... I dunno. Are we doing this?"

Chaeyoung shrugged. "I'm cool with it."

Her and Y/N both looked to Mina. She was avoiding eye contact and staring at the floor, and she mumbled something.

Chaeyoung grinned. "What was that?"

Mina balled her hands into fists. "Fine."

"You seem eager," Chaeyoung muttered, pulling her top over her head again. She was wearing a black bra underneath. "Oh, shit, we've gotta clear this stuff," she said, looking at the carpet.

"Fuck it," Mina said, kicking the empty cups off the end of the carpet. "Just..." She stood there awkwardly.

Y/N was at a loss. "How do we... do this?"

Chaeyoung looked between the other two. "Are you two fucking stupid? Just, like, kiss each other or something! Don't give me that look!" she said to Mina, who cast her a glare. "You were into it earlier! Hell, I had to pull you away!"

"Shut up!" Mina walked forward and practically landed onto Y/N.

Y/N widened his eyes as she pushed her lips onto his, evidently in an attempt to make Chaeyoung stop talking. But Mina started getting into it, and her hands drifted around Y/N's shoulders as she moved her lips.

His idle hands moved to her back, unsure of where to go until Mina slipped her tongue into his mouth. She shifted her legs and sat on his lap, and Y/N toyed with the straps of her dress.

Mina smiled into Y/N's mouth as he slowly drew the straps past her shoulders and down her arms. Her dress pooled between them as she swept her hair onto one shoulder.

At some point during the kiss, Y/N's shirt came off, as did the rest of Mina's dress, leaving Mina in a white set of underwear.

"Am I gonna get any attention?" Chaeyoung complained.

"Do you deserve any?" Mina asked, look at her girlfriend over Y/N's shoulder. "You've been mean."

Chaeyoung smiled mischievously. "Why don't we give Y/N a little show?"

Mina turned back to Y/N and pursed her lips. "Excuse me a moment."


Y/N sat down on the couch and pulled off his jeans, but when he looked back up his jaw hit the floor.

Mina and Chaeyoung were making out in their underwear.

Chaeyoung had to tilt her head up a little to meet Mina's lips, but the two were kissing so sloppily that it looked like something out of a lesbian hentai video. Y/N could visibly see their tongues intertwine and battle one another as their hands roamed their bodies.

Mina's hands went to Chaeyoung's ass, but Chaeyoung decided to play dirty and stuck her hand into Mina's panties. Mina moaned into her girlfriend's mouth as Chaeyoung's hand moved back and forth in her underwear, rubbing her pussy.

Mina chose to do the same, but she went in through the back. It looked like she was slipping a finger into Chaeyoung's ass from the way her butt snuggled into her hand.

The girls separated for a moment to remove their bras before continuing their embrace. Chaeyoung's breasts were small and perky, and Mina's were a bit bigger and rounder. They continued kissing for a few moments until they remembered Y/N was in the room.

A cheshire grin spread across Chaeyoung's face.

"What?" Mina asked, sounding a little nervous.

"How do you feel about a friendly competition?" Chaeyoung asked her.

"I get the idea you mean more-than-friendly."

"Y/N, you can be the judge," said Chaeyoung, turning to him. She crawled over to him on all fours like a cat and circled his erection through his underwear. "What do you think?"

"I'm down," Y/N managed to say.

Chaeyoung drew Y/N's underwear down his legs. She licked her lips at the sight of his cock, standing proud and stiff in the cool air. "Hello, there," she mumbled, tapping the tip lightly.

Y/N bit his lip as Chaeyoung carefully examined his member. She was gentle, almost calculated with her touches. They never lingered for more than a few seconds, and never landed on the same space more than once.

Chaeyoung moved her hands away and decided to take matters into her own mouth. She wrapped her soft lips around the top of his cock, pulling back up slightly so her lips nestled against the ridge of his cock head. Chaeyoung stuck her tongue out deliberately slow, so it only stimulated the tip of his penis.

She stayed like that for a moment, graduating from little touches, to small licks, to long, drawn out swipes along the head. Y/N's cock had far surpassed what he thought was full mast. He was trying hard not to curl his hands into Chaeyoung's hair, unsure of whether or not that would turn her off. Instead, he was making fists so tight they felt like they would never unclench.

