Love me Sensei

By Xysei05

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How will Chaeyoung get back at her old high school nemesis? By going after her enemy's younger sister, Myōi M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

4.1K 172 212
By Xysei05

Chapter 14

Chaeyoung snatched a napkin from a nearby table and hastily dried herself off before dashing after Mina .

"Mina! Mina!" Chaeyoung pushed through mingling guests, trying to catch up to Mina . Unfortunately, the other girl was annoyingly quick, determined to avoid her at all costs.

Running—or the closest thing she could come to running while in heels—onto the dance floor, Chaeyoung forcefully squeezed herself between a couple, ignoring their annoyed shouts, and strode purposefully toward Mina .

That is, she had been striding purposefully toward Mina  until someone grabbed her by the elbow and spun her into a dance.

Chaeyoung squeaked in surprise and immediately regretted emitting such a wimpy sound. She cleared her throat and glared at her attacker. "Why are you hanging onto me like a baby monkey?"

Mira plastered on a fake smile for the benefit of her guests. "You're dancing with me."

"What? Absolutely not." Chaeyoung tried to peel Mira's  hands off her shoulders, but to no avail; the bride had a death grip on her. "Are your claws made out of steel or something?"

Mira's  grip tightened. "Stop that, people will stare if you deny the bride a dance! Where do you think you're going?"

"After Mina . I have to explain—"

"Explain what, that spectacular display of scorned lovers at their finest? I really don't think she's in the mood to hear that right now." Mira's voice was low, conscious of potential eavesdroppers.

"Did everyone see what happened?" Chaeyoung's hissed back just as quietly.

"Only a few, but it'll be simple enough to do damage control, thank God. I can only imagine what my coworkers would say if they saw such an embarrassing event at my wedding." Mira  shuddered.

"Oh, embarrassing for you, really?" Chaeyoung growled. "What they were saying about me wasn't even true!"

"I don't care if you slept with everyone and their mothers! Just consider yourself lucky I haven't thrown you out for causing a disturbance."

"How is this my fault?"

"Your exes, your fault."

"Well, they're your guests!"

Mira scoffed. "I certainly didn't invite them. They're probably crashers like your Snake friend."

Chaeyoung stopped their awkward revolving and threw her hands up in frustration. "Why am I even here with you? I need to talk to Mina !"

Mira blocked her way. "She doesn't want to talk to you. She's royally pissed off, and mina doesn't do things half-assed. Even I think twice before bothering her when she's like this."

"I don't care."

Mira let out an aggravated sound. "Oh my God, you're infuriating."

"Pot, meet kettle!"

"Mina needs space. Wait until the reception ends—that'll be enough time for her to calm down."

Chaeyoung eyed her suspiciously. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because she's my baby sister and I know how she works?"

Chaeyoung scoffed. "No, really."

Mira scowled. "Any drama that gets started here will take attention away from Ayato and me. If I see you near her, I will throw you out."

"That's the most self-centered reason I've ever heard, and sadly, all too easy to believe." Chaeyoung frowned.

Mira rolled her eyes. "Just wait until later, okay?" She warned before stalking away from Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung rubbed her forehead in frustration. She didn't know whether to be annoyed or grateful for the delay—of course she had to tell Mina  what the hell just happened back there, but how?

"How interesting," someone commented behind her.

Chaeyoung turned around to see a beautiful older woman staring haughtily at her. A regal bearing, short silver hair, and sharp pale gray eyes only made her look all the more dignified.

Chaeyoung had no patience to deal with a nosy old woman, but she didn't want to appear rude, so she could only give her a strained smile. "What is?"

"You've caused both Myōi's daughters to walk away from you. Have you done something to offend them?"

Chaeyoung shifted guiltily under the accusing gaze. "No. Well, Mira's  normally like that—" Crap, badmouthing the bride was not going to win her any points. Ah, well. "But Mina has every right to be angry with me. I messed up."

"In what way, may I ask?" It was more of a demand than a question.

Chaeyoung hesitated and decided to be vague. "I'm not very good at relationships. I'm trying to make things right, but I don't know how."

"What do you mean you're not good at relationships?" The woman's eyes narrowed. "You're not a cheater, are you?"

"No! I would never cheat on Mina!" Chaeyoung vehemently protested. "But I haven't been completely honest with her about who I am."

The woman arched an eyebrow. "Why not? Do you have something to hide?"

