His Possession (kookv)Book 1

Autorstwa fity24

306K 7.4K 2.8K

"YOU ARE MINE GOT IT, "_Jeongguk said in a low voice Start: November 26, 2019 Ends: January 18, 2021 Sequal "... Więcej

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (M)
chapter 7
A/N not an update
chapter 8
1k special chapter🔥
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12 (M)
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
100k special
100k special pt.2
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40 (M)
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Epilogue: Chapter 60(M)
The trailer of "Our Possession(Kookv)" book 2
book2 is out!!

Chapter 44

1.3K 46 11
Autorstwa fity24

No one p.o.v

Taehyung is now 4 months pregnant, both Jeongguk and Taehyung went to have their monthly checkup with the physician to check on the royal fetus's health making sure there are no problems.

Taehyung p.o.v

I and my husband are now walking to the doctor's office to check on the baby's health. Jeongguk opened the door for me letting me go inside the doctor's office first then he came in.

The physician: Good afternoon your highnesses.

Taehyung: Good afternoon doctor.

The physician: Welcome to your second trimester. Since you are now four months pregnant you probably already know you will have new symptoms. but before I tell you about your new symptoms let's check on the royal fetus's health to make sure the baby is healthy. I'll let you untie your hanfu.

I got on the bed lying on it. Jeongguk unties my hanfu only showing my baby bump . the doctor put on his gloves and Turned on the central processing unit.

The physician: you already know the gel is cold.

Jeongguk: If I catch you doing something suspicious to my wife. Just know your place.

The physician: y-yes your highness.

The doctor got the Aquasonic ultrasound gel and apply it on my stomach which was indeed cold then picked up the transducer probe and start using it on my abdomen which on the screen showing my baby.

The physician: as you can see the fetus is forming arms and legs. Later on, the baby is going to develop facial features and powers .seems like the baby is healthy as always, you two are doing a great job so keep it up.

Jeongguk: that's good.

In the next 10 minutes, the ultrasound is over now.

The physician: now the new symptoms you'll get for this month heartburn, spider veins, Indigestion, stretch marks, shortness of breath, backache, and congestion. The good thing is that your morning sickness is going away so you won't have to vomit all the time. So have you been exercising like I said last month?

Taehyung: yes I have been exercising doctor and it makes me relief from stressing myself.

The physician: That's good it will save you from a lot of pain when giving birth. just make sure to not overdo it okay. your highness, please make sure the queen doesn't go overboard with exercising so he can have a healthy pregnancy. Oh, the next month you will finally know the baby's gender so keep that in mind. Ah yes, your cravings will be stronger but which is okay to eat whatever you want but you must try to resist most of them cause you might want to eat more healthy foods, and since the baby is half-demon you'll need to drink blood to keep him/her healthy and to develop properly. Have a nice afternoon your highness. Here is a copy of the ultrasound.*gives the copy to Jeongguk*

Jeongguk: Thanks for the advice. And I'll keep track of what he is doing.*takes the ultrasound from the doctor*

Taehyung: Thank you, doctor. Bye, bye.*smiles cutely*

I and Jeongguk left the doctor's office and went to the throne room which seems like some new people came here, who died and couldn't make it to heaven. I sat on my throne facing the newcomers.

Jeongguk p.o.v

I sat on my throne facing the newcomers with a cold face. I point at the first one in line.


newcomer#1: wait are you talking to me?

Jeongguk: WaIt ArE YoU tAlKiNg tO mE?*mocking tone* YES, I'M TALKING TO YOU!

Newcomer# 1: Oh, I thought this was madison square garden but now I think I have another reason to be here.*checking Taehyung out*

Jeongguk: *caught newcomer#1 checking Taehyung out* WILL YOU STOP CHECKING OUT MY WIFE! just get out of my sight now.* glaring at him with red eyes*

Newcomer#1: w-wait H-He is your w-wife.

Jeongguk: Yes, my wife.

I snap my finger he burns into ashes.

The next hour

Taehyung left the throne room since he felt tired he went to take a nap since he been working with me even though I told him to not work for the whole pregnancy but he is stubborn so I let him be but making sure he doesn't get stress. I watch him leave the throne room with tired eyes.

Taehyung's p.o.v

I was walking through the hallway feeling tired since now I'm carrying a child and I can't sleep for myself now. I felt someone was following me but I ignore and just continued walking to my room until I felt someone grabbed my hand and turned me around to make me face...him.

Unknown: You are so beautiful, I couldn't help but focus on you when the king was talking. Tell me what's your name, sweetheart.

Taehyung: Mr.Man if you don't leave me alone I will call my husband to deal with you.

Unknown: Don't try making up things I know you don't have a husband. Just tell me your name or else were going to do this the hard way.

Taehyung: oh well my name is... Mind your damn business.

Unknown: well seems like you want it the hard way huh?

No one p.o.v

The unknown male grabbed Taehyung's wrist pulling him trying to get Taehyung closer to him but Taehyung yelled Jeongguk's name hoping he would hear. The unknown male covered Taehyung's mouth with his hand trying to not get caught but he was too late since Jeongguk teleported behind him with a furious expression. He taps the unknown male shoulder and took Taehyung from his filthy grasps. Jeongguk pulled Taehyung to his chest comforting Taehyung who was crying.

Jeongguk: So you thought it was a good idea to sexually assault my wife huh. I'm disgusted.