Chaeyoung started moving her lips down his shaft. She was slow as ever, taking care in her movements. Y/N could feel her lips envelop every ridge, bump, and vein down his cock. She didn't stop partway. Chaeyoung kept her pace until the entirety of his member was in her mouth and her nose was brushing his groin.

Her tongue had been resting, but now it sprung into action. First, she folded her tongue around the outline of his shaft. It was a sensation like Y/N had never felt before—the warm, slick, soft pillow of her tongue moved up and down the underside of his shaft. Nothing about Chaeyoung's actions felt overdone; she was always moving, always keeping a steady, slow tempo.

One of her hands decided to join the party. She drew a nail up his ball sack before isolating one of his testicles, forming a light ring around it with her thumb and index finger. As Chaeyoung's tongue started moving to the upper side of his shaft, her fingers came closer together.

As Chaeyoung took a deep breath and began to move her lips up and down his cock again, Y/N found the strength to look up at Mina. She had a fascinated look on her face, with slightly lidded eyes and parted lips that told him she was enjoying the sight. She caught Y/N's gaze and smiled bashfully at him, unable to hold contact for more than a few seconds before looking away.

Y/N's attention was drawn back to Chaeyoung when she picked up the pace without warning. "Fuck!" he hissed, unable to resist putting a hand on the back of her head.

Chaeyoung hummed in approval. She had closed her eyes and started to bob her mouth up and down his cock. Her tongue was doing wonders, and Y/N's penis was throbbing so hard it was painful.

Neither of them had noticed Mina, who had slinked over to Chaeyoung's side. She put a hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder.

Chaeyoung pulled her lips off of Y/N's cock and turned to Mina. "What?"

Mina didn't waste her breath. She shoved her head down and picked up where Chaeyoung had left off. Mina wasn't nearly as careful as her girlfriend, but if anything it was a positive. She enthusiastically sucked on his cock, relishing the taste of his pre-cum as it mingled with Chaeyoung's saliva.

Mina moaned into Y/N's cock as Chaeyoung slipped one hand back into Mina's underwear and the other into her own. Mina removed Y/N's dick from her mouth. "Put your hands on my head," she said breathily.

"Like this?" Y/N asked cautiously, doing as she asked.

Mina nodded. "It's okay if you pull," she said, before proceeding to lick down the base of his shaft to his balls.

Y/N tightened his grip on Mina's head as she sucked on his balls. Her pressure and breaths were erratic, likely because of Chaeyoung assault on her pussy. Mina's mouth returned to his dick after his balls were sufficiently lubricated. Chaeyoung, using her mouth since both her hands were busy, took the opportunity to stimulate them, as Mina focused on the shaft.

Y/N grabbed fistfuls of Mina's hair as her blowjob got more intense. He could feel the familiar sensation of his balls tightening in accordance with his throbbing cock, signaling impending orgasm.

"Mina," he warned.

"Let me in there," said Chaeyoung, shifting her mouth up.

Mina repaid Chaeyoung's favor, crossing her arm across hers to rub her girlfriend's pussy. She also pulled back on Y/N's shaft, giving Chaeyoung the opportunity to suck some more.

Chaeyoung had taken a different approach, this time. Her lips danced along the length of his shaft, like she was giving it a constant, moving kiss. Mina, seeing an opportunity, did the same on the other side.

Y/N placed one of his hands on Chaeyoung's head, deeming it was only fair he gave the girls equal treatment. Mina and Chaeyoung battled for dominance over his member. Their lips brushed against each other often, sealing Y/N's cock between a kiss. Each time one of them came to the tip of his penis, their lips slipped over the head of his cock momentarily. Their tongues had come back into play, too, and before long, the all-encompassing experience was too much to handle.

"Girls, I'm going to cum—"

"Do it," said Chaeyoung. Mina, unfazed and not wanting to remove her lips from his cock, said nothing.

Y/N's balls contracted, sending the semen up through his shaft and squirting out the tip of his cock. Chaeyoung was sucking on the head when the first shot came. She kept it in her mouth, taking in another two spurts before moving off to allow Mina a taste. Mina sucked hard on his cock head until his balls had emptied themselves.

The two girls looked at each other and came to a silent agreement. As Y/N watched, they smashed their mouths together once more. This kiss was much messier than any of their others had been, exacerbated by the copious amounts of semen that spilled from the corners of their mouths and left streaks along their cheeks. Mina and Chaeyoung exchanged mouthfuls of cum and saliva until they felt sufficiently satisfied, as which point either girl sat back on her haunches and swallowed, simultaneously.

