Transformers ask or dare

By WhiteWolfNinja

79.3K 1.1K 442

I'm board as hell so i thought why not do an ask or dare while i come up with an idea to write the next chapt... More

Ask or Dare
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Ask #20

381 6 7
By WhiteWolfNinja

@Barclayd To the recruits, who are you're favorite rescue bot professors and why?

Supercruncher: *been up for two days straight without recharge which didn't go unnoticed by everybot at base especially Ratchet since they recharge in the same berthroom but Supercruncher hasn't even been in there for two days! checking wattpad seeing a ask reading it then teleport's to the academy appearing in the gym!?*

Supercruncher: Yo recruits!

Recruits: *stop what their doing and look at him* Supercruncher your back!

Supercruncher: Yep sure am and you guys have a ask from Barclayd they have asked who are you're favorite rescue bot professors and why?!

Hoist: Well my favorite professor would have to be Boulder he might be big but his very gentle and loves nature as well as loves taking care of it!

Whirl: Ooo~ mines professor Chase he always goes by the rules and gets to do detective work! POLICE BOTS RULE!!! 

Medix: Blades is my favorite there's a lot he can teach us about bandages and medicine 

Hotshot: Heatwave he may be strict and lecture me all the time but he shows me new fire rescue Technics!

Supercruncher: Great! *looks at his brother* Wedge what about you who's your favorite professor little brother!

Wedge: *quickly response* BUMBLEBEE!!!!!

*recruits and Supercruncher wide optic as some of the recruits faceservo*

Wedge: *optics wide* Umm~ i mean Bumblebee he fought in a war his fast cool and AWESOME!!!

Supercruncher: I live in the same base as Bumblebee you know that right little bro!?

Wedge: You do? oh right you do!

Supercruncher: Yeah and he and Smokescreen broke my metal baseball bat!

Wedge: *gasps* Oh no bot should mess with the metal baseball bat it never ends haven't offlined them have you!?

Supercruncher: No Ratchet said something that made me stop! i mean like hell i'm going to miss out on what he said just because i offlined them!

Wedge:  Ahh what did Ratchet say to you to get you to stop!?

Supercruncher: *freezes*

Medix: Yeah what did my uncle Ratchet say?

Supercruncher: Ahh~ sorry cant say it's not something you guys want to hear!

Wedge: *remembers something from last time he was here* You still haven't told me who your sparkmate is big bro!


Wedge: Aw~ come on i want to know who my brother-in-law is!!

Supercruncher: (thought-Oh this is going to be so fragging weird when he finds out it's Ratchet same thing goes for Medix) TO BAD!! well there you have it guys the recruits answered their ask my little brothers still a fan mech of Bee's so~ keep them coming guys~ *suddenly falls forward onto the ground passed out scaring the recruits and worrying Wedge then Ratchet comes out of nowhere like he does and picks up Supercruncher giving a nod to the recruits before leaving with Supercruncher in his arms making the recruits confused as hell!*

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