Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season...

By crazychica44

15.7K 203 19

Kenzie Dawson and her cousin Ally, another brilliant yet shy songwriter and Austin, an extroverted musician... More

ch 1 Rockers & Writers
CH 2 Kangaroos & Chaos
CH 3 Secrets & Songbooks
CH 4 Zaliens, Pie,& Cloud Watchers
CH 5 Bloggers & Butterflies
ch7 managers & meatballs
CH 8 club owners & quinceaรฑeras
CH 9 Deejays & Demos
CH 10 world records & work wreckers
CH 11 songwriting & starfish
CH 12 Soup & Stars
CH 13 Burglaries & boobytraps
CH 14 MyTAB & My Pets
CH 15 Film Making & Fear Breaking
CH 16 Diners & Daters
CH 17 Everglades & Allygators
CH 18 successes & setbacks
CH 19

CH 6 Tickets & Trash bags

446 9 0
By crazychica44

Interior. Sonic Boom

Nelson: (plays an incorrect version of a piano piece) How was that?

Kenzie: Well, you got all of the notes! Just not in the right order or in the right key.

Nelson: Thanks! (high-fives Kenzie)

Austin and Dez barge in through the back door.

Austin: Ally, Kenzie, Nelson, quick! We need you out of the piano. (they back away)

Dez: Put your hands in the air, and back away from the baby grand. (sets watermelon on piano while Austin holds a bat and Kenzie ducks)

Ally: Guys, what did I tell you about bringing food in the... (Austin hits the bar of the piano; the watermelon hits Nelson and Ally) -ugh store!

Dez: (high-fives Austin) Yes!

Austin: Awesome! That was way better than smashing peanuts on my laptop. (Opens his laptop to expose it covered in peanut butter from keyboard to screen)

Kenzie: Alright Nelson, uh, lesson's over. You can go wash up.

Nelson: I'm Melon Man! (exits the store)

Trish: (enters store) Guess who got a job at...Megaphone World?

Dez: Who?

Trish: And, more importantly, guess who got an exciting piece of mail for...Mister Austin Moon?

Ally: What's it say? What's it say?

Austin: I've been selected to take part in a study on...male pattern baldness?

Trish: Sorry, wrong letter.

Dez: I never knew you were bald. Killer toupee. (attempts to pull Austin's hair off)

Austin: Dude!

Trish: Here you go.

Austin: Whoa! I've been invited to the Miami Internet Music Awards! The rapper Shiny Money wants me to perform with him!

Trish: I convinced him to sample your song Double Take in his new rap.

Ally: Look at you, Trish; Manager of the Year!

Trish: It was easy; all I had to do was stand outside his house doing this until he agreed to watch Austin and his video. (presses button on bullhorn; police siren noise is made)

Dez: Ugh, I hate that sound!

Trish: Oh, well in that case, (continuously blares siren noise directly at him)

Ally: I can't believe one of our songs is going to be on an award show!

Dez: I can't believe Austin's singing with Shiny Money. He's my favorite. I hope he'll sign my picture of him I keep in my wallet. (Dez opens his wallet, takes the picture out and unfolds it, revealing that the picture is actually a poster)

Trish: Who cares about autographs? I can't wait to break out my red carpet walk. (she shows it off)

Austin: You call that a red carpet walk? Check this out; (he does one of his own)

Kenzie: Watch This (moves her hips side to side as she sashays down the pretend carpet then dances)

Ally: Step aside, rookies. Let uh... Ally D show you how it's done! Unhh! (Ally does hers, which is completely ridiculous, and for some reason includes a beat-box) Unhh!

Austin: I think "Ally D" should probably go in the side entrance.

Dez: The five of us are going to have the best night ever.

Austin: I know. And look; I get access to an exclusive after party.

Trish, Ally, and Dez: Yay!

Austin: A complimentary gift bag.

Trish, Ally, Kenz,and Dez: Yay!

Austin: An extra ticket for one guest.

Trish, Ally, and Dez: Yay! (suddenly realizing the impact of what he said) What?

Austin: I only get one extra ticket to the show.

Kenzie: (grabs the other ticket) i guess he's taking me cause I call Dibs

Dez: I've never been good at math, but one ticket times Four friends is... carry the 4 -

Trish: It means only one of us gets to go.

