It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 2

21.9K 416 143
By sleepingpup

Hey guys! So I don’t know if you like my fan fictions or not! (Hope you do!!) This is Chapter 2 of: It was accidently on purpose! Enjoy!! x 
Btw follow me on my twitter loves! :))  


She left me standing there alone in the utility closet. What just happened? Did she just… reject me? Oh wow. “This was a new low, even for you Harry.” I could hear Louis telling me inside my brain. And what bothered me more was that the problem wasn’t my looks (knew it) … but because she thought I was a “trouble maker.” I started thinking…

Was I a trouble maker?

Nah! I’m just more adventurous! I peeked out the closet door for her. I didn’t even know her name. She looked hot when she got frustrated. I wanted to kiss her and hold her tighter. I was determined to get her to like me. But it was frustrating me now, because I knew she didn’t like me and didn’t want me… but that just made me want to have her even more. I’m Harry Styles. Every girl would want to kiss me, so why not her?

I walked out the store feeling weird. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I made out with a girl. That’s a long time in Harry World. And I really wanted her to kiss me and when she wouldn’t even just let me hold her hand or get close to her… it just made me want to do exactly that.

I went back to my apartment and found Louis spread out, asleep on the couch. Typical. I walked over to him and jumped on him.

“Dammit Harry.” He groaned. He pushed me off and hid his head under his pillow.

“Wasn’t Eleanor supposed to come tonight?” I asked him. He sat up and frowned. “She’s ill.” He told me. Ha. We’d both have to be lady less for the night. That actually made me frown. I don’t have a date for the night. All because that girl was so stubborn around me. Thinking about her made me angry. No girl ever made me feel angry or annoyed on purpose and to be honest, I didn’t like it at all.

“And what about you hot stuff?” Louis joked. “No lady catch your eye tonight?”

 I wasn’t sure if I should tell him about her or not. If I did I knew he was going to think I liked her… which I didn’t. I just simply wanted to hook up with her. That was totally different.

“No…” I said. “Not really.” Oops wrong choice of words. Shit, now he’s going to ask more questions.

But he didn’t. In fact he fell asleep. Keeping it classy huh Louis? I checked my watch and saw it was only 6pm. Way too early to go to bed. So I decided to go for a drive around town. Maybe it wasn’t too late to pick up a hot girl…

I was walking down the streets of London and everything started to get on my nerves. Especially all the couples holding hands and kissing. And yet no hot girl seemed to appeal to me. Why! Normally I’d hook up with any girl but tonight I just couldn’t.

At last I met one girl at a pub and started chatting her up. I bought her a few drinks and the next thing I knew we were snogging in the bathroom. As I kissed her, the girl’s face from earlier today kept on appearing in my brain. NO! I told myself, Forget about her, you don’t need her! But I just couldn’t go on. I walked out and left the girl alone and probably confused in the bathroom. The urge to kiss that girl today had gone a little bit but I still couldn’t get her out of my thoughts. Her light skin and dark chocolate eyes were so unforgettable. Her long blonde hair reached her thin waist. Her lips looked so desirable to kiss, I knew it from the second I met her.  

As I was walking to my car, I passed by a couple sitting on a bench looking at the London Eye. The girl had blonde hair and from all I could tell, she was pretty hot. That guy was lucky because if he wasn’t with her I would have picked her up and had her in my car already.

But as I got closer I realized a similarity. It was the girl from the store! I stopped and processed something… And my eyes widened. She had a boyfriend! Wow now I feel like a trouble maker. But then I grinned… even when I grabbed her hand and had her inches from my lips back at the store, she didn’t back out until she knew who I really was. Which made me think if this relationship of theirs would actually last long. And when it crashed, I would be there to take her… if she let me. Ha, I was going to get her one way or another.  

But seeing her just reminded me more of her rejection. How easy it was to kiss that random girl back at the pub and how frustrating it was for me to just flirt with this girl. I wanted to talk to her again and even more importantly, know her name. It looked like they weren’t going anywhere for a while… so I decided to wait. I got inside my car and… well I waited.


So I spent about 3 hours talking to Lucy about the Harry experience. She was starstruck.

“How could you NOT like Harry Styles?” She argued. “He’s gorgeous! And even worse he was into you and you rejected him, Tiff? Really?”

I shrugged. It didn’t really matter to me too much. The One Direction group in general looked boring. Plus, I already had a boyfriend that I was going to go meet up with any minute.

“I just don’t see why anyone would want to date him.” I said while Lucy made the biggest gasp in history then sat down dramatically on to the sofa. “He’s a trouble maker.” I continued. “A Holly Wood Bad boy for crying out loud! He’s a player!”

