Oleh rosecinc

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"Nobody is allowed between these pretty little thighs but me....and if anyone tries...𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞... Lebih Banyak

~Blood Oath~
~Dirty Work~
~Tantrum Protocol~
~Five million~
~Her Wrath~
~2 weeks~
~Ryan Martin~
~5 years ago~
~Phase 3~
~Katrina Annika Ivanov~
~Finn Grimes~
~Caskets & Chains~
~Dead Roses~
*Bonus Chapter-Aria's POV*
*Bonus Chapter -Aria's POV*


6.8K 346 111
Oleh rosecinc

-"Next time I'm opening up to someone is my autopsy."-


None of them got an ounce of rest on the flight to Sweden. Luca twidled the unworn engagement ring in his fingers that was attached to his gold chain like a charm.

Katrina barked hushed orders into her phone while her eyes remained glossed. Everyone could tell she was anxious about returning to her childhood country that held the most damaging and disturbing memories.

Starr stared at a computer screen, gathering as much information she could about Aria King. Antonio was sure that she hadn't blinked in over twenty minutes.

Meanwhile, it seemed like everyone else was in their own world just like Luca.

Thea reminisced the time when she and Midnight were in Bulgaria together.


"Try to hit your opponent in the jaw. It's like the knockout button. Hit it hard enough and you've got them down," Midnight spoke.

Thea and one of the King's members circled each other in a sparring ring that resembled a boxing ring while Midnight stood outside of it, giving pointers.

Thea was in her prime after two months of training with Midnight. She was stronger than ever. She was just as lethal as Ida. She looked innocent but could snap your neck.

But she still had more to learn.

The opponent, a man, finally lurched at Thea and aimed for the Kidney. She knew from experience that Kidney punches hurt. A lot. That night in the alley was enough to have her avoiding it at all costs. They almost hurt as bad as diaphragm hits.

She remembered how her lungs spasmed and how she fought for air that night.

But all bad experiences came with meaningful lessons. And that night she learned a few things...

Never walk alone at night, and punch your opponents in the diaphragm and kidney.

She swiftly moved back, but since this man was remarkably bigger than her, he had an easier time forcing her back. Midnight observed, not speaking to avoid disrupting her focus but would interject if needed.

Thea was tougher, leaner, and stronger than before...and definitely less innocent.

With one quick movement, she slickly moved out from the man's reach and turned to where she was behind him. She threw a jab to the back of his neck, enough to have him stumbling and turning around to face Thea.

Before he could blink, she threw a fast but hard hit to his jaw, knocking him down. The man groaned and blinked lethargically as Thea laughed and held out a hand to him.

"Well played," the man grunted as he fought off the dizziness and accepted her hand to pull himself up.

"You're losing your game Mathew," Thea giggled as the man lurched over to the side and dangled his upper body over the rubber fencing that surrounded them, regaining his strength.

Mathew groaned in response.

"Or you are just getting better," Midnight interjected with a proud smirk. Thea got out of the ring and gave her a grateful smile.

"It's all because of you," she responded as she took off the tape around her fists.

"All I did was show you the steps, the rest came from you...Dabria," Midnight smirked. Thea playfully rolled her eyes as she helped Mathew get up again.

End of flashback

Her eyes welled up yet again, as she recalled the memories she had of her. She created Dabria yet she never took the credit.

Blade seemed to be reminiscing as well as he examined an infinitely sharp dagger.

Flashback(11 years ago)

Auguste walked through the crowded streets of New Orleans with a mask covering his scar and face. People laughed and cheered with face paint, confetti, and colorful clothing but were oblivious to the person who lurked amongst them.

Mardi Gras.

The people danced along to the music as a devious smirk graced his lips as he walked slowly through the jumping bodies.

A seemingly happy time to bystanders...but to Auguste, it was the day of his most important mission.

He would kill his father today...and he would enjoy it...


He returned to his quiet apartment in the heart of New Orleans with a relaxed whistle escaping through his mouth. The calm of his music was contradictory to the blood that stained his clothes and skin.

The celebrating locals thought of it as nothing more than paint.

It was indeed paint.

The paint of his father's insides.

His eyes glinted with atrocity as he went to open his bourbon cabinet.

But he halted in his steps when he sensed something was off about the atmosphere of his homey apartment.

The air was deadly.

He whipped out his dagger, chuckling darkly as he looked around his apartment. His adrenaline was already spiking.

"You won't need that," a sultry and silvery voice spoke out from the shadows. He turned to the source of the harmonious sound, enchanted by the heavenly and dark figure that moved in the obscureness of his dark apartment that was lit with colorful lights that blinked from the parade outside.

