So it goes ✔

By atprawita

1.8K 59 793

- Stay a bit after class. I got a brilliant plan - -You'll like it, I promise. Coz knowing you, you'd probs t... More

We Belong
It's Way Too High


73 5 24
By atprawita

The next morning, I woke up feeling kinda groggy and grumpy. I got my answer finally, but because of figuring out that answer for hours, I barely got any sleep last night. I dragged my sleepy self towards the bathroom to do my morning routine, quickly finishing my business minutes later before running down the stairs to catch some breakfasts. I greeted my mum and siblings when I saw them in the kitchen, talking quietly.

"Morning, darling! How was your sleep?"

"Was like crap, I barely got any"

"Oh, why's that so?"

"Just Michael and his idea, he demands an answer before classes today so I thought about it all night"

"Lemme guess, this idea is just as inappropriate as the previous ones, right?"

"Yeah, if not worse," I said, giggling a bit.

"What do you mean?" Harry chirped in.

"He got this idea when switching boyfriend is the solution to my kinda-forced friendship with his boyfriend. I mean, Luke and I are friends now just because I dated his best friends and he dated Michael, but aside from that, we've never... that close"

Instead of finding the idea insane, my mum and siblings just laughed at how horrified I am towards the idea.

"Oh, c'mon! You can't seriously think that it was a great idea too"

"It's not that, it's just... you and Michael, oh my god! My silly babies" My mum said before laughing again.

"What are you gonna do then?" Lauren asked.

"Knowing him, I would probably be forced to just say yes since he'll obviously guilt trip me to say yes if I say no"

"Oh my god, this just keeps getting better! I can't wait to see you with that Luke kid." Mum said before laughing again.

"How could you know I'll be with Luke?" I asked my mum.

"It's obvious, innit? You're dating Calum and I know for sure you wouldn't date Michael, so it's obviously gonna be that Hemmings boy"

"How could you know his last name?"

"Oh dear, who do you think Liz is?" My eyes widen in realisation, making me face-palmed internally.

"This is gonna be so weird"

"No, it won't. Just wait until I tell Liz"' Mum giddily said.

"No, no, no, no, no, don't. We haven't talked about this yet to Calum and Luke. So we still don't know if this plan will actual on work or no"

"Alright then, I'll just wait until you bring that Hemmings kid here"

"Does he at least love football? I would love to play with him"


"What? I'm just asking"

"Whatever, I'm going to school. See you guys later!!!"

I hurried off of the kitchen, quickly grabbing my backpack by the stairs and ran again towards my car, slamming the house door a bit too loudly for my liking. I got into my car and swiftly back it off of the driveway, driving it straight to the school in no time. Thankfully, there was no traffic so I arrived 10 minutes earlier than I used to.

I bet he wasn't even here yet, so instead of waiting for him at the parking lot, I went to my locker right away, passing the empty hallway. Yeah, the perks of coming early, I know.

I dumped my unneeded book into my locker, emptying half of my backpack. I slung it over my shoulder before closing the locker door just to be faced with Michael extremely close face. I shrieked in surprise making him laughed like a mad man.

"You, fucker!"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to scared you, I thought you knew"

"That's the problem, you thought! You don't even have a brain"

"Ouch, that hurts"

"I'm not even sorry. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I go to this school, that's why I'm here"

"Don't use that smart mouth on me. Why so early?"

"Have you thought about it yet?" He asked happily. I groaned at him, quickly sharpening my eyes to shoot him a glare.

"Awe, someone get his panties in twisted"

"Shut up, I'm not using any"


"Shut up!" I said, blushing a tiny bit.


"Will you leave me alone if I tell you my answer?"

"Nope, because you're my best friend and I would get lonely if you aren't by my side"


"So is that a yea?"

"Will you at least shut up and not giving me furthermore headache if I say yes?" I asked and he nodded eagerly, pretending to zip his mouth shut and threw away the key afterwards.

"Fuck, fine! Yes." He jumped up excitedly, letting out a silent cheer. He hugged me tightly but as promised, keeping his mouth shut.

"Make sure that no words leave that mouth before lunch. I'll see you there, bye bitch!" I told him sternly before walking swiftly to the cafeteria, I need my morning milk and I still have a whole 30 minutes before the bell ring.

I paid the kind lady and then made my way to the table at the far corner. I noticed Luke also already here but strangely enough, he wasn't with Calum nor Michael. He was with the jock from the school team (that contain mostly senior, just like him), laughing loudly and being all happy and shit, how can someone be that loud in this early hour, for goodness sake!?

I sipped on my milk calmly, casually scrolling on Twitter at this amazing account. They made an incorrect Lashton content and it was so satisfying and funny. Funny that my favourite ship from my favourite band ship names is the exact one mine and Luke's gonna be. Not to mention that we also have the same name.

But anyway, their newest one goes like this;

I know that it wasn't that funny but I can't help it and just laugh, they're so adorable and just ugh...

