Syndicate: Project Rye [Kenda...

By ezeywolf27

37.4K 1.6K 407

World Crime Investigating Agency (W . C . I . A.) Is an unknown group of investigators organized by trusted... More

Welcome Detective!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

2K 125 47
By ezeywolf27

Sorry if I haven't been active lately, I'm on a bootcamp at the moment and I think this'll last for maybe about a year or half of it. I'd still write though but not as often as usual, nevertheless I'll still deliver you, my lovelies, good stories (hopefully) you deserve. Anyways I wish you enjoy today's chapter and I'll see you on the next update ;)
 I assume you still remember that this is a
G!P story.  😉

“How will I know you're not the traitor.” The steam coming from the foam cup before my eyes barely blurred Tora's face as I carefully blew the hot coffee.

I took a small sip, the warm liquid runs down my throat letting heat spread throughout my strained body giving me at least a hint of comfort that I desperately needed. It's been four hours since we arrived at the agency after our secret base has been compromised, luckily the General was in the agency taking care of other cases at the time it all happened sparing us a bit of worries considering that the team obviously care more about the girls.

I know, what a shame.

Setting the cup down on the stainless counter in front of me, I scanned our surroundings, meeting her in the cafeteria at work hours was a good idea, less people and doesn't raise suspicion.

“I don't even know if you're the traitor or not and yet—” I opened my arms. “Here I am.”

She squints her eyes. “I can guarantee that I'm no traitor.”

“How can a person demands to be trusted if their selfish to give one?

My words struck her, I can see it in the way how her expression shift. “You got me there,” there was a slight curl on the edge of her lips. She wave her hand for me to continue. “Okay, you got my interest.”

“Look, I know it's crucial for us to trust anybody in the unit but the least we could could do now is to remain working together in the case.” I begin to explain. “Being at each others throats isn't good for the girls safety, I know you think of it too. What I'm trying to say is that we—” Motioning my finger to her and myself. “—Work as a pair. That's the best step we can do for the girl's sake.”

Tora remained silent for couple of seconds, resting against her seat while her eyes scanned me in scrutinising gaze. “Alright.”


“I'll join you, but if you betray me..” She slowly leaned closer, finger gently placed on my forehead, lips parting for a soft whisper. “I'll kill you.”

I nod. “I won't, you have my word.”

“But you have to hold whatever your plan is.” Tora responds. “Aigle and I are being called for a meeting.”

“What for? We already assessed the attack.”

There was a hint of despair flashed on her face, that she quickly covered up with her serious expression. “I suppose the General wants to discuss how the syndicates found our base.”

I pursed my lips. “Are you and Aigle going to tell him the truth?”

“I don't know.”


Just after my feet entered the room I'm immediately pulled in a choke hold, too dramatic but that's what it felt like when Kendall's shoulder pushed on my throat from her tightly warm hug. On the bright side, it felt good knowing she missed me this much and it's only been like five to six hours since we last saw each other.

“Ke—Kenny..” I manage to voice out, my hand softly pushing her back.

“Oh!—” She pulled back with a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” Then she grins in split seconds, raising a brow at me.

“What's with that look?” I questioned.

Kenny? ” She teased, lifting her chin. “You called me Kenny.”

“No.. I—uhm..” I felt heat creeping up my neck. I turned away, trying to keep the frown on my face. “Well your friends call you Kenny. If don't want me to call you that then—”

“No!” Kendall hastily interrupts, then gazes down, raking the threads of her loose hair back. “I—It's fine I... I like it when you call me that..”

“You make it seem it sounds special.” My head slightly tilt. “They usually call you that, right?”

“They do, though I— I don't know,” She timidly shrug her shoulders. “When you say it, its and...” She trailed off, not being able to finish her words as she swivel around.

Arching a brow at her leaving figure, I closed the door behind me and followed her. The room is really bland, an exact opposite of what were given to them from the secret base. White paint covered the walls the same as the linoleum floor, same colored single bed and silver bedside table; it looked more like a prison, well, it is what it was build for, this was a confinement room for highly dangerous person.

And surprisingly the girls were the first ones to used them.

I hummed. “Cozy.” Commenting, I shoot her a smirk.

“Yeah right.” Kendall snorted, sitting at the edge of her bed and rest one of her leg on top of another, watching me examine the room.

I look towards her, flashing a concerned face. “Are you sure you're not hurt?”

“No, you already brought me to the medical bay when we arrived, and as they said I'm perfectly fine.” She whines.

I raise my hand in defense. “I'm just making sure.”

“I really appreciate that you're concerned but I think I'm not the one who needs medical attention.” Kendall motioned at the scratches and already faded, marks on your neck.

Rubbing your neck soothingly, you step closer. “This is nothing I can't handle.” Seeing her yawn I averted my eyes to the window, gazing at the city with its mesmerising glimmer of lights that blared before my eyes. “You should sleep, we've had a long day.” I told her before turning around to leave.

Kendall clasped a hand around my wrist, jerking me back. “Can you stay?” She says urgently, her grip loosening. “Please?”

