Restart - Narutofanfic

By BernWreckDW

18K 443 99

The war was over Madara and Obito were dead It should've been great Except he was gone too Kurama probably wo... More

Chapter 1: Restart
Chapter 2: Back
Chapter 3: Genin
Chapter 4: Jonin
Eh, Halloween, yay
Chapter 6: Bells test 1
Chapter 7: Bells test 2
Chapter 8: Finally
Chapter 9: Swirl
Chapter 10: Yagura
Chapter 11: Delving into the Mind
Chapter 12: Exterminating the Virus

Chapter 5: Memories

1.3K 35 1
By BernWreckDW

Kurama POV

A skinny blonde boy floated to the surface, his usually bright orange clothes now tattered and torn, blood stained the cloth, and light was dim and dreary, giving him a haunting look, making him look dead. Ironic, he was already very close to death.

But he wasn't in the real world anymore, he was now in his mind, floating and drifting in the murky and dirty water, with the Kyuubi no Kitsune snarling and glaring at his broken form.

"Your lucky brat, that I'm here to heal you, but only because if you died then I too would die."

Blood red bubbling chakra leaked from the bars of his cage, circling around the boy like a wolf studying it's prey before covering his body completely, bringing him back to consciousness.

The boys eyes snapped open, but there was no blue, there was only red.

The fox sneered.


A cry of frustration echoed across the tiled walls, reaching the chakra constructs ears and making him grin maliciously.

The large fox raised his head to gaze at the hunched form before his imprisonment, with his hands clutching his sides and head hung low, this very being was the thing that Kurama was trapped in, and it was vulnerable.

The fox started to tinker with the blonde, manipulating his psyche, playing with his emotions, and slowly and patiently leading him deeper into the cage, the overflowing water carrying him in a steady drift, a pale light shimmered around the teen, and closer he came, closer, closer, and closer-

and Kurama snapped his taloned paws close, catching the boy as though he were a bug, and immediately taking over.

His chakra leaked, and out in the real world the teens form was turning bloody and black, four tails sprouting out of his spine, eyes nothing more than wide round white, mouth now jagged gaping cave, long ears tearing their way out of his head and protruding, and the most gruesome thing of all was his skin peeling, flakes and bits drifting or breaking off, leaving not the expected sight of muscles or bare flesh, but constantly shifting and changing red and black, looking like blood and burnt flesh.

This was what all Jinchūriki faced, and the Kyuubi couldn't have been happier.


Kurama watched in contempt as his vessel fought, grinning in satisfaction as the blondes hatred and anger grew and grew, and turned his nose when the teen finally broke.

His eyes blared hot red, round and outlined, and black red chakra took him.

The transformation was quicker, already more adjusted, and back was the burnt and blooded and skinned Jinchūriki. Roaring in anger, his tails quickly multiplying as the battle grew on, and the Kyuubi's anticipation only rose, eagerly waiting for what would soon happen. The blonde continued to pull his chakra, which he readily gave, and his hatred grew tenfold with each drop, and with the slighter nudge of Kurama's preferred Naruto, who was smirking smugly.

The teen sent blast after blast of power, decimating the land around him, destroying trees and mountains alike, and finally the time came.

He was trapped under thickly pressed rocks, and his anger mixed with the blind panic and desperation only a Jinchūriki could feel.

The fox reached out his chakra, forcing it out of the boy, all while the teens other-true self coaxed him into giving in completely. He does, and Kurama feels his own hateful soul leisurely forming on top of the teens own body.

The already made bones grew, adding the spine, legs, shoulder blades, all of it, and then muscles and tissues lashed out, covering the skeleton in its pink red fiber, and the teen in the mind stepped closer to the gate, his own eyes glowed ruby red, his body was shadowed in a dangerous way, and his steps were uneven, staggering even.

He reached for the seal, and Kurama encouraged him. His fingers caught the edge of the paper, and he pulled-

the hand of an enemy snapped out, gripping his arm and then pulling him down.

Kurama growled in frustration.


The true Naruto smugly walked, to where the blonde would be waiting, and Kurama laughed.


The Kyuubi's vessel sat calmly in its mind, staring the Kyuubi no Kitsune down with confidence and resolve. It stared right back, it's eyes narrowing.

"Hey, Nine-Tails, evil glare as usual huh?", the human commented.

"Naruto, what are you up to.", the teen ignored him, and began to lift off the figurative ground, water slightly dripping off his sandals.

"So, whats up?", he asked instead, though, it seemed more of a rhetorical question if anything.

"Where did the real you go, I don't sense him anymore.", Kurama asked menacingly, his slitted red eyes following the teen as he floated higher, up to almost his eye-level from the other side of the cage.

"The real me? I'm right here, right in front of you.", the blonde answered steadily. He drifted closer to the gate, leaning forward a little bit, with his pale eyes set on the seal.

He seemed to listen to something for a second, before reaching for the paper, drawing closer, and the fox watched curiously, if not angrily. He gripped the paper briefly, and then pulled, and this time no hand reached out, he ripped it off completely, revealing the intricate and complex lock, and let the paper float to the wet ground. He then reached for the hem of his jacket, and pulled it up, revealing his torso, before holding it firmly in his mouth.

"What are you plotting.", the Kyuubi asked wearily, his eyes narrowing even further.

"Can't you see my mouth is full, I can't talk now.", the seal on his stomach appeared, standing out even among the dark shadows, and he raised his left arm, before pulling up the sleeve up to his bicep. He then raised it fully, and pale blue chakra flames sparked to life on his fingertips, not burning, merely licking at his skin; and immediately, an ornate design drew itself on his palm, with a swirl in the middle, marking it an Uzumaki's work, and then from his wrist, a chain of kanji and symbols flashed onto the skin, going all the way down to his elbow.

