Mother of the Joestar's [MAKI...

By SakuraNoPsycho

748 15 15

(UNDER MAJOR EDITING IN A NEW BOOK) There is a woman who is a Demon Vampire. Her name is Kallistê and she's b... More

Over 2,000 years ago
The Carriage Incident; Young Dio Brando (EDITED)
Kallistê's Return (EDITED)

Truth is Revealed

84 2 0
By SakuraNoPsycho

(Don't mind me, just changing things up a bit in the anime after getting done with some stuff that I needed to do. I also got a Bluetooth keyboard to help me type on my tablet easier...HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!)

After visiting George, I headed to my room, to read as usual. Something is off about George's sickness and I feel sick about it. Its not everyday I get bad feelings, maybe I should investigate? No, whatever it is, maybe it'll sort on its own. I hear a knock on my door,"You may enter." JoJo walks in, pale, with a frown on his face,"JoJo, what may be the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost." He looks to the ground, I immediately know something was wrong. I close my book and stand, walking to JoJo. I put my hands on his shoulders when I meet him,"JoJo, please, tell me what's the matter." He looks at me and shows me a letter. I grab it and read it. I gasp as I read what is written. "I knew something wasn't right," I began "I should have investigated immediately. I normally wouldn't say this, but if what this says is true, I believe Dio is the cause of your Father's sickness. I will go to George and speak with him, you approach Dio about this. We WILL find a cure." He nods with a determines look. We both walk out the door and continue to our destinations.

I approach George's room and knock, I hear a quiet, "Come in", followed by a cough. I walk in with a smile,"George, how are you feeling?" He smiles,"I feel just fine, the pain in my chest is almost gone now." I nod as he starts coughing. He turns and looks at the window,"Why not get some sleep Kallistê?" I chuckle,"You know I don't sleep." He nods,"But still, I wish for you to sleep." I look at my feet for a bit thinking on how I could help George, thinking of one person who could possibly help me I then lift my head to speak,"George, I will find a way to cure you of this sickness. You are family and I will not let you suffer any longer. It just pains me to see my family this way." George smiles at me,"Kallistê, you have been in this family since I can remember and more, you are apart of this family no matter what you think." I smile and sit beside him on his bed.

We speak for a few hours before a knock interrupts us. I stand and open the door only to see JoJo with a few doctors. I step out of the way and let them enter. JoJo goes to explain,"We will be back from London in a few days, Father. Till then accept medicine only from the hands of these doctors and no one else." The butler becomes sad at hearing that. I walk towards him and put a hand on his shoulder,"He doesn't want you to carry it up those stairs in case you fall, we don't want you hurt now do we?" I smile gently as he becomes happy again and starts mumbling on how nice JoJo and I are. I giggle and hear JoJo say,"Thank you, Father." We all walk out as I put my hood back on.


We are in a carriage to London. Its been two days since we had left the Manor. 'This is where I had met that young gentleman, I do hope I see him once again.' I smile at the thought. We stop at a street I know all too well. "Ogre Street." I mumble. We walk into the alley, searching for a place that may give us an answer and antidote.

We hit many dead ends,'Maybe my mind has grown dull over the years.' I hear a whistle and turn in that direction only to see three figures running at us. I pull my hood up to keep hidden. The guy on the left tells "Tattoo" to attack us. JoJo puts a arm in front of me as I go to pull my sword,"I can handle them, Kallistê." I hesitate but nod.

'I will have to say though, the guy on the left looks and sounds familiar...' "Ogre Street is aptly named." I hear JoJo say as Tattoo jumps to attack us. I pull my sword out of it's sheath and go for a defensive move. JoJo pushes me onto the ground to keep me out of harms way," JoJo!" I yell for him as Tattoo lands a strike on him, or so I thought. "Check out at this idiot. He grabbed my blade! In all my days, I've never seen the like. Ha ha ha. Stuck, ain't yah? One quick yank of the knife and they'll be picking your fingers out of the snow for a fortnight." "Try it, then. The moment you pull my friend will kick out her foot at your groin with all the force of a sledgehammer." Tattoo looks at me as I say with a smirk,"I'm willing to see our transaction through. Are you, sirrah?" JoJo continues,"I'm fighting to protect my family from those who wish to harm it. I doubt very much that your resolve is equal to mine." From the corner of my eye, I see another man trying to attack us, I raise my foot and kick him in the the face with enough force to knock him out without causing him harm. I kick Tattoo to the side as JoJo says," That's quite enough." I look at the only man left standing,"Now, tell me, one of you, where can I find a Asian apothecary?" "Tough talk. If your lookin' to lose body parts, do stick around. Observe." He tips his hat as it shows blades within it, I gasp, knowing he's going to throw it straight at JoJo since I'm standing away from him.