Unknown: Oh i-i must've mistaken him for someone else. P-Please I didn't know he was your wife I thought he was single .*looks down .* I-I-I am sorry your highness.

Jeongguk eyes were glowing red in anger that the unknown male almost pisses his pant since Jeongguk is scary when he is mad. He looked up and was met with Jeongguk who looked at him in the eye that made him shake in fear hoping he wasn't going to get a harsh punishment.

Jeongguk: why are you so afraid huh? what happened to your confidence that you had a few minutes ago? You know sorry doesn't cover up what you did right. *in a low deep creepy voice*

Unknown: I-I-I.

Jeongguk: 'I ' what? You need some type of punishment but it will be everlasting.

Unknown: P-Please anything but that.

Jeongguk: Why would I give you something light. I'm not the Type to go soft for someone who did something wrong. I'm sure my wife agrees that you should get a harsh yet everlasting punishment *looks down at Taehyung* isn't that right my dear?

Taehyung nodded on Jeongguk's chest that made Jeongguk get excited to kill his new target. But for the unknown male, he was sweating and shaking in fear since he thought the queen was going to at least save him but he was wrong.

Jeongguk: well seems like my wife doesn't want to help you. Aww seems like you're on your own to face real fear.

Unknown: NO N-No!

In a snap of Jeongguk's finger the unknown male was chained up that was so tight that he could barely breathe.


The trio: Yes Jeongguk?

Jeongguk: I need you three to comfort Taehyung while I deal with someone who decided to touch Taehyung even though Taehyung said " leave me alone" *glares at the unknown man*

Yugyeom: Let me handle him I'm sure he wouldn't mind talking for a few.

Jeongguk: Just go. The faster I kill him the faster I can come to comfort Taehyung. My poor darling has been touch by someone who would've to harm him and the baby. *kisses Taehyung's forehead* Don't worry baby everything will be okay. I'll come back as quickly as possible.

Taehyung: *sobs* okay.

Yugyeom, Jackson, and Jimin took Taehyung to the bedroom and comfort him from what just happened. Jeongguk kicked the unknown male as a sign to get up and start moving.

Jeongguk: Get up. I don't have all day to deal with you.

The unknown male got up and started following Jeongguk to a room that wasn't so good looking. The unknown man sat on the chair and Jeongguk added more chains so the unknown male wouldn't be able to leave.

Jeongguk: let's play a game.

unknown: W-What game?

Jeongguk: Riddles. If you answer the riddle right I won't go too harsh on you but if you answer it wrong your death will come near. You only have 2 chances to solve the riddle correctly. Since I don't have much time I'll just give you a  riddle.

Unknown: O-okay.

Jeongguk: great! The riddle is The person who makes it has no need of it; the person who buys it has no use for it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?

Unknown: uh a suitcase?

Jeongguk: wrong!

Unknown: um a wall?

Jeongguk: wrong again seems like your chances are up. The answer was a coffin . Well, good night. I hope you have a great time sleeping for eternity.

Jeongguk press a button that opens a lava pool. He threw the unknown male inside the lava that was burning hot not even a human can get out of it. The unknown inside was burning so bad he was screaming for help but no one heard him Jeongguk just watch him with a glimpse of happiness in his eyes seeing the unknown male suffer.

Unknown: HELP!

Jeongguk: Sorry I can't hear you. Would you mind saying that louder?


Jeongguk: You know nobody can hear you right? It's not like they would help someone like you. Well, my work here is done. I'll let you handle the rest.

Jeongguk just closes the lava pool and left the room leaving the male to suffer alone. Jeongguk teleports himself to his room where Taehyung was on the bed crying his eyes out with the trip trying to comfort him. Jeongguk sat on the bed and took Taehyung into his arms rubbing his back in a circular motion.

Jeongguk: You three can go.

The three left the room so the queen and king can have their alone time. Taehyung stopped crying and hugged his husband feeling safe in his arms.

Jeongguk: do you want to talk about it?

Taehyung: H-He ask me my name and I told him to leave me alone but he wouldn't so he tried to pull me towards him. I-I *sobs*

Jeongguk gave Taehyung some tissues. Taehyung took the tissues and blew his nose that had snots in them.

Jeongguk: shh you don't need to tell me now. You can tell me later when you feel better or you are ready to tell me okay darling?*smiles at Taehyung*

Taehyung: O-okay*smiles back weakly*

Jeongguk: Now sleep I'm sure you feel tired.

Jeongguk was about to get up and deal with somethings until he felt Taehyung's handheld his and tug it. Jeongguk turned around to face his wife who seems to be affected by the incident earlier. Taehyung was about to cry again.

Taehyung: P-Please stay with me, I don't want to be alone.*sobs*

Jeongguk: Alright then I'll stay. I was thinking of taking a nap anyway.* says softly* Don't cry, darling.

Taehyung just nodded his head as a few tears slid down his cheeks. Jeongguk wiped Taehyung's tears with his thumb and kisses his cheeks. He got on the bed and hugged Taehyung making him feel safe and sang him a song that got him to fall asleep peacefully.

Jeongguk: I need to get you extra security I can't risk you and the baby getting harmed by such careless people. I'll plan this later .*sighs* You're too beautiful to handle.


Taehyung's baby bump 


Hey guys it's me your author fity24. Thanks for the support and love for this book . And don't forget to...

Meme time.


Stream monsta x fatal love album .

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