It All Started With A Lie

By NightTime_Storiexs

3.8M 123K 129K

You've got one boy. One girl. One pretty little lie. A perfect relationship. The perfect boyfriend. The perfe... More



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By NightTime_Storiexs

Chapter 15: (Olivia's POV)

"So, you just want to kiss me because you're attracted to me?" 

"You're my girlfriend," he huffed. 

"No, I'm not. You're just using that as an excuse. You're attracted to me, oh my god," I mumbled, running my hand through my hair. 

"I can't not be! We act like we're dating, you are attracted to the person you're dating. Always. I can't just be a freaking mime, show nothing, feel nothing. It's not like I'm in love with you, I just think you're... attractive." 

"Okay, what part of me attracts you?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest. 

"Are you serious?" he asked, rolling his eyes. 

"I'm dead serious, answer the question please," I said. 

"And you won't take offense?" he questioned. 

"Nothing that you're saying should be offensive, you're telling me why you like me, be careful, Ethan, I will murder you," I grinned. 

"I don't like you," he huffed, "You're just attractive. And I mean, don't get offended if I don't say something you want me to, all right? Cause I know you will," he said, shooting me a knowing look. 

I rolled my eyes before nodding, waiting for him to answer my question. "Whenever you're ready," I said, biting back a laugh. 

"This feels like a test but I've been set up to fail, okay," he cleared his throat. 

He opened his mouth to start talking but I cut him off before he could even start. "Stop, stop, stop. I don't wanna know," I said, shaking my head. He looked at me quizzically. "You're um, you're attracted to me, let's just leave it at that," I cleared my throat. Because not only would I get offended, I'd start feeling insecure too, let's just not go down that path. 

"Okay?" he replied but it came out as a question. 

"Okay, are you gonna head out? Or... that's not me kicking you out, I'm just asking," I clarified. 

"I'll head out, hopefully when I see you tomorrow, you're done being awkward," he said, grabbing his stuff. I rolled my eyes at his response. "Seriously, it's a thing for you, I've noticed. You're awkward about things for a few hours before you're done freaking out. So I'll give you those few hours, sound good?" 

Why does he notice that? He's absolutely right. That's exactly how I deal with things. Or I just run away from the problem or ignore it till it goes away. 

"Sound good, Olivia Carrington?" he repeated. I snapped out of it and looked forward, his face merely inches from mine. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said before leaving, seeing himself out. 

What the hell was that? 


I was looking for a hair tie when my doorbell started ringing. "Aw, shit," I mumbled, grabbing my purse and then the first huge claw clip I saw, messily throwing my hair up in a bun before turning the lights off, running downstairs. I opened the door to Ethan who looked like he'd been waiting there a while. "How long have you been here?" I asked. 

"Like twenty minutes, I called you around five times," he answered, leading us to his car. 

"Sorry, I couldn't find a hair tie," I shrugged while he opened my door and I slipped into the passenger seat. 

"Right," he said while climbing in, pulling his seatbelt on. 

"So, where are we going?" I questioned. 

He couldn't have been more right. I do just act like nothing happened once I'm over it. 

"To the oldest arcade that still functions in town," he responded. 

"The oldest arcade?" I asked in confusion, "You're taking me on a date to an arcade?" I chuckled. 

"Is it a bad idea?" he asked, glancing over at me. 

"No, strangely enough, it's not a bad idea at all," I mumbled, staring out the window. 

"That's what I thought," he chuckled. Once we got there, he climbed out and opened the door for me again. 

"Now, just so we're clear, this is a date for Ethan and Olivia? The ones who aren't already 'dating?'" I said, putting air quotes around the word. 

"Yes, ma'am," he said as we entered the arcade. 

"And this is because...?" I trailed off questioningly. 

"I need to know you a little better." 

"Why's that?" 

"Because I want to. What's up first? You pick," he said, taking my purse and giving it at the counter. "They'll keep that for you, don't worry. Just pick. Blindly," he nodded reassuringly. 

"Um, pinball?" I chuckled. 