"No—I mean, maybe—it's not exactly hiding—" Chaeyoung shifted uncomfortably under the older woman's intimidating glare. "It's complicated! But I love Mina , I really do."

"Does she know that? Because I have never seen my youngest granddaughter run away from anybody."

The implication hit Chaeyoung like a freight train. She could practically feel the blood draining from her face. "Y-You're Mina's  grandmother?"

The Myōi matriarch inclined her head imperiously. "Maria Myōi. And you must be Son Chaeyoung"

Chaeyoung could only nod silently. Oh God, she was dead, this was horrible, Mina's  hardass grandmother had seen everything and was looking at her like she was dirt on the bottom of her shoe. "Excuse me," she blurted out before abruptly turning around and damn near running away.

Even without looking back, Chaeyoung could feel hard eyes burning a hole in her back. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach—without a doubt, that had been the worst first impression she could have ever made on Mina's grandmother.

She sat down at the table where Sana  was twirling a knife in her hand and eyeing Chaeyoung's ex menacingly. Chaeyoung ignored Sana's  inquisitive glance and glowered at Somi  "Okay, talk. Who put you up to this?"

The other woman glared back. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Fine, have it your way," Sana  said ominously. She gripped Somi's wrist and forced her to place her hand on the table. "Spread your fingers."

"What? Why?"

Flourishing the knife, Sana  flashed her a manic smile. "I want to play a game." Despite the gravity of the situation, Chaeyoung wanted to groan. No more horror movies for Sana .

Somi's eyes widened in terror as Sana began to stab the knife back and forth in the spaces between her fingers. "Are you insane? Stop it!"

"Tell us what you know!" Sana demanded.

Chaeyoung  leaned forward and narrowed her eyes. "Who paid you?"

Somi yelped as the knife came perilously close to her pinky. "I don't know his name! Tall, dark, and handsome—"

"Ayato," Chaeyoung growled out.

"Are you really surprised?" An amused voice asked behind her. "You practically had it coming."

Chaeyoung spun around to glare at groom. "Why the fuck would you invite all my exes here?"

"Because he's a jackass," Sana supplied.

Ayato nodded coldly at Sana  and Somi. "You can leave."

Somi immediately scurried away, but Sana  stood her ground. "Yeah, no, I don't think so—"

"Walk away, or I'll have security escort you out," he threatened.

Sana  scoffed. "Am I supposed to be afraid of your lame-ass wedding security?"

"Or I can throw both of you out and make sure Chaeyoung never gets a chance to talk to Mina  your choice," Ayato continued. Chaeyoung threw Sana a pleading look.

Sana  looked disgruntled as she backed away. "Watch your back, asshat. You hurt Chaeyoung, I hurt you."

"I'm sure," he replied dryly before turning his attention back to Chaeyoung "You know why I brought those women, Chaeyoung." His smile was smug, silently daring her to voice it aloud.

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow. "Actually, I don't."

"Former relationships can be rather unpleasant reminders of the past, as you've just witnessed firsthand." He gave her a knowing look. "I think history is fascinating—especially personal history."

"Still doesn't answer my question," Chaeyoung said acerbically.

He mockingly shook his head. "Don't say I didn't warn you, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes. "Warn me about what?"

Ayato shrugged. "Mira and I are staying the night at her grandmother's mansion before our honeymoon flight tomorrow," he said instead.

"I know, I was invited, too. Don't change the subject."

"On the contrary—this is all very relevant. You don't want to come to Myōi Manor tonight."

"No, I'm pretty sure I do." Chaeyoung crossed her arms and stared at him challengingly.

Ayato smirked. "Don't say I didn't warn you. But I look forward to seeing you there—it's going to be very, very interesting." He stood up. "We'll be leaving soon, so better get ready, Chaeyoung." With that, he sauntered away.

Chaeyoung's eyebrows knitted together in troubled contemplation. Sana slunk back to her seat and scowled after his retreating back. "What did Mr. Asshole say?"

Chaeyoung hesitated. "I think he knows."

"Know what?"

"Everything." Chaeyoung finally looked at a wide-eyed Sana . "He said to stay away from the grandmother's house tonight."

"Well, are you still going?"

"I have to. It's the only chance I have to explain to Mina what just happened before Ayato twists it into something it's not."

Sana hesitated. "I'm going to ask you something, and you have to promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God!"

Chaeyoung  eyed her strangely, wary of her uncharacteristic seriousness. "Sure."

"Are you in love with Mina?"

"Yes." She had never been more certain of anything in her life.

