Love me Sensei

By Xysei05

109K 4.1K 4.4K

How will Chaeyoung get back at her old high school nemesis? By going after her enemy's younger sister, Myōi M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 13

4.6K 172 218
By Xysei05

Chapter 13

Light brown eyes, glazed over with boredom, absent-mindedly traced a trail of a condensation droplet down the glacier edge that was the side of a glass of iced tea.

Said orbs widened in surprise when a palm slammed down forcefully, breaking all tranquility and causing the drop of condensation to plop onto the lacquered surface of the table.

Chaeyoung looked up accusingly at Sana . "You killed that drop of water!"

Sana raised her eyebrows. "Say what now?"

Chaeyoung paused and shook her head. "Never mind."

"Can you stop moping for one second and talk to me like a sane person?"

"What do you think we're doing right now?"

"I'm talking and you're not listening. I just confessed to drugging your drink so I can sell you for profit to a tribe of scantily-clad dominatrix women in the Amazon and you didn't even blink."

"No, I heard that; it just seems like something you would do."

"Well, I'm trying to be a good friend here."

"Trying—and failing," Chaeyoung said wryly.

Sana shrugged. "Not my fault you're such a big baby. You've talked to Mina  every night and you're seeing her tomorrow—what more do you want?"

"I don't know, maybe for the crippling guilt to be lifted off my chest?" Chaeyoung sighed.

Sana idly stirred her drink. "You're depressing me."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "Please forgive me."

"Nah, don't worry about it. You want to go watch the new movie that's out—the one about the zombies?"

Chaeyoung brightened before frowning. "I can't. I told Mina  I'd see that with her."

Sana snorted. "Seriously? You want a matching collar for that leash?"

"No, but you could use a muzzle."

"Touché. Speaking of muzzles, I was thinking—"

"No, I would not like to participate in one of your bondage sessions."

"Jeez, I get caught one time and you just refuse to let it go," Sana  grumbled. "The muzzle is to make sure you don't tell Mina  about your little deception until after you get back from your romantic getaway to Grandma Myōi's house."

"Apparently, it's a mansion," Chaeyoung mused.

"It could be a straw hut and the old woman would still kick you out for breaking her granddaughter's heart. I bet she has security dogs patrolling the perimeter; rich people always do in movies," Sana  said.

"Dogs love me."

"With some fava beans and a nice Chianti, maybe."

Chaeyoung sighed. "I don't want to wait to tell her, though. I've put it off long enough."

"Want some advice?"

"Not really—all you ever seem to do is insult me."

"No I don't, moron. Anyway, think of it like Little Red Riding Hood—you know, the whole going to Grandma's house thing."

"Am I Little Red Riding Hood? You know I can't pull off the color red," Chaeyoung said sarcastically.

"No, Mina  is because she suits her. You're the big bad wolf stalking her, and there's a reason why the big bad wolf fucks up in the story."

"Why?" Chaeyoung asked skeptically.

"Because he didn't wait until after leaving granny's house to reveal himself!"

"That is so not the moral of Little Red Riding Hood."

"Yeah, well, whatever. My metaphors are fucking gold."

"No, your metaphors are shit."

Sana dramatically pointed to the door. "Blasphemy. Get out."

Chaeyoung cocked an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"Yes; I grow tired of your presence. Leave my apartment at once!"

"You are a capricious bastard." Chaeyoung stood up and stumbled when her surroundings spun. "The hell…? Why am I so dizzy?"

"Don't drive. I may or may not have put rum in the iced tea." Sana  cackled when Chaeyoung bumped into the doorframe before staggering out. "Oh Sana, you are too good."


Chaeyoung unlocked the door and immediately stumbled over her own feet, stubbing her toe in the process. "Damn it all to fucking hell!"

Jihyo glanced up at her clumsy entrance. "You okay there? Need me to call an ambulance?"

Chaeyoung grumpily sat down. "No. Sana spiked my drink, though."

Jihyo frowned. "That…sounds like something she would do."

"I know, right?"

"Someone dropped off a package for you, by the way."

Chaeyoung stopped mid-yawn. "Really? Who?"

"He said he worked for Mina's family. It came with a note."

Chaeyoung bounded over to the table and ripped the note off the bag.

"Dear Chaeyoung, I thought this dress would look beautiful on you. I hope you like it. Crystal M.," Chaeyoung read out loud.

