Swan Song || The Lost Boys...

By InterstellarTombs

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❝ I lost you in the silence, bleeding through the walls; a sorrow came that ceased to leave ... More

Prologue - Vendum ( Turning )
Chapter I ~ ᚠ ( Fehu ) New Beginnings
Chapter II ~ ᚢ ( Uruz ) Endurance & Change
Chapter III ~ ᚦ ( Thurisaz ) Resistance & Reluctance
Chapter IV ~ ᚨ (Ansuz) The Silence & The Speech
Chapter V ~ ᚱ ( Raido ) Part I - The Journey & The Traveller
Chapter V ~ ᚱ ( Raido ) Part II - Long Lost To Where No Pathway Goes...
Chapter VI ~ ᚲ ( Kenaz ) Revelations & Light
Chapter VII ~ ᚷ ( Gebo ) Part I - The Curse & The Blessing
Chapter VII ~ ᚷ ( Gebo ) Part II - The Wolf & The Lamb
Chapter VIII ~ ᚹ ( Wunjo ) Part I - [Un]fulfilled Desires & A Fiery Dawn
Chapter VIII ~ ᚹ ( Wunjo ) Part II - [Un]fulfilled Desires & A Fiery Dawn
Chapter IX ~ ᚺ ( Hagalaz ) Part I - Through Trial & Tears...
Chapter IX ~ ᚺ (Hagalaz) Part II - Through Trial & Tears...
Chapter X ~ ᚾ ( Nauthiz ) Part I - As Within, So Without...
Chapter X ~ ᚾ ( Nauthiz ) Part II - As Within, So Without...
Chapter XI ~ i ( Isa ) Part I - Frozen Among The Flames
Chapter XI ~ i ( Isa ) Part II - Frozen Among The Flames
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part I - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part II - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part III - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part IV - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XIII ~ ᛇ ( Eihwaz ) Part I - Pale Tortured Blue
Chapter XIII ~ ᛇ (Eihwaz) Part II - Pale Tortured Blue
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ (Perthro) Part I - Uprise
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ (Perthro) Part II - Uprise
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ ( Perthro ) Part IV - Uprise
Chapter XV ~ ᛉ (Algiz) Part I - Crossing Bridges...
Chapter XV ~ ᛉ (Algiz) Part II - ...To Reach Unknown Shores
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part I - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part II - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part III - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part IV - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part I - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part II - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part III - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part IV - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part I - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part II - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part III - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XIX ~ As We Fall Asleep; Our Souls - Entwined...
Update II: Good News
Final Update: New Story
Writer's Note

Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ ( Perthro ) Part III - Uprise

523 29 7
By InterstellarTombs

[ Oppression ]


It was when I opened the door & saw Michael's young, anxiety-ridden face in the dim porch lights that guilt began to gnaw at my innards, making me feel sick to the core. At the same time I had my four bloodsucking houseguests always in the back of my mind, painfully aware that ever since the incident at the Boardwalk Michael wasn't fond of either of them. The look he had given me upon watching us leave together was very much burned into my memory, & seeing him now only brought those unpleasant memories back.
Truth be told I was very surprised that he had come here at all, basically standing in front of the same door I had coldly slammed in his face a few days ago…
He barely knew me & yet he cared so much; how was I supposed to reject him again without seriously hurting his feelings & becoming an absolute b*tch myself in the process?

I swallowed that irritating lump in my throat, poking my head outside while keeping a firm hand on the door to ensure he couldn't catch a glimpse of the four vampires in the hallway. I only hoped the two chatterboys Paul & Marko would keep it down for the time being, but knowing them that was rather unlikely.

" Really not a good time... "

What followed was a long moment of awkward silence; Michael's eyes remained on me, soon drifting away from my face & down my frame, slightly widened & obviously eager to capture the entire image like a camera. His lower jaw dropped & it took him some time to collect himself before his eyes once again locked with mine.

