𝔰𝔥𝔢 • H. STYLES


681K 17.6K 9.6K

sunflower vol. 6 in which a guitarist meets a singer More

cast + playlist
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
fourty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
fifty two
fifty three
fifty four
fifty five
fifty six
fifty seven
fifty eight
fifty nine

forty seven

7.7K 240 76


He was upset that his privacy had gotten invaded again. Hell, he didn't even see paparazzi last night. Selene watched him as his eyed the pictures, the singer trying to see where they were taken from. The bad thing was that he couldn't get them taken down since they found out about it too late. Everyone had probably seen it already.

Selene was okay. She wasn't as on edge as Harry was but she wasn't particularly happy about it. Not only did all of his fans know, but so did Nate's family. They had been quiet for months and this was probably going to uproar them. The guitarist wasn't even prepared to see what his fans would say. She knew that most of them were nice but, there was always a few that would say something negative.

Harry turned off his phone and sighed. He was stressed to stay the least and it was too early to deal with this. It was just barely seven in the morning. He turned to her— a look of concern on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked. That was the second time he had asked that. She softly smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I think I am," she muttered, placing her head on Harry's shoulder. "Has anyone you know said anything?"

Harry placed his arm around her waist, his thumb caressing her rib cage. "If anyone has then i'm ignoring him. I'm not going to check any notifications I get right now."

"Why not?"

"It's not anyone's business but ours. My friends aren't exempt from that just because I know them. What we have is between us and us only for right now," he softly said. He wasn't wrong. Those pictures should have never leaked because it was their business. Selene didn't even think that the paparazzi would do this considering that London and California paps were different. Neither of them had told a lot of people. It was a small group of people who knew.

Harry turned his head slightly and planted a kiss on her forehead. "You sure your okay?"

"Harry that is the third time you've asked me that."

"The last two answers you didn't give me an detailed answer."

Selene scrunched up her face. "You sound like a teacher."


"Fine. I'm just kinda uncomfortable. Not with you of course. I mean with the fact that there were people basically stalking us late last night. I mean, how long were they even there? It just kinda weirds me out the more I think about it," she answered truthfully. "It's honestly tempting to go onto social media right now and read every comment but at the same time, I know i'm going to be upset if I see anything horrible."

"You know what I don't understand?"
Harry started.


"There have been times were we were not entirely discreet. How did no one see me at your apartment? The beach yesterday at the shoot? The boat? Any of the parties we went to? Why now? Why last night at the restaurant?"

She sighed. "I wish I knew."

"Are you okay with going outside with me now?" he whispered. Selene hadn't realized that he was this worried about her. She took her head off of his shoulder and sat up, her eyes remaining on him.

"I don't think anything changes anything between us. I know you don't like your private life being out there but, we can't change anything that happened in the past few hours. I'm fine with going out with you. I mean, we cant hide anything now."


Selene yawned. "I'm sorry I woke you up for this," he muttered. "Better to tell me earlier than later. Are you getting up or laying back down?"

"I'm going back to sleep," he lied. He knew that she was going to get up if he got up and she needed sleep. She had bags under her eyes from the jetlag that was still hitting her. Selene laid back down and closed her eyes. She felt Harry's arms wrap her waist— the guitarist snuggling her face into his neck. "I'm sorry Le," he said once more.

"You don't have to apologize for things that out of your control. It's fine."

Selene fell back asleep pretty quickly, Harry glad that she wasn't as nervous as he was about the article. He just wanted to hold her if he was honest. His previous relationships weren't as private as they couldn't been so Harry thought that this one might've different. The main thing he knew was going to happen—that he didn't like— was that interviewers were going to ask him about it. And he was shit at trying to avoid things.

Harry didn't even know how long he laid there, caressing her face as she lightly snored. The twenty-five year old knew that she didn't snore unless she was really sleep deprived. He found it adorable though. He lightly planted a kiss on her nose and untangled his arms from her waist so he could get out of bed. She moved a bit but, she didn't wake up. He looked at her one more time and grabbed his phone, the green eyed man walking out of the room door.

He unlocked his phone and sighed. It had been two hours since they had laid back down. As of right now, he had two messages from Jeff— who already knew— Gemma, Anne, and Camille. He rolled his eyes as he went to Jeff's text message first.

Have you seen the article and pictures?
What are you going to do about it?

Yes and there's nothing I can do about it. Not that I want to. Selene is okay and that's all that matters right now.

That was done. Next was Gemma. Harry had recently told her about them and she was happy.

Hey, I know you saw the article. How are you two holding up?

She's fine. Just thought it was kinda weird. I'm good too, just annoyed. Thanks for checking up.

Does this mean I can hang out with her now?

Harry laughed softly before replying.


Now, onto his mom.

Why didn't you tell me about you and Selene? I like her.

Harry wasn't expecting that.

Sorry, we didn't really tell anyone at all. Would you like to see her again?