"Enough to give up your vendetta against Mira ?"

Chaeyoung paused. Was she ready to do that? Could she simply forget the years of verbal and physical abuse that rained down upon her at Mira's instigation, the bitter loneliness she had felt when no one sat with her or asked her to hang out, the encompassing self-loathing she remembered feeling when she looked into the mirror? It took years to repair the serious damage to her self-esteem, and even now there were still unmistakable mental scars left behind. And yet…

Mina. Somehow, Mina  managed to scale the thick stone walls around her heart so stealthily that Chaeyoung had no idea until it was like Mina planted a little flag there, claiming it as her own. And then built a town upon it so there was no chance of her ever moving. Starting with her heart and surging outwards so that she invaded her mind and body until every beat of her heart, every breath she took, every thought that crossed her mind was infused with Mina . So ridiculously fucking inconsiderate of Mina , really, to take over her life like that. And Chaeyoung did not, would not, could not want it any other way.

Chaeyoung fixed Sana  with a steely glare. "I'd give up everything for her."

"Okay then, Miss Overdramatic." Sana rolled her eyes before becoming solemn again. "You have to tell her everything. And by everything, I mean everything."

"I will. And I also have to redeem myself in her grandmother's eyes—she thinks I'm a worthless, lying, cheating player," Chaeyoung said miserably.

They looked up as Kenjiro stumbled up from his seat and proceeded to give a final toast to the bride and groom before the party ended. Sana  sighed. "Look, there's still time to back out. You can always ditch the kid and get a new girl."

"No!" Chaeyoung snapped.

"Okay, alright, just a suggestion," Sana  said defensively. "Good luck, call if you need backup, and don't screw up."

"Easier said than done," Chaeyoung muttered before heading toward where Mira and Ayato were shaking hands and exchanging air kisses with various guests, milking their moment in the spotlight for one last time before being sent off. She stood up on a chair and scanned the crowd of guests slowly preparing to leave.

She saw a flash of blonde out of the corner of her eye and immediately snapped her head around to see Mina  slipping outside. Chaeyoung nearly fell off the chair in her haste to get down and followed her outside. Several limos were idling on the driveway, one presumably for the bride and groom, the others for the rest of the family. Mina was leaning against a limo with her arms crossed and rolled her eyes at seeing Chaeyoung before turning her head away.

Chaeyoung had no idea what to say, but she had to start from somewhere. "Mina what you saw back there was a huge misunderstanding—I had no idea they would even be there!"

The other girl's scowl grew deeper, but otherwise gave no indication that she heard Chaeyoung. In the distance, thunder rumbled. Chaeyoung flicked her eyes up to the dark night. "Storm's coming," she offered awkwardly. "Mira's lucky the wedding didn't get rained on, huh?"

Mina  didn't answer. Chaeyoung groaned. She hated the silent treatment. "Damn it, Mina , will you please just talk to me?"

She recoiled when Mina rounded on her with a fire in her eyes. "What would you like me to say, Chaeyoung? Kudos on sleeping with so many women? Glad you told me about your numerous flings? Had a good time laughing behind my back with all your other girlfriends?" Mina asked sarcastically.

Oh, crap. Sarcasm was worse than the silent treatment; the more sarcastic Mina got, the angrier she was. Still, Chaeyoung  was momentarily confused. "Other girlfriends? What are you talking about?" She paled. "Wait, you think I cheated on you? And with them?"

"If the shoe fits," Mina  said bitterly.

"Mina , I would never cheat on you! Why would you think that?" Chaeyoung's shouted desperately.

"I don't know, why would I? You keep going on about having to tell me something and then several scorned women come out of nowhere to humiliate you, but no, I must be mistaken. I'm sure they just confused you for someone else, why don't we kiss and make up?"

"Stop, Mina ," Chaeyoung pleaded. "I know it looks bad, but I'm trying to explain!"

"Forgive me if I find your explanation lacking so far," Mina  scoffed. "If you weren't cheating, what then? Was I just a target in your apparently long line of conquests? Were you just using me, Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung involuntarily flinched; that last one wasn't far off. Mina laughed in disbelief. "Oh my God, you were!"

