Tomorrow With You || jeongche...

By wonuhuis

42.2K 1.9K 689

Jeonghan is afraid of what lies ahead of him while Seungcheol always looked forward to tomorrow. svt fanfic... More

Tomorrow with You


1.5K 76 35
By wonuhuis

It was a good day, the sun is up and the clouds were high up in the sky. The sunlight was peeking through Jeonghan's bedroom window and that made him groan.

His head was pounding from all of the crying he did last night, and it was past 6 am when he fell asleep. He looked at the alarm clock placed just beside his bed, 10 am Good thing Jeonghan's class starts in the afternoon and lucky hin, he only has 2 classes to attend this day.

Waking up was the hardest thing to do for Jeonghan, because he knew its a new day, a new day where the worst things might happen. Just like how hard it is for him to fall asleep, it's also hard for him to wake up knowing that he might lose what he has right now.

The mere thought of that made him groan even more.

He stood up and fixed himself, everyday he looked like a mess and he didn't bother to fix himself. He didn't care what he looked like, he didn't care about his self.

Jeonghan washed his face and started to get ready, exam weeks are finally coming near and he had to study so that he won't be a jobless bum in the future.

When he got out of his room and went to the kitchen, he noticed a sticky note placed in the counter.

Hannie, i cooked some kimchi rice for you, Seokmin and I had things to do and I'll be back before 11. Just call me when something's up

The note stated. Jeonghan just grinned and took a bowl of Jisoo's kimchi fried rice. Jeonghan always liked Jisoo's cooking but Jeonghan knew that his Mom cooks even better and he missed it.

" I miss you, Mom." Jeonghan whispered, trying his best to hold back the tears.

before Jisoo came to Jeonghan's life, it was just him and his mom. Jeonghan's world revolved around his mom, he loved his mom dearly. He would constantly say 'I love you' to his mom, he would always express his love to her because Jeonghan knew, she's his only family. He knew that she's the only person to hold onto.

Jeonghan, mommy loves you, do you get that?

Yes, I know mom, I love you too.

Mommy has to go somewhere, Jeonghan will be a good boy and stay inside the house. Does Jeonghan get that?

Yes, mommy be back okay?

The memory where his only family left him kept playing in Jeonghan's head and the more he keeps on remembering that painful scene, the more his head was suffering from the stinging pain. He wanted it to stop, he wanted to move on and be happy. He was desperate, but he couldn't do anything. He wanted to blame her for everything, he wanted to make her feel his wrath for leaving his only son. He wanted to feel nothing but anger, but that feeling subsided, and all he felt now is that he's alone, unloved, and broken.

No matter how many times he tried to mask up his true emotions, he would always end up in his bed a crying mess. No matter how many times Jisoo assured him that he's gonna be fine, he would always end up back in his broken self. Back then, he kept on looking forward to tomorrow, back then he always wants to look beyond the future but now, all he wanted to do is to go back in the past and beg his mom not to leave him.

Now, he just wants to sleep and never wake up to tomorrow because he was too afraid, too afraid to lose someone again.

unfortunately, Jeonghan has classes today, and he can't afford to skip them or else he will really repeat his senior year. Wiping his almost dried up tears, he decided to remove his negative thoughts and continued eating the delicious kimchi fried rice Jisoo cooked for him.

" Yah! You were have you been? Did you have lunch?" the shorter male asked, the dark haired male then removed his mask and wiped his sweat with the handkerchief he ironed this morning. It was definitely a hot day, and it's not even summer yet.

" I had to do some stuff" the taller man replied.

" Well, did you have lunch? your class starts in 30 minutes, right?" Jihoon sounded worried but Seungcheol only gave him a smile.

"I did, and right now you sound like my Mom when she nagged at me that I'm going to be late in my first day of college." Seungcheol joked but Jihoon was too annoyed to laugh.

" Just please remind me why, why are you my friend?" Jihoon whined that made Seungcheol giggle.

" because i'm the only one who can tolerate you." Seungcheol replied and packed his things, next class was history and he hated it that's why he's planning to ditch his class, again.

