They Saved Me With Their Love

By wishuwerehere12

4.1K 128 41

Leah has been unloved her whole life, but then gets saved, by who and how and what comes after? You'll just h... More

Finally Out
Lance & Kelly
Moving out!
Oh The Pain.
Dreams, Wishes, Choices
Close and Closer
Happy tis I
Happy Birthday Princess! part 1
Happy birthday princess!! part2!
Dancing till the clock strikes 12
My Second Chance Mate!
The Connection
A Pie And A Pack
Blood, Sweat, and Lots of Tears
Unbelievable Miracles
Waiting Game
New Found Hope
Luck Favors the Prepared

The Rejection

547 16 0
By wishuwerehere12

"I, Andrew Douglass Cooper, reject you as my mate because you are a useless, good for nothing, worthless omega that noone could even try to love." Andrew spoke with such spite you'd think I was the person terrorizing him since childhood. My eyes locked on his. I pushed down every stupid emotion I was feeling about him; the love, the sadness, the longing, even the hate. I pushed it all down and kept a cold stare on him.

The lack of reaction made his heart stutter, thanks to this curse of mates I could tell my effect on him.

"I, Leah Jayson Tate, accept your rejection." I stared at him as he swallowed hard; the shock must be so intense for his pea sized brain. "Are we done here?" I nodded at the silence and gave the fakest smile I could muster. I spun around ready to put another painful situation behind me.

'I didn't know you could be so level headed,' The voice in my head that is my wolf Ivy praised 'Now let's get the hell out of here'. He finally looked like the idiot I know him as, with his jaw stuck open, eyes bugged out, and by making incoherent sentences

" the....without..?" I stopped walking and turned back taking an invisible breath. Looking at him with my hand over my heart and a fake expression of worry.

"Oh, oh no you didn't did you? You really expected me to cry over you? To beg you to take me?" I tried to keep a straight face but as I spoke my words just got more and more funny,"I guess you are funny after all!" My smile breaking through with an actual laugh. I shook my head trying to compose myself then hardened my eyes and stared deep into his. "I guess we can have a heart to heart. So listen, you're rude and ignorant and straight up barbaric. Why would I ever want you as a peer, forget the idea completely of me wanting you as a mate? You agreed the Moongoddess made a mistake, and we ended that stressful-" I looked at my fake watch and back at him," two minutes. Good thing it was only as long as you would last screwing one of your groupies or I would feel really bad about it," I mocked with a beaming face and a swipe to remove the nonexistent sweat from my brow. "I may be the Omega of this pack, but I'm not so desperate to be accepted, to allowed myself to be mated to an asshole like you."

'Wow, are you okay?' Ivy asked shocked. Sure I'm not known to go off but I figure it's time for a change.

"How dare you talk to your Alpha that way!" his squeeze of the day said, "You would be lucky to even dream of having him! You are just a stupid dumb who-" she stopped mid sentence because of a loud sigh of annoyance that came from me.

"Common dude, You could've just turned away and looked at it as I'm helping you out by accepting his rejection. Its more of a chance for him to pick you to share his power and wealth, right? So... I suggest you shut the hell up, turn your ass in the opposite direction and walk away with whatever dignity you still have. Have nice day!" I smile at the end and mimic the stupid wave she does on a daily basis. I walk away again and hopefully this time without being interrupted. In my final moments I couldn't help but feel powered by my adrenaline, "Oh and happy birthday Alpha," I spat with every bit of bittersweet hate I had in my body. Of course I could have been an adult in my rejection but why would I do that? As I walked out of the crowd I held my hand high in the sky with one certain finger making its dazzling apperance.

Most of the people who had been around were laughing, some were seeing red, and some just stood in shock. I honestly don't give a rats ass about who saw or who's gonna be talking about it later. Its his fault he wanted to publicly humiliate me and it flipped on him.

'A person can only be hurt so much.' Ivy chimed in. I nodded already feeling my face getting hot from my emotions starting to come up from the valley I shoved them deep into. I get to my old '05 Ford Ranger and carefully slide in and instantly released my tears.


I let out a cloud from my quivering lips after leaning back into my driver seat. My eyes closed while I took in another deep drag from the joint that rested between my fingers. I was finally calming down from the event.

Yes, it did hurt to be rejected by the person that is supposed to love you with every single ounce of they're being, but he made his choice. My mind drifts to the rejection as another round of smoke enters my lungs. "He's a piece of crap anyways."

I turn on my stereo so I can hear something other than my thoughts. A sweet tune came on and I smiled a genuine smile for once today as I continued to take puffs; finally the bad feelings were easing. People at this school are like roaches; disgusting, unwanted, and probably carrying diseases. There's no point in caring about a single one of them.