"  ... You look beautiful, Lily. "

I blushed so hard & instantly, I didn't even have time to hide my face, the following wave of heat rolling across my cheeks & claiming every inch of it.
Fantastic. This only made the next events twice as awkward...
" Thank you... "

" I'm sorry I didn't call before coming over. It was a spur of the moment decision... "

" Please, don't worry about it… Still, I don't have much time right now, as much as I wish I had. "

He looked genuinely troubled, shifting from one foot to the other in a manner that made me even more nervous than I already was.
" Can I… Can I come in for a moment? "

Dropping my gaze I placed one foot against the door, almost out of instinct, worried that he'd try to get closer & eventually see the four bloodsuckers behind me.
" No, Michael. I… I'm sorry, but not today. Let us talk tomorrow, alright? Just give me a quick call & we'll meet up. "

" So you can ignore it or even send me away again..? "

Just like Michael's voice my heart sank at the remark, lying so heavy in my chest that breathing felt strangely uncomfortable. Despite the whistling winds in the branches I could hear that little tremor in his breath, his brows furrowing when he realized how harsh his response had been.

" ... I won't do it again, Michael. You have my word. "

" I want to believe you, Lily. I really do. But you have been acting so strange since... since that incident at the Boardwalk with those weirdos that nearly ran you over... "

" Michael, please. I-- "

" I have seen you with them yesterday evening... I have seen you leave with them like it was the most normal thing in the world, almost like they were your 'friends'. Not a bunch of cowards that were actively trying to kill you! "

" Mich--  "
But he was already standing right in front of me, his features now fully illuminated which allowed me to see all the concern & fear that had taken hold of it. He was deeply upset, & for a - at least from his point of view - damn good reason... Just how was I supposed to tell him that things weren't as they appeared to be & that he was more or less in the wrong in his accusations?

" How can you still associate with them after what they have done to you, Lily?! How, & why?? "

" Michael, let me stop you right there! "
I stepped outside onto the porch so he wouldn't push into my house, a hand on the door to prevent it from falling shut.

" I'm aware that you're worried & care for my wellbeing, & I genuinely appreciate you for that... But you also need to remember that I'm old enough to make my own decisions - even the kind of decisions you might neither understand nor agree with! "

He took a deep breath to protest, but I had already raised my voice again.
" Let us talk tomorrow, Michael, & I will explain to you why you have absolutely no reason to worry! I promise, things are not what you think they are. But first you need to calm down... I do not wish to fight with you.

Not now, not ever. "

A thought-yielded hush befell the young Emerson as he was now clearly reevaluating the situation as well as his reaction to it, his eyes averting in shame - or so I assumed. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, sensing his inner conflict & the surge of emotions he had to endure in this very moment. And yet, I prayed that he'd agree & take his leave before one of the four vampires could gain his attention & throw things out of balance again.

A soft smile bloomed on my lips, although it was impossible to tell if Michael could even see it in the dark.
" ... Are we okay? "

" Why not now, Lily? ", he replied almost immediately, shooting me a glare so sinister that my smile crumbled in the blink of an eye.
" Why can't you explain it to me now?? What is holding you back from being honest with me today?!

          Why are you avoiding me?! "

" Michael, I told you, I can n-- "

" Allow me to answer for you, my dear Lily ~ "
A soothing yet frigid voice from close behind me joined our heated conversation the same moment a leather-clad palm landed on my shoulder, a familiar chest pushing against my back & almost compelling me to lean into it so I wouldn't lose my balance. Faint chuckling ensued mere inches away from my ear & I had to bite down hard on my tongue to suppress a nasty comment. It wouldn't do the situation any good.

I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it.
He seriously had the audacity to reveal himself in an already fragile moment, well aware that it could get me in trouble & only add more fuel to the fire...

David, you idiot.

" ~ She already has company tonight, Michael. "

The darkness outside my house was nothing compared to the darkness that was beginning to devour Michael's eyes, the shadows under his brows expanding as anger & sheer abysmal disdain settled on his once so tender face. He stared past me like I wasn't even there anymore, his narrowed eyes meeting those of David who seemed more than pleased with what me had done, his restrained chuckle soon transmogrifying into gleeful laughter.

I wished to disappear, to either sink into the very ground beneath my feet or simply vanish into thin air, but unfortunately neither was an option. Not even stepping away seemed possible right now; David's grip on my shoulder was firm, his tall & quite stout body blocking my way.