Dez: Huh, I got 47.

Theme Song

Exterior. B-roll, then Mall of Miami Food Court

Austin: Wow, Trish. Thanks for lunch. I didn't even know they made frosted French fries.

Trish: They don't. (she whips out a big tube of frosting) But I do.

Trish proceeds to squirt more chocolate frosting on his french fries.

Austin: This wouldn't have anything to do with you wanting be my guest at the awards show, would it?

Trish: (scoffs) Whaaaaat? Don't be ridiculous. I want you to know, this isn't about me. You only get to bring one guest. So it's a decision you need to think long and hard about.

Austin: Thanks. I'm glad...

Trish: Enough thinking. You're taking me.

Austin: It's not that easy. You know I'm bad at making decisions. I couldn't even figure out what sneakers to wear this morning.

Brief wide shot as Austin reveals that he's wearing one hot pink sneaker and one neon lime green sneaker.

Trish: Look, you owe me. I'm your manager. Without me you wouldn't even have this gig.

Austin: You're right. You can come with me. I'll just have to break the news to Dez,Kenz, and Ally.

Trish: Great. I'm gonna get a job at Dress Hut so I can get something new to wear.

Austin: What about Megaphone World?

Trish: Ehh, I'll just quit. Ooh, it's all the way at the other end of the mall. (through her megaphone ) ATTENTION MEGAPHONE WORLD! I QUIT!

Trish's Boss: (O.S. through another megaphone) TRISH, YOU WERE FIRED YESTERDAY! PLEASE RETURN THE MEGAPHONE!

Interior. Ally and Kenzie's Practice Room

Dez is sitting in a chair pretending to laugh for some reason. Austin walks in.

Austin: Dez, I need to talk to you. (noticing his weird behavior) What are you doing?

Dez: Practicing my award show reactions. You never know when you're going to be on camera.

Austin: Awesome! I'd better practice mine too.

Dez starts his applause again, and Austin joins him.

Dez: They just announced the video of the year.

Austin: Standing ovation!

Both pretend to be in one.

Austin: You're the man! Love you!

Dez: Let's do the wave!

Austin: Aw, Cool.

Dez starts a wave, and Austin follows.

Dez: We're gonna have so much fun at the awards show.

Austin: About that; Listen Dez, I need to tell you something. I've been thinking about the awards show, and...

Dez: And you're trying to figure out how to let Trish, Kenz, and Ally down easy. Just say "I'm taking Dez! I like him better than you! Stop crying losers!"

Austin: How is that letting them down easy?

Dez: If you want, I can tell them. Can I tell them?

Austin: Look, I obviously want to take you. I mean, you're not just my video director, you're my best friend.

Dez: Yeah. I've been there for you through everything. Remember that time at camp when you ripped your pants and I gave you mine?

Austin: Yeah, you went pant less for the rest of summer.

Dez: And most of the fall. Oh, and remember that time when we got stuck in an elevator? I gave you my pants then, too.

Austin: Yeah. There was really no reason to do that.

Dez: That's what best friends are for. I mean, I can't imagine us not going to your first awards show together.

Austin: (sighs) You're right. I could never go without you. I'm just going to have to tell Trish,Kenz, and Ally the ticket's yours.

Dez: Our first award show. Awesome sauce ! (rips off pants, and hands them to Austin) Here you go, buddy.

Interior. Sonic Boom

Ally is standing with Nelson as he tries to hold up a sousaphone.

Ally: Are you sure you want to learn to play the sousaphone, Nelson? It's a... really heavy instrument.

Nelson: It's okay, I'm strong.

Ally: Well, just in case, I'd better keep holding onto you... (quickly spotting Austin O.S.) Austin, hey.

Ally walks away to approach Austin, while Nelson falls on his back with the sousaphone wrapped around his body.

Nelson: (O.S.) Aww, Nartz!

Ally: Austin, I'm glad you're here. I just want to let you know, I get what you're going through.

Austin: Really? You're growing hair on your toes, too?

Ally: Eww. No. I meant, I understand how tough this ticket nonsense must be for you. And, the last thing I want to do is add any pressure. Just because Shiny Money's sampling Double Take, a song me and Kenzie wrote, doesn't mean you have to take me.

Austin: Really?