The woman stepped out of the shadows to be held against the vivid lights gracing her skin. She looked so chaotic...devilishly beautiful.

But so young...

She couldn't be older than 16.

But he was also too young to be a murderer. He was almost 17.

He couldn't deny being captivated by her midnight hair and onyx eyes but fair and faultless skin.

"I don't remember sleeping with you," Auguste hesitated as he scanned her head to toe. He knew that he would never forget such a face.

"That's because you didn't," the woman rolled her eyes as she sat down on the couch near her. Auguste shrugged as he sat down next to her after pouring his alcohol.

"What do I owe the pleasure to be in the presence of such a beautiful woman?" Blade mused. He clearly wasn't fazed with the intruder.

"The name's Midnight. I work for someone interested in your...certain skills," the woman named Midnight spoke as she picked up his dagger and ran her finger along the blade.

"And who's that," he responded as he gulped down the smooth copper-colored liquid. Midnight set the dagger back down on the table.

"He calls himself the King. He knows everything about you, Blade," Midnight smirked, calling him by his last name.

"I'm not interested. Nice meeting you though," Auguste smiled kindly as he picked up the dagger and aimed it at Midnight.

Midnight clasped the knife in between the palms of her hand, stopping it from reaching her skin.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," she scowled. Blade chuckled mischievously.

Midnight let go of the dagger, making Blade put it down. She gestured to her ears to make him listen to the sound around them.

Nothing could be heard except for the cheering of the crowd outside and the music. Except for one other thing...

Police sirens.

"They'll be here any minute and killing the mayor won't make it easy for you to get away. Join the King. We can make you invincible and protected. What do you have to lose Blade? Don't let your potential go to waste by killing off worthless people like your father and committing mediocre crimes," Midnight whispered with vehemence.

Auguste pondered the idea for a few more moments before getting up and grabbing two of his favorite knives.

"I like the name Blade. Auguste was getting old anyway. Now where is this King dude?" he smirked. His own catastrophic smirk that was embedded with danger mirrored Midnights.

End of flashback.

He could never imagine where he would be now without her...

She saved him in more ways than one.

And she did the same to Starr and Ida.

Flashback(9 years ago)

"I've got him cornered," Ida spoke as she readjusted the gun that was strapped on the inside of her thigh. The flashing lights and sweating bodies that danced to the heavy rhythm of the music drowned out the screams of her victim.

She was truly in sin city.

And she never had loved it more.

Las Vegas was a place of memorable mistakes and wicked crimes.

She pushed finished tieing the rope around his hands and feet to the chair and took a good look at the drunk fool. It had been 4 years since Ida had last seen him and now the roles were reversed.

"Have fun," Adrienne spoke through the earpiece as she waited outside. Ida grinned wickedly as she shut off communication with Adrienne and took full focus on the bastard.

"Who are you!?" the man demanded as the rope could barely keep his beer belly in. Ida scowled and inched close to the man, taking her gun out and scraping it against his manhood.

"You don't remember me, Tanner...or should I say, Mr. Jackson?" Ida seethed as he glared into his russet orbs that held so much crime.

"I-Ida...?! H-How-?" he stuttered as he gaped at her. This woman who had seduced him at the bar that was moments away from killing him was the same woman he had abused and taken advantage of a few years ago when she was just a kid with no parents.

"You made a horrible mistake when you raped me, and now you will pay with your life...after I castrate you," she growled.

Tanner started weeping with pleads of mercy as Ida took out her sharp knives.

"Do you regret raping a thirteen-year-old girl now that she has you tied up and seconds away from cutting off your balls? Tell me! Do you regret it!?" she yelled as she plunged her knife deep in between his legs.

He cried out bloody murder that was drowned out by the loud music. His tongue started bleeding as the screams got louder from biting it.

He couldn't form words.

Her breathing was ragged as she aimed the gun at his forehead, cocking it back.

"The devil will deal with your rapist and pedo-ass now," she whispered as she pulled the trigger with a muffled bang. His body fell limp against the bloody chair as something sank in between his legs.

She flicked her hair back just as a slow clapping sound filled the room she was in.

She raised her gun again, aiming it all around the room to find the source of the sound.

The person behind the claps stepped out from the shadows, making Ida gawk at the divine but sinful human.

She was enchanting with umber hair and inky eyes with milky skin. She was slim yet had curves in all the right places with danger coming off of her like the scent of her perfume. She seemed like a forbidden fruit that was desired in every way.

"I'm impressed," the woman spoke with a sultry-melodic tone. Ida lowered her gun when she saw Adrienne at the doorway with just as a confused expression as her.

