
Galing kay ssabinaayu

189 3 3

A book about the chaoticness of the Haikyuu!! characters. To be honest, this book is just me dumping my chaot... Higit pa

I'm done
Goshiki The Explorer
The Little Hinata
Lev's Birthday
The Origins of Tsukishima Kei
It's Not Sugar
A Murder
Kuroo's Birthday
I have taught him good
Homemade Memes
You Should've Come To Shiratorizawa
The Dream
Haikyuu at the park

Haikyuu Unsolved

17 0 3
Galing kay ssabinaayu

Buzzfeed Unsolved Intro

Kageyama : Welcome to Haikyuu Unsolved Supernatural

Hinata : Where we try to prove that ghost are real.

Kageyama : This week on Haikyuu Unsolved, we have special guests with us

Hinata : Yes, it is our beloved teammate, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima!

Yamaguchi : Hi

Tsukishima : Why the fuck did you made me do this?

Kageyama : Shut the fuck up and let us continue!

Tsukishima : Whatever, King

Kageyama : You son of a-

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Hinata : You done?

Tsukishima : Yes

Yamaguchi : So...

What are we going to hunt?

Hinata : The mysterious La Llorona!

Kageyama : Boke! You didn't told me anything about the next mystery!

Yamaguchi : Isn't La Llorona from Mexico?

Isn't that miles from Miyagi?

Tsukishima : His mind is short like his height

Hinata : Stingyshima, you motherfu-

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Hinata : With that out of the way

I have plan this in advance!

Tsukishima : Didn't know you could plan anything

Hinata : You motherfu-

Suga : Hinata, take your pills!

Yamaguchi, shock : wtf

Hinata : *drinks his pills*

I'm feeling much better!

Kageyama : Boke, I've been tossing for you for half a year and you didn't tell me about your medication?

Hinata : My life

Anyway, I already booked plain tickets to go to America.

Yamaguchi : Isn't La Llorona from Mexico?

Hinata : Yes, and I did some research and there's this park names after it

Kageyama : How did you get the tickets?

Hinata : ...

You're asking too many questions!

But before we go there, let's cleanse ourselves.

The gang goes to a church and they meet the person that Hinata and Suga has offer to help

Hinata : Hello, Father Asahi

Father Asahi : Hello there, Hinata

You're going to cleanse yourselves?

Kageyama : Yes

You got any milk here?

Father Asahi : Come and let me tell you about the spirit you're going to face later in Mexico

Yamaguchi : Huh?

Tsukishima : What is it?

Yamaguchi : Why does this stained glass painting of God looks like Father Asahi?

Does that mean-

Hinata : Yamaguchi! Stingyshima! C'mon!


Father Asahi : Now...

La Llorona is an evil spirit of a woman that searches for her late children who she drowned.

It's a popular cautionary tale in Latin culture, it has many interpretation based of the family.

But... because you four are men... be careful.

Kageyama : Why?

Father Asahi : Because... you'll find out

Let me cleanse you with my holy water

Pours holy water all over them

Father Asahi : Goodbye! *closes church's door*

Hinata : That was fun!

Let's go!

They go to the airport

Time at the airport

Kageyama : *buys 10 milk boxes*

Hinata : *runs around the airport*

Yamaguchi : *at McDonalds buying soggy fries*

Tsukishima : *listening to music while waiting for Yams to finish buying his fries*

The crew : Suga, Hinata's mental support : *reading a mom magazine*

Daichi, the cameraman : *talking on the phone with his siblings*

Tanaka and Nishinoya, the senpais who just want to tag along : *running around with Hinata*

Airport lady : Ukai's plane going to USA will be flying in twenty minutes

Suga : Oh shit-


Daichi, finished with his call : yeah?

Suga : Where are the kids?

The parents are searching for their lost children

Suga found Yamaguchi and Tsukishima at McDonalds

Daichi found Kageyama at the store

They found Hinata coming out of the toilet

And Tanaka and Nishinoya at a ramen restaurant.

Suga : Quick!

They sprint to their plane stop

They're handing their passports

Hinata : I think I left my passport in the bathroom...

Tanaka : What are you waiting for? Go get it, Hinata!

