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By winterrain__

152K 1.6K 1.4K

โš  ๐–๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ โš  ๐‚๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐š๐ข๐ง๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐ฅ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ฆ๐ฎ๐ญ, ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ฆ๐š๐ค๐ž ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฌ๐ก๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฐ๐ก... More

1. Friends With Benefits.
Chapter 2 FWB
Chapter 3 FWB
Chapter 4 FWB
One Shot
tags!! .
One Shot.
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Chapter 7 FWB
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Chapter 3 Vacation
Chapter 4 Vacation
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One Shot
One Shot
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One Shot - SongFiction

One Shot

1.1K 18 6
By winterrain__

Free Tonight?

" Oh, look at that one! I bet he hadn't even had his first kiss! " The girl beside me squeaked, making fun of the people that passed by.

I rolled my eyes and groaned internally. Why was being popular so silly? All I have to do was act being perfect and plastic. Sighing, I took my books and turned to the four other girls.

" I'll see you girls at lunch! " I mumbled and they nodded. " Of course, honey! See you. "

They were all kiss-ass and I hated it. I knew they're popular because me and they want to stay popular.

Chuckling dryly at their antiques, I made my way down the hallway, reaching the next building and bumped right into a hard chest. But before I could collapse, a hand gripped on my waist and held me from falling.

I peeked open my eyes to see a pair of soft brown eyes looking down at me nervously.

I knew those eyes. I knew that look.

" Are you okay? " Worry laced in his voice.

" Yeah, thanks. " I pushed myself to my feet and smiled at him. The boy instantly blushed, but tried to hide it by looking around. I chuckled and shook my head.

" I'll see you around, Peter. " I gave him a small wave and made my way to my class.

You couldn't just not adore that boy. He was sweet, kind, gentle and caring.
A nervous wreck, which was so damn cute. There was no way you wouldn't like him, he's literal angel and way out of my league. I've had my eyes on him ever since middle school, but being popular always got in the way and I hated it.

I still find myself staring at him when ever I can, but luckily, didn't get caught. Not that I care, but the girl group I hang out around does talk so loud, I don't want him hearing accidently and embarrassing myself.

As the lunch drawned, I trudged downstairs and made it to my locker, setting my books aside, I took different books and made my way to the cafeteria.

The girls waved at me, calling out my name loudly. Can they be any louder? I rolled my eyes at the boys that waved at me or winked my way. I absolutely hate my life right now.

I took my lunch and made my way to the so called group, sitting at a corner.
" Hey, girls! " I fake cheerily said.

" I hate that nerd. I know, always knowing answers. Who even does
that? " Cassidy bellowed snd I shook my head to myself.

What was wrong in knowing all the answers? Wasn't that called being smart? But than again, people here can be asswips.

" Oh my God! Can you believe that nerd is eye fucking Y/n right now?! " I frowned and followed her gaze, finding Peter looking my way. " Jeez, Liz. It's called staring to say the least. Don't go overboard. "

My head was quick to defend the boy and I sighed. " Yeah! He's not even cute. I don't think he's even for his first kiss or any girl has asked his number for that matter. Poor lad! "

I rolled my eyes and bit my lip in anger. I just wanted to slap her across the face till she sees stars, but I kept my calm.
" Y/n? What's with you? Your knuckles are white. "

I realised I've been gripping hard on my fork. " Cramps. " Liz made a strangled noise and I rolled my eyes.

" He's rumoured to have Stark internship, though! " I clenched my jaw hard. Can they get off his back already?

" Fake, all fake to get popular. Why would Tony freaking Stark get him as an intern? He's just a teenager. " Jess says and I smashed the food with my fork.

" Don't mind me. I hate cramps. " I say, noticing everyone looking at me from my table and around a few. I rolled my eyes as some girls hushed me.

" Insecure much? " I ask to one who was glaring my way, and she instantly cowered.

" There's the queen. "

I rolled my eyes and sighed. This was getting no where. I dumped my trash and made my way to my locked without saying goodbye.

