Chapter 17

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I wondered what was going on. When Tiffani called me she seemed really worried. 

"I'm sorry babe I can't go now, I'm sorta stuck in a meeting." I whisper to her from out the hall. We were having our pre-meet for our concert coming up, just a few reminders. 

I heard her sigh loudly, which only made me sigh. 

"Alright." she said distinctly, there was a tone in her voice I had never heard before. But I couldnt quite put my finger on it.

I saw Liams head pop out to the hall way and signal me to come back in. I said bye to Tiffani and sat down in the room. 

About an hour later we were all released. I walked over to the snack room with Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn. 

"Would you ever break up with El?" Niall asked Louis out of no where. Louis raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why? You gonna steal her from me if I do?" he said playfully shoving Niall's shoulder. His cheeks turned red from the question.

"No just, if any of us had to break up with a girl, what would have to happen to take it that seriously?" He asked all of us. We all thought about it for a minute.

"Wait," Zayn said. "Niall you dont even have a girlfriend?" Nialls cheecks got even rosier from Zayns comment and we all chucked about it.

"I think," Liam started saying. "I'd break up with a girl, if she got too into the famous life. Treating me differently from the popularity." We all shook our heads agreeingly.

"What about you Zayn?" I asked him leaning closer, still thinking about what I was going to tell them.

"I think," Zayn continued. "I would break up with a girl if she didnt trust me. Ya know? Constantly texting asking where I am, who I'm with, who's that other girl?"

"Yeah that would get annoying." I said nodding my head.  (N/A Sorta tried to recap Haylor FINALLY breaking up! When Taylor was being all grrr questions and things hehe k)

"And I," Louis started saying powerfully. "Would break up with a girl if I came home one day and saw there were no carrots in the fridge! How disrespectful would that be?" He said boomingly. 

We all laughed at how ridiculous he sounded but he stood there proudly of his answer.

"What about you hot stuff?" Louis asked sitting on top of me. "Why would you break up with a girl?" 

I pondered for a minute. Then lifted my chin up with an answer.

"I'd break up with a girl, if I found out they were cheating." 


The next day, I woke up to the sound of my phone constantly buzzing. I ignored it for the first hour but then it just got unbareable. 

"Who is calling me this early..." My voice wandered off as I realized it was almost 11pm. What? I'm a late sleeper. 

I unlocked my phone and saw I had a bunch of texts from the boys and missed calls from my mum and friends. People everywhere were tweeting me, telling me to talk to them. 

Tiffani tried calling me a few times and texted me saying "let me explain!!"

What was that suppose to mean? E xplain what?

Once I got out of bed I dialed Louis number. Once he picked up he told me to get changed (haha he knew I had just woken up) and to meet him at The Brew in 20 minutes. He sounded serious. Deadly serious and nervous. 

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant