You Are My Sunshine (Guardian...

By JustReadinBook5

54.4K 1.1K 363

Not my story. All rights/credits (and whatnot) go to the author. This is only partial of the whole story. Ro... More

Chapter 1- New Member
Chapter 2- Bar Fight
Chapter 3- Memories
Chapter 4- Visiting
Chapter 5- Camping Out
Chapter 7- Arguments
Chapter 8- First Date
Chapter 9- First Mate
Chapter 10- "Damn it, Peter!"
Chapter 12- Story Time

Chapter 6- Love and Understanding

4.3K 93 54
By JustReadinBook5

Breakfast went fast, but joyful. Lianna didn't really see the reason everyone was in a rush, but she knew it was for when something ghastly happen.

Everyone just LOVED the pancakes Henry (Lianna's dad) made. Drax had about ten pancakes; dosing large amounts of syrup and butter on each of them, but he squeezed the bottle too hard for the tenth one causing it to explode.

Syrup was dripping off everyone. Rocket drenched the most; he was sitting by Drax. Drax slowly opened his eyes to see everyone staring at him.

"Whoops." He said. The room was deadly silent until Peter started to chuckle, slowly turning into laughs. Everyone around the table started to laugh, too.

Rocket's laughs faded into chuckles and said "Well, I think we all need a shower now."

"I agree, but there's only two showers on the ship." Gamora said.

"Well, how about this." Lianna said, "There will be three groups of two, one group will shower on the ship, one group here, and the last group to a lake that's nearby."

"And who will be with who?" Peter asked, glancing over at Gamora with a wink.

"I worked out some math and it'll be Peter 'n Drax, Gamora 'n Groot, and Rocket 'n me." Rocket perked his ears and blushed. Me?! Showing with Lianna!?!

"Now, wait a sec." Peter said, standing up from the chair. "How come I get Drax?"

"Well, here's the deal 'Starlord': you and Gamora would be a negative pair to shower. She and Drax would be negative, so I paired Groot up with Gamora resulting in positive. You would learn a lesson about ogling at people if you went with Drax." Everyone just stared at her for a moment, then at Peter. "Am I now clear to you?" She said, putting her elbows on the table with her hands together.

Peter huffed and dropped back into his seat. "Fine."

"Good." Lianna got up and picked up Rocket. "Me and Rocket will take the lake. Gamora and Groot take ship. Peter and Drax here." As soon Lianna closed the door, everyone looked at each other.

"Do you think they could possibly be?" Peter said, pressing his pointer fingers together.

"Possibly be what?" Gamora asked.

"You know, in love?" He said.

"I am Groot. (They were already in love ever since they met again)" Groot said, smiling with joy.

"What did he say?" Peter asked. Gamora and Drax shrugged.

-Time Skip-

Lianna and Rocket were walking down a path to the lake; carrying a pair of clothes, towels, shampoo, and body wash. Rocket couldn't help it, but to blush at the thought of seeing Lianna bare skinned.

"How much longer, Lianna?" Rocket whined. "My feet are startin' to kill me."

"We're already there." Lianna moved aside a bush and to show a beautiful, vast lake. Rocket was amazed by the scene, but soon had his attention caught by Lianna walking up to the water, taking off her shirt to reveal a sports bra underneath.

Rocket blushed at the sight of her torso being shown. She kneeled down and started to wash her top; his mind thinking 'that's a blowjob pose '. He shook his head; trying to clear his mind from all dirty thoughts. He tried to calmly walk up to Lianna and sit beside her.

"So, what are we doin' first?" Rocket asked, feeling nervous and sweaty for some reason.

"I thought I could just wash the clothes and just wash myself a little." Lianna said, rhythmically scrubbing the shirt. "You'll probably be the one getting a full on bath because of your fur."

"Y-Yeah." Rocket rubbed the back of his neck, realizing he's the one getting naked. "S-So, w-when do I start?"

"O-Oh, um." Lianna blushed, knowing he just asked her when is he supposed to strip down. "Uh, a-anytime you want. Just as long you give me your suit before you wash up."

(A/N: Aaakwaard. O~O)

"O-Ok, then I-I'll just be over there." He pointed over to a patch of bushes near the lake.

"O-Ok." She stuttered, continuing with scrubbing her shirt. Rocket grabbed a towel and quickly ran over to the bushes, feeling his heart pounding out of his chest.

"Ah, fuck!" He whispered to himself. "I thought she was gettin' naked too! Now it's just gunna be weird!" He paced back and forth, thinking of what could possibly happen.

"What if she can see through the water and sees my junk? What if I accidentally cum in the water? What if the others come and ruin it all?!" Rocket threw his hands in the air and sat against a tree nearby.

He sighed, going through all the possible mishaps as he ran his fingers through his fur. Would I ever have the courage to kiss her? He knew that answer would only come when the moment came upon him. He got up and started pulling off his suit.

"Should've put a goddamn zipper on this." He muttered. He laid his suit on the ground, and went to grab his towel when he noticed something. His warm member was peaking through its sheath. He blushed, feeling a compulsion to stroke it.

But he stopped, knowing once he gave it a little stroke he would go hard and would want for more. He huffed and snatched up the towel, wrapping it tight around his waist. He grabbed his suit and went to walk out the bushes, but a question struck his head. Should I casually walk out, or should I walk out like a thug?

Lianna pulled her pants off, revealing a pair of black, lacy underwear. She grabbed the bottles and brought them closer to the lake. She then stepped in the water, a cold chill shooting up her leg. She got in more and kneeled down in the water. She was about to dunk her head when she heard footsteps coming behind her. She turned around to find Rocket; a towel wrapped around his hips low enough to see where a stomach lining would be.

Rocket was deeply blushing. He never saw her look at him like that before. He gripped at the towel and laid his suit by the wet clothes. "H-Here's my suit." He stuttered, gripping tighter on to the towel from it falling down.

"I-I'll do 'em after washin' up a bit." Lianna said, feeling her face burn up with blush. I'm gonna be in a lake with a naked Rocket... ASDFGHJKL SCORE! She just put a smile on face and dunked her head in the water.

Rocket immediately tore off the towel and got in. Coldness shooting up his body; making him quiver. He flinched when Lianna whiped her head up.

He went stiff when he realized she was in her underwear as she pushed her wet hair. He felt his erection touch the cold water as it began to peak out of its sheath. He quickly grasped his hands around the sheath, trying to keep it in.

"Are you ok?" Lianna calmly asked, starting to lather shampoo into her hair.

"U-Uh, yeah." Rocket said, still grasping the erection's sheath. "I-I'm just.. cold."

"Well, your body isn't adjusted to the water yet." She said. "Just dunk yourself underwater and the warmth will start to settle in." Rocket nodded and quickly put his whole body underwater, feeling like a popsicle at first, but when he resurfaced he felt a little warm.

He stroked back the fur on his head and grabbed the body wash, squeezing a handful into his hand. He pushed the bottle back, letting it float by the shoreline, and started lathering the soap into his fur.

Lianna couldn't help, but to watch him as she rinsed out her hair. She thought he looked graceful gently lathering and stroking the soap into his fur, making her think of the morning kneading. She smiled at the thought of him doing that again as she dunked again.

She finally got the soap out of her hair and went to wash her face off. In the process of scrubbing her face, she noticed Rocket was having a hard time washing his back, where the network of holes and outputs were placed in his creation. She washed the soap off her face and decided to help out.

She reached over and gently rubbed the furless patch around the top-center of his back. He jumped and turned at the touch then was about to fall backwards, but Lianna caught him around the waist.

"You ok?" Lianna asked.

"W-What were you doing?!" Rocket tried to not sound like he was yelling at her.

"I saw you needed help, so I helped out." She said.

After that, it was silent. The both of them just stared into each others eyes like they were reading each others memories. Then it happened, but not what like Rocket had thought.

Lianna kissed him.

Her lips pressed tightly against his, feeling like she was forced to. She quickly broke the kiss, looking at him with complete embarrassment that he didn't kiss back as their lips were still connected. Why did I do that?! I just completely embarrassed myself in front of him! OH MAH GAAAWD!

"I... I-I'm sorry." Lianna stuttered, feeling her face blow up with redness. She quickly averted her eyes away from him, feeling like a complete fool, but felt padded hands turn her face back. Rocket just softly chuckled, smiling at her with relief that she liked him too. He softly pressed his lips on to hers, standing upright and holding on to her sides.

Lianna froze, but soon felt herself melt away in his hands. She slid her hands up from his waist to his head, running her finger tips through his fur. He let out a soft purr, making giggles escape from her lips.

They slowly broke the kiss, staring into each other's love-struck eyes. Body temperatures slowly rising as eyes hooded.

"I never knew how soft your lips were." Lianna giggled.