"Who are you?" Ida and Adrienne spoke in unison, fascinated by this bewitching woman. Over the years, this enigmatic woman only got more beautiful and dangerous, making her power known.

"My name is Midnight. I work for the King," she spoke as she smirked at Ida's victim.

"The King? You're the people who took over New York?" Adrienne gaped. Midnight lip twitched upwards.

"Good...you've heard of us," she started.

"We've heard of the infamous hacker that got control of the secret service's files and the assassin who likes castrate men. And we want to make you better. Make you known," Midnight smirked

Adrienne and Ida looked at each other, then at Midnight.

"How can we trust you?" Adrienne questioned.

"We've only been around for two years yet we have gained control of a whole state. We are in need of a new ERROR 247. Adrienne, I want it to be you," she smirked

"Ida, we have plenty of assassins but none have your capabilities. We want you to take on a new persona for your safety," Midnight explained.

Ida looked at her, looking for truth. And she found it.

"And what persona would that be?" Ida spoke.

"Vengeance has a nice ring to it," Midnight smirked.

Starr and Ida looked at each other again, silently communicating.

"We're in," they said in unison.

"My friends call me Starr," Adrienne spoke as she smirked.

End of flashback

Midnight held up to her end of the bargain. She truly did make them better. She made them known.

And she did the same with Oscar.

Flashback(7 years ago)

Two men stood in a quiet alleyway in the dead of night in France. One man, a mediocre criminal that robbed banks, while the other was more than what he let on.

"Combien pour l'explosif?" a man asked.

(How much for the explosive?)

"€180," Oscar responded. The man nodded and handed him the wad of money as he took the box from Oscar's hand. Oscar looked at the money, sighing.

This would have to do to pay for his brother's cancer treatment.

He knew that he would need a lot more than this.

He stuffed away the cash as he made his way to the silent hospital. He watched as his 11-year-old brother slept quietly with all sorts of wires connected to his frail body. Oscar put his head in his hands as quiet tears escaped his eyes from the chair next to his bed.

The cold air of the hospital room made him shiver and he got up to close it when he felt a dark presence behind him. He turned around quickly, getting out his pocket knife and guarding the sleeping child.

"Relax. I'm not here to hurt you or your brother," a gentle voice spoke. The voice belonged to a woman and Oscar watched as she stepped into the dim lighting. He was stunned at the woman's angelic and goddess-like beauty.

"How'd you get in here? Who are you?" Oscar questioned with hushed whispers. The woman looked at the sick sleeping boy and then at Oscar, giving him a sympathetic look.

"My name is Midnight. I'm the right hand of the King," she whispered back, careful to let the little boy get his rest. Oscar stepped back, astounded.

His thoughts immediately went to the slaughtered Ferni cartel which was all over the news. A broadcast that went worldwide just mere days ago telling everyone who the King was and what he was capable of was all he could think about.

And this person was his right hand.

"What do you want?" he muttered, eyeing Midnight up and down. He put his knife away knowing such a little thing could not harm the second-most feared person in the world.

"I've seen your work. I know how you struggle. I want to help. We want to make you a member of our organization," she spoke. Oscar gave her a hard stare.

"No. I have to stay here...for him," he whispered as he looked at the many tubes connected to the fragile boy.

"And what's going to happen when the police find out what you do to pay the bills? What happens when your brother will have no one to count on? What happens when you run out of ideas?" she asked calmly.

"I-I don't know," he responded as he sat down and looked at the hospital bed. Midnight took a seat next to him, looking at the heart monitor.

"We can give you power. A name and make you respected and feared. We can give you the best doctors in the world and all the money you want We can give you both a better life. If not for yourself then think of him. He doesn't have to be involved. We can guarantee his safety and happiness. All you have to do is get a tattoo," she muttered.

Oscar looked at the woman as if she was a guardian angel.

"Why me?" he asked.

"You've made quite a reputation for yourself in France but you aren't satisfied. We can make you satisfied. You are on your way to being the best weapons dealer in the world and we can make that happen," she smirked. Oscar sighed and looked at the 180 euros he made.

"He will have the best life with the best doctors and the safest life?" Oscar whispered, looking at his brother.

"Of course. Even if you denied I would have gotten him the top doctors with it all paid for but wouldn't have done anything if you got yourself in jail," Midnight smirked.

Oscar chuckled, finally feeling as if his reckless behavior had gotten him somewhere. The same reckless behavior that was going to save his little brother's life.

End of flashback

On the inside of her devilish act and habits, she was just an angel with a tainted heart.

But she was gone now...and nothing will change it.

Or will it?


(A/N): Now you know the past between Thea, Oscar, Blade, Starr, and Ida with Midnight.

What do you think?

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