Ally: Really, really.

Austin: (exasperated) Well, great.

Ally: Yup. Greaty, great, great. But here's the thing...

Austin: Aw. But you said "greaty great great."

Ally: If you did want to take me, and again, totally cool if you don't, I need to know sooner rather than later. Because I already requested the night off work, and I need a full day for dress alterations, and if we were going to match my purse to your tie, which I'm assuming we would...

Austin: (interrupting) If I give you the ticket, will you stop talking?

Ally: Yes, I would totally stop talking. Because I'd be so excited and...

Austin: (interrupting) You can come! Besides you're right. You're one of my partners, you deserve to do this. Without you and Kenzie's song, I wouldn't even be performing with Shiny Money.

Ally: Thank you, thank you, thank you! (gives him a big hug) Yay! (runs off with her arms in the air)

Austin: (quite nervous, petrified, and sarcastic) Ayy.

Nelson: (O.S.) Austin, can I ask you something?

Camera view widens to reveal that Nelson is still trapped on the floor in his sousaphone.

Austin: I know. Why did I invite everybody? But what was I supposed to do? They all deserve to go. I just couldn't say no. (walks out the back door)

Nelson: No! I was gonna ask you for help! I'm stuck!
Exterior Maimi Mall (Kenzie sits next to Austin on the side of the fountain)
Kenzie: look, this is a big deal to everybody and I was kinda kidding when I called Dibs so you know what, you can take one of the others I quit the competion

Exterior. B-roll, then interior Sonic Boom

Dez is sitting at a drum set wearing a football helmet while he discusses Nelson's sousaphone ordeal.

Dez: Don't worry about what happened with the sousaphone, Nelson. All instruments can be dangerous to play.

Nelson: Is that why you're wearing a helmet? (knocks on his helmet)

Dez: Oh, no. This is how I play drums.

Dez starts playing the drums while crashing his head on the cymbals. Just then Ally walks around a piano wearing a strapless fuchsia cocktail dress with red ostrich feathers throughout the skirt. Her hair is pulled to her left side below her right ear, and she's also wearing bright red lipstick and an apparent diamond pendant necklace.

Dez: Weh-heh-heh-heoooooo!!

Ally: (flattered) Thank you, Dez.

Dez: Oh, no. I'm dizzy from playing head-drums. Weh-heh-heh-heoooooo!!

Ally rolls her eyes at Dez. Just then Trish walks in through the front door, almost as dolled up as her friend, wearing a long one-shouldered purple sparkly dress with a floral pattern. Her hair is pulled back behind her head, and a purple flower is in her hair over her left ear. She's not as made up as Ally, but she is wearing some metallic earrings.

Trish: (posing for Dez and Nelson) What do you think?

Dez: Did your dress get a job at the Megaphone store, because it is LOUD! (rimshot, partially with his helmet)

Trish: Someday, you're going to take off that helmet, and I'll be waiting.

Ally: Why are you all dressed up?

Trish: Because I'm going with Austin to the Miami Internet Music Awards.

Ally: No you're not, Austin promised me the extra ticket.

Dez: Sorry, ladies. You're both wrong. I'm going to the music awards.

Trish: (scoffs) Please. You're not even dressed for it.

Dez: Oh, but I am. Exhibit A; Formal backpack. (Dez turns his back to the two girls to reveal a backpack that looks like a tuxedo.)

Ally: Whatever. He's taking me.

Trish: No way!

Dez: He promised me.

All three start arguing with each other until they are interrupted by Austin and Kenzie, off screen.

Austin: I'm not taking any of you. (Ally turns around) I'm not taking any of you, because I'm not going.

Ally: What are you talking about?

Austin: I messed up. I promised all of you, you could come with me.

Trish: Why would you do that?

Austin: Because, you gave me frosted french fries. And Dez gave me his pants. And Ally... talked for a really long time and Kenzie offered to let one of you go instead cause that's how much our friendship means to her.

Ally: I don't talk for a really long time. I think I talk for a normal amount of time. I mean, then again, what is the definition of normal. Your normal could be different from my normal, which could be different from Trish or Kenzie's normal, and uh,... you were saying?

Austin: I'm gonna call Shiny Money and tell him I can't perform. This night is about all of us. And if we all can't be there, none of us should.

