Chapter 29

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***TIF POV***

About 2 hours after Lucy and I had finished gathering our belongings, we met downstairs in the the lobby with everybody else. The lobby was full of people, and not necesarily just people from our group. Guests were sqeezing past us, giving us quite annoyed glances here and there. Which only made me giggle. 

After Andrew had finished checking off the attendance list, making sure no body was left behind, we made our way outside to the vehicals. As Lucy and I were walking side by side, a blonde fellow popped up next to Lucy. He leaned in closer to her and planted a sweet kiss on her cheek. 

"Hi Niall." She managed to breath out. I noticed how much their eyes sparked whislt they were together. Him lacing their fingers together while she kissed his cheek in return. He didnt even have to say a word to her and yet she was already blushing like crazy. I couldnt help but smile at their content. 

A few moments passed, and I realised it was a smarter idea to let them walk alone. Lucy gave me a concerend look as she noticed I was walking ahead, but I reassured her with a smile all was well. I dont want you to think I didnt want to walk with them because I didnt want to be a third wheel, I honestly couldnt care less if I was a third wheel or not. I simply think they are happier when no one is there to interupt them. 

For a person who sucks at keeping up relationships, I somehow manage to come up with the most knowledgable information about them and some of the best advice. Wierd how the universe works. 

Anyways, the lobby men had finished packing up the cars and we all hopped in. I watched Lucy and Niall get in together, his arm slowly slidding around her shoulders. I was about to hop in too, when some one  grabbed hold of my arm. 

I flung my arm up, my most common form of self defense, and turned around to face the culprit. 

"Tif," Harry's voice partially annoyed. "Why is it when ever I try to touch you, you always go defense mode on me?" 

I laughed as he rubbed the spot on his chest I had elbowed him at. His curls washed up on his face and his green beany stuck in his left hand. 

"Its just become a tick I guess." My eyes crinkled as I listened to his chuckle. He flipped his ringlets to the side and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Well if you're going to hit me every time I try to touch you I better man up a bit more, huh?" He grinned at me cheekily and I sighed. 

"Man up a lot." I corrected. A friendly smile was spread on his face as he rolled his piercing green eyes at me.

"Just hop in, Tif." He said letting out a quiet puff of air. 

I walked infront of him and slid inside the vehical. Harry coming in shortly after me, sitting closely at my side. 

Seconds after he was at my side, I started feeling his warmth again. His shoulder gently brushed with mine and my gaze immediatly fell to the floor. As soon as I looked down, Harrys eyes darted on me.

"You okay?" His tone was nervous and reluctant. I flinched as he put his hand on my knee, bending over a bit to see my red cheeks. I tried hiding my face, looking away from him and out the window. Harry didnt like that.

"Tif," He gently placed his hand on neck and turned me around so I could see him. I looked in his orbs, they were cloudy. Simliar to how they looked this morning, alarming. 

"Dont act like you cant see me." He said robustly, siting me back up properly in my seat. I nodded at him and adjusted myself in my spot. 

My long hair was getting annoying, I sat up and swiftly put it in a pony tail. I noticed Harry watching me, not breaking contact. I had to look down at the floor nervously because his stare was intimidating.

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