She just ignored me. Which really bothered me because I wanted her to argue back. I didn’t know what I wanted her to say though… she just started walking away.

“Do what you want, Tiff.” She said. “I’m just saying, I know Harry isn’t the most ‘reliable’ man out there but he IS sweet. Trust me I’ve read all the magazines.”

I sighed. My best friend was crazy over this guy. Why doesn’t she take him instead? I heard Lucy walk back into the living room.

“If you don’t like him.” She said.

“I DON’T like him.” I reinforced. But she just ignored me.

“How were his eyes? What was he wearing, hmm?” She asked me.

“Oh, he had the most gorgeous eyes.” I said without thinking. “They were ocean green and sparked whenever he laughed. He was wearing jeans, a white top and a blue beanie. And he had the cutest dimples-“ I stopped myself and looked at Lucy who was smiling as if saying “that’s what I thought.”

I quickly countered what I just said. “But like… everyone knows that off the back of their head, right? I’m sure you knew his eyes were gorgeous and he had dimples and stuff! It’s not like I actually cared though…” I was speaking too fast.

Lucy just smiled and walked away. “Have fun on your date, Tiff.” She said from her room.

Wow. Lucy really did know how to make a girl question herself. Sure I thought Harry was cute but that doesn’t erase the fact that I have a current boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriends… I saw Mason walking right towards me. He started running and once he got to me he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me into the air. He let me down and I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him.

“So what do you have planned tonight?” I asked curiously.

He looked at me confused. “Planned? Oh, well you know I was thinking we could just go grab a bite to eat and then just you know…” He leaned over and kissed. His lips were soft and moved from my mouth to my jaw. I pulled away remembering we were in a public place. As we went to go grab a bite to eat, I lost my appetite as the music down the street started playing “What makes you beautiful.” Which only reminded me of Harry. Ugh! Stop it! I pinched my arm to stop thinking about him. It’s all Lucy’s fault. She made me think of him again.

Once Mason and I finished eating we started walking around . He kept on checking his phone and eventually I got upset.  

“Why do you keep checking your phone?” I ask him partially annoyed. “Is there someone else you’d rather be with at the moment?”

 At first he didn’t notice I spoke until he saw I was looking at him irritated.

“What? Oh because… my sister is suppose to call. I’m taking her to lunch tomorrow.” He said. Okay then… nothing to worry about.

We found a bench and sat there for a few minutes in silence. He put his arm around me and I laid on his shoulder. I heard a car turn on behind us but I didn’t know where it came from. Mason turned his head and looked me in the eyes and kissed me. I put my hand on his chest and laid closer to him. His hand moved from my shoulder to my back and moved me so I was on his lap. We were face to face and I couldn’t help but smile. Then he started to un button my blouse and I stopped.

“What are you doing?” I asked him although he continued to kiss me on my neck. He tried to unbutton another button but I didn’t let him.

“Not here, Mason. We’re in public.” But he still wouldn’t listen to me. I tried to get up but he grabbed my wrist. “I love you Tiffani.” I let out a small laugh and relaxed a bit. I let him kiss me but I still felt kind of un easy. I kissed his forehead then sat back on the bench and laid my head on his shoulder. He seemed disappointed I wasn’t kissing him like usual but he was acting weird.

Then his phone buzzed. He picked it up immediately, letting me fall on the bench with a thump.

“Where are you going?” I asked. But he just signaled me to shush. He started walking away so I just waited. And waited. And waited.

Finally came back looking happy, I smiled. I liked seeing him happy… it made me happy. “I have to go now Tiffani, I’ll call you later.” He said. My smiled faded. Wait, what?

“You’re leaving?” I asked him totally confused. “Our date isn’t even over yet…” my voice trailed off.

He started picking up his things. “I know, I know.” He said but he wasn’t even paying attention to me. “Something just came up and I really have to go. See you later, babe.” And he kissed me on my cheek and was gone in seconds.

So there I was sitting alone on a Friday night on a bench with a half eaten bag of popcorn. Some night.


Finally he was gone. I had to admit seeing her kiss her boyfriend did make me a bit jealous and I don’t know why… I don’t even know her or liker her.

I watched as her boyfriend tried to un button her blouse and laughed when she wouldn’t let him. It made me think about how easily all the other girls I hooked up with let me do that with them. I knew this girl was going to be hard to get but I was up for a challenge.

I stepped outside my car and started walking towards her. This was my second chance to flirt with her. Then I paused and thought to myself… two tries in one day with one girl? Wow… this IS a new low for me…

“Ahem.” I cleared my throat so she would notice me. She spun around and twitched in distaste.

“Are you stalking me or something, Harry?” She goes. How cute. She thinks I’m stalking her… when really this was just a coincidence. A very weird coincidence that I am not going to complain one bit about.

