Loki's Complications: The Dau...

By RavensWing97

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Leema was about to scream when she saw Loki, but suddenly Loki was behind her with a hand over her mouth. He... More

The Birthday Surprise
The Father
The False Rescue Mission
Time To Get Mischievous
Second Thoughts
The Black Fog
The Goddess Of Shadows
The Land Of Shadows
The Youngest Avenger
Shadow Vs. Death
The Shadow Chorus
Shaken Up
Can You Forgive When You Can Never Forget?
The Not So Friendly Aunt
The Lunatic Of A Grandmaster
Into The Arena
The Other Love
The Inner Demons
5 Years
Steve's Speech
Back In New York
Finding Hope
Loki?? Natasha!
Avengers Endgame (Part One)
Avengers Endgame (Part Two)
The Past Loki
The Two Loki's
The Lord Of The Underworld
The Blood Red Rose
The Lightning Bolt Of Zeus
Lovely Deaths Of Peace
/Acknowledgements/Loki's Complications/Next Book In Loki's Complications/

The Warning

152 9 0
By RavensWing97

Lyra seated herself in the chair besides Loki, watching Leema with concern. Two days ago Leema had blacked out after she'd traveled through time, and ever since she's been unconscious.


There it was. Lyra knew the conversation that was coming. She didn't want to talk about this at all, she wanted to just ignore the subject the rest of her life.

"How did you bring me back to life?"

What? This was not at all what she had expected. Lyra turned her gaze from where Leema slept in her bed onto Loki. As she looked at him in surprise she said, "Me? You know full well I didn't bring you back to life, Stark did."

Loki leaned forward. "Oh, yes, because they couldn't bring their precious... Black Widow back but they could and wanted to bring me back to life?"

Lyra leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms as she got agitated. "Oh, you wanna do this? Fine, I know full well it wasn't me or Stark. I saw your illusion Loki."

"What illusion?" For once he looked confused, like how he had looked when Natasha had figured out he was going to use the Hulk that one time in New York.

Lyra's eyes narrowed. "You're really going to play this shit out?"


Lyra grunted. "Typical, Loki."

"I would like to see what you think was an illusion of mine."

"Oh, please, be my guest."

There was a moment's hesitation then Loki's hand was wrapped around her wrist and she was falling into a memory.

There Lyra was, gasping for air as she was crushed by a huge rock she tried to push off, screaming, as Thanos murdered Loki.

But, then Lyra saw the blurry figure in the distance. It looked much like Loki, craning its neck to watch the death scene

Loila was screaming Loki's name, but Lyra just watched the figure, and then that spark of hope lit, burning her inside.

Lyra stumbled, slightly falling out of her chair, but catching herself as she came out of the memory. Lyra stood, brushing the debris off her clothes. "See?" She glared.

"That wasn't me," Loki growled.

"Oh, cut the shit Loki!! I know it was your illusion! I saw it myself! You can play your games, have your fun, but you're not the only person in these realms! Gods, I'm beginning to sound like Lea. Perhaps that's a good thing. Someone certainly should. She was, after all, the only person who could love you, who could understand you, who could show you that life wasn't about a throne! Then again, she believed in you and that just got her killed, maybe I should take a hint and stop believing in you." Lyra said, her voice tinted with anger, covering the sadness that lurked in her voice.

At this Loki stood and his dagger appeared in his hand as her dagger appeared in her hand.

They struck out. Lyra grit her teeth as he grazed her neck. Lyra returned the favor, grazing his cheek. They separated, slightly panting, as the door swung open.

"HEY!" Loila stormed in and with a fiery glare with her blazing green eyes at both of them she said, "Take this outside." She flicked her wrist and in a poof of smoke they were outside on the healthy green grass of the New Avengers Facility.

"Loila," Loki breathed.

"Loki," Loila said. She seemed to be trying to keep her voice steady. "Is it true what Lyra told me?"

"What?" Loki said flatly. "That I made an illusion and faked my death? No."

"It wouldn't be the first time," Loila pointed out, shifting her dagger in her hand.

"Lyra has a point," Loila said, eyeing them both cautiously. Her blonde hair looked like she had left New Asgard in a hurry.