"Okay, my previous track record isn't the best. But believe me when I say there's an entirely different reason than what you think—"

"Maybe you should leave, Chaeyoung" Mina  interrupted. "Staying here must be cutting into your time with the other women—"

Chaeyoung stubbornly set her jaw. "Hell no am I leaving until you listen to what I have to say—"

"I'm not very interested in listening right now, Chaeyoung—"

"And I think that's not very fair—"

"Well, maybe I think you should really go—"

"I'm not going to leave because I love you, damn it!" Chaeyoung blurted out. A dead silence fell between them as a look of utter shock crossed Mina's face. Chaeyoung  wanted to smack herself; that was not how she wanted to tell Mina . "Sorry, forget I said that. Look, Mina —"

"No! You don't get to casually drop that word in the middle of all this and then tell me to forget it! What the actual fuck, Chaeyoung!"

Chaeyoung snorted despite herself. "Oh, you can say 'fuck' but you can't say 'that word?'" She quoted. "The word is 'love,' by the way—"

"Sorry if I don't believe you after everything that just transpired," Mina snapped, crossing her arms to glare at Chaeyoung.

"Well, believe it," Chaeyoung growled back, stepping forward push Mina  against the limo and uncross her arms before forcefully kissing her.

The other girl was resistant at first, refusing to kiss back until Chaeyoung stroked her fingers across her hipbone, purposely targeting her weak spot. Mina's  mouth dropped open with a gasp. Chaeyoung  seized the opportunity to deepen the kiss, slipping her tongue inside her mouth and probing intensely until Mina  succumbed with a groan, kissing back twice as hard.

Too immersed in the sensation of Mina's  body pressed flush against hers, Chaeyoung failed to hear the sound of approaching footsteps. Mina, however, recognized the familiar rhythm of heels clicking against pavement and unceremoniously shoved Chaeyoung away.

"What are you two lovebirds whispering about?" A clearly tipsy Crystal popped out of seemingly nowhere, startling the shit out of Chaeyoung.

"Nothing!" Chaeyoung automatically responded. Wait, whispering? Alcohol must've seriously impaired her hearing; between the shouting and the kissing, Chaeyoung was pretty sure no one could call what she and Mina had been doing 'whispering.'

"Just like those girls were nothing, right?" Mina hissed back, seemingly remembering why she was angry in the first place.

Crystal missed the heavy sarcasm weighing down Mina's  voice and winked at Chaeyoung "Excited for you first sleepover, Chaeyoung? I remember when Kenjiro first stayed the night. He was so nervous, he couldn't stop rambling and—other things." She snickered to herself, oblivious to the disgusted face Mina pulled.

Well, it actually wasn't their first sleepover. "It's actually not—"

Mina  elbowed Chaeyoung in the ribs. Hard. Like, Chaeyoung was pretty sure she heard something crack. She muffled a groan and steadied herself against the limo.

Mina  looked momentarily remorseful before scowling again. "She's absolutely ecstatic," she deadpanned.

"What're we talking about?" The rest of the Myōi clan had caught up. Mira was clinging on to Ayato's  arm and Kenjiro looked even more intoxicated than his wife. Maria looked on dourly.

"Just talking about Chaeyoung sleeping over!" Crystal trilled.

Kenjiro's face turned mockingly stern and he wagged a finger at Chaeyoung. "No funny business now, you hear? At least, not until you put a ring on it." He and Crystal fell into hysterics.

"Don't worry, Papa, there's little chance of either happening," Mina  snapped, ignoring the wounded look Chaeyoung sent her way. Instead, she turned on her heel and entered the limo.

Ayato burst out laughing. "Trouble in paradise?"

Chaeyoung barely restrained herself from punching the groom in front of the entire Myōi family, settling on a glare instead.

Kenjiro looked up when a distant boom of thunder sounded again. "Listen to that storm! Must be a sign that this marriage will be explosive, hmm? Of course, you can't expect anything less from a Myōi" He nudged Ayato and gave him a cheesy wink. Ayato gave his father-in-law a tight smile and condescending nod.

"Oh, imagine if it had rained during the reception? Everything would've been ruined," Crystal fretted.

"Disaster," Mira agreed.

"Tonight, maybe," Chaeyoung murmured, looking up once more at the approaching storm before ducking into the car.


Chaeyoung decided the universe hated her with every fiber of its being. Otherwise, why else would she be trapped in a limo with Mina , who was ignoring her, and Mina's  scary-ass grandmother, who looked like she was trying to drill a hole in Chaeyoung with her eyes?

"So, Chaeyoung, what is it exactly that you do?" Maria finally queried.

Chaeyoung prayed to every deity she knew of to save her from Maria Myōi. "I've been, uh, accepted to medical school," she squeaked out. Somehow, she had a feeling that mentioning her position of teaching assistant in Mina's  class would be a huge no-no.