Kenzie: Thanks Aust

Trish: Wow. Of all the (suddenly confrontational) selfish things I've ever heard! And after all things I've done for you! I can't believe this is how you thank your manager!

Ally: Yeah, and this is how you thank your partners? This is my moment too.

Dez: And some best friend you are. I was this close to rubbing knees with Shiny Money.

Kenzie: It's elbows. Rubbing elbows.

Dez: I cant do that. I have sensitive elbows.

Trish: At least something around here is sensitive, because Austin clearly doesn't care about our feelings.

Austin: (Frustrated) You know what? Forget it! I thought you all wanted to be there tonight for me. But I was wrong. You're all acting like selfish little kids.

Trish, Ally, and Dez: (childish) Nu-uhh!!

Austin: And I'm not spending my night with a little kid. Come on, Kenzie. Me and you are going to the awards show.

(Kenzie heads upstairs real quick and changes into a light pink dress.)

Austin and Kenzie walk out the front door.

Exterior; B-roll, then Interior; Ally's practice room.

Ally and Trish are sitting in chairs moping over how they blew their chances to go to the show.

Ally: Did we really just...

Trish: Yep.

Dez walks in from either the bathroom or closet door behind them.

Ally: And Austin's going to...

Trish: Uh-huh.

Ally: So we're pretty much...

Trish: .. the worst friends ever.

Dez: Oh. I want to play the finish the sentence game. Say something Trish.

Trish: Dez, you are such an -

Dez: (interrupting) Elephant! Tractor! Pineapple!

Trish: (sarcastic) Yes, you are such an Elephant, Tractor, Pineapple.

Dez: I'm great at this game.

Ally: So now what? We sit here all night feeling horrible about ourselves?

Dez: Not necessarily.

Trish: Wait a minute; Are you thinking what I'm thinking.

Dez gestures to her that he is, but...

Trish: (almost simultaneously with Dez) We need to sneak in to the show!

Dez: (almost simultaneously with Trish) It'd be so cool to own a penguin.

Ally: Sneak into the show? Trish, we've already upset Austin enough for one night. And Dez, where would you even keep a penguin? In a bathtub? With ice?

Dez: (Nods in agreement, evidently.)

Trish: You guys heard Austin. He wants us there. We have to go and make this right.

Ally: I guess.

Trish: Great! So we're all on the same page?

Dez: Yes. I'll get the penguin, you get the ice, and we'll all meet at Ally's bathtub. (walks out)

Ally and Trish look at each other in bewilderment, then walk out themselves.

Exterior; B-roll of alleged nighttime scenes of Miami, then of an arena where the awards show is staged, presumably the American Airlines Arena.

Announcer: Welcome back to the Miami Internet Music Awards. Now to announce the nominees for the best viral video...

Interior; Stage room at Miami Internet Music Awards.

Announcer: .. the stars of the summer blockbuster "Mummy, Mommy;" Cameron Diaz and little Hayley Carlysle.

Stage changes to TV screen in Austin's dressing room. Austin and Kenzie are waiting for Austin's queue to go on stage. Austin is still depressed about leaving the rest of his friends behind. Kenzie is blown away by all the fancy foods and other gifts in their room.

Nelson: Whoa! Pretzels and chocolate! (dips a Pretzel into a chocolate fountain)

Austin: Chocolate covered Pretzels remind me of Dez.

Stage Manager: (bursting through the door) Austin Moon. You're on in five. (closes the door as he leaves)

Austin: Yelling reminds me of Trish.

Kenzie: Whoa! Cotton candy!

Austin: That reminds me of Ally.

Nelson: Cotton candy?

Austin: No, this picture of Ally. (he grabs a picture of Ally from an end-table) Why did I bring this? I just wish my other friends were here too.

Kenzie: (yanking her hands from the cotton candy vat) I love Cotton Candy!

Austin: I really REALLY wish my other friends were here.

Interior; Back stage at Miami Internet Music Awards.

Trish, Ally, and Dez are sneaking back stage dressed in trash bag costumes.

Announcer: The Miami Internet Music Awards will be back with Shiny Money,and special guests, Austin Moon and Kenzie Dawson.

Ally: Okay, we're in. Can we take off these trash bags now?

