Between Rivals |✔|

By btschickenandsprite

43.2K 1.3K 464

"Am I going to be killed?" "Not if we get what we want..." ~~~~ Growing up, you had anything a girl could w... More

2: Caretaker
4: Tissues
5: Change of Plans
6: Mr.Yukei
7: But I-
8: Trauma
9: Twitches
10: Welcoming Allies
11: A Long Week
12: From Hatred to Giggles
13: 키보드 💻
14: Switch
15: Shame
16: Freedom Via Chains
17: Code 10
18: Healing Or Hurting?
19: Lies
20: Collage
21: Glitter Kisses
22: 随附的 💌
23: Photograph
24: Chandelier
25: Car
26: Respect
27: Health
28: Remorseless
29: Best Served Cold
30: Passing The Blame
31: Hallucinations
32: Bad Timing
33: Anything For You
34: Cheating Chances
35: Real Time
36: Breaker or Break Her?
37: Baddie
38: Almost Happiness
39: Dreams and Bow Ties
40: It Wasn't A Bad Choice

1: Suits and Bullets

3.2K 63 33
By btschickenandsprite

Y/n POV :

Loving someone with all of your heart can make sure it gets broken.

Hating someone with all of your heart can make sure you fall for them in the future.

Every moment in life is a series of good and evil and no one wants to reckon with it.

For you? You've always gotten everything you've ever wanted.

That is, if it came in object form. Your parents are not the emotional type. They would rather pay you a load of cash rather than spend an hour in your presence.

You didn't think this was the way it should be but then again, what could you do?

No siblings. Useless Ex-Boyfriends. And fake friends were the things that you had and that made your life become, yes more popular but also more unenjoyable.

Right now though? You were walking around in your new job, trying to do your best.

You didn't need this job. You wanted this job because you would give anything to be like everyone else for just a second.

Most people spend their lives trying to stand out but in a life where you don't get the option....

You beg for the slightest chance of being like your peers.

You were walking around when suddenly a man, not too much taller than you approached you and his voice went to your ears smoothly.

"Hi, do you work here?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, yes. Yes I do. How may I help you?"

He chuckled a bit and smiled. "I'm trying to look good for my date tomorrow but I need the right suit and I could use a lady's perspective if you don't mind..."

He rubbed the back of his neck and you smiled. "Of course. Anything to help."

You walked back with him, to the suit section and spoke. "So, what kind of date is this?"

He looked confused.

"Like is it your first date, blind date, or?"

He understood and spoke. "Well it's a blind date."

You smiled. "Okay so with blind dates you want to be as realistic as possible but also you want to shock whomever you're sharing this date I would suggest...."

You eyed the racks and chose one. "I say you go with this but with no tie, only a white shirt tucked into some black pants, and nice shoes but remember to bring a jacket, but you'll be taking it off anyways as you want your date to know you are comfortable."

He watched you intently and you turned. "Is that alright?"

He nodded and laughed nervously. "Sorry to stare and or zone out but you must really love this job. You're so passionate."

You blushed. "Thank you so much. I try my best. Now go try these on, you have to be ready for your date."

He chuckled and you urged him to go.

Tiny Time Skip~

After about 10 minutes the male walked out and your eyes widened. "It's perfect!"

You said and did a few claps with your hands and he smiled. "Are you sure?"

"Do you not like it?" You said, your heart almost breaking.

"Oh no. No. No. I love it but I just want to know you approve."

You nodded and took him to a mirror. "See? The shirt is a bit tight in a few places but it compliments your features."

Soon your eyes caught sight of him looking down at you.

When you turned, your noses brushed and you backed up a bit, cheeks red.

"Sorry." He said and rubbed his neck again.

"Don't be! You'll be purchasing this correct?"

You said and he nodded.

"I'll change out of these and take them to the cash register, but you have a few new customers...."

He mentioned and pointed to the door, where a few women walked in and you sighed.

"Back to work." You said smiling and spoke. "It was amazing being able to help you."

"It was a blessing to get help. I hope to meet again."

You smiled. "I'm Y/n."

You extended your hand. He took it.

"I'm Ten."

You shook hands and went your ways and you didn't see it but Ten looked back at you when you weren't looking.

Time Skip~

Ten POV :

I was actually surprised. She was so sweet. After getting that suit, which I didn't need...

I'm actually quite phased by her. She's so passionate and beautiful.

How could I take her life away from her, with those precious, pleasing eyes?

Y/n POV :

You were on the way home, in a cab, and you got a call.

"Hey Dad."

"Y/n. We need to talk."

Then the line was cut off. He hung up.

You tried calling back but no one answered. You were on edge and felt nervous.

Your father was never serious with you...

What could it be?

You then spoke. "Excuse me? Sir?"

Being nice to people was something you did easily and you tried to be as polite and as kind as possible to this cab driver.

"Yes miss?"

"Can you turn on some music? You don't have to, only if you don't think it'll be too much trouble."

You then caught his smile in the mirror and he turned on some music.

But not too loud as he planned to speak.

"So, where are you heading?"

"Home. Thanks for the ride by the way."

He laughed. "It's my job, but you're welcome anyways."

You felt such good energy in the car and decided to speak more. "I'm Y/n, what's your name?"

"I'm Jaemin." He paused. "You're really sweet. Normally people don't chat with me because they think I'm weird or something."

You let out a small laugh. "Why would they think that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

You smiled and looked out the window. The music was turned up a bit and you got lost in it.

You didn't realize your voice crept through your lips and you began singing.

Jaemin POV :

I definitely wasn't expecting her to sing. She obviously had to be one of the most innocent and kind souls I've ever encountered.

She always looked at the good in everyone...

But as I looked in my rear view mirror and I saw a car behind us, it's lights flashing on and off I hoped and prayed she would still be able to find the good in us too...

Y/n POV :

Something strange happened. The vehicle behind you began flashing it's lights and you spoke. "Jaemin-ah?"

You paused but continued. "Is there something odd about that vehicle to you?"

He shook his head in the darkness. "No love. Those are my friends. They are here to help me."

His voice had an odd sinister tone to it and you shivered.

"Help you with w-what?"

He laughed but it wasn't heart warming.

His eyes looked into the rear view mirror and met yours.

"Love, you don't know everything, we do. I would suggest you sit back there and remain the good girl you were when you entered this vehicle or I'll be prompted to introduce cold metal to your precious forehead."

He smirked and you sat back and stayed silent.

This man definitely switched up fast. His whole aura had completely transferred to this scary, intimidating one which to be honest gave off a odd vibe.

Who were these people ?

But more importantly...

Why did they want you?


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