Jihyo gaped at her. "Crystal Myōi? As in the famous designer?"

"Also known as Mina's  mother."

"She sent you a dress she designed herself?" Jihyo squeaked.

Chaeyoung held up the silver cocktail dress. "Yep, looks like it."

"How can you be so nonchalant about it? Do you know how much a Crystal M. original costs?" Jihyo sputtered.

Chaeyoung shrugged. "Looks nice, though."

"Just nice? It's a work of art!"

Chaeyoung regarded the dress once again, looking puzzled. Jihyo pouted. "I want to date Mina ," she muttered.


"Chaeyoung! If you don't leave in ten minutes, you're going to be late!" Jihyo's voice traveled through the apartment, reaching Chaeyoung as she was getting ready for the wedding.

"I heard you the last fifty times, woman! Who do you think you are, my mother?" Chaeyoung shouted back.

"I'm letting you borrow my car, I think I deserve a little more respect than that!"

Chaeyoung ignored Jihyo's shout and stared at herself in the mirror, pretending Mina  was standing in front of her. "So, Mira , how was Kansai? By the way, did you know the bride and groom used to torture me in high school?"

Chaeyoung scowled, her reflection grimacing back at her. That was too defensive. "Mina , I'm in love with you. I also plan on destroying your sister."

Gah, too sociopathic. How was she supposed to get back at Mira without hurting Mina ? She studied herself in the mirror, admiring how well the dress Crystal had sent her fit. Scratch that, how was she supposed to get back Mira without hurting any of the other Myōi's reputations?

"Chaeyoung! Go get moving—oh wow, that dress looks good on you." Jihyo scrutinized her friend, her gaze traversing the length of Chaeyoung's body. "Like really, really good."

Chaeyoung shifted somewhat bashfully, not used to dressing up in such a way. She frowned when Jihyo's eyes remained glued to her legs. "Okay, stop staring, you're freaking me out. Aren't you supposed to be straight?"

"Bah, details." Jihyo waved a dismissive hand. "Besides, when your best friends are the two biggest players known to man—or more accurately, woman—then you learn to be open to possibilities."

"I never was a player. That was all Sana " Chaeyoung grumbled.

"If you were wearing pants, they'd be on fire right now."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "I'm leaving. Can I have your keys?"

Jihyo held up her car keys. "How long are you going to be gone?"

"A couple of days. Mina's  grandmother really wants to meet me, apparently." Chaeyoung shifted nervously.

"You'll be fine. Just stay glued to Mina ; you're a lot more bearable that way." Jihyo winked.

"Wow, thanks. I'll see you later." Chaeyoung shouldered her duffel bag and waved.

"Hang on! Son Chaeyoung, those are my heels you're wearing—"

"Bye, Jihyo!" Chaeyoung slammed the door.


Kenjiro opened the door with a wide smile and ushered Chaeyoung in. "Chaeyoung! Welcome to hell!"

Chaeyoung looked around with wide eyes. The last time she had seen the house so packed was during the Myōi cocktail party. Hairstylists and make-up artists flitted about while bridesmaids ran to and fro, being followed by harried-looking tailors.

"Holy shit."

Kenjiro nodded in agreement. Crystal spotted Chaeyoung awkwardly standing in the doorway and immediately pulled her down for a hug. She drew back and scanned Chaeyoung critically. "I was right; this dress is absolutely perfect! The color highlights your eyes and the cut accentuates your body—we simply must get you more outfits in that color…" The petite woman nodded resolutely before chasing after a wayward hairstylist.

Kenjiro looked after his wife fondly. "We're not the best parents, but we do like to spoil our children."

Chaeyoung looked at him in surprise. Did he just insinuate that they considered her a daughter?

Kenjiro looked at her knowingly. "Minari is hiding in her room. I think she's gone into shock…" His brow furrowed.

"I'll check up on her," Chaeyoung assured. She headed towards Mina's  room, dodging photographers and wardrobe assistants.

She quickly opened Mina's door and slipped inside. She let loose a sigh of relief, but immediately forgot to take a breath when she saw Mina  gazing out the window, clad in a dark-blue gown that molded to her figure like water. Half of her luscious hair had been pinned up, the rest cascading around her shoulders. Chaeyoung briefly wondered if Mina  was a goddess incarnate before berating herself for her ridiculously cheesy thought.

