Starlight | completed

By lightlyconfused

37.5K 3.8K 2.7K

❝Even when we are nothing but a speck of dust in the galaxy. There will be me, and I will continue to love yo... More

Chapter 1| the day it all started
Chapter 2 | when everything crumbles
Chapter 3 | all sad smiles
Chapter 4 | dreams and hopes
Chapter 5 | love letters for aera
Chapter 6 | forgive me
Chapter 7 | hurt
Chapter 8 | crushes & heartbreak
Chapter 10 | party jitters
Chapter 11 | blurry
Chapter 12 | believe me
Chapter 13 | dinners & chaos
Chapter 14 | the truth
Chapter 15 | agony
Chapter 16 | giving up
Chapter 17 | boyfriend
Chapter 18 | who am i
Chapter 19 | blackmail
Chapter 20 | sun & moon
Chapter 21 | rivalry
Chapter 22 | fire & water
Chapter 23 | promises
Chapter 24 | fraud
Chapter 25 | guilt
Chapter 26 | liar
Chapter 27 | if only
Chapter 28 | time
Chapter 29 | questions & answers
Chapter 30 | unease
Chapter 31 | apolgizes
Chapter 32 | confessions
Chapter 33 | new promises
Chapter 34 | fool
Chapter 35 | proud
Chapter 36 | happy
Chapter 37 | change
Chapter 38 | sunflowers
Chapter 39 | whatever end
Chapter 40 | epilogue

Chapter 9 | new friends

850 107 51
By lightlyconfused

❝How could he claim to know her so well but at the same time insist that she would never accept him?❞

Chapter 9 | new friends

my starlight,
you ask me to tell you who i am, and much as i want to give you everything that is in this world. if i could bring the moon to you i would, but this i cannot do. i fear bringing the moon and stars to you is a easier request than this.

i'm sorry my love but i cannot. please understand aera, i never wanted to reveal myself nor did i ever intend for anything to come out of this. i simply wanted to tell you that you are simply perfect the way you are.

i do love you, that you are correct in. but you would never love me, i see that in your eyes aera. i do know you, and i know you are a one of the nicest people. my starlight i'm sorry but i cannot. and i will not tell you who i am.

other than that, you are welcome my love. i am glad you like my stupid letters. just know that everything i say to you, i mean from the bottom of my heart. oh in other news i saw you dyed your hair, it looks beautiful.

i loved the black, but i love this color as well. you just suit everything haha. also i really hope i don't seem creepy? that's not what i was trying to go at, i'm sorry. well have a sweet day my starlight!

p.s. i'm sorry but i will never tell you my identity, please just accept that.

Reading the letter Aera felt a mixture of emotions, but the most prominent one was frustration. How could he claim to know her so well but at the same time insist that she would never accept him? It was absurd, she would accept him as whoever he was.

If not romantically, she would make sure to at least try to be his friend. Who was he to decide for her? She gawned on her bottom lip and came to the conclusion that she would figure it out.

If the mystery writer wouldn't tell her who he was, then she would find out herself. Her biggest suspect, Will was definitely a very big possibility. Other than Luce he was the only guy who had shown her a genuine smile or talked to her nicely.

He was her only somewhat guy friend, Aera could have assumed it was a girl. That seemed more reasonable, for she did know a few girls. But the author of the letter had once referred to himself as the young man.

It had to be Will, there was no other suspect that came to her mind. "Hey Aera!" someone suddenly exclaimed, speak of the devil. Aera softly smiled.

He was always around, right after she read her letter too. It was a sign it had to be. If not a intentional sign from Will. Then it had to be a sign from the universe or something!

Aera smiled a bit dreamily, Luce watched from the corner. His expression morbid, it was odd seeing the girl he loved, like someone else. But if she was happy, he would never stand in her way.

"You look different today Aera" Will commented, and Aera flushed a scarlet red. It was working, her makeover was working. From the lighter hair, to the barely there makeup she'd dabbed onto her face this morning, everything was working.

"Is it a good better?" she lightly teased, and Will slyly smiled. "It's better than good, you look way better than before." he whispered softly, and smiled again.

That was a bit odd she contemplated, the author of those letters also had tried to tell her that he loved her. He loved her as she was. Will wasn't going for that, but then again he had never brought her down either.

Will was encouraging her, he was being supportive. She liked supportive, and she liked Will. He was sweet, it didn't help that he was quite handsome as well. Aera liked Will, that much was obvious to Luce.

He sat on a bench to the side to them, Aera hadn't see him yet. Too busy talking to Will, Luce he did have much of his face covered by his hair and the homework he was supposed to be doing. But he wasn't doing any of it.

He instead watched as a very pretty girl approached Will and Aera, a sweet smile to her face. "Hi Will!" she mumbled, her voice held a husky tone tone to it.

Will turned around and smiled at her, his smile vibrant. Their smiles looked very similar and it was then Luce recalled they were siblings. Will and Stella. He watched as more people approached them, Aera looked a bit uncomfortable but she pushed it back as she smiled sweetly at them.

They assessed her and familiarity seemed to flicker across their faces as they looked at her. One of them eyed her glasses, a scoff slipping out. Luce's fingernails dug into his skin, and Aera gulped softly "I'm Aera" she mumbled out, voice tense. Luce looked away.

One of them smiled back at her "I know! You're in my spanish class, I'm Ana" she said sweetly. And Aera let out a whoosh of relief, she recognized Ana. She was in her class, she barely spoke but she was there.

At Ana's words the rest of Will's friends seemed to loosen up and they smiled at Aera. "I like the hair" someone complimented and Aera flushed a scarlet red once again. She really couldn't take compliments.

"Thank you!" She replied back and one of them smiled at her. "She's adorable" Will's sister, Stella muttered, nudging Will causally. Will chuckled, and slung his arm around Aera's shoulder. Aera tensed at the contact, and Luce slowly looked back up.

Then she relaxed into Will's arms, Luce looked back down at his work. "Wanna grab some lunch?" one of them questioned the group. And they all muttered out yes's and hell yeah's.

Will turned to Aera, his eyebrow cocked. "Join us?" he questioned sweetly, Aera smiled. Thank god he asked that. "Of course!" she replied back and without that they walked down the hallway.

Luce bitterly smiled to himself as Aera passed him, she didn't notice him. Just as she'd always wanted, she was caught up with a group of people.

Him nowhere in her sights.

school sucks :(

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