Maria's expression didn't change. "A doctor, then?"

"Yes, ma'am." Ma'am? Where the hell did that come from? Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mina  smirk at her outdated response.

"And your family?"

"I'm an only child. My father is not in the picture and my mother is, uh…" What did her mother do? Chaeyoung could only vaguely remember tuning her mother out when she ranted about her job. At Maria's imperiously raised eyebrow, Chaeyoung quickly improvised. "She's in…housing?"

Maria eyed her skeptically. "You don't sound sure about that."

Chaeyoung nearly fainted in relief when Mina  spoke up. "Shio works for an interior design and architecture company."

"I see." Maria threw Chaeyoung a doubtful look. The car came to a stop, and the driver's announcement of their arrival prevented any further interrogation.

Chaeyoung exited the limo and gaped at the huge estate before her, sprawling grounds enclosed by wrought iron gates practically screaming out "I'm rich and powerful!" Chaeyoung followed Mina  and her grandmother into the mansion, where Mira  and Ayato were indulging in a disgusting display of affection on the staircase. Maria cleared her throat, causing the newlyweds to slowly part. "Mira,I hope your old room is fine for you?"

Mira nodded. "That's fine. Oh, and Ayato will be staying with me," she announced airily as she pulled her new husband by the hand. Maria made a disapproving sound, but gave no other objection.

Ayato caught Chaeyoung's gaze and smirked as Mira pulled him away. "Goodnight. I hope you sleep well." Though it was said to the room at large, Chaeyoung had a discomforting feeling that Ayato was directing it at her.

"It's late. Mina , you have your regular room." Maria's arm shot out to block Chaeyoung when she tried to follow Mina . "And where are you going?"

The look Maria gave her made her feel two inches tall. "To bed?" Chaeyoung gestured weakly at Mina , realizing how badly her words could be misconstrued when Maria's face became a thundercloud. "I mean going to bed to sleep! To sleep with all clothes fully intact!" Chaeyoung exclaimed in a panic.

Maria's nostrils flared. "You have your own room," she informed Chaeyoung in a clipped tone. "Come with me." She stalked away in the opposite direction of where Mira and Ayato disappeared.

"Thanks for before, in the car," Chaeyoung whispered to Mina  they trailed behind Maria.

Mina looked unimpressed with her. "How could you not know that about your own mother?" She demanded.

"Excuse me if I couldn't remember something trivial while your grandmother looked ready to eat my soul!" Chaeyoung argued back. "My mother changes jobs more frequently than most people!"

"Like you and girlfriends, then?"

Chaeyoung was momentarily stunned into silence. "That's low," she hissed back, stiffening when Maria looked back suspiciously.

Mina  rolled her eyes and brushed past her to continue down the hallway as Maria stopped in front of a door. "This is where you will be staying," the older woman told chaeyoung. Far away from Mina , as she implied with the distance. Chaeyoung looked forlornly after where Mina  had disappeared into a room way, way down the corridor.

"Your bag was already brought up," Maria continued. "I hope the room is to your liking?" Her tone implied she wouldn't have cared even if Chaeyoung hated it.

Chaeyoung looked around at the decadent four-poster bed and lavish decorations and desperately wished she were with Mina  "Yeah, it's…great."

"Good. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, perhaps I will take you on a tour of the grounds. Have a…pleasant sleep, Miss Son"

"Uh, goodnight—"

The door slammed shut, cutting Chaeyoung off. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes—Maria clearly wasn't shy in letting her know what she thought of her. She started guiltily when Maria spoke up from the other side of the door. "Oh, how silly of me, I forgot something important."

"What's that?" Chaeyoung called back nervously.

"This door sticks due to its age. Unfortunately, it only opens from the outside. How careless of me, my apologies." She didn't sound apologetic at all.

"Well, can you open—"

"I suppose I'll see you in the morning then. Goodnight, Miss Son!" The sound of footsteps quickly faded away.

"—the door?" Chaeyoung finished to nobody. She scowled and walked over to the door, violently rattling the doorknob and twisting it this way and that for the next ten minutes. After resorting to attempting to break down the door with her shoulder and only ending up with a nasty bruise, chaeyoung  pulled out her phone, hoping to call Mina  to come rescue her. Seeing as her night had already been going so swimmingly, though, she didn't even bother to be surprised at seeing it was out of battery. Fucking rich people and their fucking unbreakable doors made out of rare Brazilian wood or some shit.