"Mira, I got out of the way like you told me to. Make up your mind; do you want me in here or out there?" Mina's tone was sharp, her gaze still focused out the window.

Chaeyoung swallowed to dispel the dryness in her mouth. "Oh, I definitely want you in here."

Mina whipped around, a smile appearing on her face at seeing Chaeyoung. "Oh, doesn't Chaeyoung know to knock before entering? What if I was changing?"

"That's what I was hoping for." Chaeyoung playfully shrugged. "How was Kansai?"

"The same as always. Surprisingly enough, it did not change much since the last month I had been there," Mina  said dryly.

"Did you miss me?"

Mina  pretended to think about it. "I don't think so."

"Yeah, I didn't miss you either."

Mina laughed and walked towards Chaeyoung in what could only be described as a predatory way. She placed her arms on either side of Chaeyoung, pinning her to the door. "You're wearing a dress."

Chaeyoung placed her hands on Mina's hips and tugged her in closer to bring their bodies flush against each other. "So I am."

"Did my mother send you it?"

"Yeah. Should I ask how she discovered my address?"

"You probably don't want to know."

"But look, silver and blue." Chaeyoung gestured between them. "We look good together, don't you think?"

Mina rolled her eyes. "Mama probably planned that. She thinks it's cute."

"You don't think so?"

"I think Chaeyoung's cute." Mina's eyes hungrily raked up and down Chaeyoung's figure. "And that dress…"

Chaeyoung's lips quirked. "Like what you see?"

"Oh, I like." Mina's  hand ran up Chaeyoung's leg. Chaeyoung's breath hitched when Mina  lifted Chaeyoung's knee up to waist-level and pressed into her. The hem of her already-short dress was riding up dangerously high, and Mina's hand stroking the underside of her thigh was not helping. Her mind went blank when Mina leaned in for a kiss, swiping her tongue across Chaeyoung's bottom lip. Chaeyoung automatically opened her mouth to allow Mina  in, tasting the unique flavor that simply was Mina .

They both jumped when the doorknob rattled. Thankfully, their combined weight on the door prevented whatever intruder from entering. Chaeyoung silently wished away the interloper.

"Mina, you better not be having sex on mywedding day!"

Well, fuck. Chaeyoung, frustrated, banged the back of her head against the door several times.

Mina dropped Chaeyoung's leg, both of them stepping away from the door. Mina  irately opened the door to reveal an annoyed Mira

"Can you not scream that out loud in a houseful of strangers?" Mina hissed. "And you know that I'm still a—"

"Virgin? Still?" Mira  drawled. "Better get on that, Chaeyoung"

"Bitchy? Still?" Mina fired back. "Unfortunately, that can't be changed."

"Mira. Perfect timing as always." Chaeyoung scowled, though she had to grudgingly admit that Mira  looked resplendent in the white wedding gown designed by her mother.

"We have to leave now—I don't want to be late for my own wedding!" Mira  peered at  Mina . "Oh God, your make-up is smudged." She looked accusingly at Chaeyoung. "You smudged her make-up!"

Chaeyoung was startled by the almost-crazed look in Mira's eyes. Mina took her sister by the shoulders and turned her around. "My make-up is not smudged, Mira , and we still have an hour. Go talk to Mama; she has everything covered."

Mira paused. "You're right, for once in your life. Go downstairs and stay with the other bridesmaids, will you?" She immediately left.

"She's being more high maintenance than usual," Chaeyoung noted.

Mina laughed wryly. "She made more than a few people cry during the preparations—one of the caterers even quit. I only hope this is the only wedding she'll ever have."

Chaeyoung snorted. "Ayato and Mira are a match made in hell."

"By the way, Chaeyoung will be seated on Ayato's  side."

Chaeyoung frowned. "I thought I was your plus one."

Mina shrugged apologetically. "Ayato insisted that Chaeyoung be marked as his guest. Mama didn't have a reason to refuse him, so…"

"No, it's fine." Chaeyoung tried to ignore the unease wriggling in her gut.

"Chaeyoung is sure?"

"Yeah. I might as well get used to dealing with him. And we'll be under the same roof for a night, too."

Mina sighed. "My grandmother is almost too excited to meet chaeyoung . We'll be headed for her country house right after the reception."

"Yeah, sure." Chaeyoung agreed distractedly. "Mina , I have to tell you something important."