" You... " Michael hissed, much like a snake driven into a corner.

" Me what, Michael? Has your anger towards me still not subsided? "
He squeezed my shoulder & pulled me deeper into his chest, coldly ignoring the young Emerson's fiery expression.
" I thought we had long moved on, yet here you are, with enough hatred in your eyes to nurture an army. "

" I have every reason to hate you ! You & your daft motorcycle friends tried to kill Lily! "

" Come on now, Michael. Be less impulsive & use your wit for once!
Don't you imagine that if we really wanted to kill her, she would be dead by now? "

Micheal flinched at the remark, frantically blinking while his eyes remained on the vampire. David had clearly struck a nerve & left an impression with his question, although what kind of impression that was I couldn't tell yet.

" Who knows what other sick intentions you've got in the back of your head! Don't think I have forgotten how you stared at her that night at the Boardwalk… Because I haven't! I recognize a parasitic mind when I see one! "

I shivered.
" Guys, that's enough... "

" Oh? Are you inferring that I'm here to harm your friend?
Mind you, Michael - that is quite the weighty accusation... "

His gloved thumb brushed across my skin, making the hair on the back of my neck stand tall, & a second later he had gently grabbed me by the shoulder & pulled me away from the door to step out onto the porch himself.

" So much hostility, so little knowledge... I wonder where exactly such a pairing shall lead to ~ "
He paused mere inches away from Michael who was standing there with both fists clenched, spitting venomous looks through narrowed eyes.

" You are welcome to find out! "

" David! Michael! Stop it right now! "
Basically I was just about to squeeze my own path back outside when all of a sudden the door to my right flung open & Paul & Marko emerged from the shadowy hallway to announce their presence as well, with Marko's cunning smile & Paul's flamboyant look on full display so Michael would get the message:

David had backup. He did not.

" Whew ~ The winds are picking up out here, ain't they? ", Paul stated in a sarcastic fashion & Marko giggled, the two of them staring an already emotionally overwhelmed Emerson into the very ground.

I watched him flinch, eyes scanning the three figures in front of him one after the other before lowering in defeat. The image alone felt like a dagger to the heart & I finally leaped forward, squeezing past the vampires so that Michael could see me.
" Michael, I'm so sorry... But you should probably go... "

He stared at me like I had just driven a knife into his chest, his young features contorted in horror & disbelief, the former most likely a result of the latter.
" I can't believe you are willing to associate with those monsters, Lily... "

" They are not monsters, Michael. Please stop saying that! There is so much more to the story than meets the eye, I promise! Once you give me the chance to explain --- "

" There is nothing to explain. Not for me. " Michael literally threw his hands in the air before turning mid-sentence, jumping down the porch as he intended to depart.

" You have a nice evening, Lily. "

Paying Paul's childish Bye, Mikey! no mind I stormed after him without so much as a second thought & reached out to grab him by his arm.
" Michael, wait! "

He spun around so quickly that I almost landed face-first in his chest.
" What the hell do you expect from me?? You wanted me to leave, so that's what I'm going to do! "

" Yes, but I do not want us to part ways like this! We deserve better!  "

" Huh… Sure, Lily. We deserve better ~ "
His eyes drifted past me towards the vampires in the doorway, flaring up for a moment.
" ~ Do you even know what's 'better' for you?? "

" I do. "

" Yeah? Then turn around, take a closer look at those guys & think again. From what I'm seeing you haven't entirely figured it out yet! "

Once again my front teeth dug into my tongue & I huffed loudly at this remark. I sure could stomach a lot, but even I had my limits.

" You only see what you want to see, Michael. You only believe what you see. But that's not how life works. This is what causes discord where none is needed: prejudice.

