
By JovinaN

691 53 16

Bailey is a normal woman. She has a house with her fiancé and owns a small reading café she started out of co... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

65 5 1
By JovinaN

Chapter Eight

Damon stood in the elevator, waiting for it to reach the top floor where his office sat, his mind focused on one thing. Bailey. His Little Lee and her perfect breasts that fit his hand like they were meant to be held by him. He looked down at his hand, his mind bringing back the image of gripping her breast, how she tasted in his mouth, the sounds she'd made as she gripped his hair in her fingers. Finally, her orgasm. He'd barely started, and she had come from his thigh merely pressing into her. Then he'd realized, she'd never had an orgasm before. His dick hardened at the realization that even at their age, he'd been the one to make her come for the first time.

His lower member twitch painfully as the elevator beeped, nearing his floor. He'd been hard all morning, even after he'd relieved himself in the shower. The images in his mind wouldn't leave, and he craved more. He knew she'd been embarrassed once the high of her orgasm came down, and he'd wanted to comfort her, but by the look on her face, he thought she might regret what they'd done, and when she scurried away from him, a blush brightly lighting her cheeks, he knew she was just scared. He was her best friend, and he knew her well enough to know that she was going to overthink things. He needed to find a way to make sure she knew he regretted nothing. That she was what he'd wanted for so long that it hurt.

The elevator door opening brought him out of his thoughts. He walked into the lobby, where Gertrude sat typing away furiously. Her head lifted at the sound of the elevator and she smiled at him, her dimples shining through her wrinkled cheeks.

"Good morning Mr. Draco." She said, standing and bringing out a cup of coffee that was steaming still. She handed it to him.

"Thank you, Gertrude, and good morning. Has the new assistant arrived yet?" He asked nonchalantly, even has his body hummed at seeing her again.

"New assistant? You mean love of your life?" Gertrude chuckled at Damon's red cheeks and smiled brightly once more and motion for him to quietly follow her. He did so. She led him to the office across the lobby from his. Unlike the privacy of oak wood doors his office had, the personal assistance's doors were glass and he looked in.

There she sat, her long black locks hanging over her shoulders, the dark red button-down blouse she wore slightly open at the neck, revealing creamy flesh while still being professional. She was looking at some reports and entering the data into the desktop with vigor and Damon felt a smile tweak his lips.

"She's been here for half an hour already and has been working through all the reports that were on your desk with quite the efficiency." Gertrude seemed impressed, which wasn't something that usually happened.

"Yeah, that's Bailey for you." Damon responded, taking a sip of his coffee, letting the warm and sweet flavor flood his tastebuds. It didn't get rid of the memory of how her skin tasted though, and he nearly burst from the tension in his body.

"Looks like she's trying to distract herself from a certain man, maybe?" Gertrude nudged Damon's arm and laughed softly once more at his boyishly embarrassed red cheeks. He shook his head and turned, heading to his own office.

"Thank you, Gertrude, but I doubt that." He said, but her heard her before his office doors closed behind him.

"And I doubt that you doubt it." A soft cackle following.

When Damon saw his desk, he realized she wasn't kidding when she said Bailey had taken all of the reports. His desk was clear of any of the usual work he'd spend his entire day on. Not only that, but it was cleaned, the mess of pens and sticky notes he had scattered were put away, the sticky notes all neatly set to the side. The desk had even been dusted off and a muffin and fruit cup sat on the desk. A note sat next to it.

I know you don't eat breakfast. So, eat.

Damon chuckled to himself. She knew him so well yet couldn't figure out that he wanted her more than anything else in this universe. Well, she'd find out soon enough.


"Yes Mr. Draco, thank you for your time and I look forward to discussing business together over lunch."

"Of course, until then." Damon hung up and called to Gertrude.

"Yes, Mr. Draco?" She asked.

"Please set up a reservation for my usual restaurant for three, at noon."

"On it." She said, hanging up. She may be older and playful, but she was efficient at her job. Damon leaned back in his chair, an odd feeling of boredom settling now that he had nothing else to do. Since Bailey took his reports, he only had to answer some emails and make a few calls. It was already 11:00 in the morning, and he hadn't had a single issue pop up yet. It was unusually peaceful.

The sound of a knock on his door caught his attention, and he honestly hoped it was someone with an issue so that he could do something.

"Enter." He called out. The door opened to reveal the woman that he was obsessed with in the doorway. She closed the door behind her and began walking to the desk, but he could barely focus on the folders in her hand as he was able to take a full look at her. The click of her heels on the floor caught his attention and he noticed her pink painted toes were visible, her heels open toed, the black slacks she wore shaping her legs devilishly. With each step her breasts bounced in the for fitting blouse, her black locks following. Damon's dick came to life instantly as she came to a stop beside him, having walked around the desk. Her floral scent wrapped around him and made his mouth water as she leaned down to lay the first folder in front of him on the desk.