Chaeyoung tossed her phone back into her bag with a huff—now she couldn't even leave her room to talk to Mina . How ironic that the one time her intentions were innocent—to only talk and nothing else—she was locked up in a room to be kept away from Mina .Karma was a real bitch, and so was Maria Myōi.

Enough was enough. When she got out of this room, she was going to head straight for Mina  and tell her about her plan of retribution against Mira, and exactly why she was giving it up. It was excruciating to know that Mina only knew half the story right now. Chaeyoung took off her dress—ruefully thinking back to how everything was fine just this morning—and slipped into a t-shirt, choosing to forgo pants. She lay back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling of her temporary jail cell, yawning as she felt her eyelids begin to drift shut…


Chaeyoung stirred awake to the rumbling of thunder overhead and the long, quiet creak of the door opening. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, squinting through the darkness at the person who quietly slipped in and closed the door. "Mina?" She hoped to God it was Mina and not some crazy axe murderer—or worse, Ayato—because then she'd be stuck in this room with them until morning.

"Chaeyoung." Mina's  familiar lilt floated out of the darkness.

Chaeyoung sighed in relief when Mina stepped forward, illuminated by the moonlight that was streaming in through the window. She glanced at the clock by the bedside. "Mina, it's three in the morning—" Her words immediately got stuck in her throat when Mina untied her short silk robe and let it fall from her shoulders, baring all to Chaeyoung. And by all, she meant all.

Chaeyoung immediately snapped her eyes to Mina's face and desperately tried to keep her gaze from wandering south. "I—uh—what?"

"I've been thinking, Chaeyoung," the look in Mina's eyes could only be described as hungry, lust darkening her eyes as she pushed Chaeyoung down into the bed and slowly straddled her, "that it's time we do it already."

"Do what?" Chaeyoung bit her lip, hands curling into fists as she willed herself not to touch Mina  . Shivers shot up her spine when Mina  let her body undulate against Chaeyoung's  smooth skin sliding and rubbing against every point on her body.

"Have sex, of course," Mina  whispered roughly into Chaeyoung's ear before taking her earlobe into her mouth, thoroughly sucking on it before releasing it with a wet pop.

"Where is this coming from?" Chaeyoung  was confused, and having a naked and willing Mina  on top of her was not helping matters.

"Isn't this what you wanted, what you intended to accomplish? I'm just helping you out." Mina's  voice was husky with arousal, deep brown eyes fluttering half-shut in pleasure.

Chaeyoung's scoff came out as a stutter, her hands automatically settling on Mina's hips to steady her. "We're not having sex. You're not ready."

"You sure about that, Chaeyoung?" Mina asked suggestively, grinding down to show just how ready she actually was.

Chaeyoung wanted to groan at the wet and warmth she could actually feel through her clothes where Mina was straddling her, but she had to remain strong. "No, we really need to talk—"

"I'm tired of talking, Chaeyoung. I just want to feel." She grabbed Chaeyoung's hands and moved them up her back, pressing herself closer to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung resolutely looked up at her to avoid being eye-level with her bare breasts.

"You're not thinking, Mina ," Chaeyoung insisted firmly, though her resolve was weakening as every second ticked by and Mina's kissed her again.

Mina , sensing her impending victory, dipped her head to brush a line of kisses on Chaeyoung's jaw. "No one else thinks it's a big deal. Even you, Chaeyoung—all those women? No one gets that worked up if it had just been kisses."

"This is different. You're different," chaeyoung tried, but Mina  shook her head and tangled her fingers in Chaeyoung's hair.

"I'm tired of being young, naïve, virginal little Mina" she said mockingly. "Look at Baby Myōi, she's grown up so much. Well, Chaeyoung, let me show you how grown-up I can be." She punctuated her statement with a hard rut against Chaeyoung's pelvis, tearing a groan from both their throats.

Chaeyoung's head involuntarily dropped forward to rest against Mina's collarbone, eyes widening and breathing becoming slightly ragged at seeing she'd inadvertently positioned herself right above pert breasts. Without even meaning to, Chaeyoung leaned forward to take a hard nipple into her mouth and gently suck.