"Right this way then," he grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me to one of the three pinball machines in the right corner of the main room. He inserted coins into the slot and turned to me while they processed. "Let's compete, shall we? Ladies first," he smirked. 

"Then off you go," I grinned, pushing him over while standing to his right, asking him questions as he played. "What's one thing about you nobody knows?" I asked. 

"I don't know, I gave myself piercings in middle school, I am terrified of snakes, and uh... I used to have a crush on you. What about you?" he asked, focused on the game. 

I stared at him but I figured he was just gonna act like he didn't say that so I'll respect that and act like he didn't too. "Um... I have a tattoo," I shrugged. 

"What?" he turned to me, losing numerous opportunities in the game. 

"You're losing," I smirked. 

He got back to playing but kept asking me questions. "You have a tattoo? Where?" he asked. 

"It's a rose and a dagger on my lower back near my tailbone and no one sees it cause I don't roam around in my underwear. What's your favorite season, this is an important question, answer carefully," I said. 

"I guess I have to wait a little longer to see it then," he mumbled, "Uh... summer, I get a feeling yours is spring," he said. 

"It is indeed, if you had a stripper name, what would it be? This is also very important," I said, biting back a laugh while he started losing concentration. 

"What kind of question is that?" he laughed, "Uh... I don't know, you answer that one, I'll leave it a secret," he said. 

"I don't know. Maybe Chérie," I shrugged. 

"You'd want your stripper name to be sweetheart in French?" he asked, looking at me as the time ran out. 

"Yeah," I shrugged again, "My turn." I pushed him aside and took the quarter for him hand, inserting it into the machine. 

"If you could be an animal, which one would you be?" he asked. 

"A cheetah," I answered. 

"What song could you say is written about you?" he questioned. 

"Olivia by One Direction. Are you kidding, my name is everywhere in that song," I chuckled, "What type of music do you listen to?" I asked. 

"The kind you like," he smirked. I chuckled, pressing my hips into the machine, pushing the buttons harder as I got more eager to win. "The most dangerous thing you've ever done?" he asked. 

"I don't really mess with near-death experiences, you?" 

He shook his head in response. "Someone who you have and will always have a crush on?" he asked. 

I glanced at him. "Justin Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place," I deadpanned. It's true though. 

He rolled his eyes, "A real person, Olive," he laughed. 

"Hmm," I started, "I think I know who you want me to say," I smirked. 

"And that is?" 

"Ethan Miles Archer. And I did have a crush on you too, maybe elementary school? But I don't really have an answer to your question so uh, nobody I guess," I shrugged. 

"Will I ever get to see your tattoo?" he asked. 

I chuckled, "Maybe," I answered nonchalantly. 

"Can I ever see your tattoo?" 


"Will you let me see it right now?" 


"Later today?" 

"Probably not, I don't have sex on the first date, Miles, what kind of girl do you think I am?" I asked, acting offended. 

"The kind that chooses her stripper name to be Chérie," he smirked. 

"At least I answered the question," I turned to him as my time ended. "And won't you look at that, I won. Wow," I grinned. "What's next?" I asked. 

He glanced around the room, his eyes settling in one spot, glimmering with mischief. He smiled, "Air hockey," he said. 

"Why? Is that your game? The one you probably think you're unbeatable at?" I questioned, following him to the table. 

He took one side and I took the other. He put coins into the machine and it stirred to life. "I like to think I'm unbeatable at it, that's right," he said, exchanging our paddles, giving me his and taking mine with the puck. 

"I like to think anyone can be beat," I said, sliding his puck back over. 

He smiled, giving me mine back. "As you wish," he smirked, taking the puck and starting the game. We played till the timer went off, both of us looking up at the scores. "What was it that you were saying? Something about how anyone can be beat?" he smirked, acting cocky about his win. 

"I stand by what I said, play again and I'll prove it," I said, tilting my head to one side. 

"Prove it then," he played along, inserting more coins into it.






Chapter 15

I haven't written in so long omg but it's only because we were settling in, let's go. again.

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