Mina  looked at her questioningly. Chaeyoung's  mouth went dry. "I haven't told you everything about myself."

"Like what?"

"I—" A loud knock on the door interrupted Chaeyoung.

" Mina!Come downstairs right now, we're taking photos!" Crystal's gleeful voice came through the door.

"Give us a minute, Mama!"

"No, now!"

Mina  sighed and turned her attention towards Chaeyoung. "You were saying?"

Chaeyoung hesitated. "Go, you're needed. I'll tell you after the wedding."


"Cross my heart." Chaeyoung smiled weakly.


Chaeyoung shifted in her seat, her gaze glued to the man standing in front of the altar. She was still brooding over Ayato's  request—the man obviously knew something, but what?

Ayato seemed calm as always, adjusting his cufflinks. He looked up right at her, seemingly sensing Chaeyoung's eyes burning a hole through him, and gave her a smug smile and wave when their eyes connected.

"Chaeyoung?" An incredulous voice said.

Chaeyoung broke eye connection with Ayato  and looked up in surprise. "Sana?" Her friend was dressed to the nines, wearing a dress with a slit up the thigh and fuck-me heels, looking as every bit in place as the other guests.

Sana sat next to Chaeyoung and looked around surreptitiously. "Why didn't you tell me you liked to crash weddings, too? We could make a great team!"

Chaeyoung gave her a look. "The fuck, Sana? This is Mira and Ayato's  wedding."

Sana's  eyes widened. "Well, shit—no one mentioned that. Bitchy Myōi will definitely know I'm crashing."

"Relax, I'll vouch for you. Besides, her parents are 'the-more-the-merrier' type of people."

"That's a relief. Think I can score here?"

"Don't be an idiot. I'm not letting you stick around if you're only going to mess everything up by hitting on the groom's mother or something,"

"Ick, anyone who spawned Ayato is not  Minatozaki Sana material." Sana made a face before letting her eyes rove up and down Chaeyoung. "Hey, how come you don't wear dresses more often? You're doing the world a disservice!"

Chaeyoung flicked Sana  on the forehead. "Shut up, the wedding's starting. Please don't object like last time, okay? Just because you can object doesn't mean you should."

"In my defense, they were a really boring couple. My objection probably spiced up their sex life."

"You didn't know the bride or the groom!"

"Hush, I want to look at the bridesmaids." Sana  waved chaeyoung away.

Chaeyoung  sighed and turned her attention towards the wedding procession. Mina winked at her as she walked by, making Chaeyoung feel less inclined to rip the arm off the all-too smug groomsman whom Mina  had been paired up with.

All the guests stood up when the bridal march began to play, the blushing bride being escorted down the aisle by her proud father. In reality, Mira looked more pleased at the amount of guests than anything else, her eyes taking in the numerous rich and influential figures peppered throughout the crowd.

Sana nudged Chaeyoung. "Bitchy she may be, but at least she dresses well."

The presider, whom Chaeyoung recognized as some moderately famous politician, cleared his throat. "We are gathered here today…"

Chaeyoung tuned him out with a yawn. Maybe she could sneak in a nap without anyone catching her.


It was beautiful weather for an outdoor reception. Tables had been set up on the grass, shaded from the setting sun by large white canopy tents. The lights strung about gave it almost like a fairyland feeling, but Chaeyoung was ignorant of the ambience, too focused on deciding what to say to Mina .

Sana scanned the numerous tables, idly swirling a glass of champagne in her hand. "I think the guest list was actually a population count for a small country."

"The cost of this wedding exceeded the budget of a small country, too," a voice said wryly behind them. "It's just my luck that the bride's family traditionally has to pay for everything."

Chaeyoung and Sana  turned towards the speaker. "It's a beautiful wedding, though," Chaeyoung told Kenjiro. "This is Sana , by the way."

"Are you the daughter of Mira's  coworker's neighbor's son's ex-girlfriend's sister?"

Sana blinked. "Ah, no. Was she invited?"

Kenjiro smiled ruefully at the woman. "My apologies. I'm not sure if she was, actually. It's a rather large wedding—quite honestly, I don't know who half these people are. I wouldn't be surprised if we had several crashers in attendance."

Chaeyoung and Sana desperately avoided looking at each other.

Mina suddenly sat down next to Chaeyoung "Papa, Uncle Akio was looking for you."