“No.” I told her. “But don’t you think it’s funny how we run into each other again out of nowhere?” I asked.

“I don’t find it very funny.” She said not even looking at me. “Just the universe cruel punishment or something.” I could see a small smile appear on her face as if she just made a good insult. Wait. She did. She just insulted me.

I brushed it off. Her acting all aggressive did turn me on, in a weird way that no other girl had. Her face looked sexy in the moonlight, I just wanted to cup her face in my hands and place my lips over hers. Her long blonde hair looked wavier than earlier today which was hot. I sat down next to her. There was a long silence for a few minutes.

“Was that your boyfriend?” I finally asked her.

She looked at me as if saying how did you know? Then she realized I probably saw him kiss her, which just made her cheeks flush. Even in the dark I could tell.

“Yes, is that a problem?” She said trying to sound mature or something. But all I could do was just laugh at her insecurity. I decided not to say anything to bother her, yet. That boyfriend conversation was just getting more and more on my nerves.

“You never answered my question back at the store.” I told her. “I mean it makes sense now why you didn’t want to kiss me because of your boyfriend and whatever.” She looked at me sourly. “But what makes you think I’m a player?” I asked her. This girl has been on my thoughts all day, I don’t know if she was aware of that or not but she was. And the thought of her having a boyfriend (making her unavailable) just killed me inside a little. All I wanted her to do is kiss me and maybe go a bit further.

Finally she decided to speak. “Because of your life.” Well. That made absolutely no sense.

“You’re famous, people know all about your life: who you’re with and what you do, you have no privacy.” I nodded in agreement. But what did that have to do with anything? A normal girl should love being on magazines or in the news.

“ And once someone is seen around you they get infected with that pop star life too.” She concluded but I just stared at her. She’s telling me she didn’t like the pop star life or being around me? Okay, something was definitely wrong with her.

“So…” I said trying to understand. “You don’t like me because you don’t want the price that comes with me?”

She nodded. Wow! This will be a lot easier than I thought it would. I thought she didn’t want to kiss me was because she had a boyfriend but apparently the solution is much easier! I had a plan.

I moved closer to her and tried to put my hand on her leg, but she moved it off. “I can stop that stuff you know?” I told her. “People don’t need to know things about me or where I’m at all the time. I can stop that.” But she just rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. She looked at me but not like a friendly stare but a You better shut the fuck up with that crap stare…

“Look.” She sat up so she was standing in front of me facing down. “I don’t want anything to do with you, or fame or whatever you had in plan.”

“You would have loved what I had plan.” I said cheekily. She leaned in a bit closer so I could see her feature even better in the moon light. Her cheekbones were high and her eyes were so big it was hard not to look in them.

“Harry.” She said in a soft, soothing voice that left me in almost a trance. I kept my eyes focused on hers and leaned a bit closer to kiss her. When her hand touched my chest and pushed me back.

“Bye.” She said and started walking away without saying another word.

Wow. She left me alone once again and I still didn’t know her name. This is seriously starting to irritate ME now. It was cute a few hours ago… the whole “playing hard to get thing” but now I’m taking it to the next level. Because I have a plan. A plan so smart… not even Liam would have come up with it.

I started my way back to my apartment. The whole drive back I kept thinking why does this girl even matter to me? Then the rational part of my brain goes “because she’s hot, cheeky and is making you go mad.”

I didn’t know why but I had to have this girl, and I had to have her fast. She was something different, she was something I had never had a taste of before. She was not a fan of mine and that’s what made her so unique. But then there was the problem with her boyfriend. Tiffani definitely didn’t seem like the girl who cheated so there was no sneaking her away for a night. She had to break up with her boyfriend. I had to have her, her lips on my lips just seemed ideal to me. Getting her to fall for me will be easy, I mean, who can resist me?

I got back to my apartment and Louis was awake in the kitchen making something I wasn’t too sure about.

“You are aware it’s almost 1:30 in the morning?” I inquired. But he just kept rumbling around adding bits of things into his dish.

“Louis?” I asked walking a bit closer. He didn’t answer. No… I thought to myself. This isn’t happening. Was Louis… sleep cooking? Well this was a first. I grabbed Louis’ arm and pulled him to his room. But before took a few pictures and put them on twitter. With the caption “Boo bear is a mid night snacker!” Then pushed him on his bed and he fell asleep immediately.

I walked over to the kitchen to see what Louis was cooking. “More like experimenting.” I said as I got closer to the pot. There were bits of carrots, cat food, sausage and who knows what else. I sat down on the couch and replayed the plan in my head.

Tomorrow I was going to get her to like me in the one ways girls can never reject… I had to pump up the charm, and ask her out. 

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