Trish: No. We need to look like we belong here. Shiny Money's song is Trash Talka and the dancers all wear trash bags. See? (gestures to the dancers in the background)

Dez: I think this is a good look for me. And the best part is, you never have to worry about finding a trash can. (grabs a half-finished apple from his pocket and throws it in his pouch.)

Trish: Let's just find Austin. We'll be fine just as long as nobody here sees us. (panics) Like that guy! Hide!

All three climb into trash cans. Suddenly the stage manager approaches the scene and stage hands start grabbing garbage cans to move them to the stage.

Stage Manager: Showtime. Everyone take your places.

Interior. Stage at whatever coliseum hosts the MIMA.

Ally rises from the trash can, unaware that she's on stage.

Ally: Did we just move? I felt like...

The revelation of her surroundings immediately causes her to scream in horror, and duck back in the trash can. Just then, Dez and Trish pop out of their cans as they spot Austin off stage with Shiny Money.

Dez: Hey, Trish, check it out. It's Austin and Kenz with Shiny Money. Hey Austin, Hey Kenz.

Austin and Kenzie stare at the two of them, knowing trouble is inevitable.

Announcer: Make some noise for the one and only Shiny Money. With special guests, internet sensation, Austin Moon and Kenzie Dawson.


Trish: What do we do?

Dez: We could ask for his autograph.

Shiny Money: We're about to take the trash out on y'all! It's your boy Shiny Money and Austin Moon! Shiny Money, Shiny Money, Shiny Money! Shiny to the Money-style! Whoo! It's time to take out the trash! Whoo!

Austin and Kenz join Shiny Money on stage with the background dancers as they perform Trash Talka. Much of the performance includes Shiny Money throwing stage money out into the audience, and Austin and Kenz joining him, except that they're distracted by the chaos of their friends behind them. Dez and Trish eventually joint the dancers, but Ally gets away and hides back stage. Between their queues, Austin and Kenzie occasionally tries to talk to their friends.

Kenzie: What are you guys doing here?

Dez: Trying to learn the dance.

Austin goes into his part of the chorus, then steps to the side to approach Ally, who's hiding backstage.

Ally: Austin, let me explain.

Kenzie: I can't believe you guys. (Kenzie Joins in the chorus at her queue)

Ally: Austin,Kenz, please I...

Austin: How could you guys get in here? I... (Back to his queue)

Ally is spotted from behind by the stage manager.

Stage Manager: You! Get over here! (She takes off and runs behind the other dancers)

Ally: I'll explain later!

As she tries to flee the stage manager during the first verse, Ally dances slightly in order to remain inconspicuous before resuming her escape. The stage manager, realizing he has been put in the spotlight himself, does a dance of his own as he tries to catch Ally, then resumes the chase. Trish and Dez still try to keep up with the other dancers, and don't do such a bad job. Just as Austin and Shiny are about to resume the chorus, stage hands bring out a cart with six empty chemical barrels on top for Shiny Money to climb upon during his performance. He prepares to stage dive giving Dez and Trish "thumbs-up gestures" expecting to be caught by Dez and Trish, who have no idea what they're supposed to be doing, and simply do the same. He dives off the stage and lands on his face. Embarrassed by the incident, Trish and Dez stand next to each other.

Trish: I think we were supposed to catch him.

Austin nervously approaches the injured rap musician, and tries to break the tension.

Austin: (singing awkwardly) ...Double take.

Exterior; B-roll of alleged nighttime scenes of Miami, then Interior; the stage.

The show is over, and the view pans from a janitor sweeping up the stage with a broom to Team Austin. Ally, Dez and Trish are sitting in front of their trash cans, still in their costumes. Austin and Kenzie walk behind those cans as they look for them.

Austin: You guys still here?

Ally: Yeah, Austin,Kenz, we're so sorry.

Austin: Sorry for what? For caring more about yourselves than you care about me or Kenz?

Kenzie: Um, you're talking to a trash bag.

Austin: (walks around the garbage cans to find them sitting there) Oh, Sorry for what? For caring more about yourselves...

Ally: (interrupting him as they all get up) Austin, you're right. We were being selfish. But then we realized the night was about you, not us. That's why we came down here; to support you and apparently Kenzie.

Austin: So you guys weren't just thinking about yourselves?