Jihoon became Seungcheol's personal memo, because unfortunately, his hyung doesn't give a damn about anything. They've been friends since high school when Seungcheol saved Jihoon from a bunch of bullies. To Jihoon, Seungcheol was a delinquent but years passed he knew his hyung was more than that. Seungcheol didn't care about anything, he was an ace student who kept getting into fights for defending the weak and Jihoon was one of them. He was good at everything without even trying, to everyone he was perfect.

" Are you going to ditch class?" Jihoon asked in an annoyed tone.

" Yeah, Just tell me if you want something. I'll buy it for you, so don't scold me." Seungcheol stated that made Jihoon laugh.

" You sound like a sugar daddy." the younger male spoke.

" Just go get out of my sight quickly, if you're gonna come home drunk, I swear I would report everything to your Mom." Jihoon shooed him, gesturing the older male to go away.

"Okay, okay. Bye!" Seungcheol waved his muscular arms and ran away. He didn't know where to spend the remaining hours before his last class ends. All he knows is that he needs to relax and was craving for a cold beverage.

Seungcheol didn't have financial problems, he didn't experience a broken family, he has a good life. A loving parents, a supportive brother, and a bunch of great friends. A good life indeed.

Despite having all of the great things in life, he felt empty. What was his purpose in life? Is he supposed to be something? Something that would make everyone proud? Or was he supposed to be a nobody?

He had so many questions in life, he was confused, and he felt lost.

Just when Seungcheol was about to buy his favorite banana milk from a local convenience store, he suddenly remembered at that time in his life when he met someone who changed his perspective in life,

No, wait. Seungcheol thought, that guy didn't changed him, he just helped Seungcheol realize that he needs to change for the better. He changed himself, from the lost pessimistic boy who had no path in his life into a man who always looked forward into the future with a smile.

"Are you going to kill yourself?" Seungcheol asked the boy who was standing at the edge of the cliff

"Isn't it obvious? Are you blind or just plain dumb?" the skinny boy fired back which made Seungcheol chuckle. The boy sounded weak and Seungcheol was worried, but why?

" Why?" Seungcheol asked again, hoping that the boy would look back at him.

"Because everyone left me" he answered, his voice sounded so low, almost like a whisper.

"They'll be back soon, don't give up just yet." Seungcheol assured him as he was making his way closer to the fragile boy hoping that he would change his mind.

" When?" the boy asked, Seungcheol didn't know what to answer, instead he grabbed the smaller boy and pulled him into a hug.

They were strangers to each other but Jeonghan felt the love and warmth coming from the muscular figure of this stranger who saved him.

"Soon, They'll be back soon. Don't worry, no one's going to leave you behind." Seungcheol wiped the tears off of the smaller boy's cheek. It was cold and the wind was chilly maybe because it's almost winter, but their bodies were warm, warm enough to make Jeonghan feel that he's safe.

Seungcheol pulled out from the hug to take a closer look of the smaller male, he had a beautiful nose bridge and small lips, a small face and beautiful eyes, Seungcheol thought that this boy looked like a girl, he looked beautiful in Seungcheol's eyes.

" Now stop crying, you can tell everything." Seungcheol said in a soft voice, earning him a smile from the smaller male.

"Thank you" Jeonghan replied and wiped his own tears. They do not know each other, but they fill each other's missing pieces.

"No problem," Seungcheol smiled

Jeonghan slowly walked away, away from the stranger who prevented him from taking his own life. Seungcheol didn't get to know the stranger's name, causing him to panic.

"When will I see you again?" Seungcheol shouted causing for Jeonghan to look back at him, Seungcheol realized that he asked the wrong question and he realized that he fucked up.

Jeonghan gave a smile to the sweet stranger that he met," Tomorrow!" Jeonghan replied and walked away until Seungcheol couldn't see where he's at.

That's when Seungcheol knew, that there is still a lot of time to know himself, because he knew, tomorrow is still going to happen and he will keep on knowing himself, not giving up and always looking forward on what lies ahead in the future.

The mere thought of that made Seungcheol smile, but he never saw that boy again.

" I wonder when we will meet again." Seungcheol whispered to himself.

Just when Seungcheol was about to pay for his favorite banana milk, he saw a familiar face again.

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