I just want to go home. And just to make me hate these people more, Liz couldn't seem to get off that Peter was staring at me and she kept bad mouthing, which led to me nearly snapping her neck into half.

Sitting in chemistry, my last class beside Peter did calm me a little. He was nervous and stumbling over his words, which was a sight I'd kill to watch again.

" Stop, " I grabbed his hand that was slightly shaking, he blushed even more and I grinned. " Relax, will you? Let me do it. " He nodded and handed the beaker to me.

Finishing the equation, I scribbled my number and turned to Peter.

" Counselor for the nervousness. " I smirked and added a wink, and my heart fluttered at his reaction.

He widened his eyes, like this big and gaped at me. I chuckled and pushed his chin up before he catches flies.

Bell rung, signalling finally going home so I packed my bag and turned to Peter. " See you. Text me, or call. " I shrugged and swung my bag over my shoulder, making my way out of the classroom.

Peter's Pov

I scrambled off my seat and looked around the hallways for Ned. I can't believe that just happened!

I found him by my locker and squealed out in happiness. " Ned! You won't believe what just happened, dude?! " I freaked out and Ned grinned goofily.

" What happened? "

" I got Y/n's number!! I can't believe it. She scribbled it down and just passed it to me as if it's nothing! Oh my God! " I ran a hand through my hair, trying not to dance.

I've had a crush on her since middle school. She's gorgeous, funny, smart and amazing and of course, way out of my league but I've always liked her.

I can't believe she talked to me today. I wasn't expecting her to know my name when she had bumped this morning, that was surprising but I was ecstatic.

" NO WAY!!! " Ned squealed and I snickered.

" I also bumped into her this morning and caught her before she fell. She knows my name. " I was fangirling so hard, I needed to breath.

Finally, calming myself down, I gave Ned a goofy grin and we both made way out of the school.

Waving goodbye to him, I made my way to Delmar's. My usual routine. Get sandwich, change in the alley and swing around, looking out for crime to stop.

" I still can't believe she knows me! " I mumbled as I sat off the edge, my feet dangling.

" Y/n, again? " My AI, Karen asks and I turned red. " Your heart rate is increasing, Peter. "

" No, anyway. Yes, it's Y/n. She actually talked to me and gave me her number! Can you believe? I was thinking she didn't know I even existed. "

" I'd be surprised if it was that way, Peter. I don't see how someone doesn't know about your existence. "

" Thanks. " I grinned and shook my head.
I pulled out my phone and the piece of paper. Typing her number in, I took a deep breath.

It's Peter.

Hey, Peter Parker.


Sitting on a rooftop or something?

I choked on my sandwich and gaped at the text. That can't be?!!

How did you know that?

I can see you!

Look straight ahead!

Oh My God!! You were not supposed to know is this!!!!!

I looked up to find Y/n perched in her balcony, a book and a cup of coffee in her hand along with her phone. She waved at me, with a smirk. How did she find out?!

Not a stalker.

I just found out. You're lucky no one else heard you. You and Ned need to work on whispering part.

" Oh God! Ned, I'm gonna kill you! "

Oh! Just don't tell anyone, please?

Of course, I won't. Just don't kill the poor boy.

I chuckled and shook my head, looking up to see her smiling to herself as she read her book.

When did you hear us talking?

Lunch! I have enhanced hearing.

Just kidding.

At Gym.

For a moment, I would've jumped off the roof top and not catch myself out of embarrassment. Because I know how much I talk about her, and if she had enhanced hearing, oh my God! That'd be so embarrassing.

Oh! Whatcha reading?

Fault in our stars?
Heard of it?


Michelle reads it.


Michelle lend it to me ;)

They know each other? Since when was Michelle able to make friends? Oops.

I didn't know you two knew each

She doesn't like the crowd so much!
So we meet at the library at free time.

Gotta say, You look SO HOT in that suit.

The phone slipped off my grip as I read that text and I caught it before it fell. My cheeks started burning and I could hear her giggling from afar.

I shook my head and sat back up, before I could reply, I got a signal and jumped to feet. She got the message I guess, so she waved at me.