Mina gasped and bucked forward, wrapping her legs around Chaeyoung's waist. Without missing a beat Chaeyoung rolled over so she was on top, letting gravity do its work as her body settled against the impossible heat between Mina's  legs to start a gentle rocking. Sex, she could do. Sex was a skill at which she'd become more than adequate, coming from quite a few hours of practice; something that required more doing than thinking on her part. But this, as it turned out—staring down at a Mina with tousled hair, eyes half-lidded and mouth half-open in pleasure, looking so much less composed than usual and so much more beautiful—this was something more sacred than what she had ever known.

And so when Mina  cracked open her eyes to beg, "Show me," Chaeyoung hesitated, torn.

"Please." Mina  grabbed Chaeyoung's hand and guided it down to where she needed her most.

At her first tentative brush against warm, slick heat, Chaeyoung acted.


Chaeyoung was ripped out of dreams of warm bodies and soft kisses when the door carelessly flung open to crash into the wall with a bang. She instinctively sat bolt upright in the bed at the blatant intrusion of her privacy, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes when the sound of a shutter and a flash of light caused her vision to go white.

"Got you, Chaeyoung!" A familiar voice crowed with triumph.

Chaeyoung blinked away the spots in her eye to see Ayato pointing his phone at the bed. Mina  blinked in confusion, the robe pooled around her, before realizing her exposed state and yanking the blankets up to cover herself.

At another flash of light, Chaeyoung realized Ayato was taking pictures on his phone. "Get out of here!" She leapt out of bed and stepped menacingly toward Ayato, intent on taking the phone from his hands and breaking it.

Ayato stepped backwards, taking another picture of Chaeyoung as he did so. "Perfect, just like that!"

"What is going on?" Mira suddenly appeared in the doorway, honey brunette hair sticking out every which way. Her eyes widened at seeing her younger sister. "Mina, are you naked?"

Mina blushed a dark shade of red and burrowed deeper underneath the covers. Chaeyoung shook in disbelief. "Will someone please tell me why everyone's in my room?"

"And will someone tell me why Mina is in your bed?" A chilling voice interjected. Chaeyoung paled as Maria appeared behind Mira , looking as intimidating as ever in a floral nightgown and firmly pinning Chaeyoung to her spot with a glare.

"Ayato, why are you taking pictures of them? Stop it!" Mira reached out for the phone, but Ayato held it out of her reach, broad grin still splitting his face in half.

"It's been a long time coming, Chaeyoung" He paused. "Or should I call you Nerd princess for old time's sake?"

Chaeyoung, Mina , and Mira  stiffened. "Nerd princess?" Mira echoed, squinting at Chaeyoung before slowly shaking her head. "No, it can't be—"

"You don't remember Son Chaeyoung darling?" Ayato asked sarcastically before turning back to Chaeyoung. "I knew who you were the moment I set eyes on you, chaeyoung." He tilted his head. "You know, you've really turned your life around since high school," he observed maliciously. "If I didn't know what you used to look like, I would've considered making a move."

"Kizan Ayato!" Maria gasped, affronted, while Mira  looked at him in confusion.

"Well, you haven't changed a bit. Still the spoiled little shit you always were," Chaeyoung growled.

"Son Chaeyoung?" Mira  said aloud, gaping at her in disbelief. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"She's here as my girlfriend, but apparently you two know her as someone else," Mina  said slowly, tightening her robe and rising. To Chaeyoung's despair, Mina  shrunk away from her hand to join her grandmother's side.

"Oh, this is rich." Ayato chuckled. "Why are you here, Chaeyoung? Trying to get back at Mira  and me for the shit we put you through in high school? I'm curious, what were you planning to do to us?"

"Just Mira , actually," Chaeyoung muttered.

Mira had the gall to look offended. "What? Why just me?"

"Minions can't do anything without their leader," Chaeyoung snapped back.

"But I wonder how Mina  factored into your little plan?" Ayato cut in smoothly. "Unless…it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that you're now her lover—and her teacher?"

Maria immediately clutched her heart and gave Chaeyoung a scandalized glare. Mira wheeled on Mina  to shriek, "You slept with your teacher? Are you kidding me, Mina ? Do you have any idea what other people are going to say?"

Chaeyoung  was vaguely aware of Mina yelling back, "Teaching assistant!" but the growing smile on Ayato's face distracted her. "I'm right, aren't I?" He said smugly. "I wasn't sure, but your face just proved it. You would sleep with Mina  and then expose her—literally—which in turn would plant the seeds of doubt against Mira . Everyone always said they were exceedingly similar to each other, so why not in this matter, too? Using one Myōi to get back at the other, ruining the entire family for a petty vendetta—I'm impressed. With that kind of cunning, you could pass for one of us, Chaeyoung."