"Okay, I followed the sticky notes you left on each folder, these were the ones that simply needed data entry into the system. These are the ones that needed email correspondence and contracts. I still have a few I haven't heard from a couple of them." She handed him the last file and he took it, barely able to keep his eyes off her chest, remembering the things he'd done to them merely a few hours ago.

"The sticky on this one was interesting. The property in Dallas." He was brought back to attention at the mention. The property owners hadn't wanted to even hear his offer, but he wanted that property desperately. It was the perfect location for a new luxury hotel. He'd been pursuing them for quite some time, to no avail.

"What about it?" He opened the folder to see a new sticky note on it, with her delicate handwriting. Obtained. He looked back up to her, noticing she wouldn't look him in the eyes. His chest tightened painfully.

"Obtained?" He asked.

"Yes, I spoke with them. Apparently, the property had been in the family for generations, however the owner is older now and his only child is mentally disabled. Him and his wife can't really take care of it anymore at their age and with taking care of their son. They'd been unwilling to part with it mostly for sentimental purposes. I discussed with them our intentions with the property. I offered to put ten percent of its earnings towards a charity for children with the same disability, with your approval of course. If this is agreed upon then they will sell the property to Draco Inc." She said as she stood up straight, finally looking him in the eyes then. She wore a small smile.

"I think with the profit from the hotel, ten percent is pretty miniscule, but it could really help the charity. What do you think?" He stood then and rested his hands on her shoulders. He was constantly reminded how amazing this woman could be.

"I think, you're absolutely amazing. I couldn't get him to even listen to a proposal. This is great!" He noticed then, her cheeks tinting to a soft red glow. He realized just how close they were, merely inches apart and when he looked down, he could see the valley of her breasts, his body responding immediately. She stepped back then, leaving him feeling cold.

"I should get back to my desk, Mr. Draco." She said making Damon irritated. She was going to pretend this hard? Damon reached out, grasping her wrist and pulled her back to him.

"Da-Mr. Draco!" She exclaimed, trying to pull back, but he pushed her against the desk, caging her in between his arms. She let out a yelp as her body made contact with his as he stepped up against her. Her hands braced her as she leaned back from him, her chest heaving up and down.

"What did you just call me?" He asked, his jaw tight. Her mouth opened, then closed drawing Damon's attention to the full pink set. His left hand lifted from the desk and settled on her hip, gripping tight enough to cause a gasp to leave her lips.

"I asked you a question Little Lee." He said, watching as she averted her gaze, attempting to escape the cage he'd put her in. He watched as she bit her lip and his dick twitched in response. For years Damon had kept his desire to himself, unable to express to her the need she brought out of him. She'd been devoted and loyal to her studies, then to David, and he hadn't wanted to damage their friendship with telling her the truth. However, now nothing could keep him from her. David was gone. She was an adult with no studies anymore and after this morning, he knew there'd never be a chance he could let her go again.

Damon brought up his other hand, gliding his fingertips up her side, reveling in the tremble that shook her body, as his hand reached her face. He used his thumb to pull her lip from between her teeth. Her eyes were wide, and her breathing came in short pants. Her reaction to him riled him up even more, his hand drifting to her neck, his thumb pressing her chin upwards. He leaned down to her whisper in her ear.

"What. Did. You. Call. Me?" He asked, pronouncing each word clearly. He felt her swallow as her body nearly vibrated against his.

"M-Mr. Draco." He tsked at her.

"And why is that?" He asked, pressing his body tighter to hers. "Why keep pretending, Ms. Black?" Her breath hitched slightly.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. You're m-my boss. It is what I should call my b-boss." Damon smiled at her stutter, something she always did when she was nervous.

"But I am not just any boss to you, am I?" He asked, his lips skimming along her neck, barely touching her skin as she panted softly.

"N-no." She answered.

"What am I to you, sweet Little Lee?" He asked as he pulled back and looked her in the eyes. They were half lidded and full of the desire he'd craved to see for so long.

"Y-you're my best friend, Damon." He lifted a finger and waved it from side to side.

"Not quite, isn't that right?" He asked. Her eyes widened and he saw the panic set in, a light layer of tears moistening her eyes.

"What do you mean? We've been best friends for years. Was I right? Did this morning ruin that? I'm sorry. I should've just left. I-I don't want to lose you. Please, I'm sorry Damon, it won't happen again." Damon had had enough of hearing that. She was sorry? Well he wasn't. It won't happen again? He prayed it would never stop. Instead of letting her continue with words he never wanted to hear, Damon wove his hand in her hair at the back of her head, pulled her face up to meet his, and did what he'd wanted to do for so damn long.

He kissed the woman that he loved and adored with every fiber of his being and when he did, by God, he never wanted to stop.

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