Where Is He!? (discontinued)

By Ash_Chaos

52.9K 1.4K 412

Iruma is, as we know, a human in the demon world that can't use magic by himself right? Wrong! He finds a boo... More

Ch1: Assignment
Ch2: Tournament
Ch3: Aftermath
Ch4: Life goes on
Ch5: Enter - The High ranks!
Ch6: Children Of The Valley
Ch7: Meeting
Ch9: Dumb Kids
Ch10: Starting School Again
Ch11: Show of Dominanz
Ch12: Of Stoned Bonds And Foul Moods
Ch13: Walter Park!
Ch14: Hidden Group, Old Friend?
ch15: Collaboration
Ch16: Cold Hand
Ch17: In the Enemy's Hands
Ch18: New Allies
ch19: The highest place
Ch20: The Lone King Returns?
ch21: The Fool
alternative Ending
The Tower (Oneshot)
Summoning The Fam
Chaos Quiz

Ch8: New Students and Old Teachers

2.8K 85 2
By Ash_Chaos

Irumas POV

Eventually my sister found everything out and hasn't been as peaceful as she used to be. She threw quite a fit about it giving me and dad a small headache. It took both me and dad forever to get her to calm down.

My ear twitched as I heard a group of demons nearby, by the sound of it they were students. I had just finished my meal before I headed over to the voices. I didn't recognise any of the kids but I did know the teacher with them. It was Ballam-sensei and by the look of things he knew I was there.

Finding no point in hiding any more since I got found out, I decided to drop in so as to not snop around anymore and spy on them.

I went in between the craters before I climbed up the plane they where on. 'Hey, nothing against creeping up on them. It will be a lesson for them and fun for me. Two birds for the price of one~'

I peeked over the edge making eye-contact with the teacher. Judging by how he looked at me he already figured out what I was up to. He then played ignorant in front of the kids, probably wanted to see who might notice.

My tail swished behind me in a playful manner before I jumped over the edge and landing directly in front of them with my wings spread for additional effect. The reaction was immediate. Some jumped up like scared cats while others kissed the grounds, fainted or headbutted (or accidentally kissed🤣) each other. I couldn't help but Lmao at them, It was so funny I couldn't breathe.

The ones who weren't as frightened looked over to me with a mixed face 😳, only a few looked like they knew who I was however while others were in fear of me.

"Bhahahahaha! That was hilarious! LoL! I'm dying! Ya should've seen your faces! Oh wait I can show you." I took out a mirror from my hidden storage crystal which I then enlarged. The students expression changed faster than Kalego-sensei is able to yell Silence!

"Why is a demonic beast behaving like this..? And wait-! It spoke!" exclaimed a Succubi.

"You want a medal for being obvious and rude? Wow your quite greedy! And for your information we always speak, just in our own language which is obviously different from yours. I'm just able to also speak multiple languages!.. Any other questions, ask your, and my, (future) teacher" I replied back. With that they all looked at their Sensei while some kept their eyes on me but I just yawned them in their faces.

"You all have heard what happened at the Batra festival?" he asked getting nods. "During the race the demon beasts awoke and the one in front of us saved the students. His name is Lucifer and he's the adopted son of Cutthroat Valleys guardian and has been called prince by other beasts. Because of a deal made between the school and the guardian Lucifer is to attend school under certain rules." Balam told them making some open up a bunch of flytraps.

I snickered at their shocked expressions it was as funny as my experience from humans. The only difference is in their... Interests. But then again everyone is unique some just wear masks to fit in.. being one in a sea of many many more feeling alone.

'Imma just leave that train at the station and focus what's in front of me'

"But do tell me, what's your reason for coming over?" asked me my former teacher who I had told what I really was back then.

"I figured it was flying practice so I wanted to check it out and maybe join in." I replied honestly.

He looked upwards in thought with his arms and hands partially intertwined while holding his chin. "Well I don't see a problem. You are allowed to join in during our flying and afternoon classes according to the deal, so sure- as long as u don't disturb the kids."

With that I stood next to the students. Some stepped away while others looked at me or ignored everything.. for now. Of course, I heard murmurs and grumbles of protest or fears but other than that everyone listened to the teachers explanation. It honestly reminded me of the device that Kalego-sensei smashed because its was so cute back then. I mentally snickered at the memory of it.

"-get in position"

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw everyone stretch their wings. I looked at the direction they were going to fly in which was my home.       

'.. If shit hits the fan I'll interfere.' I thought getting ready for a little friendly race. I licked my fangs in anticipation while rising my wings to their full height which casted shadows upon a few of the students. 😱 That's the face I got from some of them.

"Ready..." began Ballam-sensei.

"Careful that you don't wake any beasts there. If you encounter any don't attack them" I spoke in between the countdown.

"Set... Go!" he shouted clapping in his hands rather loudly with a clipboard under his left arm. Immediately everyone took to the air. Me included. I could easily pass them but I decided to take it leisurely and keep a steady pace. I mean, why bother when I know this place like my own home? That was rethorical, it is my home!

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