Trish: If I was only thinking about myself, do you think I would wear such a ridiculous outfit?

Dez: Yeah. That purple dress you had on earlier was awful.

Trish: I'm talking about the trash bag.

Ally: I'm sorry we ruined the show for you too.

Austin: You didn't ruin it. (Ally smiles)

Kenzie: Actually, you totally ruined it. (Her smile disappears) But We're happy you guys came.

Ally: Really?

Austin: Yeah. We're a team. I couldn't imagine my first awards show without you guys here.

Dez: Buddy, if I was wearing real pants, I would totally give them to you right now.

Austin: Yeah, I think we should go back to fist bumping.

Ally chuckles at Austin's remark. Dez decides to throw his fist in the center of the group, followed by Austin,Kenzie, Ally and Trish.

Austin, Ally,Kenzie,

Dez, and Trish BOOM! (All chuckle)

Two EMS members wheel Shiny Money on a stretcher on the stage. His torso is wrapped in a bandage, he has casts on his forearms and lower legs. One of his arms is supported by a metal beam attached to his torso bandage. He still recognizes Dez and Trish, and the medics stop when he spots them.

Shiny Money: Hey! You were the two dudes that're supposed to catch me!

Trish: You're not still mad, are you?

Shiny Money:Still?! It happened an hour ago!

Ally: Actually, it was two hours ago. You blacked out a little bit.

Shiny Money: My doctor says I can't perform for at least eight months. Thanks a lot!

Dez: Hey, you're welcome. High five.

Dez carelessly slaps the most injured arm, sending him rolling backstage as he screams in pain, only to be injured even further as he crashes into something off screen.

Exterior; B-roll of nighttime scenes of the Mall of Miami, then Interior; Sonic Boom.

In spite of the rule against eating in the store, Austin and Dez are sitting on top of the counter, eating slices of pizza from styrofoam containers.

Dez: This is way better than any of those real after parties.

Austin: Can you imagine me and Kenzie hanging out at that after party?

Dez: How did Kenzie end up performing anyway? (Austin looks at Dez in shock, realizing he never told them)


Interior; Austin's dressing room at MIMA.

Kenzie is helping Austin practice singing one of her songs as shiny Money walks in the dressing room

*A/N What If (I Told You I Like You)*
Let's talk about all the things that we shouldn't talk about
Those kind of words that will change all the things we talk about
Tell me do you ever think of us?
Should I ask some more or should I stop?

What if our tomorrow means that we are here together?
What if we are taking chances just to lose it all?
Am I really crazy thinking 'bout this all together?
What if I've been missing,
The writing on the wall?

What if I say

[Austin + Kenzie:]
I know, you know
What if I told you I like you?
We stay, we go

What if I told you I like you?
I know, you know
What if I told you I like you?

We stay, we go
What if I told you I like you?

What if I told you I like you?

What if I told you I like you?

I hear everything they saying, they saying 'bout us
It's not about right or wrong, it's about what we love
Would it be simple or would it be too complicated?
Should I keep going or maybe it's better to stop?

What if our tomorrow means that we are here together?
What if we are taking chances just to lose it all?
Am I really crazy thinking 'bout this all together?
What if I've been missing,
The writing on the wall?

What if I say

[Austin + Kenzie:]
I know, you know
What if I told you I like you?
We stay, we go

What if I told you I like you?
I know, you know
What if I told you I like you?

We stay, we go
What if I told you I like you?

What if I told you I like you?

What if I say,
I know, you know
What if I told you I like you?

We stay, we go

What if I told you I like you?
I know you know
What if I told you I like you?
We stay, we go

[Austin + Kenzie:]
What if I told you I like you?
Yeah, yeah, ooh
I like you, ooh yea
What if I told you I like you?
Yeah, ooh

(What if I told you I like you?)
(We stay, we go)
What if I told you I like you?

Let's talk about all the things that we shouldn't talk about
Kenz: you know even if i never end up signing in public other than that one song we did together at least one of us is following our dream

Austin: aww Kenz i didn't know you wanted to be a singer

Shiny Money:(speaking up suddenly causing the two to flinch in suprise) Well now she can one of the background singers got sick

Kenzie : Thanks Shiny Money You Won't regret it

*Flashback ends*

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