Well, Lyra had sent her a message telling her that the brother she had watched die, Loki, was alive.

"It was the past Loki," Loki said, "Not me."

"Oh?" Lyra's eyebrows shot up as her voice filled with sarcasm. "You know what? You're right, because the past Loki isn't you. I can't believe I argued with you!"

"Knock it off Lyra, he's telling the truth," Loila said, stepping forward.

Lyra turned her flashing blue gaze on Loila. "You of all people? You're defending him?" Lyra looked at Loila with dramatic disbelief. "He used you during the Chitari! He faked his own death and locked you in a cell! He basically killed your father, and then he faked his death yet again with Thanos."

"Like you can talk!" Loila's eyes were suddenly matching Lyra's burning gaze, except with green flame. "He's my brother! You helped him in the war against the Chitari! You helped him take the throne, lock me up, and fake his death! You've driven men mad! And you're talking?"

Lyra held her ground, but she couldn't hide her wince. She turned and faced Loki. "You know I believed you had changed. But, I should've known I was wrong.

"It hurt, watching you die the first time, even if it was fake. The second time? I thought you were being murdered! Then I saw your illusion." Lyra looked away for a moment then turned her gaze back on Loki, meeting his emerald eyes.

"That gave me hope! Loki! Hope! But you know what I've realized? Hope? Well, that just makes the pain worse. But, I did hope Loki, I did!

"But, then you didn't show up. Then after five years I was beginning to believe perhaps you had gotten swept up in Thanos's snap. So like I said, hope, just made things worse. I went to Hela, and yet again hope burned me apart inside.

"I hoped Stark truly did bring you back. But, then when you didn't show up again, I believed perhaps you really were dead., but here comes Widow and Willow, dragging your ASS back to MY doorstep.

"You know, I believed in you, but now -Heh- I don't think I do anymore."

With that, Lyra turned and walked away, to the woods, where she could deal with the pain eating at her heart in the peace and quiet of silence

* * *

Leema woke to the sound of shouting, only to find her room empty. Her vision was blurry and she snapped her eyes closed as her head began to spin wildly.

After a moment of silence she managed to open her eyes, rubbing her head. Her eyebrows furrowed then shot up in surprise as she saw a transparent figure of her beautiful mother. She was wearing a blue dress, a white shawl, white heels, her deep, sparkling blue eyes were on Leema, her long dark hair rested on her shoulders, and a tint of pink shaded the cheeks of her pale skin.

"Am I dead?" Leema blurted. What a stupid thing to ask, Leema thought.

"No, my dear Leema, you're not dead," Lea said as she smiled, lighting up the room.

"How come I can see you?" Leema asked curiously. "Am I hallucinating?"

"No, my darling, my spirit is simply visiting you," Lea laughed. Lea walked over and sat at the edge of Leema's bed, not even disturbing the sheets the slightest bit. Leema couldn't feel her sitting there, but she could see her.

"Father will want to see you," Leema pointed out, as she sat up slightly.

Lea smiled, looking at the opposite wall. "I'm sure my dear Loki would, but till he chooses to join me in death, I'm afraid I'm to be a memory."

"Oh, yeah. Why does he fake his death?" Leema asked flatly.

Lea paused as she looked back at Leema, seeming to think for a moment then said, "Your father's mind works differently, in a way. He believes he was a duty -you- and that he's doing, whatever he does, all for you."

Leema blinked, listening as she went on.

"But, my dear, I'm afraid I've come not to visit, but to give you a warning," Lea said, her blue eyes flashing with urgency, her tone growing darker and serious. "Do not trust him! Whatever You Do! He just wants to take our families power! You MUSTN'T let him!" She said urgently.

Leema stared dumbfounded as her mother started to disappear.

The door opened and Loki stepped in, stopping when he saw Lea's fading figure. "...Lea!"

Lea turned her gaze on Loki, her eyes growing soft. "My love...."

Loki leaped forward, trying to grab her, but she was already gone, her last words fading to a soft echo. My love.... My love....

Loki hadn't noticed that Leema was awake, but oh, yes Leema was and she was trembling inside. Lea even sounded scared, terrified, which terrified Leema. What had her warning meant? And who?

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