'I'm a barbie girl in a barbie wor-'

"Hello Hails, what's up?" I answer my best friends call, quickly spinning the volume down to zero. It was easy to know who was calling me as only two people had my number and both were differentiated by their weird ringtones.

"Yo Spawn, whatcha up to?" Hailey questioned rather enthusiastically. I take another drag and roll my eyes at her nickname for me. Always causing or getting hell, might as well be given the title as the Spawn of Satan.

"Same old," I down played it, "Oh hey I met my mate you'll never believe who." I couldn't help my sigh but hopefully she didn't catch that part. She gasped and squealed.

"Who is he?! Is he there?! What's he like?! Is he hot?! Was it romantic?!" Hailey babled in practically one breathe, I smiled. Yeah it's been a shitty day, but at least I have a friend that cared enough to be excited for me. Even if there was nothing to be excited about...

"Cooper. No. You know that dick, so definitely not. On our mately meeting we promptly rejected each other," she gasped after every sentance.

"Well shit," Hailey sighed just as I had.

"So anyways Mrs. Luna, I gotta get back to school. Can we put a green light on plan 'get gone'?" I ask taking my last hit before dabbing out my joint and grabbing my book bag.

Hailey huffed, "Haven't you learned by now that this pack is practically yours too?" I laugh, "Of course it's a go! Oh he just walked in so I gotta go too, LOVE YOU!" Hailey screams the last part.

"You too!" I laugh back and ended our call. You have to love friends, even if you're deaf because of them. I took a minute to look at my bestfriend's ID photo, it was taken back when I first got the phone a few years ago. You can even see the bus we took to get into the main city in the backround. Its crazy how much time has passed. I shake the memories away for now. Before I exit my car I spray my perfume to mask the smell of the bud. Not like it matters. Good ol reefer doesn't do anything besides relieve muscles for about an hour and maybe ten minutes of the psychoactive effects for werewolves (thanks alot genetics). Only sticklers care about the usage of pot and luckily none of the staff care about anything but their paychecks here.

I swing my shoulder bag onto my right shoulder and lock my baby. "There you go Tony, three more classes and I'll be back" I sigh tapping his hood.

I head to my class as I always do, listening to the music I always listen to, and ignore the world as I always tend to do. It's not that I don't care it's just so...boring, it's always the same things that happen in this pack. I try to stay out of trouble, I get into trouble, I get punished, and repeat. Monotonous, pointless, waste of effort.

My weathred black vans make no noise when I walk, my blue jeans hug my hips, my shirt tight but stretched out at the same time. You can't ask alot of scraps, you just hope they fit enough to wear. I tie my hair up in a bun as I enter my AP honors math class. I sit in the back row and start doodling as usual. For the rest of the class I simply twiddle my thumbs and text Hailey.

I must sound like a bum that doesn't care to understand or try at all in school; And you'd be right about the trying part. I don't care about school because I've already completed it. Not just the homework for this week, but all of highschool. I technically finished highschool by the middle of my junior year; not having a social life gives you alot study time.

"Ms. Tate!" Mr. Blackbird shouted, I rolled my eyes and look up at him from my phone. I wasn't always as troublesome as they accused me of but today I figure I'll give them what they are punishing me for.

"Sir." I answered in a monotone and an kept the annoyed look on my face that I usually hid, "How may I assist you?" The whole class was looking at me, then to him, and then back to me. His face turned red for a moment before he counted to five with his eyes shut, Mr.Blackbird always bothered me. I think it's because he always has a mustard stain on his shirt after lunch....yeah that must be it. But anyways, we have a mutual hatred for each other, just like everyone at this school he hasn't liked me since I'd been in the pack.

"Ms. Tate care to answer the question on the bored, or were you to busy texting to pay attention and learn the method?" Blackbird spat, he looked confident I would answer with an 'uh I dunno' or a 'you caught me'.

"She's too busy being depressed from her rejection to pay attention. How pathetic!" A girl said to the class. Laughter filled the room. With a sigh, I stood up from my seat and walked to the bored. For the first time I looked at the bored, I took a pen and wrote out the simplified equation in no more than two minutes.

"WRONG!" He shouted,"This is an equation that equals out to an exact number not expression!!" He shouted with joy. The class all snickered at me and started saying things like 'wow ego check for the dumbass' and 'looks like she was ment to be in the "special" class after all'.

I rolled my eyes and explained the process to my "teacher" step by step, I'll save you the rest of the boring math talk. I was right, he was wrong, he threw a fit, and now I'm on the familiar path to the office.