But my all-time favourite was this one that so relatable but funny as hell, it goes like this;

I cracked for a good 10 minutes the first time I saw it and I basically shoved my phone screen towards everyone I know just so they can see it too, dumb I know, but can you really blame me? No.

My fanboying mood was quickly snapped once I heard a loud thud from the distance. The barely-filled cafeteria seems even more silence now.

"I may not personally know him, but that doesn't mean you can accuse him and call him names!" Luke voice roared through the dead silent cafeteria. He let go of the jock's collar, shoving him down to the ground before he dashed out of the cafeteria.

Should I... follow him? Or should I let him calm down first?

I groaned internally, quickly picking my things and trash up before dashing off the same way Luke did. I looked at my right and left and see no sign of him. Damn, that boy was fast!

I groaned again, but choose to go to my class instead now. A bit early won't hurt me, will it?

The first two classes went awfully slow that I'm totally alone but then the bell ring and I head towards French, meeting Michael on the way. He waved at me making me raised my eyebrow at him and he motioned towards his mouth which made me even more confused. But then I was slapped with realization once I remember our deal this morning.

We have a sudden exam for French and I swear, my day can't get any worse. Fourth and fifth went just as hellish since Michael and I kept ourselves with our own business and I've never realised how boring it is when that fucker didn't speak a word.

Finally, the bell rang again, signalling lunch instead of changing class, and I can't be happier. I packed my things in a rush before quickly dragging Michael with me all the way to the cafeteria, here we go.

I saw Luke and Calum already there with their tray of foods so I dragged Michael to the queue first.

"You go get the meal, I'll get the drinks and snacks," I told him before I go to another queue. Luckily, we were done at the same time so we head to the table together.

"Sooo... ssup?" Luke asked noticing his boyfriend silence.

"He promised me to keep his mouth locked until I allowed him to talk again"

"Oh... why's that so?" I sighed at his question, nudging Michael instead so he would explain it to his beloved boyfriend. He looked at me for confirmation, eyes beaming with excitement. I nodded my head at him, my mood was sour as hell. 

Wait, does hell even has taste? Never mind.

"Alright, so fellas, I have this really, really brilliant idea"

"More like insane and inappropriate than brilliant" I mumbled quietly earning a glare from Mike.

"But anyway, yeah I have this brilliant idea. As you know, in this group there are four people but somehow, someway, we just know two out three instead of three out three, correct?" The two seniors hesitantly nodded but they still look somewhat interested which made me groaned again internally.

"Now that you agree on that, I have the solution for that."

"And that might be?" Luke started.


Most population of the cafeteria turned their heads towards us, making me ducked down in embarrassment. Why the hell I have to be best friends with an idiot?

"Wait, what?" Thank god, at least my boyfriend still has a brain.

"Listen, it was always either you and Ash or you and Luke, it's never you and I or Luke and Ash and I thought if we go with this plan, now you and I can be a friend properly and so does Luke and Ash, you got what I mean?"

"I know, I know, but why in both hell and heaven we have to switch boyfriend? Like I mean, we can just arrange this as a friend and friend get closer." Thank you, Calum.

"No, the feeling would be different. You and Ash are boyfriend and the bond is strong as fuck. You and Luke are best friend and the bond is even stronger, if we're just doing this as a friend and friend get closer, the bond would be nothing compare to our previous bond. Do you see my point now?" That explanation seemed to silence Calum and I can't help but start facepalming. Fuck, this won't end well.

"Why is he so quiet?" I heard Luke asked softly. I groaned out loud into my hand, before tossing my glance towards Luke.

"I don't actually agree on this whole thing, but your boyfriend, being the brilliant person he is, won't even shut the hell up if I say no. So reluctantly, I said yes. But I know deep down that this plan is just insane and won't work and-"

"I agree." I smiled widely at my boyfriend and quickly talk again,

"With me? I know I'm right but Michael seem to-"

"No, with Michael. I see his point now and I thought, yeah why not give it a shot? It won't be that bad, I guess. I mean deep down we knew who our actual boyfriend is, so..."

"You. Guys. Are. Mad." I deadpanned.

"Alright, so Luke what do you say in this?" Michael asked, clearly ignoring my words.

"I'm in if everyone in. As Calum said, it won't be that, will it?"

"YAYYY!!!" Michael cheered.

"For how long anyway?"

"A month. Just a small amount of time, right?" Michael said, still beaming with happiness and excitement.

"I guess we'll manage," Calum said.

"So I'm gonna date Ashton and you're gonna date Calum, correct?" Michael nodded eagerly at his boyfriend (or was it ex already now? I don't even know anymore).

"'lright then, let's switch seat"

"You dump your best friend for your new boyfriend?" Calum asked, faking offended.

"Yes, now shoo!" Luke said, trying to keep his straight face but still chuckled in the end.

I so am cannot fucking believe this is truly happening.

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