"Here goes.", he braced, and slammed his hand onto the seal on his stomach, placing it specifically around the swirl, pushed it in a circular motion, and it turned, twisting, and around the seal was an eye, an eye with fire buds around it and locks connecting it to the swirl, this marking the blonde's first use of fūinjutsu.

As it turned, the lock on the gate turned too, and as soon as it clicked open, Kurama slammed it open without hesitation, excitement and rage both written on his face, and he faced the blonde with crimson eyes.


Naruto smiled at Kurama, his face full of mischief, and Kurama grinned back.

The blonde lifted his hand and fisted it, waiting for Kurama to return the gesture, which he did, and they smirked.


Kurama slashed and bit, tearing apart the creatures, leaving their remains on the destroyed land around him, and lunged, chakra flaring around him. Not too far behind, Naruto lunged as well, covered in gold/orange chakra flames, with black rods and orbs.

They fought together, like they'd been doing it their whole lives, and that might as well have been the truth.


The sky was dark and cold, the red clouds practically made of blood and soot, the once green and grassy hills nothing more than scarred and torn mounds, no longer steep or sloping, and now soaked with the blood of thousands, with crying bleeding bodies of Shinobi all around.

Only four people stood among the death and chaos. Pink, yellow, black, and silver would be the best way to describe them. Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan. Sakura Haruno, the second Tsunade. Sasuke Uchiha, the last of his clan. Naruto Uzumaki, the Kyuubi Jinchūriki.

And who they were fighting was none other than Kaguya, the Rabbit Goddess of the moon.

Pale lavender hair fanning out from her form, rabbit shaped horns branching off from her groomed head, pale skin, paler than Sasuke's, detailed and beautiful robes, and three eyes. Two pale white, the last a Sharingan and Rinnegan combined, red and ringed, with tomoe decorating it.

Bright warm flames flickered off of Naruto's already lit figure, a fox gradually forming around him. Sasuke's own purple chakra growing, Sakura cracked her knuckles, and Kakashi gathered the last scraps of his chakra, preparing for anything.

With one flick of Kaguya's wrist everything went to hell.

Sasuke flew, his Susanoo gripping its sword and swinging. Kaguya merely deflected it and shot a black rod towards him, but before it could reach Sakura was already sending a Doton Jutsu forward, slowing its projectory and giving the Uchiha time to get away.

She then leaped herself, chakra gathering in one fist, with Naruto flying right beside her, rasenshuriken in hand, flames firing bright.

They struck at the same time, Sakura managed to snag a hit while Naruto's rasenshuriken went into that crafted portal, and quickly he pulled his hand back out, forming a chakra arm out of his back and striking in the blink of an eye, but that too was redirected and he had to leap back, before he made hand signs and focused his chakra into dozens of invisible wind knives, all of them pointed at the goddess, and let them go.

Kaguya fully turned to face them, but then Sasuke flew in again, leaning forward and agitated. The goddess reacted steadily, portals opening around her, making Sasuke jerk back and Naruto's knives fly in.

Kakashi appeared at this moment, chidori chirping loudly and stabbed forward. Kaguya might've dodged, but Sakura came up with chakra encased fists, Naruto already fired his next attack, and Sasuke recovered quickly. This all ended with her getting stabbed in the shoulder, and another punch.

She growled in frustration, and fired rods and poisonous chakra.

It didn't end well.

While Sasuke and Naruto easily defended against it, Sakura didn't have any sorts of protection, Kakashi was already drained of chakra too much to react, and the wave burned them like acid, melting their skin and spilling into their flesh, tearing it apart before anyone could do anything but scream, and that's exactly what Naruto did.

He screamed

And screamed

And screamed

His eyes burning scarlet, chakra flames turning dangerously red, his figure hunched slightly, his despairing and horror struck face turned to animalistic rage and panic, and Kurama struggled to contain it.

Naruto growled, hate filled his slitted eyes, his nails were already sharpened into claws, and he was glaring at everything dangerously.

He roared, lunging at anything, his vision fuzzing and darkening, so much that Kurama couldn't make out anything through his eyes, and somewhere, somewhere in Naruto's mind, something laughed, distant, but colorfully cruel and hateful.

The blurry and dark figure of possibly Sasuke was right in Naruto's sight, and he shot forward, claws curling and teeth bared, he slashed and-

Kurama gasped and sat up, breathing heavily and sweat dripping off his skin. Wait, skin? Oh, wait. . . yeah.

Kurama shook his head, trying to band the scenes from his head with little success, and raked a small tanned hand through Naruto's blonde hair. 'I didn't expect that to happen.', and he didn't.

He forgot that humans had flashbacks or nightmares, even if he was still the Kyuubi, but he didn't think it would actually affect him.

'This could be. . . problematic.'

Ah ha ha, I'm really cutting it close aren't I?
I hoped to post this yesterday but I fell asleep, staying up too late, so. . . yeah.
To me this chapter is a little cliche and could've had more, buildup? Yeah, it's a little too quick for my liking but, oh well, it's here.
Uhh, I can't think of anything else, other than this chapter is just to give a little sneak peak as to what happened before Naruto kicked the bucket(wow, I feel like I sinned for saying such a thing) and also because I wanted to try and write a few snippets of Kurama's POV during those moments in the anime when he was still 'Nine-Tails'. It just sorta hit me like that soccer ball yesterday.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter, Imma have to work really hard to write the next chapter, and not just before deadline, so,

Ja ne!

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