Giving a small wave, I jumped off and swung towards the activity. A mugger? Seriously dude? Couldn't wait for later? I was having fun talking to the girl of my dreams.


Third Person's Pov

Sitting by the bleachers, Y/n couldn't keep her eyes off of Peter doing sit ups like he's typing a hi on phone.

" Y/n! I heard that nerd saying other nerd he got your number? Did he steal your phone or something? " Y/n raised an eyebrow and looked at Jessica, shaking her head wordlessly.

" What a creep! He was fangirling and lying you gave him your number. Like, dude seriously? I'm pretty sure he doesn't even have the number. He's just spreading rumours. "

Y/n clenched her jaw.

" I don't know, he looks hot doing those sit ups right now. " She smirked and the girls looked at her befuddled. " Y/n, you okay? "

" Mhm.. " She gave Liz a lopsided smirk before turning her eyes back to Peter, who was talking with Ned and doing sit ups, unbothered.

" Did I hear that right? Parker is lying about having your number? " Flash jumped off a rope and Y/n rolled her eyes. Everyone was now watching Y/n and Peter turned towards his name being called.

" Hey, Parker. You free tonight? " Flash tripped on his own feet, looking at Y/n shocked, along with Peter with red cheeks.

Everyone in the gym was gaping, except MJ. Who had a knowing smirk on face.

" What? "

" I'm asking you out. You free tonight? Just text me if you are, I gave you my number yesterday. " Y/n pressed on the words and got off the bleachers, making her way to the lockers.

" What the fuck?! " Flash looked at Y/n's retrieving back, than back at Peter with a puzzled look on his face. Ned let out an excited squeal while Peter couldn't keep his heart at the normal pace, it was at a race.

As the gym was over after the shocked hour, Peter nervously made his way towards Y/n. He didn't want to stay in false hope and get broken later.

" What do you want? " Liz scoffed and Y/n frowned. " Back off, Liz. Seriously? " Liz groaned and left, Y/n waving at other girls too. " You need anything, Pete? " Y/n looked at the boy, confused why he wasn't making eye contact.

" I-Uh.. " He gulped harshly, causing Y/n to smile. She chuckled and looked around.

" Yeah, we're going on a date. I wasn't joking. "

Peter looked at her, his eyes glistening with pure innocence and adoration. " Can you do something? " She asks, peeking by his shoulder.

" Anything. " Y/n giggled and Peter blushed at his tone. " Push me against the lockers and kiss me. "

Peter choked on his saliva after hearing those words while Y/n waited impatiently.

" Uh.. Are you sure? " Peter chuckled nervously and Y/n rolled her eyes.

" It's you we're talking about, " She grabbed a fistful of his shirt and tugged him closer, " Why wouldn't I be? "

Before Peter could answer, Y/n leaned back against the lockers, pressing her lips against his. Peter's insides churned, giving him a giddy and happy feeling and his heart swelling up.

Finding some courage, he snaked his arm around her waist and started kissing her extremely soft lips. He could taste her lip balm.

Y/n smiled against his lips, her heart hammering and butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Breaking the kiss to breath, Y/n met Peter's eyes, who were looking down at her with a mixture of surprise and happiness.

" You're a good kisser, Parker. " She smiled, letting Peter lean closer as she tugged his flannel slowly. " Can say the same. "

Y/n raised an eyebrow and pecked his lips. " Pick me up at 8. Rooftop. " She smirked and Peter whined. " No. I hate it when Spiderman steals my date. "

Y/n giggles and leaned on his chest, not being able to calm the pounding heart.
" Okay, how about-"

" I'll be there. " He whispered and Y/n grinned, nodding slightly. " I should go. " She chuckled, having no intention of leaving but she had to.

" Yeah. See you at 8." Having the left courage, he pressed a loving kiss on her forehead and Y/n couldn't stop smiling.
" See you, than. " She gave him a quick kiss before running down the hallway quickly.

" WHAT THE HELL DUDE?! " Ned yelped, excitement radiating off of him.