Hinata runs to the bathroom and found his passport! In the toilet

He runs back and gave his passport

Airport lady : *disgusted*

Hinata : Don't question it!

Finally they board the plane

They made it safely at America, well not so safe


Yamaguchi : Is it just me or the plane is going downwards?

Hinata : Really? We haven't made it yet

I could still see the ocean

Tsukishima : shut the fuck up will ya?

The mom next Suga : *glares and covers her child's ear*

Suga, nervous : I-I'm sorry, my children are... something else

Wait, are we falling?

Tanaka and Nishinoya : Woo-hoo!

Kageyama : Boke! Hinata Boke!

Sit the fuck down!

Hinata, floating because they're gonna fall : I can't!


The pilots : Ukai : *sleeping*

Takeda : *got stuck in the bathroom back in the airport*

Suga : I'm too motherly to die!!

Kiyoko : *burst open the door and flies the plane herself*

Yachi : *takes Ukai away*

Present Time

Kageyama : Where are we gonna stay?

Hinata : I got that covered as well!

*shows a flier of a hotel called Moniwa Hotel*

Daichi : That name gave me Deja Vu

They go to the hotel and sees Futakuchi as the front desk

Futakuchi : Hello, have you booked a room?

Hinata : Yes! Four rooms exactly!

Futakuchi : Oh, you must be Ukai?

Hinata : O-oh, yes!

The rest of the team : *stares at Hinata*

Futakuchi : Here you go, watch out for La Llorona

Hinata : Yes!

Kageyama : You used Coach Ukai's credit card?!

Hinata : He had US dollars currency!

Kageyama : Boke! Hinata Boke!

Hinata : Baka! Kageyama Baka!

Time to search for La Llorona

It's night time

Yamaguchi : Where are we going?

Hinata : To Agua Mansa Cemetery!

Tsukishima : If I die tonight I wanted to say, Shrimp will never be taller than me

Hinata : TSUKISHIMA-!!!

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Hinata : Woah!!

Kageyama : We have arrived at Agua Mansa Cemetery, the place where people witnessed La Llorona or something like that
*drinks milk*

Yamaguchi : Remember what Father Asahi said?

Tsukishima : "Because you four are men, be careful"

Kageyama : I'm surprised that you listened

Tsukishima : I'm surprised that you haven't died of milk allergies

Kageyama : Son a bi-

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Hinata : Get inside the chapel!

They go inside the chapel and Kageyama brings out the spirit box

Hinata : What's that?

Tsukishima : It's a brand new iPhone

Hinata : Woah, really?

Kageyama : Boke! It's a radio so we could talk to them! *slaps Hinata*

Spirit box starts

Hinata : Hello!

Are you La Llorona

Spirit box : You little shits!

All you want to do to see "La Llorona, La Llorona" like is she the only spirit?!
*starts cursing in Spanish*

The first years : *shook*

Suga : I guess we should leave now-

The door opens to reveal a figure

Figure : What're you doing here?

Kageyama, turns off the spirit box : ... seeing-

Suga : -the Shrine of La Llorona!

The figure steps into the light
It's Matsukawa

Mattsun : Really?


Daichi : What are you doing here?

Mattsun : I work here

Get lost because Seijoh is trying to hide a body

Hinata : So there's no La Llorona here?

Mattsun : Well-

Makki : Hey, what's taking you so long?

Oikawa's body is heavy, y'know!

Kageyama : You guys killed, Oikawa?

Mattsun : Don't question it

Iwaizumi : Get lost!! *runs to them with a volleyball in his hands*

Karasuno : *runs away*

Yamaguchi : Okay, let's head back to the hotel... I'm tired

Kageyama : Yes

Hinata : Fine...

Night 2

Hinata : We arrived at La Llorona Park

Kageyama : The most places in America where people witness her

Tsukishima : How are we gonna encounter her exactly?

Hinata : (•_•|||)

Yamaguchi : How about the swing set?

Hinata : Yes! The swings!

They go to the swing set

Suga : Do you have your baby pictures?

Hinata : Here! *shows baby Hinata

Kageyama : My sister helped me *shows baby Kageyama*

Yamaguchi : H-here! *shows baby Yams*

Tsukishima : ...

