Luna The Witch

By BunnySlippers123

966 42 5

This story is basically about a wolf witch named Luna who was challenged by the three best Meisters with thei... More

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter Two The Fight
Chapter Four The Friendship
Chapter Five The Connection
Chapter Six The Entrance
Chapter Seven Death City
Chapter Eight The Revealing Fight
Chapter Eight Glacier
Chapter Nine Summer
Chapter Ten the Dinner
Chapter Eleven the Secret Unleashed
Chapter Twelve The Mother/daughter Fight
Short Story
Gah I'm bored
Final Battle
Boop 2
Boop 3

Chapter something, Glacier again?

27 1 0
By BunnySlippers123

Author's Note~~Hello! I hope you people start commenting,...I miss you guys! Now, back to this ridiculous story.

Luna's POV

        Soul glared at everyone else and walked me out. Tsubaki transformed and flew into Black Star's hands as a ninga blade.

        "Don't worry, I'll make sure no one harms you. After all, no one can defeat THE GREAT BLACK STAR! HAHAHA!"

        "Yes, we will too," Kid said, coming over with LIz and Patti in his hands.

        Maka ran over; she decided to follow since she can't fight without Soul.

        "Don't worry, no one will harm you," she said with a smile.

        "Thanks. I've never really had friends before. I've never had anyone really be nice to me," I blushed.

        "Yeah, we don't care if you're a witch. You seem kind and not like someone to kill," Soul said, hand still on my shoulder blade.

        I smiled, still looking down. Soul is kind of cute...what the heck am I saying? I can't do this, I am a witch. Him and I? Never. But just maybe...

        "Luna? Luna!"

         Soul's voice jerked me back into reality. I shook my head and said, "Sorry." He shook his head.

        "What are we going to do with you?"

        "Well, I think we should go back Gallow's Manor," Maka said with her hand on her chin.

        "Yeah, let's go," I mumbled.

        I saw something in Gallow's Manor's window. A raven, what was it doing there?

        We walked down the street and eventually ended up at Kid's house. Soul unlocked the door and let me go in first.

Soul's POV

        She went inside first. I am not one to be rude. Maka after her. I shut the door and sighed.

        "At least we'll be partially safe in here."

        "I'm tired. Where should I sleep?" Luna asked.

        "Um, I think there's a guest room upstairs," I said.

        "Cool," hey, that's my thing!

        "Copy cat."

        "Nice try, I'm a wolf, not a cat."

        "Oops, mistake."

        We giggled. She was quite pretty...oh yeah! I almost forgot my meister was right next to me!

        "Oh, Maka can you show her the guest room? I'm hungry for a PB sandwhich."

        "Sure..." she narrowed her eyes. She quite suspicious.

        She took Luna's hand and walked her upstairs. I shook my head and went into the perfectly symmetrical kitchen. There I made popcorn, since I felt like watching a movie. Maybe the Three Stooges...

        "I thought you said you were going to make PB?" a voice came out of nowhere. I swung around and saw no one.

        "Who's there?" I screamed, looking all around and my arm turned into a scythe.

        "Chill out, dude."

        Oh, it was him. I forgot his name though.

        "Hey, um, Glacier. What are you doing here?" I said, remembering.

        "I was curious. I saw a raven at the window."

        He was at the front door, smiling, hands in pockets.

        "Did you miss me?"

GOOD BYE! See you kitties later! I hope to see you guy's comments, or i'll take your soul...

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