" How long have you been standing there? "

" Long enough. You two are definitely smitten. " He giggled and Peter blushed, rolling his eyes and tucking his hands in his pockets.

" Let's hope date goes good. "


Walking back home, Y/n stared at herself in the mirror. " Need to change!!! "
She did a small happy dance as she looked through her wardrobe and grinned.

Changing into it quickly, she brushed her hair and tied them in a messy bun. Sighing, she looked at the time and realised she's got another hour to kill.

Scrolling through Netflix for another hour, she peeked out of her door and saw her parents were still out working. Grinning, she made her way to the rooftop and pulled out her rugs and pillows.

As she was done, she heard a thud and grinned. " Hey, there. "

Peter looked around before taking off his mask, revealing a goofy grin and bruised jaw. " What the hell? " She grabbed his chin, examining it.

" Just a mugger. " She rolled her eyes and ran inside, coming out with a soothening jel. " I heal fast so no biggie. " He mumbled as Y/n applied the gel.

" Where do you wanna go? " Y/n frowned and looked at him confused. " Swing? "

" No, no, no. I hate heights. "

" It'll be fun. I promise. " He smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist. " No. " Y/n pouted, trying to get out of his grip.

" Not working. "

She huffed, giving him a pleasing look. Peter just chuckled and pulled down his mask. " If I fall and die, you're not allowed to visit my grave. "

Peter rolled his eyes and stepped by the edge. " Hold on tight. " Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, shutting her eyes.

The feeling of free falling filled her brain and Y/n contained herself from screaming, pushing her face in the crook of Peter's neck, feeling a tug, she sighed in relief but refused to open her eyes.

" You have to enjoy it! " Peter yelled over the loud wind. " Okay. " Her voice was small as she peeked by his shoulder. Her jaw comically dropped as she looked around. " Whoa! "

Peter landed the two on his favorite roof top and chuckled. " We're gonna stay like this for how long? "

Y/n realised she's still hugging him and giggled, stepping away. Turning towards the view, she grinned, admiring the lights and dark sky while Peter stared at her.

" Nice, isn't it? " Y/n nodded, looking around. " It's beautiful. " Peter smiled at her awestruck face. " Not more than what I see. " He muttered under his breath causing Y/n to blush.

Why am I blushing? She thought as she turned to the boy. " Thanks. " Peter turned red, he didn't expect her to hear it. Y/n sat by the edge, patting the place beside him and Peter pulled off his mask, sitting beside her.

The two talked for what seemed like hours and Peter was lucky there wasn't a crime he had to leave for. Looking at the time, he widened his eyes. It was nearly midnight.

" I should take you back. Your parents home? " Y/n frowned. " What's the time? "

" Midnight. "

" Wow! Um.. Okay. They work a lot so I don't think but let's go. " She stood up, Peter following the suit.

As Peter swung her back, all he could think was how to ask her to be his girlfriend. Y/n could hear his loud heartbeat and smiled to herself, stepping back as they landed.

Standing in the awkward silence, Peter cleared his throat. She stepped closer and Peter took off his mask. Y/n giggled at how nervous he looked and snaked her arms around his neck, causing Peter to blush even more.

" What are trying to say? " She smirked and Peter bit the inside of his cheek. " Uh.. Do you maybe want to be my boy- I mean girlfriend? " He blushed and Y/n giggled.

" Yeah, okay. I'll be your boy- I mean girlfriend. " She teased and Peter sighed in relief, rolling his eyes along with it.

" You know the next step. " Y/n smiled and Peter looked at her surprised before nodding. " Uh.. yeah. " He awkwardly draped his arm around her waist and Y/n laughed.

" As much as I enjoy watching you like this, When will you stop being awkward around me? " She giggled and Peter smiled, pulling her closer. " Now, I guess. " He didn't let her reply and cupped her cheek, kissing her softly.

Y/n smiled against his lips and let her fingers play through his soft hair. Peter gripped on her hip, tugging her as close as possible.


Words Count: 3110

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