Be mad at them for what they did, you have every right to be. But you have no right to tell me to take a closer look at them... Because I already did take a closer look. And you wanna know what I saw?
Far more than what I thought I'd see... "

I let go of his arm once I realized that he was no longer resisting. All he did was stare at me, almost dumbfounded & even a bit lost; a moment I used to pour oil on troubled waters.
" If you gave them the same chance that I gave them, you would see it too. "

His features began to relax as the winds around us picked up, with an oddly cold breeze coming in from the side & causing me to shiver. I gazed past Michael into the dark maze of trees on the other side of my yard, squinting while my vision slowly adjusted. The lights from the porch didn't reveal much of the surrounding area but it was enough to see the outlines of the first row of trees as well their branches, & then another breeze struck my body, much fiercer & even colder than the previous one, my shivers intensifying when I looked at the treetops above.

Not a single leaf was moving, not one bough was swaying...

There was no wind.

" Michael, we have to go inside... "

" What? " He tried to gain my attention by locking eyes with me, but my entire focus was on the trees around us. A tingle in the back of my neck made my heart jump straight into my throat.

" ...We have to go inside. Now! "

" Why? Lily, what's going on?? "

The third breeze was more than just a normal breeze; it was an actual gust, creeping up the hill & into my front yard where Michael & I were standing several steps away from the porch. I gasped at the wind's icy touch, my hand taking hold of Michael's wrist as my mind drifted into autopilot mode & a voice rang out inside my head, seconds before I could actually hear it from the direction of my house.

" Lily! Come inside!! "

At first I thought it was Dwayne's voice that plunged into my consciousness, filled to the brim with dread, however I quickly realized that it was in fact numerous voices that had been morphed into one. I could have sworn I heard Marko & Paul as well, perhaps even David, but the sound was much too distorted to tell for sure.
When my name echoed across the yard a second time I was already dragging Michael - who thankfully didn't try to resist - back toward the porch, my eyes glued to the three large shadows that emerged from my house & ran in our direction. The two on the left & right were Paul & Marko, their eyes ablaze as they scanned the surrounding area with stern faces; something I had never seen on them until now. The one in the middle was obviously Dwayne, grabbing my hand as soon as I was within reach to literally sling me into the hallway, along with a still bewildered Emerson.

As I ran past him I saw the fright in his eyes, his pupils dilated & wandering around between me & his brothers.
David however was nowhere to be seen.

" Dwayne, what is happening? What is that ?! "

" They found you. "

" What..?! "

" Who found you? What are you guys talking about?! "
Michael yanked his hand from my grasp, staring at Dwayne & me from under a furrowed brow.
" What kind of circus is this, Lily?! "

My lips parted for a what would've been more of a half-hearted excuse than an actual answer when Dwayne dashed past me to grab Michael by the collar & shove him up against the wall with the vehemence of a buffalo, teeth gritted & fingers clenched in a manner I had only witnessed during his transformations.

I gasped in shock, Michael's with terror widened eyes meeting mine for a desperate look unlike any other.
" Dwayne! No! "

But he ignored me, his full attention now on the terrified Emerson.
" Do you have something to do with all this?! Did you lure them here?? "

" Wh--what are you talking about?!? I--I didn't lure anyon-- "

" Don't you dare lie to me!! "
A deep growl arose from the pits of his core, distorting his voice beyond recognition & causing Michael's fearful eyes to widen even more. Should Dwayne transform into a vampire things would without a doubt get out of hand.
" If you associate with them you better tell us now because one way or another, we will find out!! And trust me, it will not end well for you ~ "

" …I have NO idea what you are talking about, man!! I--I only came here to talk to Lily, nothing more..?!? I don't even know who or what I could possibly lure here…!? "

" Dwayne, let go of him! He has nothing to do with this! "
I planted a hand on his tensed upper arm, carefully inching in to prevent him from lashing out completely.
" He's telling the truth! "

The vampire emitted a hiss through gritted teeth.
" How do you know that, Lily?! "

" Trust, Dwayne. I trust him. ", I replied with a surprisingly calm voice, gently tugging at his arm.
" He has nothing to do with them... "

" Lily…  "

" Please, let him go... "

Dwayne hesitated, peering down at me from the corner of his eye for a moment that felt like an eternity before, slowly yet surely, he eased his grasp on Micheal, the muscles in his arm relaxing one by one. I dropped a sigh of relief, realizing how violently I was trembling, but poor Micheal had it worse. He was literally paralyzed, wouldn't even attempt to move away despite having regained his freedom, & when Dwayne finally turned to face me I knew why.