The hat starts flying around his head as he speaks,"I'll mince you right finely with a tip of the hat. And now, we dance." He runs at JoJo as I run forward to protect him. JoJo kicks the knife straight at the man, as I jump in front of the hat to take the hit. My hood falls back and my blood sprays on the snow white ground."Kallistê!!" "Haha! Cut you straight to the bone, looks like. Granted, I didn't think you would jump in the way of it and your friend would hoof the shiv at me like that but my chapeau still hit it's mark." I bring my arms away from my face to see it was Robert Speedwagon. He gasp but JoJo is already charging at him and kicks him away into the snow. JoJo comes toward me and takes the hat out of my arm. I chuckle,"I could have done that on my own, JoJo." He nods with a frown,"I know, but I feel absolutely terrible that you got injured." I smile at him,"I'll be fine, don't worry."

I look up, only to see us surrounded. I move some hair aside and draw my sword, ready to fight. They start to approach us as we hear,"That's enough, lads! I won't let a single one of yah lay a finger on that gentleman and young woman there." "But, why?" JoJo asks, confused and shocked. "Tell me something. Strong as as bull, you both are, it's plain to see. You could've stove my head with that foot of yours. But you went easy on me, didn't you?" Everyone looked at Robert, confused. JoJo puts a hand on his heart,"I came here for the sake of my Father. You have a family. People who expect you to return from this dark business. It is not my place to cause them grief. Even though you had hurt the woman I see as a Mother, I shall not cause grief on others for something she sees as simple." I smile slightly at JoJo with a nod of my head. I pull my hair in a bun with the makeshift hair tie I had made years ago and look to see Robert lost in thought. JoJo turns to me to cover my wound with a piece of cloth. We turn to see Robert standing up, walk to us. "I wanna know the the name of him who spared me." JoJo puts his hat back on and answers,"Jonathan Joestar." "Well, pleased to make you acquaintance. If it's Asian concoctions you're looking for, mind your back. That druggist is one sly customer. " He looks at me,"Sorry, for hurting you there, Kallistê. I didn't know it was you, nor did I think you would jump in front of my attack." I shake my head,"It was of my own accord, Robert, no need to feel guilty." He nods with a smile. JoJo looks at me,"You've met him before?" I turn to him,"Yes. On my way to see yours and Dio's game."

We get there and the man is behind a counter, he smiles as we walk in, it immediately drops when he sees me glare at him. 'I see he recognized me, good.' "M-miss Kallistê, you look well." I nod as I walk forward and come to a stop in front of the door beside JoJo,"Poison has no effect on me, you should know this." He starts shaking in fear. "Now," I begin, holding my hand out to JoJo for the Poison as I walk forward and slam it on his counter with a glare,"I wish to know what this is."


Two days later, we get back to the Manor with the antidote, George had taken it moments ago. It seems Dio is not here. I stand in the darkness of the Manor, waiting for Dio when I hear the door open. They pause, then stomp in,"What's the meaning of this? Why is it so bloody dark?" Dio. I glare at his back as I sit on the ledge. JoJo starts lighting the candles he's holding while staring at Dio. Dio turns,"JoJo." "You're a poisoner, Dio Brando. I have all the proof I require, and then some." Dio glares a JoJo, then looks around, confused and worried,"Where's Kallistê?" I jump down behind him, he turns to look at me and sees my red eyes glowing in the dark with anger. He gasp and backs away in fear as he starts shaking. I look at his shoulder and see it in a sling. Seems he hurt himself somehow. We move to another room to interrogate Dio.

"We tracked down the antidote," JoJo began, as he set down the candles,"Father took it moments ago. Dio, this pains me greatly. For years you were my brother, and now I have no recourse but to turn you in. I'm sorry, really." Dio scoffs and sits down, JoJo continues,"I'm sure you don't believe a word of it, but I'm telling you the truth." Dio looks down at the ground then looks at JoJo,"Even now, you show compassion," he pauses and looks down at the floor,"JoJo, I've been a devil, but grant me this one wish," he looks up at JoJo,"Allow me to do the right thing for once in my life and turn myself in." I become confused,'Why would he turn himself in? Something's not right about this....' I see him reaching for his sling holding his injured arm and he grips it. I look at his face and he seems ready to cry, but I get the feeling thats not his true emotions.