"I didn't know Mira  invited your no-good moocher uncle!" Kenjiro frowned. "Excuse me, ladies, I have a leech to exterminate." He affectionately kissed Mina's temple and disappeared into the crowd.

Mina pecked Chaeyoung's  cheek in greeting and looked at Sana curiously. "Sana ? What are you doing here?"

"She's gate-crashing," chaeyoung grumbled.

Mina eyes lit up in amusement. "Don't let Mira  catch you."

Sana  snorted. "If she invited her coworker's neighbor's babysitter's dog or whatever, I really doubt she'll notice me."

"Notice who?"Mira asked from behind, Ayato obligingly at her side. Her lip curled at seeing Sana . "What are you doing here?"

Sana's  deadpan expression screamed out 'oh fuck me.' She immediately drained the glass of champagne and reached for the bottle.

Ayato raised an eyebrow. "Like the champagne? Each bottle cost almost 300 dollars."

"I had tuna for lunch today," Sana said.

Everyone stared at her. Sana blinked. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about things no one gave a flying fuck about."

Mira scowled. "Well, I certainly didn't send you an invitation. Ayato, call security."

Sana looked unimpressed. "Who the hell hires security for a wedding? Did you invite convicts or something?"

Chayoung stifled a laugh before clearing her throat. "Sana's  my plus one."

Mira frowned at Chaeyoung. "You're Mina's  plus one."

"And Sana's mine."

"A plus one can't have a plus one!"

"Why not? It could be called 'plus two,'" Sana  suggested.

"I invited Sana ; Chaeyoung needed friends," Mina  interjected. Chaeyoung shot her an exasperated look.

Ayato smoothed his hands over Mira's  shoulders. "Come now, Mira , don't let some unexpected faces distract you from today. The more, the merrier, right?"

Mira sighed unhappily. "Fine, Ayato ." She haughtily stalked off without another glance back, her head held up high.

"Thank you for coming, Chaeyoung—believe me, you just made my day. I dare say you'll have more friends here than you think." Ayato smirked down at a wary chaeyoung before following Mira  to the next table.

Sana frowned. "Wow, creeper, much?"

"Ayato can be very charming when he wants," Mina  mused. "He gets it from his father." She gestured to a nearby table, where a greyer version of Ayato was talking animatedly to a blond man.

"I'm guessing the blond guy is his illegitimate son?" Sana  said sardonically.

"Alexander Andrews, CEO of Andrews Industries and Amy's father. Ayato's father is just dying to strike a deal between the Kizan and Andrews companies, so he's doing anything he can to impress the guy."

Chaeyoung couldn't see the blond man's facial features from afar, but his youth was apparent. "He's young."

Mina  shrugged. "He comes from old-money. He might've inherited the company, but he's an excellent leader—it drives Ayato insane." She tugged Chaeyoung to her feet. "Speaking of old-money families, my grandmother sent me here to fetch Chaeyoung"

"Fetch me? Like a newspaper?" Chaeyoung asked incredulously.

"Or a Frisbee," Sana added.

"A stick!"

"A pair of slippers."

"My grandmother doesn't go to you; you go to her," Mina  explained.

Chaeyoung hesitated. "Can we talk first?" She ignored Sana's frantic head shakes and led Mina  away by the hand.

Sana  huffed and crossed her arms. This was going to end badly, she could feel it.

When they reached a less-crowded area of the tent, chaeyoung turned to look at Mina . She took both of Chaeyoung's hands and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Mina's  brow creased in concern. "Chaeyoung, you're scaring me. Did something bad happen?"

"No! I mean, it has nothing to do with you—it's all me."

Minas eyes widened. "Are you breaking up with me?"

"NO!" Chaeyoung blushed when several heads turned at her shout. "Mina, I'm not leaving you until you tell me to go away."

Mina sighed in half-relief, half-frustration. "Then what is it?"

Chaeyoung groaned. She was losing her nerve. "It's really important, but I can't—I don't want you to hate me.

"I can never hate you," Mina  said gently.

"I—ugh, I need a drink."

Mina arched an eyebrow. "Do you want me to get you some of Mira's  300-dollar champagne?"

"Yes, please." Chaeyoung  smacked herself when Mina  walked away. "Stupid, stupid, just spit it out—"

"Hello, Chaeyoung "

Chaeyoung's head jerked up. A pretty blonde was standing in front of her with a shit-eating grin.