I stared at her contemplatively before sighing, conceding at her wish. “I'll wait 'til you sleep.”

As she dived inside the covers,  I lowered myself on the floor and lean against the edge of the bed. The silence felt like hours already passed, but it was comfortable, just us enjoying the silence while Kendall randomly run her fingers at the line of my hair from the back of my head, which was relaxing me to the point that I might even fall asleep.

“What will happen now?” She mumbles.

“At this point, I don't know. It depends on the General's orders.” I replied truthfully, twisting my body that my side now was leaning on the bed and I can rest my chin on the mattress facing her. “Tora and Aigle's currently on the meeting with him, if they admit that one of his units is a traitor he'd disband us immediately.”

“You mean he'll assign us—”

“—To another unit,” I finished her statement. “Of course that's what he'd do. We're formed to make sure you're all safe, if he discovers the truth he won't have any second thoughts of pulling us all out of the case.”

Kendall quickly sat up. “Maybe there's time, we can still stop the two from telling him.”

I immediately hop on the bed, my hand making its way on her shoulders, stopping her for anymore movements. “Easy there. It's not like we're going to get fired or anything if you're worried about that, maybe the General would reassign our team in another case. In the bright side when we get replaced for sure you're all going to be safe —”

“Don't you get it?” Kendall huffs, rolling her eyes at me. Damn the attitude. “I don't want him to replace all of you because I only want you!”

I paused abruptly, my lips parting as I stare out her dumbfounded. “Kendall,”

Before I know it I was wrapped in a comforting embrace. It took me a couple of seconds to realise what was happening, and when I did I reciprocated her affection.

“No matter how many people the general send to protect us or how many in the syndicate are chasing us, everything pales at how you make me feel safe.” Kendall confessed, her grip around you tightening. 

Words cannot describe how I feel this moment, every  sentences that sink into my ears my mind seemed to have forgotte to process, making me speechless. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, gaping on Kendall's dark shaded eyes when she sligntly pulled away.

She stared at me expectantly, waiting for me to answer. “Kendall.. I,” I shake my empty head, trying to compose any words suited to reply. “ have a boyfriend right?” Breathing out heavily. “Don't jump to any conclusion yet Kenny, maybe you just feel that way because you haven't had any communications outside.”

My body tensed when her hands slithered up my shoulders. Kendall shakes her head. “I'm sure of what I feel about you, Rye. The question is...” Her fingers delicately caressed my skin, her face inching closer. “Are you just going to ignore yours?..”

Fuck no.

Kendall let out a small squeal when I pressed her back onto the bed, her hands immediately making its way through my hair pulling me in as our lips tangled in a heated kiss while our moans danced in the thick atmosphere. One of my hands snake up to her hips, caressing her smooth skin.

I felt a tug on the ends of my shirt, Kendall's fingers were like fire trailing across my skin, sliding up my abdomen as if it would leave a mark permanently. The touch itself stirred my being, I can feel it at the tighness of my trousers, waking me in realisation.

I lean back, breaking the kiss, instead of stopping Kendall moved her lips on my neck, her hot breath hitting my skin, teeth grazing, biting.

“Kendall..” I grunt, squeezing her back.

The model whines again. “What now.” She pouts.

“We're moving way too fast.” I reasoned, but the truth is I'm avoiding this situation going further, not that I don't want it.

Let's just say Kendall isn't ready for the truth.

“If you're worried about me finding out your extra pack,” My eyes snapped wide at her revelation. “Don't, because I already know it.”


Smirking at me, her hands crawled up my. inner thighs. “You're not really...let's just say...subtle hiding it.” She whispers to my ears as she palmed me through my trousers.

I let out a low, prolonged grunt, my face falling between her neck and shoulders, heat pumping down to my loins. I hear the fly of my pants zip down in a sluggish movement, I gasp at the sensation of Kendall's fingers wrapping around me.

“Yo Rye!” Virgo's loud voice echoed, followed by a loud slam of the door. “Get out! Emergency meeting, General's orders!”

I growled displeasingly, making the girl under me giggle in amusement while her warmth disappeared.

“Fucking hell.” I grumble, rolling off of Kendall.

“Duty calls.” Kendall smiles and covered herself back with the duvet. I don't know if my face was saying something my mouth cannot voice out because she parted her lips again. “It's okay, I'll wait for you to comeback.” She winks.

I nod vigorously, quickly heading out the door. “Okay, maybe we won't be too long.”

Yanking the door open, instead of seeing Virgo's lopsided smile that she usually display on her face, she has bad mood radiating off her neutral expression. Virgo's gaze flickered down. “Fix your zipper.”

My hand shot down to zip it back up, now embarrassed. “I'm in a middle of something.”

She walked away, dragging herself down the hall. “Oh trust me, you aren't the only one.” Confused at her vague statement, I got my answer when I notice a faint purple bite mark on her nape.

I guess I'm not the only one who got interrupted.

What do you lovelies think about this
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insta: riee. aigle27

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