His eyes had turned from pecan-brown to amber, probably because of the sudden adrenaline rush, & due to his parted lips I could perfectly see the peaks of his ivory fangs, already in the process of retracting again yet still on full display.

Michael had been watching his transformation.

I looked at the helpless Emerson & shook my head.
" Michael, I'm... I'm so sorry... I wanted to tell you...
You weren't supposed to find out this way... "

It took him a moment to grasp my words, his eyes twitching uncontrollably when he finally broke out of his trance & drew away from Dwayne & me, several feet down the hallway.
" What the hell is going on here ?! What kind of sick prank are you guys pulling, huh?!? "

" This is not a prank, Michael. Listen to me, this is--- "

A bloodcurdling scream born in the blackness outside & entering my house through the open door cut me off, pulling mine as well as Dwayne's attention back toward the doorway. A few steps away from the porch I recognized Paul's silhouette - mainly because of his distinctively unique hair - eyeing Dwayne with an anxious expression.

His cheekbones were higher than usual & his mouth agape, meaning his fangs too had finally made an appearance.

" They vanished into the woods! All three of them! "

Dwayne pushed past me & onto the porch.
" Where is Marko? "

" He saw one of them trying to break in on the second floor & attacked them immediately ! They ran off after seeing him but he decided to follow! I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen--- "

" Did he pick up their scent? "

For some reason Paul flinched at the question.
" ...I think so. "

" That's bad... We have to go look for him ~ ", Dwayne turned to face me - who had unconsciously followed him outside -, gently pushing me back into the hallway.
" You stay here & lock the door, do you understand? "

" But I want to help!? "

" You can't help us, Lily; you know that! They are here because of you! Out there you are nothing but easy prey to them ~ "

" Dwayne, you-- "

" Nothing will happen to me, beautiful... You have my word!
We will be back soon ~ "

Of course he had to say that… Otherwise I would've never let him go. Words of reassurance were what I needed & wanted to hear, whether they were sincere or not. There was no room for complete honesty in a situation like this anyway.

His warm lips touched my forehead & I once again realized how vulnerable I actually was; weak & helpless like an infant. Dwayne & his brothers were risking their lives in order to protect me - a fragile mortal they barely even knew - & all I could do was pray for their safety & speak a few feeble words of encouragement their way. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair...

" Please, be careful... All of you! "

I looked up, expecting a cocky response from Paul or at the very least a playful smirk, but upon staring in the direction of my yard I noticed that he had already taken off to be swallowed by the trees, haste in his very step. Fear & worry about his friend had fully consumed him, drove him forward like some kind of emotional fuel, & it was so intense that even I could perceive it. It struck me like an invisible wave, silently sweeping in only to drag me away with its undertow. Was I actually feeling the anxiety of four individuals right now or was that just my own fear & imagination screwing with my mind?

Dwayne's rough fingertips slid across my cheek as he retracted his hand & before I had the chance to say another word he too had become one with the night, fading from my sight a second later.

Sighing in frustration but still aware of my own responsibilities I leaped forward & shut the door, twisting the keys several times before retreating into the hallway again. At least I had some time to check up on Michael now. He had gone awfully quiet since Dwayne's outburst.

He was still leaning against the wall, had finally snapped out of his paralysis, although his face looked no less pale & fear-ridden than before. Honestly though, who could blame him.

" Michael, are you alright..? "

His fearful eyes met mine, lips quivering.
" Is he... Are they... ?!! "

I started nodding before he had even finished his sentence.
" He is a vampire... They all are. I... discovered their secret shortly after that incident at the Boardwalk. "

Michael stared at me in utter disbelief & it was obvious that he hadn't yet found the strength to fully commit to his current reality, was perhaps still hoping that this was just a bad dream. However the longer we looked into each other's eyes, the more he began to acknowledge that he was wide awake, & that I was indeed telling the truth...