Yes, when you two are free.

Well that was easy.

Did you cheat on me?

No and if I did, it wouldn't have mattered considering that you cheated.

August 5, 2019

Two days had passed and now they were in Cancun, Mexico. Not much had happened except for Harry's fans going crazy on social media. Selene had read through a few post— some of them saying that they knew about it; some not expecting it. Hell, there were even a few saying that it was fake. But overall, it was a positive response.

Harry had went back to his regular self, the singer not caring much that everyone knew. He seemed happier too.

Filming for him didn't start until the next day so the two had a chance to go out alone. Selene held Harry's hand as they ventured onto a grassy trail, palm tree and flowers they've never seen before surrounding them.

A rustle came from one of the bushes, Harry immediately turning his head. "What was that?"

Selene shrugged. "It's probably just a wild animal," she answered.

"Wild animal?"

"Calm down," she laughed out. The bush shook again, Harry's hand gripping Selene's hand tighter. A small animal popped out. It was a Coati. They were native to Mexico but not found in the wild as much as they are in captivity.

"What the hell is that? It looks like a lemur and raccoon."

Selene untangled her hand from Harry's and moved to a tree, the twenty-three year old picking a piece of fruit from off of it. "It's a Coati. When I came to visit as a kid, I would usually see them in captivity and not in the wild. They're not really dangerous. They eat fruit so..." Selene trailed off as she bent down to the animal's size. "I want to give it some fruit."

Selene slowly reached out her hand for the small animal, it's nose twitching due to the new scent. "Hola bebé. Mira lo que tengo para ti/ Hello baby. Look what I have for you."

Harry smiled and watched as the animal quickly took the fruit and ran away. Selene stood back up and eyed him. "What?"

He shook his head. "Nothing." Harry outstretched his hand for her once more, the woman gladly taking it again. "Can you tell me stories of you coming here?" Harry asked as the walked further down the trail.

"Yeah, i've only been here to visit family twice though and it was years ago so... bare with me. Uh... something I vividly remember is going to the beach with my cousins who were a year or two older than me since it was a few miles behind the house. We collected a lot of shells and other stuff off the ground to make necklaces. We stayed until it got dark and then when we got home, we prepared a Mexican dish and that's pretty much all I remember," she told.

"Did you ever see them again?"

"After the second visit, no. That was my last time seeing any of my family from my mother's side."

Harry frowned. "Oh. I'm sorry for asking."

She shook her head. "It's fine Harry. I don't really care since I only met them twice."

The trail eventually cleared into a private beach— the water almost completely clear. Selene loved how much Mexico was different to both California and London. It seemed quieter almost. There were less buildings and people which made it a safe haven for a lot of wildlife. Selene let go of Harry's hand and placed her backpack onto the ground. Harry watched her and smirked.

"You know what happened last time we went to a beach?"

She rolled her eyes. "Your gross."

"Don't act like you weren't-"

Selene took off her sandal and threw it at Harry— the singer laughing uncontrollably. "I'm done," he breathed out in between laughs. Selene slid her tank top off and placed it on the backpack. "Too bad there's not a boat out here," she muttered as he took her shorts to reveal the baby blue bikini she had wore.

Harry's eyes widened. "What?"

She tilted her head. "What? I didn't say anything," she said— the guitarist waking to the water. Harry quickly took his shirt off and caught up to her.

"Yes you did."

"I think you need to get your hearing checked."

The water hit both of their feet as they walked further. "Your not funny," Harry mumbled. Selene looked at him and smirked.

"I think I am."

The water started to rise as they walked further; the water now just below Selene's shoulders but under Harry's chest since he was taller. The singer wrapped  his arms around her waist, Selene wrapping her arms around his neck.


"Go ahead," she softly said. "When... How did you know that you liked me?"

Selene smiled. "I don't know exactly when but it was somewhere around my birthday last year I think? I think that was when you stayed at my apartment a lot," she answered.

"I was scared to invite you to Japan on New Year's," Harry told truthfully. Selene furrowed her eyebrows.


"I didn't think that you liked me. I was just double guessing myself, hence why bought the ticket so late." Selene softly laughed. "And then it took you another ten minutes to call me after," she joked.

"Yeah..." he started, his eyes on hers. "What if I said we have a date in two days?"

"Then I would tell you that I would be saying yes."


"Can I ask where?"


"Why not?"

"I'm pretty sure if I was to give you a hint, you would know where so... no."

Selene rolled her eyes. "I think you know me too well."

Harry laughed— his dimples showing. "Le?"


"This is for last time we were in water."

Selene didn't even get to get words out before Harry dumped her under the water, his arms still wrapped tightly around her waist. However, the younger woman's arms were still around his neck so Harry went down too. His eyes closed shut as his face hit the water.


happy halloween!
i didn't get to say this before but the golden music video was so good. i'm also close to 100k reads.

insta: shebookhs
dms are always open

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