"Do I know you?" Chaeyoung frowned.

A flash of hurt crossed the blonde's face before being covered by a mask of indifference. "Let me refresh your memory." She stepped forward and tossed her glass of champagne into Chaeyoung's face. The people around them gasped.

Chaeyoung sputtered and angrily wiped her face. "What the fuck? What is your problem?"

"We had sex in my boyfriend's car outside that club a few months ago? I dumped him right after, you know—oh wait, you wouldn't know because you never called." She turned away and stormed off.

"Wait, I remember you! You told me you were single!" Chaeyoung shouted furiously after her. She went to follow the woman, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Who was that, Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung paled. She knew this girl—Keiko, past ex-girlfriend. They barely lasted a week, mostly because Keiko was a jealous psycho.

"What are you doing here, Keiko?"

The short brunette ignored her question. "Was she another one of your flings? I bet you cheated on me with her, didn't you?"

"Are you serious? We've been broken up for almost six months—"

Keiko threw the glass of champagne she had oh-so-conveniently been holding into Chaeyoung's face. "I hope you suffer for what you did to me, Son Chaeyoung!" She ran off in tears. Even more people were beginning to stare.

"Always popular among the ladies, weren't you, Chaeyoung?" A tall, dark-haired girl stepped in front of Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung's face twisted in confusion. What the hell, was this some Son Chaeyoung-Scorned-Lovers' Convention? "Somi, what's going on?"

Somi, another former flame, shrugged nonchalantly. "What can I say? Karma's a bitch."

"Well, I refuse to believe karma is responsible for three of my ex-girlfriends appearing out of nowhere and throwing champagne on me!"

"Two, actually. The first one was a one-night stand," Somi corrected.

Another woman stepped out from the small crowd that had gathered and wordlessly tossed her champagne on Chaeyoung before walking away. Chaeyoung coughed and glowered at Somi.

"That one wasn't scripted. Huh, she must've been another one of your one-night stands; what a coincidence," Somi mused.

"Who put you up to this?" Chaeyoung growled.

Somi shrugged. "I can't say. He must be filthy rich, though, if he paid all of us the same amount." She drew back the arm holding her glass of champagne.

"Don't do it," Chaeyoung said quietly. "We had a good time together, didn't we?"

"We did," Somi agreed. Her expression hardened. "That was before you stomped all over my heart by dumping me, though." She let the bubbly drink fly.

Chaeyoung gritted her teeth, the alcohol soaking her dress and forming a puddle at her feet. She wiped her eyes in time to see Sana  push her way through the crowd and turn around with a glare. "Would everyone kindly fuck off and mind their own business? Nothing to see here, people!"

Sana  waited until everyone dispersed before grabbing a fleeing Somi by the arm and twisting it behind her back. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Sana, I always hated you, you know that?" Somi spat.

"Good. Then I feel no remorse for doing this."Sana  twisted her arm even harder, causing Somi to yelp in pain.

"Sana, she didn't come up with this; someone put her up to it," Chaeyoung said wearily.

"I bet it was Ayato, that fucker," Sana swore. "You heard what he said to you earlier."

"I'll deal with that later—where's Mina ?"

"I didn't see her."

"Please, please let her not have seen this—" Chaeyoung's voice died in her throat when Mina walked towards her with a neutral expression, holding two flutes of champagne.

Chaeyoung held her breath and shut her eyes when Mina  stopped in front of her, sure that she was going to dump champagne all over her head. She cautiously opened her eyes when nothing happened.

Mina  shoved one of the glasses into Chaeyoung's hand. "I think enough champagne has been wasted, don't you?" Chaeyoung's heart withered at Mina's cold look.

"Mina, let me explain—"

Mina brushed off Chaeyoung's hand and walked away.

Somi snickered. "How does it feel, Chaeyoung? You know, I was all too glad to do this; the money was just icing on the cake—"

Sana  roughly slapped the top of somi's head. "Shut up, bitch. You and I are going to have a little discussion—mainly, you talk, and I won't beat the crap out of you. Maybe."

Chaeyoung stared numbly at where Mina  had disappeared. Where did it all go so wrong? She miserably raised her arm and dumped the flute of champagne over her own head—at least now she felt as bad on the outside as she did on the inside.

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