"Miss Tate?" The principal said from the door of his office, I stood up. "So Tate, why are you here exactly?" He asked, folding his hands over another and leaning back in his chair with a disproved look on his face.

"My instructor was out shown by yours truly," I shurgged, a glimmer pride hid itself in my green eyes. "He taught the class wrong, I showed the correct answer and method step by step. He threw a fit because he was not willing to say that I'm right; and so I am here."

"How come I have a hard time believing that?" Mr. Sen said his eyebrows raised, I shrugged.

"I honestly don't know Sir, how is it that I'm sent her everyday and yet you still haven't learned my name? The world is full of myserties." He clenched his jaw and glarred. "Anyways I have a perfect grade in every class and I know my intelligence level, and I know my mathematics. Whether you choose to believe me or not is simply up to your own ignorance," I shrugged again. Mr.Sen's eyes got wide, apperently it's the action of the day.

"I'll call your Alpha's at once young lady!" he threatended. I rose a brow but a smirk crept onto my face almost devilishly.

"Do it."


About thirty minutes later both the current Alpha David Cooper and Alpha-to-be Andrew Cooper, aka. my former mate, were seated in the office.

"Alpha, Mr.Cooper" Mr.Sen bowed his head to them both, "Ms. Tate here has gotten into some trouble." All the men in the room looked at me with cold and unamused expressions.

"Excuse me Alpha, as you may know I'm not wanted here. It just so happens this a perfect time to discuss me leaving!" I smiled also done pretending to be happy to be here. "The BlueMoon pack is willing to take me off your hands. Just think Alpha, no more hearing about me and my troublesome ways!" I said in the most non sympathetic tone I could put it in while still appearing to be respectful.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Andrew tense up and get alittle frustrated. "See Alpha, my mate has rejected me today," I paused Andrew's face flushed a crimson color and a look of guilt washed over him, "I see no reason to with stand anymore of the harsh abuse, I've received in this pack. A broken heart now has pushed past my breaking point for sure. My closest friend is at the BlueMoon pack and I have nothing else here. I've just turned eighteen years old sir, and extremely educa-"

"YOUR ONLY IN YOUR SENIOR YEAR OF HIGHSCHOOL! YOU'RE NOT SMART!" Andrew burst out angry, he sounded like a child screaming at the top of their lungs for a toy they want but can't have.

I rose my eyebrow at him and rolled my eyes, he bit his lip and look away, "Please let me finish. In the seventh grade I started taking highschool classes. I graduated my junior year. Because I by-passed high school Im forced to lower level classes when on my own time I'm doing my second year of college online. There are no benefits to staying in your pack."

"How the hell did you graduate highschool?" Alpha David growled for whatever reason.

"Wow do you guys just not remember anything?" I shook my head in shock. A smile of disbelief swept over my face, "I guess it will be easier to forget about me then, since you've already started. I didn't think that could get any simpler." That comment earned a growl from all three, "You approved it. Just like you approved me being your Omega and also how you approved shedualed beatings for me between the times I have to do the dirty work that you can't muster the effort to do yourself; Or do you not remember that either Alpha?" I couldn't help but speak with venom drowning my words. It was amazing how much you can do for someone and they have not even enough acknowledgement to remember your name.

"What abuse are you talking about, you seem perfectly fine, maybe even overly fed!" the principal stuck his nose in. I clenched my jaw. My hands grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it up. I was covered in scars and bruises. Some fresh from this morning and some still there from yesterday. Scars white from years ago and thanks to Freddie Harlin I have a new set of stitches above my hip.

I showed them where they burned me with silver. I told them how I would fight back but five against one isn't exactly fair. I showed them where the scar was from when my spleen had to be taken out because it was compromised by the massive trauma it endured. Andrew at this point was pale. Considering he was part of a lot of these scars I expect him to feel guilty; in fact I welcomed it.

The memories flood in and I remember every word, every hit, everything these people have ever done to me. This was hard but it needed to be done, I needed out of this idiotic and deadly pack.

"Leah I take back my reject-" I cut him off by growling at him. I could tell it was only out of guilt. I refuse to be the last pick or scraps at the bottom of the barrel any longer than I already have been.

"You lost your chance for redemption," I growled again and going cold again. If he came groveling at my feet, with tears streaming down his face, saying how my forgivness would he the only thing to save him; I'd spit in his face like the many of times he's done it to me. There was only one regret I had at this moment, and it was that the Alpha had figured out who my mate was just then. My freedom is now gone. FAN-FREAKING-TASIC!

"Leah Jayson Tate, I hand you over to the Bluemoon Pack. May you be safe and prosper."

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