Chapter Eleven the Secret Unleashed

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Author's Note~~Hello. Nice to see you. It's me, the slippers shaped like bunnies. Boom. Now, today is the day where you all get to meet the antagonist of the story. I'm not going to tell you, you'll just have to read to find out!

Kid's POV
I went on a rampage since the mansion was unsymmetrical. I black out and I don't remember. But when I woke I saw everyone had left. I shrugged my shoulders and cleaned up the mess. When I was done I found Liz and Patti hiding in the closet.

"Hello guys. Whatcha doing in there?" I asked, them in a dog pile.

"Um, are you still crazy?" Liz asked.

"No, do you guys need help?"

"Yes, please," Patti said, looking at the floor.

Luna's POV

I had my arm turn into a machine gun and started shooting like nuts at the target board. It hit every time.

"You're a good shot," Soul said in the background.

"Oh, hey," I said, realizing he was there.

"Wanna meet Maka at Deathbucks (this shop doesn't really exist but it sounds cool)?"

We went down the street towards Deathbucks, but that's when I realized something. Something behind me, breathing down my neck and giving me goosebumps. I shivered and kept on going. Then I confirmed it. There was definitely someone behind me. I immediately turned around, looking around, alert. I saw someone jump in the air. I looked up.

A woman in a feathery foot-length dress and had raven like wings. She had a bun of black, silky hair tied up behind her. She had purple eyes and black eyes. I saw two boots under her dress, one white and one black. I shivered like I knew her.

"Who are you?!" I yelled.

She didn't say anything. Soul turned around immediately and his arm turned into a scythe. I pointed at her in the air and he jumped, trying to hit her. He missed and fell. I took out my machine gun arm and shot her several times. She merely flinched and dematerialized.

"Who was that?!?" Soul yelled.

"No idea. We'll ask Maka at lunch."

We ran over to Deathbucks and found Maka slurping loudly a weird, green liquid. And she says what I eat is gross. We sat down next to her panting.

"We-hoo-saw someone-huh-on our way," Soul panted.


I caught my breath, "There was a weird lady who stalked me and jumped into the air when I noticed she was there. When Soul tried to hit her, she deatomized and disappeared. I don't know who she was, but she seemed to study me."

"Creepy. We'll talk about it later."

We finished lunch and went back to their house. Tonight was some party for the DWMA and I was invited. Soul got into a purple suit and tie and Maka wore a black, sleeveless dress. I wore jeans and my blue shirt.

"Um, are you wearing that?" Maka asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's a, not, very, um, formal," Soul said.

"I don't have anything else."

"You can where one of Maka's dresses."

"They wouldn't fit. I'm more mature."


"Here, my mother was never much of a girly-girl, I have one of her dresses. Here, you can wear it."

"She handed me a pair of black pants and a normal, loose, white and black shirt. I changed into it and walked out.

"What do you think?" I asked, turning around.

"Perfect!" Maka said, clapping her hands.

"Cool," Soul said, blushing.

"Awesome! Let's go!" Maka squealed, skipping out the door.

When we got there, Kid, Liz, Patti, Black Star, Tsubaki, Crona, and Ragnarok were waiting.

"Hey! Finally showed up, huh?" Liz said, Patti staring in space.

"Yep, oh, Luna, um, nice shirt?" Patti said.

"I don't like dresses."


We went inside where Lord Death said pretty much "Hi!" and "How ya doing?" and "was up?" and we were off.

"Well, what do you think of this party?" Soul asked.

"Pretty cool. But something just doesn't feel right. I just can't place my finger on it..."

"Oh well, let's just chill on the balcony. I don't really like parties either."

We went onto the balcony with food plates but just looked into the bloody moon and midnight black sky. The stars were beautiful, glowing brightly in the black liquid night.

I heard a scream.

"Who is it?" Soul asked, whipping around.

We saw her. That lady from before who had stalked me. She was choking Maka yelling something at her. When Soul tried to run in, she just merely pushed him away with a stroke of her finger. He went flying backwards, but I caught him with my scythe and swung him back. It didn't affect him since I used the back of the blade.

I realized who it was.

"Soul! This woman is not like some kishin that you fight. She's, she's my mother!"

Dude, can't wait to write the rest.

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