Suga : Tsukishima~

Tsukishima : *shows baby photo*

Suga : Great


They're mine now!!

Bye, bitches-

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Yamaguchi : Now, we're gonna show it to her?

Hinata : Yup! *waved around like a maniac*

Kageyama and Yamaguchi : *did the same thing*

Tsukishima : Hi, I'm Tsukishima Kei

And this is my life
*plays family sitcom theme song*

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Hinata : That didn't worked

So, we-

Kageyama : We?

Hinata : Ugh... I decided to for us to walk outside near the river alone...

Tsukishima : I'm surprised that you could say those

Yamaguchi goes first

Yamaguchi, holding a camera and a flashlight : please don't kill me

If you kill me... Tsukki will miss me

Tsukishima, back in the car : *felt something fuzzy*

Yamaguchi : La Llorona? Show yourself!

Um... hola!

I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi, please don't kill me-
*hears sounds*

*jumps* what the fuck was that?!

Back in the car

Kageyama : He's back
*opens the door*

Yamaguchi : TSUKKI!!! *hugs*

Tsukishima : Yams, WTF?!?

Tsukishima's turn

Tsukishima : Hello, Weeping Woman

I have my respect

Oh, please do kill me... or the King... or the shrimp, but not Yams

Ain't gonna show up?

LOL, bye

Back in the car

Kageyama : *drinks milk while texting his sister*

Tsukishima : *knocks on the window with a scary face*

Kageyama : *spits out milk from mouth and nose* WTF?!?!??!

Yamaguchi : TSUKKI!!!

Hinata : It's your turn, Kageyama!

Kageyama's turn

Kageyama : *pulls out spirit box*

Do you like volleyball, La Llorona?

Spirit box : No

Kageyama : *yeets the spirit box away*

Back in the car

Hinata : That was quick

Kageyama : It hates volleyball

Hinata : Where's the spirit box

Kageyama : I threw it

Daichi : *facepalm*

Hinata is last

Hinata, shouting : LA LLORONA!!!

I'm Hinata-

Yamaguchi, back in the car : What is he doing?

Tsukishima : Doing some random shit

Hinata : Did you hear me?

Hinata Shō-

*a hand pulled his shoulder*

??? : Shōyō

Hinata : *screams like a girl and runs away*

??? : *follows him*

Hinata : OPEN THE DOOR!!!

Kageyama : *opens the door*


Suga : Really?!

*knock knock*

They look to the window to see two golden eyes staring at them

They screamed like girls and drives away

??? #2 : Oi, Kenma!

??? #1 : What?

Kuroo : We've been searching for you

Kenma : I saw Shōyō and his friends but the screamed at my face and drove away

Kuroo : What'cha got there?

Kenma : Oh, Shōyō's camera and a spirit box

Some guy threw it at me

Kuroo : Oh...

Yamamoto : What're you guys doing here?

Yaku : Careful, La Llorona might be here

Next Morning

Nekoma : *goes to Moniwa Hotel*

Moniwa : Woah, lots of people...

Kenma : Is Shōyō here?

Moniwa : Who?

Kuroo : Are the guys from Karasuno are here?

Moniwa : Oh, yeah

Their on the fifth floor

Let our bellhop boy help y'all!

Kai : No we don't-

Koganegawa : *flies them with his angry bird powers to the fifth floor*

Glad doing business with you!

Kenma : *knocks on Hinata's door*

Hinata, opens the door : Kenma!

What're you doing here?

Kenma : Kuroo and Yamamoto dragged us here to see the Statue Of Liberty and California...

Here *hands camera and spirit box* you dropped it

Hinata : How did you-

Kenma : You screamed at my face

Hinata : Oops

A couple of days later

They all are in Japan now

Back at the studio

Hinata : We didn't catch La Llorona

Tsukishima : I knew it

This will be a waste of time

Hinata : But at least we got to hangout with Nekoma!

Ennoshita, from a far : This will be a hell to edit

Kageyama : But the mystery of La Llorona will remain...

KageHina : Unsolved-

Ukai, burst the door open : WHO THE FUCK USED MY CREDIT CARD?!!?!!?!?

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

Magugustuhan mo rin

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