"My wicked deeds naw at me, the poverty I knew as a child ate away at my moral compass until greed was all that remained. I'm the lowest of the low. Your Father took me in off the streets and I repaid his kindness with poison. The only reason I came back was to surrender myself. If I wanted to flee, you never would have laid eyes on me again." Now, as he spoke, tears started streaming down his face, he turns and looks at me after JoJo responded to him,"Kallistê, please forgive me for being so cruel to you when we first met. I never meant for you to get angry with me, I just wanted to show I could protect you if it came to it. I fell in love with you when you first walked through that front door. My only wish is for you to return those same emotions." He gets off his chair, gets on his knees and hugs my waist while having his face on my stomach, sobbing. "Please, allow me to make amends."

I stood in shock after he hugged me, it surprised me when he confessed and hugged me. "Look alive, Master Joestar, Kallistê. He's trying to lure you in, like as not. Right about now your probably wondering who I am. Allow me to elucidate yah. The name is Robert E. O. Speedwagon. I had a hunch that Jonathan and Kallistê's run of trouble might not be done, so, I followed them back home. I like you Jonathan, so I'm gonna offer up this little tidbit pro bono," he walks around JoJo to get a good look at Dio as he sat in his seat after letting me go,"Living in the gutter you learn to spot low lives pretty quick, if you want to see tomorrow. I've trained my nose to sort out the bad ones from the good ones just from a sniff. This fello reeks of brimstone and blood worse than anyone I've ever laid eyes on!" Robert yells as he kicks the candlestick at Dio, but Dio moves his head in time, unphased at whaat Robert is saying. Robert continues,"He is pure evil. Right down to his very bones. Is he a victim of circumstance, you're wondering? Not on your life. He's been evil since he drew his first breath." Robert walk over to some curtains and sticks his hand through,"But don't you fret. Because I brought you a friend. Remember him?" He throws out the Asian apothecary, Wang Chan. I glare at him as he lands on the floor as Dio gasps. I walk towards Wang and pick him up while glaring into his soul. Dio looks at me as I glare at Wang but doesn't ask, Robert continues,"This man confessed to selling you the poison you used on Father, and he even confessed to trying to poison Kallistê."

Dio grits his teeth but also looks at me in shock that I'm not dead. I cross my arms and glare at Dio,"I've heard enough." I gasp and turn to see George. I walk towards him,"George, you should be resting." He nods at me but looks at Dio,"You break my heart. Why, Dio? From the day you arrived, I have loved you as though you were my own son." He starts coughing as I hold him to keep him from falling on the ground. "George, you're still very weak. Please, go rest." JoJo walks up beside me,"I agree with, Kallistê. Father, you're too weak to be down here." He looks at us,"You're both right. I'll return to my chamber. I don't want to see my boy in chains. Do what you must, JoJo." "I will." I hear movement and turn to see Dio standing up to speak,"Is this how it all ends?" I catch a glimps of his ear and see three moles. I gasp,'How have I not seen that before?!' I walk to go stand beside Robert as he looks at me with sympathy. I turn to smile at him and he smiles back while putting his hand on the small of my back in way of comfort. We turn back to the scene to see JoJo about to put the chains on Dio, Robert speaks up,"Be careful. He's a crafty one." I turn and put my face in Roberts chest so I do not have to watch. I turn back in time tosee Dio pull out the mask and a knife. I gasp and run forward to block the attack from JoJo. I throw back my hood and stand in front of JoJo only to not feel pain. I look in front of me only to see George was in front of me. I gasp and catch George as he falls into my arms,"George!" I fall to the floor with JoJo to hold him as they start shooting at Dio. Dio goes through the window and moves no more. I look back at George and give him to JoJo after I kiss his forehead, to give them time to talk. I stand and walk to a hair and sit with my head in my hands, trying to not shead tears, for I will shead tears of blood. For the first time, I have failed the Joestar Family and lost a wonderful friend. I feel a hand on m back and I look to see Robert. He gets down on his knees and hugs me as I try not to cry on his shoulder. I hug him to comfort myself and as a way to thank him for being there with me. He lets go and stands to walk away as I sit in the floor thinking of what to do next. George suddenly dies, in the arms of JoJo. I couldn't imagine a better way to die than in the arms of a loved one.

I'm not crying, you are!

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