
By darth750

30.9K 597 308

A Hive Knight has been chosen by the Traveler to become a Guardian. Naturally, complications arise. Will Narv... More

Introduction and Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Quick Intermission
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Sorry, Guys

Chapter 10

1.3K 35 19
By darth750

"You ready back there, big guy?" Poppy called over her shoulder as she double checked her gear. "Ready and waiting!" Narvuk called back as the ship zoomed towards their landing zone. "Good. Remember the route, stay close, and try not to die."

The Knight cocked his head at her. "Is that it?"

"Same plan as always, really."

"That explains a lot." Narvuk replied, rolling his eyes.

Sonni appeared at Poppy's shoulder. "Five seconds until drop point." he warned in his British-sounding voice. "Please, do be careful." Narvuk hefted his sword and grinned.

"What's 'careful'?"

Then he opened the cargo hold door and jumped out. Poppy rushed to the edge in time to see him hit the ground and roll to his feet out of the dust cloud. He looked back up at the ship, as if to say "You coming?" She shook her head and snatched up her helmet, donning it before transmatting down to the surface. When she reappeared, she was greeted by a Dreg's body flying past, quickly followed by its head.

"Narvuk, what the hell? Watch where you're throwing..." She trailed off as she saw the Knight bisect a Captain before crushing its companion's skull in his hand. He turned, and she saw death in his eyes, almost like Sienna when she was in the field. But where Sienna was cold as ice, there was only fire in Narvuk's eyes. Over Narvuk's shoulder, Poppy noticed a Vandal charging its rifle to take him out. But as she raised her gun, a CRACK! rang out, and the would-be sniper's head disappeared in a cloud of Ether.

Poppy didn't even turn around as she holstered her weapon. "Thanks."

"Stay focused, you two. Let's move." Sienna ordered, reloading as she strode past them. Narvuk grumbled an apology and turned to follow the Hunter, Poppy close behind.

Ten minutes later, the trio were hunkered down in a side building as a Scorn Walker rained Solar missiles down on the roof. "Anybody got any bright ideas?" Sienna shouted, peeking around the corner only to duck back as a Scorn Rifle shot passed through where her head had been. "Bbright? No. Idea? Mostly." Narvuk called back. "If you ttwo can draw thheir fire, I mmight be able to get closse and disable the tank."

Poppy shook her head vehemently. "You won't get close enough, there's no way. Those missiles will tear you apart."

"It's that or stay here for longer than we can afford. We're going with that. Hope you know what you're doing, big guy."Sienna said before unsheathing her sword and dodging out of cover, leaping up to where the nearest Stalkers stood. Poppy raced out after her, machine gun already firing at a Raider across the way.

Narvuk eyed the exit opposite Sienna's route. It seemed to be clear of enemy fire. He hefted his Cleaver and charged out. As he raced across the room, he saw Sienna leap over his head and unleash a volley of blazing knives, disintegrating the Scorn in front of her.

Suddenly, a bolt of Void energy caught the Knight on the pauldron, breaking off the tip. Narvuk spotted the Raider instantly and changed course, now barreling towards his assailant. Another bolt hit him in the chest, and the next took off one of his head spikes. He knew that he wouldn't make it before the Scorn took his head off, and the others were busy with the rest.

As he rolled to avoid another blast, Narvuk had a flash of inspiration. He reached out with the Arc tentacle and pulled a shield from one of the nearby Lurker corpses. His hand closed on the edge just in time to block the next shot with a clang. Without wasting a moment, Narvuk spun and threw the shield like a discus. But as the shield flew, the Scorn pulled its trigger one last time. Its aim was good even in death, the literal parting shot burning a hole between all of Narvuk's eyes. The shield took the Raider through the neck not a moment after, and it collapsed.

Sienna was there in seconds to revive hum. "Get up, Guardian. No rest for the undead." Narvuk shook his head to clear it before nodding his thanks. He had little time to recover, for another barrage of missiles was on its way. The Knight zeroed in on the tank, noticing that the upper legs were unarmored. He took off with a speed that belied his size, zigging and zagging to avoid the Solar rain.

As he closed the distance, he saw Poppy from the corner of his eye, shooting out one of the walker's legs. This triggered its Arc shield, supposedly protecting it while it rerouted power. Narvuk charged right through, the bolts crackling over his skin for a moment. Using the broken leg as a ladder, he clambered atop the tank and plunged his sword into the now-exposed engine core. He wrenched it back and forth as if trying to pry the core out of the tank, tearing the core to pieces.

He quickly withdrew his sword and leapt off, rushing to get clear as the tank's systems failed. He reached Sienna and Poppy just before the walker finally collapsed and exploded behind him. "So, ggood plan?" The Hunter rolled her eyes and marched past him.

"Anything's a good plan if it works. You could suggest going through the pipes and call it a good plan."

"Hhave you tried that?"

"Yes. Didn't go so well. Now, keep moving."

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