Y/N's cock grew rock hard in seconds.

"Who was better?" Mina asked.

"Does it fucking matter?" Y/N replied.

"No, not really."

"Condoms," Chaeyoung said mindlessly, standing up to go find some.

Mina was wiping her mouth, but she stopped after catching the look of Y/N's face. "What is it?"

Y/N decided not to put his feeling into words. He instead pushed Mina down onto the carpet and littered kisses along her jaw. Mina was breathing heavily, but her breath turned into light little moans when Y/N trailed down to the space between her tits. He was alternating sucking either breast by the time Chaeyoung returned.

"Here," Chaeyoung said, throwing a length of condoms at Y/N's back.

Y/N wasn't sure he'd ever put one on faster in his life. He ripped the top of the first one off with his teeth, ensured it was wrapped securely around his shaft, and thrusted directly into Mina's pussy.

Her insides were pulsating with need, pushing the juices that had built up out and along his shaft. Mina's hands couldn't find a place to settle. They travelled up and down Y/N's back, eventually settling on barely hanging onto his shoulders.

Y/N pumped in and out of her snatch rhythmically. He buried his head into the crook of Mina's neck, relishing the tight, wet heat of her pussy and the hot breaths on his neck every time she moaned.

Evidently feeling left out, Chaeyoung crawled over beside Mina's head. "Bend over," said Y/N. Chaeyoung complied, positioning her pussy above his and Mina's heads.

Mina and Y/N had the same idea. Mina suckled and kissed Chaeyoung's clit as Y/N licked up and down her slit, occasionally dipping his tongue inside. Every now and then, Mina's and Y/N's mouths found themselves near one another and couldn't help but come together.

By the time Y/N felt the urge to cum again, Chaeyoung was pressing her ass backwards into their faces. Y/N managed to stave off his orgasm as Chaeyoung's voice reached his ears.

"Guys, I'm close," she whimpered. "Please... so close..."

Y/N and Mina reluctantly stopped Frenching beneath Chaeyoung's cunt. Mina turned her attention back to her love button, while Y/N moved one of his hands up to join the fray. Before long, Chaeyoung shuddered, and her folds quivered as she hit her orgasm.

"Oh, shit!" Chaeyoung said, collapsing onto the carpet next to them.

Y/N looked at Mina. "Should I give her a turn?"

Mina nodded. "Just come back to me before you cum."

Y/N removed himself from Mina's pussy. Without warning, he entered Chaeyoung, who was face down in bliss with her ass sticking up into the air. She moaned loudly as Y/N pistoned in and out of her sensitive pussy. "Fuck!"

One of Chaeyoung's hands found one of Mina's. Mina gripped her girlfriend's hand tight, using her other to rub circles on her clit. Mina kissed Y/N, so furiously that Y/N wondered if she had a vendetta against his mouth.

Y/N's nerves warned him of his impending orgasm, so he pulled out of Chaeyoung, determined to keep his promise. Mina untangled her tongue from his to push him down to the carpet. With her knees on either side of his hips, Mina guided Y/N's cock back into her cunt.

As Mina grinded her hips against his member, Chaeyoung heaved herself onto Y/N's left side, kissing his shoulder and chest. "This was such a good idea," she whispered into his skin.

Y/N's hand squeezed Mina's supple ass. "Mina, I'm close," he said.

"Okay," said Mina between breaths. "I'm close, too."

Chaeyoung returned the favor, now, using her closest hand to rub Mina's clit. After a small, blissful eternity, a high-pitched moan worked itself out of Mina's throat, and her pussy gripped Y/N's cock in waves.

The stimulation proved to be too much for Y/N to handle. He came hard, thrusting upwards into Mina's welcoming insides as they milked his shaft. Mina collapsed on top of Y/N as he finished cumming. His cock slipped out of her pussy, and he laid his head back, thoroughly exhausted.

Mina and Chaeyoung took one arm each, curling into his body in various states of disarray.

"Do we move to the bed?" Chaeyoung asked tiredly.

"I don't care," said Mina.

"Did you curl your toes into the carpet?" Y/N questioned.

"Shut up," Mina muttered.

A/N: Kind of vanilla, but hey, sometimes vanilla ice cream hits the spot.

I'm excited to say this, it's been a long time :)

With love,


(ahhh, still feels great)

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