"Well, I never knew how you much you liked me." Rocket chuckled. They both smiled at each other, thinking how crazy their first kiss went.

"Well, since that was brought off our chests there's somethin' I gotta tell ya." She said, removing her hands from his head.

"And what's that?" Rocket felt a little nervous of what she was going to say.

"This mornin', before you woke up, you kneaded my boobs." Lianna could but to giggle a little at him as she got up from the water. Rocket's face heated up and his erection went hard.

"W-What?" Rocket's member slowly peaked out of its sheath again, feeling the cold tingle through him.

"Yeah, you also laid your muzzle between them, too." She smirked, wringing out her hair.

"I-I'm sorry then." He said rubbing his neck. "I-I don't remember any of that."

"Well, don't worry about it." Lianna kneeled down and took his chin in her hand. "I hoping for more in the future." She smirked, scratching his chin. He smiled ear to ear, feeling relieved and suddenly flirty.

He grabbed his towel and wrapped up as Lianna started to wash his suit. He laid against her back, purring and swirling his fingers in her hair. He wrapped his arms around her neck, purring even louder as she continued to scrub the syrup out of his suit.

"What are you doin' now, Rocket?" Lianna asked, curious and amused.

"Oh, just lovin' up on my sweetheart, nothin' else." He cooed. He pressed his muzzle against her neck, breathing out warm air. She gave off a little hum of enjoyment, but felt a tang of fear behind it.

"Don't you think your goin' a little too fast, buddy?" She asked, trying to hide the rising panick in her voice. "I mean we just kissed a couple minutes ago." The fear began to build up more as Rocket started planting small kisses on her neck, slowly moving up to her jaw-line.

"Well, I thought we could, I don't know... Do some little pleasuring?" Rocket purred. Now she knew why fear was spreading through out her. That phrase. Lianna thought. The alley... the exchange... the man....

"U-Um, why don't we stop now, save it for later." Lianna said, feeling like she was in the alley all over again. Fear taking over her body and mind.

"Aw, but I was getting started." Rocket seductively whined. Lianna's mind started to quietly chant the same words from the alley. 'Get out of there' Her mind said. 'Get out of there before it's too late'.

And she snapped.

"Please, STOP!" Lianna whipped around and it threw Rocket off; landing only a feet away. He got up and looked over at her. Her face filled with anger and stress, but quickly diminished to fear and pain. She silently gasped to what she had done and turned back to the suit.

Rocket just looked at the ground and thought for a moment.Why did she do that? She would usually give in to stuff, but she would never lash out if she didn't want to do it.

"I'm sorry." Lianna said, her back still facing him. "I just went through some rough times after I left both of my homes, most of them happening after leaving Langara."

"You were raped." Rocket said standing up. "Weren't you?"

Lianna turned her head enough to see him from the corner of her eye. "Exactly twenty-five and a half times." Rocket's mind quickly filled with sadness and sorrow.

"Where'd the half come from?" He asked, slowly walking up to her.

"Two days ago, outside the bar in a nearby alley, making trade with a guy for some units until it all went down hill." Guilt washed over him as he remembered that dreadful memory. He quietly sat down beside her and rubbed her hand, trying to calm her down.

"What were you tradin' him for?"

"I traded a bottle of Langarian blood for units, but he insisted that he gave me a gift with it. I don't really know what was in the box, but I took it, thinking there might be somethin' pleasant in it at least. But now I'm kinda scared to open it."

A silence fell upon them as they just looked at the lake.

"You aren't alone ya know." Rocket said, breaking the silence. Lianna gave him a confused look.

"What d'ya mean?" She asked.

"I was raped too, when I was prisoned." He said, swirling his finger around in a strand of red hair again.

"Wasn't Groot there to save you?"

"No." He solemnly said. "Everytime Groot went to get some food or was put in another cell I was weak, defenseless, and vulnerable to everyone, especially to the ones who were craving for pleasure. And everytime Groot found me, he would asked me what happened, and I would just lie to him." Sympathy quickly filled Lianna's mind, making her see why he was sound so in control earlier.

She just smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "At least we understand each other a little more now." She said, laying a kiss on the side of his muzzle.

Rocket smiled too and said, "Yeah, we do." He laid a kiss on her cheek before nuzzling his head on her. "I will always love you, Lianna."

"I will too Rocket, and protect you from harms way." Lianna said, and nuzzled her face on top of Rocket's head, humming that familiar lullaby again.

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