Chapter Seven Death City

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Author's Note~~Hey everyone sorry it's been a little bit but this one is gonna be awesome! Let's see how Luna takes the academy!

Luna's POV

That night I went home with Soul and Maka. They had a cute little place; I liked it. When I got there, a cat girl came to greet Soul and Maka.
"Hey! How are you guys?! Is this her? Oh,...." she said.
"Yeah, Blaire, this is Luna the witch," Soul said.
"How dare you bring her! I will not let that beast into the house!" Blaire yelled.
Then I realized. I am a wolf, she's a cat. No wonder she hates me.
"She hates me 'cuz I'm a wolf, she's a cat."
"She's coming in anyway. Come on, Luna," Soul said, walking right past hissing Blaire.
"Here, take Soul's room; he'll sleep on the couch," Maka said, waving to a room on the right.
"What?!? Why mine?"
"Because you've slept on the couch before. I'll make dinner tonight if you do."
"Okay, fine."
Maka put on an apron and made something that smelled REALLY good. Soul sat down in front of the tv and watched a weird show. I twindled (yes, I know that's not a word but it sounds fun) with my fingers and stood there awkwardly.
"Sit down on the couch," Soul said, patting the seat next to him.
"Um, o-okay."
I plopped down on the couch next to him and stared at the floor. He was watching the nature channel.
"Maka! I can't change this weird channel!"
"Oh, it must be busted. I'll grab batteries tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?!? Fine."
Then I took a look at the tv. There was a pack of wolves hunting around. I cocked my head. But that's when they showed a herd of deer. My eyes dilated.
"*Growl* Yah!" I Growled, lunging for the tv.
But I only ended up crashing into the tv. My butt just sat in the air as I fell to the ground.
"Um, Luna? Are you okay? Maka, uh, Luna bonked into the tv."
"Huh? What? She's...oh!"
Maka ran over and helped me back up.
"Are you okay? What happened?"
"A herd of deer appeared on the tv, then she growled and lunged for it."
"I have a theory," Blaire said, appearing out of nowhere.
"What?!" Maka and Soul said in unison.
"Deer plus wolf. Figure it out. She merely saw prey on the tv and went for it. Like when I see fish."
"That makes sense."
"Well, dinner's ready!" Maka said.
Soul lifted me on his back and placed me in one of the chairs. Blaire turned back into a cat and Maka put something in her food dish.
"Ooh yum!"
"Here you go. Soul and I get pasta, Blaire fish, and Luna get's pork," she placed charred meat in front of me.
I cocked my head and smelled it. It smelled good, but why cook it? It's perfectly yummy raw.
"It's burnt?..."
"Oh, have you ever eaten cooked meat before?" Soul asked, a pasta string dripping from his mouth.
"Well, I usually only eat any prey who came near my castle. An ice spike usually kills 'em in one shot, then I just eat them raw with my Guard Dogs."
I tried it. I grabbed it in my mouth and started chewing without a fork. Soul, Maka, and Blaire all stared at me.
"What is it?" I said, with a clump of meat hanging from my mouth.
"Nothing," they all said, staring back at their meal.
After dinner I went into Soul's room and went to sleep. I dreamt that everyone at the new school came after me. They all tore at skin until I was dead. I woke up shuddering.
"Wake up, Luna! Time for school!"
"Huh?" I groggily said.
"Yeah, come on," Soul said, popping his head in.
We went to the academy (don't worry, I had Soul Protect on) and climbed up the SERIOUSLY big steps.
"Are we there yet?" I panted.
When we got up there, me panting, I had to check in with Lord Death. I waved off Soul and Maka and went into the Death Room.

Spirit's POV

"Hello! Hiya! How ya doing?" Lord Death said, holding up a peace sign.
"G-good, sir. When can I go to class?" the witch said.
"In a couple minutes," I came up and said.
I didn't like this girl. She was suspiciously shy and didn't have a mind of her own. Plus she could actually beat my darling Maka! I don't trust her for beating her. *Grrrr......*
"So.....can I go now? Maka and Soul are waiting for me."
I still didn't like her.

Luna's POV

So, I was aloud to go to class. He said to go to class crescent moon. I went throughout the hallways and found that said 'Class Crescent Moon'. I walked in.
"She will be joining us soon...oh! There she is!" a white haired man with a screw sticking out of his head. Creepy screw-head....
"Oh, hello," I said.
"Hey, Luna! Sit with us!" Maka yelled.
"Yeah, sit with Maka. But first, introduce yourself," Screw-head said.
"Um, hello. I'm Luna the wit--, uh, um, W-weapon."
"Hmm? What was that?"
"Nothing. Nice to meet you all."
"Go take your seat."
I nodded and walked up the stairs to where Maka was sitting. People gave me suspicious glares. I sat down and she pointed to what we were learning. I nodded. People have never been nice to me before so I only avoided people and played with my thumbs. After class, I started to walk home. Lord Death said I could do one class but then go home. That's when someone came up to me.
"Hey you!" a boy with odd glasses and no hair said.
"Me?" I asked.
"Yeah. Who do you think you are? In the middle of the school year a new student with no past comes up and thinks she can get away with it?" another boy next to him said.
"Um, what?"
"You're dead meat."
"Oh no."

Hey! Well, let's see how this fight turns out! See in the next chapter!

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