" ... & what do they want from you?! Why are they here?? "

" They want to protect me, Michael. From a different group of vampires. For some reason they are now after me...
Having the four of them around me is the only way to keep me safe. Well, at least that's what I've been told... "

" And... the guy who just attacked me... Is he your.. ?? "

" We really like each other ~ ", I quickly replied, not very fond of any terminologies just yet.
" As in… a lot. "

Micheal fell silent & I looked over to find him staring into the darkness ahead like he was completely lost in thought, his eyes glassy in the faint light of the candles.
He seemed quite taken aback by that particular revelation, almost shocked, & I couldn't help but wonder why...

" Good to know... "

" I'm sorry he lashed out like that... Dwayne was just extremely tense & worried, but once you get to know him better you'll realize what a wonderful & kind person he actually is. "

" I assume he & his friends are also the reason why you've been acting all strange & distant the past few days..? "
Michael ran a hand through his curly hair, at last starting to calm down.

" Yes. The past few days were rather... eventful. And I don't think that the following days will be much different. "
My eyes drifted back to the door like they were expecting to see something or someone burst through any moment, but everything remained silent - in as well as outside the house.

Dead silent.

" They are good people, Michael. You'll see... "

" I'm sorry, Lily, but this is... a bit much right now. Too much ~ "
The floor tiles screeched under his feet as he moved away from the wall.
" Mind if I use your bathroom? I need some cold water... "

" Sure... Up the stairs, first door on the left. "

Without further ado & without even caring to meet my gaze Michael drew past me & ran up the stairs, mumbling something to himself that I couldn't catch since he was already too far away.

I lowered my eyes & let out a heavy sigh, allowing my feet to carry me down the hallway as I embarked on an aimless journey through my house. Lost in troubled thoughts over the situation as well as genuine concerns regarding the four vampires & their wellbeing I lifted my head once I reached the mirror, my reflection staring back at me with such glassy eyes that I thought she'd burst into tears any second.

An unexpectedly cold draft grazed the back of my neck. I flinched like I had just received an electric shock, spinning around & looking into the living room only to find the window wide open, with the drapes on either side dancing fiercely in the windy streams.

" What the hell..?! "
I whispered to myself, my eyes glued to the window as I hastened to the other side to slam it shut & pull back the drapes, not bothering to look outside for even a second.
"...I closed you earlier! I swear I did!
This… this doesn't make sense..?! "

The thought that perhaps one of Dwayne's brothers had opened it didn't even cross my mind. I was much too occupied blaming myself & my at times sieve-like memory... So occupied that the next draft almost went unnoticed; merely the gently swaying drapes made me realize that something was wrong.
A shiver crawled down my spine, goosebumps spread all over my arms & chest. A fading sound similar to a sigh ensued inches away from my ear & I spun around, scanning the room with widened eyes, but except for the shadows on the wall caused by the candles there was nothing.

It was either getting colder inside my house or something was seriously wrong with my body; I was suddenly trembling like a leaf.

I ran back into the hallway where I threw an anxious glance up the stairs. Michael was still in the bathroom, not making a single sound. Certainly he had a lot on his mind right now & needed this time to process all of it, still - after the latest events I wished the two of us would stay close to one another rather than spend the night in solitude. I wasn't necessarily scared since I considered myself safe in here, but something about this silence & reclusion felt dreadful to me.

Wrapping myself up in my own arms I went to enter the kitchen when I felt it again: a cold draft, only a tad more persistent this time, touching my bare back & slithering down my spine. I literally froze in my tracks when another sigh stirred the air, causing the heart between my ribs to skip a beat. The scent of moist forest soil & thyme flooded my nose, soon filling the entire kitchen, & the temperatures continued to drop. Drastically.

And then I heard it, just when I was about to turn around again: a deep, smooth, frost-bitten voice disguised as a whisper, undeniably beautiful & alluring yet just as direful as the words it delivered:

" Dost thou seek the Mummer Man?

Larking in the gimcrack land... " *


* Writer's Note: 'The Mummer Man' is a story written by David Sharrock & by far one of my favourite short horror stories ever. In case you're interested in what it is about, you can easily find it on Reddit/ YT ~ c; 🥀

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