"Fuck you. I changed my mind, and you knew that," Chaeyoung growled.

He caught sight of her stricken face trying to catch Mina's  eye and laughed heartily. "How sweet, giving up revenge for Mina . Unfortunately for you, I happen to think it's a plan worth carrying out."

Chaeyoung sucked in a breath. "What?"

Mira laughed harshly. "It's too early in the morning for jokes, Ayato."

"I agree. I want half the Myōi assets." Ayato stared dispassionately down at his wife.

Mira recoiled, shouting, "You're fucking serious?"

Ayato cradled his phone close to his chest. "Kizan Corporation is a sinking ship—the deal with Andrews fell through. No one outside the board knows, but the company is in debt. My family is essentially bankrupt." He laughed bitterly. "Of course, my father failed to tell me this until after I had incurred a substantial amount of expenses, some of it with several rather unsavory characters."

"Which means?" Mira snapped.

"He owes a lot of money to the wrong people," Chaeyoung realized aloud.

"Unfortunately," Ayato agreed dryly. "And they're coming to collect very soon."

"We're married—you can't do this to my family!" Mira seethed.

"This isn't high school anymore, Mira . You don't get to order me around like you used to," Ayato sneered. "You have three days to sign over everything in my name, or else these photos—capturing an undressed, underage student and her teacher in bed together—will go viral." He waved his phone. "Can you imagine the scandal, dear wife? The incessant rumors that would fly around, oh my…" He mockingly shook his head.

"I can't believe you're doing this!" She screamed at Ayato. She slapped him, the sharp sound echoing throughout the room and truly solidifying the unexpected, horrible turn of events.

Chaeyoung  hadn't even noticed Maria had disappeared until a slender, curved sword was pointed at her throat, wielded by the older woman at the other end. She immediately leaped back in shock and raised her hands in surrender. "Is that real?" She squeaked in disbelief.

"Get out," Maria snarled before leveling the blade at Ayato, who stepped back to join Chaeyoung with his hands up. "Give me the phone. I want those photos deleted!"

Ayato chuckled darkly and tossed her the phone. "Go ahead, delete them—I've already sent the photos to my email."

Maria's lips tightened—she knew she was beaten. "Get out of my house!" She uttered furiously, using the sword to drive Chaeyoung and Ayato down the staircase to the front door. "Stay away from my family! If I see you both of you within a hundred feet of my granddaughters, I will call the police!"

Ayato immediately obliged, opening the front door and leaving a betrayed Mira  staring after his retreating back. Chaeyoung, however, held her ground. "Please, let me—"

"OUT!" Maria roared, brandishing the sword like a madwoman.


"I think you've done enough, Chaeyoung " Mina  finally spoke up. Chaeyoung stared desperately at her, silently pleading for forgiveness, or at least a chance to fix the huge mess she had made of things. When Mina  firmly shook her head in response, tears falling off her lashes to roll down her cheeks, a piece of Chaeyoung's heart seemed to splinter off, leaving a sharp pain reverberating throughout her chest.

Before Chaeyoung had a chance to react, to fall to her knees and grovel before Mina , Maria seized her by the scruff of her neck and literally tossed her out the door. She stumbled back, stunned, as it slammed shut in her face with a resounding finality.

"I warned you," Ayato said behind her.

Chaeyoung  spun around and lashed out with a fist. His head snapped back with the force as it connected harshly with his jaw, forcing him to stumble backwards.

The handsome man shook it off and reached up to touch the rapidly forming bruise before smirking. "Savor that hit, Chaeyoung; it's the last time you'll be able to touch me." He backed away and flagging down a taxi. "I should be thanking you, actually. I thought I would have to work to get discriminating evidence of you and Mina , but you both made it so much easier. When I saw Mina  wasn't in her bed, I knew the perfect opportunity had just presented itself to me. So, thank you."

"I'll fucking kill you," Chaeyoung swore darkly.

He got into the taxi and leaned out the window. "No, you won't. I win and you lose, Chaeyoung, and you know what? In this world people like me will always win, and people like you will always lose." Ayato laughed maliciously as the car pulled away, him escaping with it. "The best part is, you really did love her."

Chaeyoung sat on the curb and watched as the man who just ruined the family of the girl she loved drove far out of her reach—leaving her with the knowledge that her life had just ended and it was all her fault, but too numb to actually feel anything besides a dull ache.

Above her, the first drops of rain began to fall.

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